Ep 1 Part 2 - Escaping

A/N - Capcom owns Megaman Zero. Not me. Now, I hope you all enjoy.

"EVERYONE! Get down!" Colonel shouted as they hide behind a machine.

Unfortunately, their men get gunned down by machine gun, where red oil and blood spread around the room. The only ones to live is Passy, Colonel, Gavin and Zero, as the machine gun is scanning the room. Passy looks at the men and asks, "Okay... does anybody have any range weapons?"

"I have my handgun... but not much else, unfortunately," Gavin told her.

"You know the answer..." Colonel told her sarcastically.

"Gah! You gotta be kidding me?!" Passy shouted, and than looks at Zero, who stares at her back.

Passy gulps up a bit due to his strange, yet strong resemblance to Ethan despite the two originally having no connections whatsoever. Still, it doesn't change the fact Zero's eyes colour and hair look a bit different from those ancient E-books, but his facial features are the exact same, so there's no denying that this is Zero, but with some aspects of him change.

Passy flies up to the clueless reploid and asks, "Hey! Do you have some buster or something?!"

"I-I don't know! I don't even know what's going on!" Zero told her genuinely and confusion.

Passy's expression soften a bit once she notices his trembling features such as his raised eyebrows pull together and his shaky mouth. Even though this is the legendary hero who fought in the elf war alongside Ciel's ancestor and X, this... is very likely Harold's influence where he must have drastically effected Zero's personality into somewhat similar to Ethan's.

Knowing his mental state and his intelligence, she wouldn't be surprised that Harold somehow got Ethan's memories and insert it into Zero's databank, causing a massive glitch that messes up his memories badly... including his personality.

So, the cyber elf sighs and promises, "Okay, once we get out of here, I promised we will explain everything to you, okay?"

"Promise...?" Zero asked of her in a weirdly innocent tone.

"I promise!" Passy told him, "Now save us!"

"..." Zero stays quiet for a bit, as even though he has no reason to save them, in fact, he has no idea what they want from him. Heck! He doesn't even know who or what he is, himself. However... there is one thing he is sure of.

He gives a determined nod and transform his left arm into a buster, much to the relief of the trio. Zero stands up and charges up his buster as he bravely dashes out of his hiding spot.

The machine gun targets Zero and start shooting at him. Zero hides behind the computer, which gets heavily damaged, and the blonde haired reploid finishes his charged up shot and blasts at the machine gun; destroying it into one piece. The reploid takes a deep breath and shouts, "You can come out now!"

The trio walks out slowly from their hiding spots, where Passy gasps in horror, while Colonel and Gavin grimaced at the horrific sightings they're seeing.

Blood... blood everywhere where it got mixed in with the red oil and results are the worst smell you can possibly imagine. The dead reploids has multiple bullet holes, and their cores are completely destroyed, but the humans got it even worse with their organs exposed through holes and even a few have their eyes shot out.

Passy quickly covers her mouth and quick goes behind a machine to vomit. Gavin covers his nose with his hand, while Colonel does the same with arms. However, Zero stares at the countless corpses in a mixed expression of discomfort and... carelessness. Like, this is strangely normal to him, yet it isn't at the same time.

"We need to go now," Colonel told them, "Or else more security mechaniloid comes in,"

"Y-Yeah," Gavin agreed, "Come on you two!"

"Ah! Right," Zero gasped as he snaps out of his thoughts.

"Alright on it!" Passy cried out after she recovers from her sickness and rushes out of the room as fast as she could.

The other three rushes out of the lab as well. Unfortunately, they see a bunch of humanoid mechaniloids waiting for them. Colonel screams, "Everyone! Hide!"

They all quickly hide behind the door, however Zero rushes in without a second thought as he punches one of them in the face. The others are about to shoot him, but the blonde reploid ducks down and uppercuts him with his right fist, while using his buster to charge up and blasts through the other ones with ease.

One mechaniloid charge up, but it was too late as Zero tackles it down and shoots it's face multiple times. He takes a deep breath as he slowly stands up and turns to the others, where they were quite stunned of what they just witness.

