Gut Model

Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost approach (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Pops and Skips. "Good, you're all here. As you probably already know, today marks five years I've worked at the park. So in honor of me, we're eating at Fry it Up at 8:00!" Muscle Man said. "Oh, I'm sorry Muscle Man, I can't." (Y/n) said with pity. "What? Why not?" He asked. "My best friends and I already made plans with Sam, Margaret and Eileen." (Y/n) said. "Pssh, your loss, bro.

While you're striking out with some chicks and some dude, we'll be scoring some wings! And some chicks! Am I right, Skips?" Muscle Man asked. "Sorry, I can't either. I'm bowling with Pops and Benson." Skips said. "Lawn bowling!" Pops said. "Ugh! Looks like it's just me and you tonight, Fives." Muscle Man. "Oh...." Fives said. "What?" Muscle Man asked. "Low-Five is graduating from the police academy tonight! He's my brother, I have to go!" Fives said. (Y/n)'s heart broke a little at this, 'even Fives was bailing on him?' "Fine! You're all uninvited!" Muscle Man houted. "Dude, don't be like that." Mordecai said. "No, it's cool! It's not like it's my fifth anniversary or anything! This bird is flying solo tonight, babies! WHOOOO!" He runs away.

~Time Skip~

"Oh, are you waiting for more people?" A waiter asked. "No! Why would I be? I'm a one-man party!" Muscle Man said. "Okay..." the waiter said. "Give me the bottomless wings, the bottomless muffin tops, and a cream cheese donut stuffed inside a roast chicken." The waiter tries to take the menu from Muscle Man. "Uh, no. I'm gonna keep this for a minute." The waiter walks away. "Those guys are totally missing out." Muscle Man said. "Ugh, this next issue isn't coming together at all!" Filbert said. The waiter comes around. "A little fried milk, please." Mulligan said.

"I mean, look at these. We're supposed to be on the cutting edge." Filbert looks behind him. "Hold the phone?" Mulligan said. "Holding." Filbert said. "I think we found our solution." Mulligan said. Muscle Man is eating glumly. "Uh, excuse me sir." Mulligan said. "What?" Muscle Man asked. "Uh, please, would you mind standing up for a minute?" Mulligan asked. "Ugh, fine." Muscle Man does so. "I know my rights, though." He said. Filbert whistles. "I told you." Mulligan said. "Tell me kid, have you ever thought of becoming a model?" Filbert asked. "No." Muscle Man said bluntly. "Because you sir, have the perfect body.. to pose as a pregnant woman.

Hi. Filbert & Mulligan. Mommy Monthly Magazine." Filbert said, while picturing Muscle Man's body. "Mommy Monthly? But I'm not a woman." Muscle Man said. Filbert laughs. "I just love this kid!" He said. "Look, we all know that there's nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman's belly." Mulligan said. "There's no disputing that." Filbert said. "But we also know that shooting the real thing is twice as expensive and takes three times as long." Mulligan said. "Plus, pregnant women don't stay pregnant forever." Filbert said. "So that's where you come in.

As a gut model. And that is the technical term for males in this business, gut model. You'd make some real sweet dough." Mulligan said. "Some beacoup dinero." Filbert said. "Well, I got other commitments right now, but I appreciate the compliment." Muscle Man said. "Hey, we appreciate the view." Mulligan said. "Of your gut." Filbert said. "Because you look a lot like a pregnant woman." Mulligan said. Filbert gives Muscle Man the business card. "Give us a dangle if you change your mind." He said. He and Mullgan walk off. Muscle Man sits back down. "Pssssh. A model. Yeah, right." He remembers something. "Hmmm." He picks up a piece of food. "Ooooh, Muscle Man! We're sorry we didn't hang out with you. Please don't leave us to be a gut model." That's right. Keep begging." He eats the food. "Hmm-hmm-hmm."

(At the park)

"Ok, everybody. Listen up. Before we do the chore handout today, Muscle Man has something he'd like to say." Benson said. Muscle Man stands up. "I'm quitting." The park workers gasp, and (Y/n) immediately stands up. "What?! Why?! Is it because you're still mad at us? Because I'm really sorry we couldn't go!" She asked in shock and panic. "What? No. I was scooted by some guys at Mommy Monthly Magazine, so I'm ditching you losers to be a world-famous gut model. Whaddya thinka about that?" He replied, and the park workers are amazed, much to his surprise.

