The trio are driving the golf cart in the park. They are jamming to music as they begin to laugh. "Aw, yeah. Listen to that engine purr! Thanks to the cart, we picked up this manure in record time." Rigby said. "Yeah, dude. With this cart, there's no lame job Benson can give us that we can't handle. Hey, speaking of jobs, we're late for the staff meeting." Mordecai said. "Punch it." (Y/n) said. Mordecai steps on the gas, and they yell excitedly. They drive up to Benson, who doesn't look happy. "Oh, look who decided to show up." He said sarcastically. "Sorry, Benson." The trio said.
They take their place on the steps. "As I was saying, I crunched the numbers and the park has extra money this year. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, you can take this hunk of junk to the dump." Benson said. "Wuh?" The trio asked. "'Cause I bought us this." Benson shows them the Smarten Karten. "Ugh, what is that monstrosity?" (Y/n) asked. "Say guten tag to the Smarten Karten." Benson said. "Guten tag." Everyone jeers and heads to the new cart, much to (Y/n)'s,
Mordecai and Rigby's disappointment. "I think I'd rather say Auf Wiedersehen." (Y/n) said, and Benson rolls his eyes. "You speak German?" Rigby asked her. "I'm kind of fluent in it." (Y/n) replied. "Modern, sophisticated, powerful. These are three adjectives used to describe this miracle of German engineering." Benson said. "Whoa! This thing has 100 horsepower!" Skips said.
"A device that holds beverages." Pops laughs. Muscle Man gasps. "No way! A butt warmer!" He presses the 'seat warmer' button and relaxes. Pops laughs again. "Who needs all that stuff?" (Y/n) asked. The trio rush over to the old cart. "Here are a few words to describe the cart. Reliable, uh, classic..." Mordecai sniffs it and immediately becomes grossed out. "Won't smell like manure later." He said. "These seats are vintage simulated vinyl." Rigby said. "And look at these classic details." (Y/n) said. "Those are stickers." Benson said. "Dude, Benson, the cart's been at the park forever. It's like a member of the family." Mordecai said. "It's the ninth worker of the park." Rigby said. "That cart's engine is on its last legs. It's releasing noxious gas fumes into the air." Benson said.
"We're not taking Muscle Man to the dump and he releases noxious fumes all the time!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) tried so hard to keep herself from laughing. Hearing this makes Muscle Man try to charge at them, only for HFG to stop him. "No! He's not worth it." Fives said. "Guys, guys. I know you've had a lot of good times in that cart. But it's not cost effective. Who's gonna pay the bills for it?" Benson asked. "We'll pay 'em." Mordecai said. "Uh..." (Y/n) was about to tell him that that would be impossible, but Benson beat her to it. "So, you'll pay the gas bill." He said.
"Done." Mordecai said. "And the repair bills. Not to mention insurance, tags, and the occasional tetanus shot." Benson said, and Rigby scoffs. "Okay." Benson said. "Uh..." Mordecai said. Benson hands them lots of paper, and one of them has a total of 2,000 dollars. "$2,000?!" The duo asked in shock. "Yeah... golf carts are really expensive..." (Y/n) said. "That's right. Paid in full every month for the rest of your life." Benson said. "You've made your point." Mordecai said.
"Now take the cart to the dump by the end of the day or you're fired!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are parked up at the airport drinking sodas. They see an airplane come in. Mordecai sighs. "We'd better get going to the dump." He said. "It's not fair, man. It's not fair to the cart!" Rigby said. "Rigby, I love the cart too. But we can't afford to keep it." (Y/n) said. "Now let's pour one out on the hood, for old cart's sake." Mordecai said. "Word." He agreed. They shed tears and pour soda on the cart. it goes through the engine, causing it to electrocute. "Huh?" The trio asked.
They jump out and back away as the cart appears to come to life. "Woah." It moves around a little. "Is this what it's like to be conscious?" The cart asked, and the trio is stunned. "Wait a second, you're alive now?!... you know what, at this point, I'm not even surprised." (Y/n) said. "How is this possible?" Mordecai asked. Rigby looks at the soda. It is called "Thunder Jolt X: 10x the Caffeine". "Woah." Rigby said. "What else can soda do? First it created a future band version of ourselves, and now this?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. Rigby's eyes widen at the mention of that.
"Oh yeah! I remember that!" He said. "Ugh, those guys were nothing but jerks though, very disappointing." Mordecai said. The trio then walk up to the cart. "This is awesome." Mordecai said. "I am happy also, entity (Y/n), entity Mordecai and entity Rigby." The cart said. "You can just call us (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby you know." (Y/n) said. "Don't you have a name?" Rigby asked.