"How... did... did Harold gave him combat data despite him not having any memories?" Gavin thought, "It would make sense, as combat data and memories are separated to avoid accidental deletion... like Zero's memories."

"Ahem... why... ahem... we should get going..." Zero awkwardly stated.

"Yes, we should," Colonel agreed. 

The large reploid walks in front of him, which Zero frowns a little. Gavin places his hand on his shoulder and tells him, "Don't worry about him, kid. He's just being an hardass,"

"I heard that!" Colonel called out.

"I know that!" Gavin shouted at him, than turns to Zero, "Let's just keep on going. Don't let him get to you,"

"... Right..." Zero agreed.

Passy chuckles and points out, "You do realise Zero is older than all of us combined, right?"

"Only his body, Passy," Gavin pointed out, "Mentally... I'm not too sure."

"Ugh... you have a point there," Passy agreed.

"Ahem, what are you guys talking about?" Zero asked as he barges in.

"Ah! Nothing!" Passy panicked.

"It's nothing you need to concern yourself, kiddo," Gavin told him.

"... Right..." Zero mumbled as they all follow Colonel from behind.

The blonde haired reploid looks around the area, where everything looks like it will fall apart, the black and disgusting looking moss on the edges, and dusty floors. Zero looks at Gavin and asks, "Ahem... what is this place?"

"An abandoned facility," Gavin told him, "It was made during the Elf war for weapon maintenance, but now, it's left for dust, including the mechaniloids here."

"That explains why they look so rusty and broken..." Zero muttered.

"Exactly," Gavin said.

"And what is exactly the elf war?" Zero asked them.

The trio quickly stops for a quick moment, and turns to Zero is a rather... awkward manner. The boy looks around and mutters, "... Actually... forget what I asked..."

"We'll tell you about once we return," Gavin told him.

"Okay... but... where are we going?" Zero asked them, "And who are you people? Wha-What's going to happen to me? Who am I? What's-"

"Quit it, your brat!" Colonel yelled at him out annoyance, "I don't care about your amnesia, and your constant questioning is starting to annoy me!"

"..." Zero's face turns a bit pale as he step down and keeps quiet.

"Finally!" Colonel said, until Zero sees a security mechaniloid behind him.

"... L-LOOK OUT!" Zero yelled out.

Colonel quickly turns around and slices it's head off with his pink saber. Gavin readies his gun while Zero gets out his buster.

More security mechaniloids start coming after them, which Colonel starts slicing them with ease while Zero and Gavin gives him back up by shooting from behind.

Zero manages to shoot multiple heads and spider like mechaniloids with ease, while Gavin manages to shoot them at their weakest points, such as he manages to shoot an arm and an leg thanks to those enemies being rather rusty and basically ancient.

They continue on shooting until Colonel stabs the last one. Gavin takes a deep breath, where the large reploid says, "Let's keep going."

They continue on walking, but Gavin places an hand on Zero's shoulder, which grabs his attention.

"Oh! Ahem... yeah?" Zero asked.

"The name's Gavin. Just call me Detective Knight," Gavin told them. "The killjoy is Colonel and the little pixie is Passy,"

"I heard that!" Passy called out. "I'm not that little!"

"Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that," Gavin told her.

"Grr..." Passy growled and flies away.

"Is she...?"

"She'll be fine," Gavin ensured Zero, "Come on. Can't keep Colonel waiting."

"Right." Zero understood as he follows them from behind.

After an hour, the four finally found a door, much to their relief. Gavin takes a deep sigh of relief and says, "Finally! Now we can get out of here."

Just as the group step forward, the floor suddenly crumbles down and the trio falls while Passy flies to them while screaming, "N-NO!"

Zero grabs hold of Gavin out of instinct and the trio crash landed underground. Gavin lands on top of Zero, while Colonel crashes into a rubble, which make Passy giggle a bit, but the cyber elf flies to Zero and Gavin as she asks, "Are you guys okay?"

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine," Gavin faltered.

"You don't seem fine," Passy pointed out.

"S-Shut it!" Gavin groaned, than slowly gets up, but groans in pain, "Gah! Shit..."

"G-Gavin!" Passy shrieked.

