Chapter 26:Rip & Tear

Previously on the Return of the First Born of the Primrach

P.Ronan summon a Powerful Warp Storm that Destroyed another Large Number of Enemy Forces

as he Fight he din't notice a Portal appeared above them for they are too busy Fighting

then a Figure just Exit from it

it landed beside P.Ronan and the Fight suddenly Stop

P.Ronan looked at the Being before him

He is at least 10 Ft tall and he has double barreled shotgun and green advance armor, his Right hand has blade attached to him, he aimed his shotgun and fired at the Nearest Demon destroying it Completely

P.Ronan was shock at this Being Sudden appearance

"Excuse but who are you?" Said P.Ronan with cautious voice

The Green being Gesture him for back to back as the Demons are preparing to attack the 2 of them

The Mysterious Stranger Spoke



The Doom Slayer"




Now P.Ronan and The Doom Slayer Killing Demon after Demon as they have been staying in the Warp for at least 100 Years as they Moved and Battle Legion after Legion but each time the Chaos gods sent it all failed

Doom Slayer knock out a Bloodthirster he took it's Axe and begun to Savage it's Entire head and then use it to kill lesser demons that tried to attack him he use to it to block from another Bloodthister and he cleave it's foot that which the Greater Demon Scream in Pain and he hack it's hand and for that Doom Slayer uses his Fist and Brutally punch it's head until there is none left of it much to the Horror of the Demons of Chaos

P.Ronan sheathe his sword and follow the Example of Doom Slayer as he Block an sword from the keeper of Secrets before it could attack him again p.Ronan severed it's Arms with his Own Immense Strength and then unsheathe his Claws from his Powerfist and Punch through it

Doom Slayer change his weapon into a Combat Shotgun and set it to full auto as it Destroyed lesser demons with Ease and then he use one of his Harpoon and get close to the Nearby Bloodletter and Hit it with his Right blade arm from below the Demons mouth up to it's Brain and it is not enough Slayer Goes to it's back and grab to it's spine with Fast and Brutal Efficiency as he even use it as a Make shift weapon against the Lesser Demon's Comrades

He then used his Super shotgun and use it's Hook to be Near to his Enemies and fired it's barreled killing group of Demons and then Smash it to the Slaaneshi Demon, He reloads it with quick pace and one of the Demons Got unfortunate to found it mouth to be at the Barrels of the shotgun and he Fired destroying it's head off

Then suddenly Slayer is Run out of ammo that which made the Demons worry including Khorne Demons

"Oh shit his run out of Ammo again quick Run For LIVES!!" said the Keeper of secrets a they Run away from Doom slayer

Doom slayer switch his weapon to Chainsaw and charge at the Fleeing Enemies as he Rip and Tear them all

P.Ronan unleash another powerful barrage of Psychic Mind Bullets that killed the Demons in the Thousands and then Destroy another Enemy Tank with his Power Fist and he looked at the Brutallity of Doom Slayer

"With him we could win this War and End this Madness for Good!" Said P.Ronan as he Fought alongside Doom Slayer as P.Ronan's Weapons are still Reloading thanks to his on-board mini-factory in his armor so he doesn't need to Return home to replenish his Ammo

P.Ronan psychic Shield Flared and looked at the Lord of  Change and he Throw him with his own psychic energy Ball as he Surround himself Flame that Burns the Demons Including the Greater Demons as they die Permanent And this is the Same Power that the Emperor Used to kill Horus Himself making themselves to be more cautious of attacking him as more powerful Demons are the only ones are able to Survive long before Ronan Brought them down with Ease, 

Doom Slayer then finally Switch to Chaingun and with it he Laid Waste at the Demons that Try to Sorround him that which it killed them all due to power of his Chaingun

Ronan was now Beside with Doom Slayer as he Severed the Arm of the Great unclean one and then use it to Smash to it's Head repeatedly much to the Horror of the Nurgling that which P.Ronan Din't Care as he just stomp them to Death and even more Nurgling that escape from it's body and Ronan just Burn them all with his Pychic Might

"They're Stinks" Said Doom Slayer (I Know he doesn't Speak much but still i gave him a voice) "Luckily i can't even smell them" He said as he Just Crush another Keeper of Secrets

P.Ronan Smiled "Honestly how by Brother Mortarion have a Tolerance to this and his Sons is Beyond me and no Sane of Mind would Serve him but then again Sanity is not Required who Joins Chaos" Said P.Ronan as he Unsheathe his sword and Ignite it's Flame and Swing it and let a Massive burst of Flame from it that which made it Destroyed another thousands of Demons with one swing of his sword or in that Matter from his Hands himself

after killing the Last Demon they go to their Next Location

That which just simply Anywhere and Right now they are in Nurgle's Realm since the Warp's Time are Different in the Materium Ronan and Doom Slayer have at least stayed there for 100 Years and have killed Countless Demons to the Point that the Chaos gods have to send more mortal Cultist against them but they are Reduce in Numbers quickly thanks to Doom Slayer and P.Ronan after Destroying them all even though they are sending Titans against them but it was still not Enough as they are keep advancing and not of them appeared to be Tired by it 

