i never meant for this to be so long guys im sorry, omg. a lot of questions were submitted!! i tried to answer most of them x
Have you always liked Calum since you were young? (caloom-hood)
As in like-like? No. But he became my friend when I had no other friends as a kid, you feel me? I was lonely. And he made me feel... not lonely. I liked him a lot in a friendly kind of way. I still do.
On a scale of 1-1000 how good does Calum kiss? (mycalumcalromance)
I don't kiss and te- you know what, what the hell, he's great. Really great. As in really, really, really great. As in the feeling you get after taking your socks off at the end of the day kind of great. And I hate myself for thinking so.
When did you begin to develop feelings for Calum? (twentyonepears)
I-I don't. I don't have feelings for him... I can't have feelings for him. Even if El doesn't necessarily love him, he loves her. He loves Elena, not me. I'm the temporary replacement, remember? That's all I'll ever be.
Can you see a future with Calum in it? (MrsHemmo123)
He's not even going to speak to me once this is all over *frowns* - I don't see how I could possibly envision a future with him. Even just as friends...
All these questions are about Calum. Do you like Green Day? (invisiblecastaway_)
They're bomb, man! Billie Joe is better at eyeliner than I am, it's embarrassing.
WHERE ARE YOU!?! I can send help. (Musix_Girl)
Where u @ fam? (mycalumcalromance)
School holidays are over. Where you at girl? (BLEUGHchris)
Are you dead (invisiblecastaway_)
Where u @ though? (halseymusic)
I-I don't know. I'm, I'm alive, but I don't feel like it. There's bruises all over my damn body, even in places where bruises shouldn't be. I can't feel my legs, or my hands - I can't feel anything. I feel like a lightweight. I don't know w-where I am, I'm in this like, this room. There's nothing in here but a mattress and a toilet, a-and I've only seen the face of the person who brought me here once. And I was half-drugged when I did see it.
Are they looking for me? Please tell them to keep looking.. Please.
What are your thoughts on Cara and Calum? (caloom-hood)
*Furrows eyebrows* What do you mean? Calum hasn't spoken to Cara in years... Why? Are they okay? Did something happen?
Why didn't you just break up with Calum? All your problems would be solved?? (moistluek)
I couldn't *exhales*. Calum's a good guy, that's the truth. I could tell that he was still in love with me even when I wasn't in love with him anymore. I didn't want to be the one to break him. Eventually I realized that all I actually wanted was to be Calum's friend, not his girlfriend. And I was scared that if I did break up with him, he'd never look me in the eye again. I didn't want him to kick me out of his life - I still wanted to be a part of it. I was just... I was afraid. And confused.
Would you give up Calum for your sister Cara. (Musix_Girl)
...Yeah. That sounds really bad, his fans would throw me into a black hole. Please don't tell them. I love Calum, I do, he's great. But it isn't the same anymore... The love isn't the same. My family comes first.
Hi will you marry me? Jk can you tell the difference between Cara and Elena? (caloom-hood)
*Snickers* You're pretty cute. Damn, I haven't had a solid conversation with Cara in years. But no, to be honest, not really. I only see Cara every so often, maybe like two to three times a year? I can't really tell the difference between them. I'm a great boyfriend, I know.
Why did you hold on to hope for your relationship before you left for tour? (Musix_Girl)
If Elena was acting like a poo before you left, why didn't you dump her? (moistluek)
It wasn't always horrible between El and I. When we first met everything was perfect, you know? I was only fourteen- I still had a little girl voice but I already felt like I wanted to be with her for forever. And I guess when things started to turn to shit I just... I held on because I had hope that it could go back to the way it was. Right now, though, things are like, they're greater than they've been in a long time. *Grins* I don't know, I'm happy. I want to stay happy.
Why did you stop being friends with Cara when you were younger? (5sosfam1304)
Why did you drift from Cara? (moistluek)
We didn't really stop being friends. It kind of just happened. When I first moved here I was more so Cara's friend at first, and then I got closer to Elena, I ended up liking Elena, Luke and I started posting more covers on youtube- and.. Shit. I guess I just got distracted and stopped talking to her. That sounds bad. That is bad. I um, when she comes back from Brazil I'm definitely going to have to start talking to her more.
When you were younger did you ever have feelings for Cara? (5sosfam1304)
*Raises eyebrows* Um, no, I don't think so. We were just really good friends. Why..?
Why don't you ask more about Cara? She just disappears the second you come home, you don't find that weird? (moistluek)
*Shakes head* Not really? She never really... She never really seemed happy, the rare times I actually saw her. If she wanted to spend her summer somewhere new doing different things, I'd understand.
What if (hypothetically) you were dating Cara and you didn't know? (moistluek)
W-Why is this a question?
Who is Cara to you? (invisiblecastaway_)
Hold on, why is everybody asking me about Cara?
What's going on?