"Hehe... I... I'm fine, honestly," Gavin told her, "Might have broke a rib... or two..."

"That is not fine!" Passy called him out, "Ugh... I never understood male humans, honestly..."

"... Whatever," Gavin shrugged off mentally as he slowly gets up and turns to Zero, "Oh... and thanks for saving my ass there, Zero,"

"N... it's no big deal, Detective Knight." Zero ensured him as he gets up as well.

"Grr..." Colonel groaned in pain as he slowly gets up from the rubble. "That honestly hurts a bit..."

"Well, when we get back home!" She asserted as she glares at the two men, "I'm gonna drag your asses back to the medic room AND Cerveau, understood?!"

"Tch... fine,"

Colonel, without any hesitation, rushes in with his saber and jumps as he launches his attack, but the golem shoots a powerful laser at him, which catches him off guard as it not only destroys his weapon, but also both of his hands.

"Colonel!" Passy and Gavin screamed.

"Wha-What just happened?!" Zero thought in shock; completely baffled by what's going on.

Passy flies up to Colonel's side, while Zero quickly changes his arm into a buster and starts shooting at its chest, which only deflects and nearly accidentally shoots Colonel's head off, which sets him off.

"OI MATE! WATCH WHERE YOU SHOOTIN!" Colonel yelled at him with a thick, English accent.

"S-Sorry!" Zero panicked a bit as he desperately looks around, however, the golem shoots another laser right at Zero, but he rolls over to dodge the laser. The laser hits to the floor, all the way to the roof, where a bunch of rubbles crashes at the floor. "Shit!"

Zero jumps ahead to dodge the rubble. He smirks a bit as he jumps on top of the rubbles and shoots at the golem's head, which did a small amount of damage to it.

"Damn it! It barely did anything!" Zero thought.

Unexpectedly, the golem tackles down the rubbles and crashes into the wall, catching Zero off guard and spits some red oil as he gets crush by the massive mechaniloid.

"Zero!" Passy screamed in panic as her face turns pale and puts both of her hands up on her mouth.

Zero crashes against the wall, and collapses into the floor. The cyber elf rushes over to the blonde haired reploid, where she places her hand to his back, where her hands start to glow.

"It wouldn't heal the damages, but at least it would numb the pain," Passy thought as she numbing Zero's pain.

"Ugh..." Zero groaned as he slowly struggles to get up and glares at the golem, "Damn it!... This is the worst, Monday morning ever!"

"Are you seriously joking about this situation?" Passy lectured him; flabbergasted of how he can joke in a situation like this.

"Well, maybe it's because I'm in this dangerous situation... with a BUNCH of strangers!" Zero called out.

"... Ehhh... you're not wrong... but still!" Passy blurted out angrily.

The two looks up as the golem is about smash them into pieces. Gavin struggles to get out of the hand, but to no avail.

"Am I... seriously going to die here?!" Zero thought as he stared at the giant fist with horror, "I... I just woke up damn it! I-I don't want to die!"

"N-NOOOOO!!!" Colonel and Gavin screamed in horror just as the golem throws down his fist at them until a massive flash happens. "GAH!"

The flash stuns the golem as it short circuits a bit while a different cyber elf glowing rainbow stands between the enemy and Zero.

"... Not on my watch..." The cyber elf muttered.

"... Who... who are you?" Zero quavered where the two stare at each other. "Why... why does this cyber elf... feel familiar?"

"... It does not matter," The cyber elf told him softly, "What matters is that you must save this human, Zero!"

"You... how do you know my name?" Zero asked him.

"All will be answered in due time," The spirit told him as it suddenly summons a white handler and throws it on the ground, where it suddenly pops out a green-blue saber with the handler, "Now, use this, Zero... hurry!"

Than... the cyber elf disappears into thin air. Zero stares at the saber and grabs it without any hesitation or any second thoughts. He frowns at the immobile golem and rushes to the wall despite his injuries where he's pushing his body to it's limits.

He climbs up the wall to the top of the edge, where the other three stares him and he jumps ahead at the golem's head... slicing it's head off like it's nothing. The head falls down and the body collapses as it drops Gavin to the ground.