"And now we are in Realm of Nurgle after battling for some 20 years and now we are in this Rotten shit" Said p.Ronan as Nurgles Realm could only be describe as Disgusting that Even P.Ronan have to Make sure that he is going to bath after he has escape from this Hell 

Doom Slayer Nod to him 

"I have never ask you a question Sir Slayer" Said P.Ronan as they walked the Doom Slayer Nod to him "Why is it that you hate Demons?" He ask

"They Killed my Bunny" Said Doom Slayer with Rage with an Aura that could Surpass Ronan's Own when he has at his Most Angered state that which is Rare "And for that All Demons Must Die, this is not my Unvierse but i will be happy to help you to kill them since they remind me of my own Demons until i could Return home and Continue my Pest control against the Demons of Hell"

p.Ronan Nod to him 

as they walked they Feel another Presence and they looked to their Right Ready to Fight for anything that would Try to attack them and that which is Weird since it's alone

The two Beings Aimed their weapons at the Coming Enemy as it is going fast Towards them

Then they heard a Sudden Warcry of a Man

They almost Hit each other as their blades and Gun was mere Inches to their Face

"Who the fck are you two?" said Kaldor Draigo

"You must Be kaldor Draigo Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights!" Said P.Ronan

kaldor begun to study him as he look up and Down

"Um who are you?" Said kaldor with Confusion

P.Ronan Face Palmed himself at this Question "And here i though that Every Space Marines should know our Existence and normal Citezen could be Excuse but this Men don't?" Though of Ronan

"I'am Ronan Belleza Lord of Primordial the First Born and Primarch of the Celestial Star Thunder legion" Ronan Introduce himself

"You Mean the Thunder Warriors?" Said kaldor

"Yes" Said Ronan with irritation

"I Though you were Destroyed? Am i not Hallucinate?" Said Kaldor

"You are not in Hallucinating Dummass" Said Ronan as he Smack Kaldor's Head

"Ouch!" Kaldor Hold his head in Pain as Ronan has just smack him 

"And do not think that we are Curropted by Chaos Kaldor if you think of it i would destroy you" said P.Ronan with Minancing Voice

"Yes my Lord" said kaldor still Holding his Head and he looked to Doom Slayer "And who is this Big Fella?" He ask

Since they are Doom Slayer and Kaldor are both 10 Ft tall they looked eye to Eye

"You can call me the Doom Slayer but you can still call me Slayer for short" Said Slayer

"Doom Slayer? That's a Bold name Sir Slayer" Said kaldor

"Trust me Kaldor he just Brutalize demons here and killed many Greater demons that i have lost count" Said Ronan while Doom Slayer nod his head to him

As they are talking they notice a Large Legions of Demons are attacking them

"Oh it appears they have finally Arrived" Said kaldor as he prepared to attack

"Good" Said Doom Slayer as he put shells to his Super Shotgun 

P.Ronan unsheathe his sword "Alright let's Purge some Demons!" he said 

And for that the three of them bellowed a Battle cry as they attack the Demons

While at the Demonic army one of the Great unclean one begun to panic

"Those 3 are working? Yeah we're Doomed" said the Great unclean one as he he is blasted apart by Doom Slayer 

Doom Slayer Switch to Rocket Louncher as he Fired it at the Nearby Tanks that Destroy several of the Enemy Armored forces as he keep Dodging them, he then switch back to chainsaw as he Ripping apart several of the Traitor guardsmen who have finally Felt fear of Death after seeing Doom Slayer Rip and Tear their Comrades without Mercy as Doom Slayer Towers all of them, he even punch a Baneblade and it was destroyed 

Kaldor Smash through Enemy Lines as Bodies littered the ground with their Blood as Kaldor Killed another group of Nurgle's Demons

P.Ronan Punch to the Ground and Release a psychic Shock Waved that Killed lesser demons in 5 KM in the Area while the Surviving greater Demons  press forward but they are injured at Ronan's Attack and with it P.Ronan decided to use his Barehands as he follows the Example of Doom Slayer

P.Ronan is Suddenly Near to the Neareast Great unclean one, he punch it's Chest through to it's Spine and P.Ronan Severed it (Similar how the Predator use to take the Spine but instead it is in the front) and use it to smash at the Pest that he is keep stomping to Death

He use telekinesis as he Crush the Traitor Guardsmen inside out and then the Tanks to Crush to each other

The Doom Slayer Give him a Thumbs up and this time he is using his Crusible that  which is Effective of Killing Greater Demons with Ease as he cut another Great unclean one in half easily 

One of the Death guards tried to attack Slayer but they were easily Cut down as their Weapons could not Damage the Praetor suit or Slater keep Dodging them

Doom Slayer dodge a Flail from the Great unclean one, he then Dodge from it's sword, he Fired his Super Shotgun forcing the Demon to lost his grip to it's sword and Slayer Lifted it and Use it to impaled to it's head and the Demon scream in Pain for it, Slayer Run from the Demon's head towards to it's head he switch back to chainsaw and Jump towards the Head and give it the Full Force of his Chainsaw slowly but Surely the Cries of Pain could be Heard as Doom Slayer Cutting it's Head into half and then switch back to Rocket louncher firing 5 shots from below killing the Demons