What were your first thoughts on the replacement project? Did you think it was a good idea? (caloom-hood)
Well, like, when Mr. Morales first told me about it I was quick to say yes. It's difficult to explain but El's my best friend, and the thought of her going missing made me want to throw up. And the thought of her not being found was even worse. My mind was coming up with all sorts of scenarios, you know what I mean? Like, what if she was mauled by a pack of hyenas? What if she was deported to India? What if.. What if she's dead? I only agreed to it because all I wanted was for Elena to come back. Now, though? It seems like all the project is doing is making more mess. Have you seen the way Calum looks at Cara?
More importantly, have you seen the way Cara looks at Calum?
DATE LUKE (twentyonepears)
*Shakes head* I don't think Luke is interested in me like that, babe. He's so chill though, I love it.
U LIKE LUKE DON'T YA (cookiecalumhood)
Why is everyone talking about us? *Chuckles* I mean, I don't know. He's really sweet? There's just... There's other things on my mind at the moment.
Why didn't you just tell Elena's parents that she wanted to breakup with Cal so they just had to text him from her phone and then Cara wouldn't have to go through with this? (moistluek)
El made me swear to keep her feelings a secret. Of course I blew it by telling Cara all about it, but I mean I felt like she deserved to know. I didn't feel too good about keeping something like that a secret, I kind of had a feeling that it would just make whatever left El and Calum had of their relationship unhealthy, but I... I don't know. I don't know why I kept it a secret, to be honest.
I guess I should've spoken up.
You're jealous of Michael and Camila aren't ya? ;-) (pikachu115)
*Rolls eyes* Frankly, I don't give two shi- *Exhales shakily* ...No. I'm not jealous. I don't care. He can do whatever the hell he wants with whoever the hell he wants. We aren't together.
You shall be Mrs. Clifford, I say. You shall follow my commands (mxssoctober)
He has Camila.
Who do you think is the hottest member of 5sos? (invisiblecastaway_)
They're all pretty blessed in the appearance area except for Michael. He's a rat. *Snorts*
Marry me? (caloom-hood)
Can we at least have dinner first?
Would you date Cara? (moistluek)
Would you go out with Cara if she were here? (moistluek)
Morales? Elena's sister? I don't know, I've never spoken to her. I don't know how El would feel about that either.
Have you ever thought about quitting the band and becoming a professional ballerina? (mycalumcalromance)
Have you seen my legs? They're like two empire state buildings, I'd flail off the stage.
DATE EMMA, OR ME THATS COOL TOO (twentyonepears)
*Snickers* That's not a question.
Alright, but in all seriousness, d-do you think she's into me? Because...
What's going on between you and Emma? (caloom-hood)
*Rolls eyes* I don't even know! The girl's being annoying as hell! Basically before we left for tour the four of us plus El and Emma and went to the beach and we set up a fire because it gets cold in LA at night. Ashton suggested we play charades. Long story short I got a little bit too excited when I got Michael Jackson and my moon walk was a little over-enthusiastic and I maybe kind of almost pushed her into the fire? But it was an accident, okay, I said sorry! Plenty of times.
It was her call to be annoying and grumpy and rude and salty and not accept my apology.
...She's still hot though.
Why don't you just kick Calum out of the house if he's drinking a lot? (moistluek)
H-He wouldn't have anywhere to go... Yeah, he could stay with Elena, but that's why Luke and Ash and I are here, you know, to be with him. And be there for him. And it works out easier when we're all together. Band sticks together. Even if the Maori boy under the roof drinks his ass off way too much.
Why are you so adorable? (mycalumcalromance)
Can I have a hug? (Musix_Girl)
Depends. Are you willing to buy me a PS4? I still haven't gotten around to buying myself one.
Who do you like more, Elena or Cara? (invisiblecastaway_)
Cara as in Elena's twin? I've never met her or spoken one word to her, so I guess I'll go with El. She's pretty nice. And she smells good.
Idk if I ship u and Emma or Luke and Emma fam. (twentyonepears)
*Frowns* Wait, L-Luke likes Emma? Emma likes Luke?
Is this supposed to be sexual? Because if it is, I'm down.
Hi can you marry me too?? Haha (caloom-hood)
Too?! Who else are you marrying, you cheater! I can't be your one and only? :(
So... Michael wanted another slice and I didn't have one. Can you give him your pizza? (Musix_Girl)
No way in hell. He can leave and buy his own pizza. Ashton's pizza is Ashton's pizza. I'll write 'Irwin's property' on my pizza if I have to, damn it.
You're the bubbliest person I've ever met online. Thank you for existing. (mxssoctober)
Thank you for being you :) x
Did Calum ever talk about Cara? (moistluek)
Who's that?
Can I have a panini? (invisiblecastaway_)
*Groans* My panini press is a piece of shit, alright, it sucks and I'm angry about it. I'd suggest just going to Whole Foods to buy a pre-made one. I think you're safer that way.
U AIN'T SICK ARE YA (cookiecalumhood)
What's the real reason you cancelled a whole week of wedding planning for Mali's wedding? Shouldn't you be setting a good reputation for your Mother's business? (MrsHemmo123)
*Rubs temple* You guys make me feel guilty... You can't tell them this, but I-I have someone at... home, that I have to take care of. It's been a lot on me, lately. I figured I needed a week to just lay back. My Mom doesn't know I cancelled for a week, though. Please don't tell her. It was for a good reason, I swear it.