"Sounds like a golden opportunity." Pops said. "Yeah! That's amazing!" (Y/n) said. "Uhh, yeah. Ladies, afterparties, and I'll be making oju dinero." Muscle Man said. "That's great, Muscle Man. I'll just fix the schedule." Benson said. He rubs off his name as Muscle Man gasps. "Hi Fives, you're with (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby now." Benson said. He high fives the three. "Alright!" He said. "Yeah-yuh!" Rigby said. "Alright!" Mordecai said. "Sweet!" (Y/n) said. "Uhh, yeah. So I'm pretty set on leaving...

unless you guys need me around or something." Muscle Man said. "Oh we understand. When Mommy Monthly calls," Skips points at him with a smile. "You pick up the phone!" He said. "Alright everyone," Benson said, and everyone gets to work except Muscle Man. "We've got a lot to do today." Benson said. "Fine. I'll see you guys later! But probably not! Because I'm leaving! To be a famous gut model! I'm really gonna do it!" As everyone leaves, Hi Fives looks back with a smile. Muscle Man is crushed. Meanwhile Filbert and Mulligan are looking through various photos of guts.

"No, no, no-" a woman comes in with Muscle Man. "Oh, there he is!" Filbert said. "There's our guy!" Mulligan said. "Yeah, so I guess I'll take the job." Muscle Man said. "Great, great!" Filbert said. "Love it! Hey, we didn't catch your name last time." Mulligan said. "Mitch. But my friends call me Muscle Man!" He said. "Alright, Mitch." Mulligan said. "Hey, soon we're gonna be callin ya "Mommy Man", so get ready!" Filbert said. "This is big, Mitch. Your whole life is about to change." Mulligan said. "We need to celebrate!" Filbert said. "Launch party tonight. Boom!" Mulligan said. "Mitch signs the contract at the party, we'll move all the big players and be there: double boom!" Filbert said. There's a view of Pops' house at the park. "Hey, that's where I work!" He said. "Used to work." Mulligan nudges Muscle Man in the shoulder. "Right, Mitch?" He asked.

"Yeah. Forget those guys. This is gonna be awesome!" He proceeds to hi-five. "This is the magazine industry, Mitch. No hi-fives, okay?" Filbert asked, while straightening his tie. "How bout some quick test shots, huh?" Mulligan asked. Muscle Man gets his gut photographs. "Yeah! Uh-huh! Oh, these look great Mitch!" Mulligan said, while taking the pics. "Hey, you know who else look great in photographs?" Muscle Man puts his hands up. "MY MOM!" He shouted. He chuckles. Filbert & Mulligan aren't amused. "Is that a joke?" Filbert asked. "Look Mitch, we don't do jokes here.

Just let your gut do the talking." Mulligan said. "I was just-" "Shirt! Shirt!" Mulligan shouted. Muscle Man pulls up his shirt with a depressed look on his face. "There we go! Yes!" Mulligan chuckles. It is now Gut Model launch party at the park. People from Fry it Up! are selling fried foods. "I'll have the besta miyata." A costumer said. Muscle Man approaches Benson, who is serving himself food. "Benson!" He said, nonchalantly. "Hey, man of the hour! Nice shirt." Benson said. The shirt says 'Mommy Monthly. This gut's for you!' "Uh, yeah. Hey, I didn't give you my two-

week notice, right? I can stick around if you're short handed." Muscle Man said. "Don't worry about it. I already posted in a job listing." Benson said. "What?" Muscle Man asked. "But what do you care? You're gonna be a gut model." Benson walks away with food. "Get out there and mingle!" He shouted. Muscle Man goes to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who are sitting together at a table eating.

"Give up, guys. It's never gonna work." He said. "What are you talking about?" Rigby asked. Muscle Man points at the tiro. "I know you guys are planning a prank or something. Better get it in while you can. It's your last chance. But if it's really good, I'll have to stay and get you back." He said, and the trio look at each other. "Alright, you got us. We did plan something." Mordecai said. "Oh ho ho! Man, I knew it!" Muscle Man shouted. "Ok, ready?" (Y/n) asked. The trio hop out of their seats and begin to perform.

♪ Muscle Man, Muscle Man!
Usually so obscene
But now you're following your dream
Just don't become a drama queen!
Modeling, modeling
We are modeling, modeling!♪

"That's it?" Muscle Man asked. "'That's it'?" (Y/n) asked. "We've been working on that all day!" Rigby said. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost run into each other. "This is it. I'm really leaving," Muscle Man said. "I know. It's crazy." There's a brief silence. "You're gonna be lost without me, bro." Muscle Man said with a smile. Fives chuckles. "I'll get by." He said. "Yeah, right! I know you're gonna miss me. I might consider staying if you like, begged me or something." Muscle Man said. "Muscle Man, I-" Fives is interrupted by a microphone. "Hello, hello? Hi, welcome everyone. Thanks for coming out to honor the new gut of Mommy Monthly Magazine.

Mitch, where are ya?" There's cheers and applause. "Get up here!" Filbert said. "Uh, what were you saying, bro?" Muscle Man asked. "You better get up there." Muscle Man is confused and walks up. "There he is! Mitch, everybody!" Muscle Man's friends are cheering him on. "Well, the time has come." Filbert hands Muscle Man a pen and the contract. "Just sign the contract and you'll be a world-famous gut model." Muscle Man's friends can be heard talking briefly. "Uh, well, I mean, if no one objects to me leaving. Anyone have a good reason why I shouldn't sign this contract? (Y/n) I know you'll probably say that I shouldn't, right?"