"Gah!" Gavin gasped as he weakly tries to get up.

The golem's corpse start to shake a bit, where Colonel screams, "IT'S GONNA SELF DESTRUCT!"

Zero gasps a bit as he runs up to Gavin and shields him from the golem's explosion, covering the entire room.

The entire room is covered by a ton of smoke. Gavin coughs a bit and looks up to see Zero. The red swordsman slowly gets up and takes a deep breath as he weakly turns around, where his back and hair got burnt.

"Ow..." Zero groaned.

"You okay there, kid?" Gavin queried.

"... Does it look like I'm okay?!" Zero hissed at him.

"... Sorry about that, kiddo," Gavin apologised to him as he slowly gets up in a painful way and says, "We need to get home... Ciel would be deathly worried over us."

"Who's... that?" Zero asked him.

"The ruler of Neo Arcadia," Passy told him, "Her ancestors helped in building Neo Arcadia, alongside with X, Axl and you during the Elf war to give shelter for the innocent reploids and humans,"

"M-Me? But... I have no memories of that," Zero told her, "Heck. Are you sure I'm this Zero you guys are talking about?"

They hear Colonel groaning and sees him trying to get up, which Passy quickly goes over and tells him, "Take it easy! Your hands are literally been cut off!"

"Tis' but a scratch," Colonel told her.

"... Urr ye kidding me, Colonel!?" Passy yelled at him angrily where her voice suddenly turns into a slightly thick Scottish accent, "Ye nearly git yersal' murdurred!"

"Oh god... not the accent..." Colonel groaned in his thoughts.

Passy has an... interesting glitch where, if she gets really angry, her normal Neo Arcadian accent suddenly turns into a slightly thick Scottish accent, like Colonel gets a heavy English accent when he gets angry enough.

"Urr ye bloody glaikit or something?" Passy yelled at him continuously, "Dae ye ower die 'n' mak' yer precious wee sister greet?!"

"Ugh..." Colonel groaned, though thankfully he can understand her Scottish accent, but still... "Fine, I get your point. Just stop..."

"Good!" Passy cheered with her accent back to normal as she calms down as he turns to the guys with an awkward smile. "Now... do you guys have enough strength to carry him?"

"Do we look like we have enough strength?" Gavin asked her sarcastically.

"Good point..." Passy admitted as she rubs the back of her head and sweatdrops.

"I'll do it," Zero offered as he walks up to Colonel, who glares at him with a clenched up jaw, "Geez... what's your problem?"

"What?" Colonel asked him harshly.

"You heard me," Zero told him coldly, "I'm trying to help you and you're giving me the cold shoulder for no reason!"

"It's not important," Colonel told him with a scoff, "What's important is taking you back to HQ,"

Zero takes a deep sigh and helps Colonel up as they head towards Gavin and Passy. They all stay quiet as Gavin opens another door, which they found a transporter. The detective takes a deep sigh and says, "Finally..."

"Yeah," Passy agreed, "Is your phone working?"

"... Shit!" Gavin swore as he checks on his pockets, where he sees his phone is in pieces, "... Fuck, my phone is broken,"

"Well, we can't ask Colonel since his hands are gone," Passy sighed, "In that case, I'll just add the coordinates myself. Thank goodness I'm a special type of cyber elf,"

Passy flies to the transporter as she dusts up the screen and starts putting on the coordinates along with activating it.

"There. Easy as taking candy from a baby!" Passy boasted proudly, "Now, let's get out of here! I don't want to stay here anymore!"

"Same here," Gavin agreed as the trio steps onto the transporter.

"I... what's going to happen to me?" Zero asked them with concern; naturally a little concern of what they'll do to him.

"Knowing Ciel, you'll be fine," Gavin ensured, "Despite being the ruler, she has a big heart, regardless if it's a reploid or human. Though sometimes she's a bit soft-hearted. But, that's why all of Neo Arcadians love her; she actually gives a damn."

"... I... I'm glad," Zero smiled softly, "I hope he's right..."

The transporter teleports them out of the abandoned lab and heads back to home; not realising what they forgot and what they just unleashed.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this episode, and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day. Aqua out!

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