"Well, according to the writing on my insides, it's Hecho. Hech en Mexico." He replied. "We'll just call you Cart." Rigby said. "Cart?" (Y/n) crosses her arms. "Aw, come on, dude! That's so boring!" She said. "I don't see you coming up with any better ideas." Rigby snapped. "Wow, my first nickname! A lotta good that'll do me now that you have to take me to the dump." He turns away from them. "I've only been alive for 30 seconds and I already know that life is cruel. And to think, I've still never felt a delicate touch of a lady cart." Cart said. "I can't stand it!" Rigby said. Cart turns back to the guys. "Cart, you deserve better than this." Mordecai said.
"Before you go to the dump, we'll take you to experience all the thing you never got to do." (Y/n) said. They go into Cart. "Wow, you'd do that? For old cart's sake?" The cart asked. "Yeah, dude. For old cart's sake." Mordecai said. "Hmm hmm hmm hmm!" The trio said. "So what do you wanna do first, Cart?" (Y/n) asked. "Well..." Cart plays his radio and straps (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby in. They scream as he spins a donut and they drive off. The four go to a concert, and Cart appears on the stage and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby cheer him on with the crowd.
He then gets crowd surfed all the way to the end of the crowd, to which (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hi five. At a bridge, Cart is connected to a cord and he bungee jumps off it. At a tattoo shop, Cart gets a tattoo with a US Flag, eagle and his name. Later, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hook him up to a red Volkswagon New Beetle. They then take him to Cheezers, where they decide to order in. Cart goes inside after them, dismantling the door. They are now seen enjoying Cheezers together while the door is being repaired. "I gotta say, Cart, you're a pretty cool guy." Mordecai said.
"Heh. Right back at ya, Brodecai." Cart said. "(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, are you there?" Benson asked through a walkie talkie and Cart snickers. "Dude, dude! Answer in a French accent." He said. "What? No way. Hey, Benson." (Y/n) said. "Wa-wa-wait. Tell him we just picked up his mama!" He snickers again, and Rigby joins him. Mordecai punches Rigby. "Dude, shut up!" (Y/n) snapped. "You guys were due back hours ago." Benson said. "Sorry, we-" (Y/n) said. "I don't care! Get back here or you're fired!" Benson shouted, and (Y/n) sighs.
"Alright. We better head to the dump." Cart is no longer with them. "Where's Cart?" Rigby asked. "Ah, what?! Did he ditch us?!" Mordecai asked. "Oh no! This is just like that time Benson had us take care of his dog, then we took the dog to Cheezers and then the dog ran away!" Rigby said. Cart is seen near the trash can. "Wait. There he is." (Y/n) said. They walk over to him.
"Cart, what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked. "Sorry, guys. I was just throwing away our trash. Kinda like how you're gonna throw me away. You know, at the dump?" Cart asked. "Come on, Cart, it's not like that." Mordecai said. "Is that all I am? Just a...used up old taco wrapper?" (Y/n) sighs. Cart turns to the three. "You know what'd make me feel better?" He asked. "What?" (Y/n) asked. "If I could get a view of the sunset." Rigby points at the sunset. "Yeah! That sunset is prime send-off material. Let's goooooooooooo." Rigby said. "I don't know." Mordecai said. "Come on buddy, just one more drive. For old cart's sake?" Cart asked, and Mordecai sighs. "I can't say no to that face." He said.
The four the sunset on a rooftop. "Wow, it's....magnificent. Just seeing such beauty gives meaning to my short life, an even shorter life as a sentient being. I really feel at peace." Cart said. "That's great, dude. Alright, let's get going." (Y/n) said. They try to get into Cart but he drives away from them. "Y-You know, I've never been to a..a, a car wash. Yeah." Cart said. "But we washed you all the time!" Mordecai said.
"No, I mean a real car wash. Look, I know you wouldn't understand because you aren't a golf cart, but, I don't wanna go without experiencing this." Cart said. "But we'll get soaked!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, well I'm getting crushed. Seems like the least you could do, with me being crushed and all." Cart said. The trio feel guilty. Cart is passing through the City Car Wash, while (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are soaped, soaked and dried. They exit the car wash. "Thanks so much, guys. It really means a lot to me." Cart said.
(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby come out of Cart. "And now that I'm clean, I'm ready for my final wish." He said. "Aw, what? You said the "last thing" was the last thing!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) chuckled at that sentence. "I promise this is it. One last wish, for old cart's sake." Cart said. "You've used that excuse before too." (Y/n) said. "Okay, fine. But that's it." Mordecai said. Cart spins a donut.