Muscle Man asked. "Just remember us when you're famous!" Skips and the others laugh. Muscle Man sighs and signs his name on the contract. "Ladies and gentleman, our new gut model for life!" Everyone cheers. "Wait, what? For life? You're joking, right?" Muscle Man asked in shock. "We don't joke kid, remember? Read the contract." Muscle Man looks at his friends, who are eating and chatting amongst themselves. He begins to think that they don't care if he leaves to become a gut model and finally loses it. "Okay, fine!" He points at his friends.

"If this is it and you all want me to go so bad...!" He shouted. "Huh?" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Benson, Pops, Skips & Hi Five Ghost asked. "Huh?" Filbert & Mulligan asked. "You want me to go be a gut model?! I'll go be a gut model! But this gut model's going out with a bang, baby!" He takes off his gut model shirt and twirls it. "Whoo!" He shouted. Muscle Man knocks down the mic stand. He then pushes a table. "Yeah!" He sees the Fry it Up! stand. "Yeah! Fry it up, everyone!"

He picks up the mic stand. "Fry up EVERYTHING!" He throws the mic stand into one of the fryers. The food server near it runs away as Muscle Man runs towards him with a chair. He tosses the chair in another fryer. "Stop! You can't put inedible items in the fryer!" A man shouted. "It's my party and I'll fry if I want to!" He pushes the man. He pours plastic items in the fryers, causing them to build up more grease. Muscle Man gets out of the way as the grease comes together, forming a Grease Monster. It begins to fry everything as everyone runs away. It fries up a tree.

"Take cover, everyone!" (Y/n) shouted. Skips shields his friends with the table they were sitting at as the Grease Monster fries it. "Go! Go!" They all run for cover. The Grease Monster heads toward Muscle Man. "Muscle Man!" Fives shouted, noticing Muscle Man in trouble. The Grease Monster begins to shoot Muscle down with grease, and Muscle Man begins to panic as Hi Five Ghost becomes a round shield and covers Muscle Man, taking the grease himself. The monster roams around shooting grease. Muscle Man starts crying. "Calm down! You're ruining everything!" Fives shouted.

"Everything's already ruined! I thought you guys were my friends, but no one cares if I leave." Muscle Man said. "Dude, what? Of course we care." Rigby said, who is under a table with (Y/n), Mordecai and Benson. "We're just happy for you!" Mordecai shouted. "Yeah! We thought it was what you wanted!" (Y/n) shouted. "We don't want to stand in the way of your new life!" Fives said. "What new life? I never wanted to be a gut model. I just wanted you guys to say you needed me." Muscle Man said. "We do need you! I need you!" Fives shouted, as chaos is still going on.

"Well, I needed you at that restaurant last night. You're the one person I thought I could count on." Muscle Man said. "Dude, that was just bad timing! Get over it! If you left, it wouldn't be the same." Fives said. "Really?" He asked. "I'd be miserable without you, bro. You're my best friend." Fives said. Muscle Man grins but then notices the chaos. Pops screams as the Grease Monster is chasing him. Skips saves him just as the monster shoots grease at the two. The monster then shoots more grease at the table covering (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Benson, who scream in terror.

"Fives, let me out!" Fives does so. "What are you gonna do?" He asked. "I'm gonna save my friends." The Grease Monster has fried up the table. "Yo, Grease Puddle!" The monster faces Muscle Man. "You wanna fry something? Fry this!" He runs toward the Grease Monster as his friends look on. "Mitch, nooo!" Filbert & Mulligan shouted. Muscle Man jumps off a table and screams as he sticks his gut out at the monster. "Aaaaaaah!" Muscle Man's gut begins to fry up, following by a blinding light. When it clears, everyone surrounds him.

"Why'd ya do it, kid? You could have been one of the greatest gut models of all time!" Filbert shouted. He opens his crusted eyes. "My friends needed me, and I saved them." He said. "Uh, actually, you didn't really do anything." Mordecai said. "Yeah." Rigby points. "Firemen are still trying to put out the Grease Monster with bread crumbs." He said. "Well actually, you did buy us enough time to make it to safety, so that was pretty cool." (Y/n) smiles. "Well, we don't need this anymore." Mulligan rips the contract. "Whatever. I'd rather be fried and hanging with my bros at a park than be making dijon dinero as a gut model anyday." Muscle Man said. "And we wouldn't want it any other way." (Y/n) said. They laugh as Filbert & Mulligan walk off. "Can you guys stop making me laugh? It hurts when I smile." The gang laugh again and the grease hurts Muscle Man. "Ahioooh!"

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