"That's Impressive of killing Demon" Said Kaldor surprise to see how Doom as he saw the Doom Slayer Easily Kill the Demon while P.Ronan was second of easily Killing the Demon he then looked how the Doom Slayers kills the Demon even Greater Demon without any Difficulty as if this is just a Game to him that which Doom Slayer simply Put a Shame to the Entire Grey Knight Chapter in terms of killing demons 

"Feel being shamed by one being are you now Lord Kaldor?" Said P.Ronan as he hurl another Lightning towards the Column of Enemy Tanks

"Yes, he could Kill more Demons than my Entire Chapter could ever hope to be" Said Kaldor as he Cut several Death Guards and other Traitor Marines who are Nurgle Worshipers

"If i could find some showers to this Idiots" Though Ronan "I Wonder if they Run away in Fear?" an idea pop on Ronan's Head and he smiled in creepy way that which Made the Death guard and other Demons looked at him with Fear even the Doom Slayer have to looked to Ronan in Confusion 

P.Ronan Raise his sword and he Plunge it to the ground Fire Burst Forth from the Sword with Psyhcic Flame as it Purge anyone who is cought on it's Flame Forcing them to Run

 "Clean yourselves in Holy Fire you Unclean! abominations!!" Said P.Ronan as he lough as they Run for their lives 

As they battled Doom Slayer saw another Large waved of Demons and for that he Finally use his BFG 9000 and Aimed it at the Large Legion of Demons and Fired it 3 times

As the Energy Ball Getting Nearer it Electrified any Demons that it come cross and some are Destroyed to those who Tried to block it and yet it still Moves towards it's Destination

The moment it hit it's Target a Green Energy Burst out from that ball and with it, it Destroys every Demon that it touches destroying at least half of that legion 

"Whoa" Both Ronan and Kaldor Jaw Drop "If we can Riplicate that weapon though" Though of  Ronan "But some of his Weapons can be Replicate since i have analyze it but the only question is? Will it work for my Sons to Used them in the Future"

"Die son of Anathema!" Said the Great Unlcean one as he swing his Sword that which P.Ronan able to Catch it

"Ah Ah Gloated rotten of a Trash you first Dipshit" Said P.Ronan as he severed both arms of the Demon and then he use his hand to grip the Demon's head and not for long he rip it off along with it's body into half

as they Battle there is Suddenly 2 Portals just appeared one is with P.Ronan's where he has been Sunk while the other is a some kind of Battle he swore he saw a Titan size Mech that is bigger than the Imperator titan

"It must be our Exit!" Said P.Ronan with Realization

The Slayer Nod to him

"Kaldor Draigo quick we need to Get out of here now!" Said P.Ronan

"No need my Lord, i'am Curse with that Blasted Fateweaver and so i could be in Materium for now, so you must go by youself i'll Find a Way one day" Said Kaldor

P.Ronan nod to him

"It's nice knowing you Ronan" Said Slayer "But i have to Return to my Reality where i will Finish of what i've started" 

P.Ronan Nod to him "Good Luck for your Vengeance Doom slayer" Said P.Ronan

as he is about to Enter to his Portal

"Primarch Ronan!" Doom Slayer called him

P.Ronan turn and catch a Disk and he looked to it

"use it wisely Lord Ronan" Said Doom Slayer as he Entered back to his Reality 

P.Ronan Entered through the Portal

"Come on Demons of Chaos Taste my Blade!" Said Kaldor as he Charge at the Army of Demons



P.Ronan landed on the Ground and Looked to the Planet who are now Finally Conquered

"Father!" Said TW.Ronan as they Run towards their Father

"My sons" Said P.Ronan "How long did i Lost?" He ask

"Well just 3 Hours father" Said Arik

P.Ronan Nod and looked to the Desk with Various Weapons that the Doom Slayer Given to him well except his most Dangerous Weapons so he din't give him all but there is one particular thing that made him Interest

"Atlan Mech?" Said P.Ronan as he looked at the Mech "New Mech to be Made" He smiled

"Alright Sons Return to the ship New Weapons shall be Made" Said P.Ronan as they Returned back to their Ship



"Finally the Son of Anathema and that Slayer is Finally Gone in my Realm" Said Nurgle with Relief in his Voice

"Tzeach did you Made those Portals?" Said Khorne as he looked to Teaach

"No i din't" Said Tzeach as he waved his hand "Neither that Doom Slayer for i have never seen him before"

"Yes, and he quite kill too Many of my servants" Said Slaanesh

"Not to Mention his Brutality he could have been my Champion" Said Khorne with Disappointment in his  Voice

"But the Question who did send that Slayer into our Realm?" Said Tzeach

"For now we must Focus to the Long Game for now" Said Nurgle "It would only Cause us more Headache if we Try to find this Being who are the one who send him here"

And so the Long War Continues


And Done

That's my Short Chapter

Like i said Doom Slayer would only Stay for 1 chapter only

See you Next time Folks

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