Do you believe that Cara is actually away or do you know that she's posing as Elena? (caloom-hood)
*Raises eyebrows* What do you mean by posing as Elena..? *Shakes head* Okay, nevermind, sorry, um, when Elena first told me she was in Brazil for the summer I didn't really buy it. But the more I thought about it, the easier it became to believe. I know Cara, and it does seem like something she'd do. She's a good person at heart. I'm not trying to be rude at all, but she doesn't really have many friends to spend the summer with here in California anyway, so I could see why she'd want to go to Brazil. At least there she'll have something to do. Gosh I sound like a priss, sorry.
How are you? (invisiblecastaway_)
Aw, *smiles* thank you for asking, that was sweet... I'm kind of stressed, to be honest. I've got a wedding to plan and I'm running short on time. It's part my fault, though - I did call out for a full week. I also have medications to pay for and pick up and I have to drive all the way upstate to pick them up from this pharmacy and it's a pain. And I also... have somebody at home that I have to take care of and they've been giving me a lot of trouble and there's just a lot on my back. I'll be okay, though. Thank you for asking.
Arrange a wedding for me and Calum soon okay? (mxssoctober)
Sure *laughs*, maybe once I've gotten a couple things off of my plate.
Why are you so shady tho (pikachu115)
*Frowns* I'm sorry? How am I shady?
Girl we know you're up to something, just tell us. (moistluek)
*Sighs* Okay, I know calling out for a week was weird. I get it. But I'm not up to anything. I'm not planning anything. I have way too many things I have to take care of at the moment, I don't have time for anything else.
ME ;
How did you come up with the idea of this fan fiction? And also I love your writing, and this story! keep it up! :-) (caloom-hood)
I remember this so clearly ahaha. I came up with this idea maybe two years ago..? Maybe I'm being OD omf maybe it was only one year ago. I went through a big Bethany Mota phase where I would binge on her videos. And so I was watching one of her videos where she did this really cool thing where she edited her video to make it look like there were two of her in one clip (I think some of those clips are in the trailer for this book). And so I was like 'aw damn that's cool, it looks like she has a twin'. And then it kind of took off from there man, I came up with the idea to write about twins where Bethany would be the lead (and she now plays Cara and Elena) and I wanted to make it mystery-ish, so that's where the whole 'missing twin' plot came from. And thank you so much, aw. You don't know how happy that makes me. It's comments like that that keep me writing. I'm glad you're liking it so far.
I got no questions. You are just awesome! (Musix_Girl)
You're a babe and I love you!!
Why are you so talented? Ily (mycalumcalromance)
This makes me so happy, stop. I love you more, thank you for everything that you do.
Ur an amazing writer! (twentyonepears)
I love you so much x
What about Mali and Jack tho... (invisiblecastaway_)
Maybe they're not here because I'm planning on killing them off :----)
Do you love me?
More than you know.
Lol can you put me in the story as Luke's (girl) friend and I'm the one who calls everyone really weird nicknames but I figure out the pollen cos I'm secretly sherlock? (moistluek)
Sure, let's call you Luisiana. I'll make you a red-head with a love for chicken tenders, yeah?
Can you introduce a character called Chloe who isn't a total bitch? Bc I'm so sick of people thinking all Chloes are assholes. (moistluek)
I'm guessing your name is Chloe I'm lauGHING.
Do you live in America? (moistluek)
I do, I actually live in the east coast :-)
What do you think about your success on this story? (mxssoctober)
I was talking to my friend about this the other day - I still can't believe any of it. I look at the amount of votes and comments and reads all the damn time and I always end up crying, you guys mean the world to me. Thank you.
Why did it take you a year to post this book? (I'm addicted) (moistluek)
i was wAITING FOR THIS! I went on a writing hiatus because I was going through some tough ass friendship problems. I didn't know which friends were trustable, because so many had turned against me that year- I felt uninspired to write. 5sos were actually some of the main people who pulled me through it. They've made me a stronger and happier individual and I'm never going to be able to tell them that- that's what breaks my heart. But I'm here now, my life is still hectic every now and then but isn't even as close to as bad as how it was in the past. So I'm updating a lot more frequently now. Glad you're liking it so far! :-)
woah, my a/n is at the bottom! what the hell!
you guys make me so happy, omf.
i initially thought i'd only get three questions to answer but i ended up getting over fifty. ya'll are the bomb, alright, please never forget that.
oh my gosh guuuuys this was fun! thank you so much for actually turning in questions! hopefully some of you got some answers! i'm actually really surprised because a lot of these questions were really good, genuine questions.
would you guys like for me to do another one of these after the book's over? because i'm down.
i love you guys infinitely, keep an eye out for the chapter fifteen update!
if you've made it this far and are still reading, comment "bri you better write and upload chapter fifteen within this week or i'm going to pour a bottle of glue down your throat" - #motivation!!
stay happy,
x bri.
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