"Nice! Let's gooooooooo!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby go back in. "Where to, exactly?" Rigby asked. "You'll see." They drive off. They arrived at a restaurant where bikes are parked. "Seriously, you guys are gonna love this." Cart said. "Family Restaurant?" Mordecai asked. "Why is everything in quotes?" Rigby asked. "Because it's not true." (Y/n) said. "Oh..." Rigby said. The four enter the restaurant. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby look around in shock.
"Hey! I asked for the dressing separate! Separate!" A costumer shouted. "Take it up with the complaints department! Right here!" The owner shouted. "Puppies!" "Kittens!" "Puppies!" "Kittens!" Another pair were arguing as well. Kittens Man punches Puppies Man. "Hey! You gonna order something?" The owner asked. "Engine oil. Black." Cart said. "Ooh, I get it! Oil's on me." Mordecai said. The owner pours the cart a glass of engine oil. "You should have just told us you wanted to find an oil change!" (Y/n) said. "Hey! Don't you know that grade of oil causes unnecessary wear and tear on your engine?" A man asked. "Well maybe I've got a death wish, pal!" Cart shouted. "Cart, what are you doing?!" (Y/n) asked. "Jokers like you should be taken to the dump." The man said. He takes a drink.
"You make me wanna puke!" He walks off. "Pfft. Jerk." Cart said. "Okay, haha, you've had your last drink!" Mordecai said. "Let's hurry to the dump, it's getting late!" Rigby said. "Oh, this? This isn't the last thing." Cart asked. "Oh come on!" (Y/n) said in annoyance. " Huh? Then what is it?" Rigby asked. "Watch this." Cart drives off and runs over the man. "I've always wanted to get into a fight!" Cart said, and (Y/n) face palms. The man goes to punch the cart,
but the cart dodges, causing the Hooligan to punch a random man. "Hence fighting words!" The men start fighting, and (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby get grabbed by some of them. "Hate this music!" He punches two more men next to him and everybody fights. "Who wants some?" Everybody attempts to attack the Cart, but he beats everybody easily. Mordecai and Rigby punch a man to free (Y/n). "Cart!" Rigby shouted. Man 2 throws a box onto Cart's roof and laughs. "Hey!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby punch the man. The owner comes along and tackles them as Cart drives off. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby get thrown out the restaurant. "And stay out! This is a decent "Family Establishment!" Don't need you "low lives" messing things up!" He shouted. The owner heads back into the restaurant as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby groan.
"Wait a minute, where's the Cart? I knew it! He ditched us! We should've taken him to the dump when we had the chance! We're so fired, guys!" (Y/n) said. "(Y/n), look! An oil trail!" Rigby said. The trio follow the oil trail to the edge of a cliff. "There he is! Cart...what are you doing up here?" Mordecai asked.
"I - I'm so sorry, you guys. I - I just didn't want you to have to see me like this." Cart said. "It's alright, dude. Can we please just go to the dump now?" (Y/n) asked. "If I have to go, I'm gonna do it my way. I wanna be sent off this cliff, into the ocean, filled with fireworks from a third world country, to go out in a blaze of glory. That's my final - final wish." Cart said. "Are you sure about that?" (Y/n) asked jokingly, and Cart chuckles. "Yes." He said. "That's - the coolest thing I've ever heard." Mordecai said.
The Cart is now filled with fireworks. "Alright. That's the last of them." (Y/n) said. "Thanks, you guys." Cart said. "Do you have any regrets?" Mordecai asked. "Well I never did write that novel. But I've seen things other carts wouldn't believe. I've started an all-out brawl at a family restaurant. I've watched sunbeams shimmer over the city from the highest parking ramp. My only regret is that I couldn't hold more fireworks." Cart said. "Yeah, but it's still a lot." (Y/n) said.
"Yeayuh, it is!" Cart said. "OOHHHH!!!" The four said. "Let's get this show on the road." The Cart revs its engine, while Mordecai prepares to light off the fireworks. "Good luck, old friend." (Y/n) said. The Cart drives off the cliff as fireworks go off. The cart lands in the water, creating a huge splash. "Coolest decommissioning ever." Mordecai said. "Totally cool." Rigby said. "For sure." (Y/n) agreed.
Benson rings in on the three with the walkie talkie. "(Y/n), Mordecai! Rigby!" He shouted. "Hello?" (Y/n) asked. "There's been an accounting error. I forgot to carry a zero and it turns out we can't afford the new cart, and the seat warmer gave Muscle Man third degree burns on 70% of his butt." Muscle Man is screaming and burning while firefighters attempt to put the fire out. "We need you to bring the old cart back. I bet you three are glad to hear that. You know, it wasn't such a bad old cart after all." Benson said. The cart's engine is heard failing, as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby watch over him, and (Y/n) sighs. "Let's go get it." She said.
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