Part Three
Ann weaved among the tree's looking for a source of water, to dilute her scent. Why was she doing this? There was no such thing as Werewolves, science proved it, and it was irrefutable. The gentle rushing of water came into earshot, and Ann veered left towards it like she had been wondering the sahara desert. Stumbling onwards, Ann felt the water soak her shoes before she could make it out its surface in the murky darkness. The source as it turned out was a deep stream that as she waded inward came up to her knees. Slipping and sliding on the small rocks under the water, Ann wadded out to the deepest part, and dropped into the fetal position submerging herself in the icy cold liquid. She held her breath counting slowly to six, then she shot back up like a missile launched from a submarine. Breaking the surface and taking a breath of chilled air that stung her lungs, she scrambled on her hands and knees to the other side of the creek. Some of the rocks were jagged and dug into her fingers as she pushed herself back onto her feet. Heaving her chest she staggered against a nearby tree, before pushing off and stumbling on.
The next ten minutes were agony as she fumbled from one tree to another, constantly switching directions every few yards. When she became exhausted Ann trotted to a halt, leaning on a boulder the size of a mini van to catch her breath. Scrunching up her eyes, Ann listened for any noise, even for something as faint as a firefly sneezing. When the only sound was her gasping, she slowed her breathing down to lower the volume. After a minute of taking shuddering breaths, she was convinced she had been successful and losing her pursuer. Ann absentmindedly wiped her forehead from sweat, then flinched a sting ran out in her finger. Teeth chattering like one of those wind up novelty toys she whipped her index finger to her lips and felt her stomach disceneragrate when she tasted the sweet flavor of blood. She must have cut her finger on the river rocks, but that meant she had left a trail.
At that moment her fears were confirmed as heavy rasping breathing floated from over her shoulder, the moist heat tingling her neck. Clenching her eyes shut again Ann began muttering to herself, trying to bring herself to the reality that she knew to be fact.
"Werewolves aren't real, it's impossible."
The breathing moved around her left, till it was suddenly washing over her face, the putrid smell of rotten meat penetrating her nostrils in gusts.
"Foolish girl, of course we exist, let me convince you," came a deep rasping voice, that sounded too deep to be from a human, like when an actors voice electronically altered to make it sound demonic.
Ann shrieked so loud her own ear drums felt like they were going to burst, which was exactly the sensation she felt in her chest. The voices owner had driven it's long claws into her left breast penetrating chest cavity, closing its grasp around her heart. With one herculean tug, Ann's organ was ripped out of her sternum, instantly killing her, before she could ever open her eyes. The lifeless body fell onto it's knees teetering for a few seconds before toppling over backwards with a thud. Her killer sneered, before tossing the heart over its shoulder like it was an empty beer can, for it might as well have been, because to it the organ was just trash.
For the first two minutes, Colin ran like a triathlete, only he didn't pace his breathing or speed. Inevitably, his sides started to ache, causing him to stomped slowly to a stop. Collapsing against an oak tree, Colin seized a stitch in his side, panting like a dog in a hundred degree heat. His body was becoming extremely heavy from the constant sprinting, and at that point the only thing that kept him from keeling over in exhaustion was the adrenaline coursing through his veins. There came a rustling of bushes on his left, and Colin stumbled on his tired feet as he tried to back away from the source.
Having heard footsteps, Sarah pulled back the branches of a thickly leaved tree to peer into the small clearing ahead of her. There she saw the man that had burst into their campsite and Paul had accused of murder. At that point in the evenings exciting events she was just glad to find another human being, regardless of accusations.
"Oh it's just you," the man stammered, eyes rolling up in relief, as she pushed through the foliage, his arms falling slack as he exhaled.
"We gotta get out of here, I think this is the way to the ranger station," she blurted out, thrusting an index finger between a pair trees about four feet apart.
"Are you sure it's this way?" he inquired inhaling sharply as he shoved himself of the tree gingerly.
"John said it was this way before I got separated from him and Paul."
"Well with my sense of direction I have no reason to doubt you," the man huffed, beginning to trudge in the direction Sarah had indicated.
Sarah followed beside him, her stomach squirming at moving at such a slow pace, but it was better than being all alone, besides he would no doubt come in handy.
"So my name is Colin, yours is Sarah right?"
She nodded her head vigorously, as though this would be easier to see in the faint moonlight.
The next ten minutes were filled with a soul shattering silence, that made Sarah want to scream just know she existed. Worst Colin was slowing her down, which made her stomach writhe in frustration. Though five minutes after that her decision to stay with him, would seem to pay off. They came to a large shrub, whose leaves stretched tall as a beanstalk. As they approached the plant, the hairs stood up on the back of Sarah's neck and she practically sensed there was something on the other side of the bush.
"Wait, let me check first, to make sure it's clear," she whispered as she placed her hand on her companion's shoulder.
Obliging Colin slowed to a halt, and watched intently as she pushed her head through the thick stalk like leaves, careful to not rustle a single blade.
When she pulled a particularly broad stalk aside, Sarah was harpooned by a sight that made the heat in her body leave. Standing in the clearing in front of her, just visible in the pale moonlight stood a hulking figure with it's back to her, just over seven feet tall, with shoulders broader than a linebacker in pads. Freezing Sarah watched horrified as the monster craned its head to the side, and sniffed several times, before it let out a growl that rumbled like a muscle car.
Retracting her head from the plant like it was a tape measure, Sarah began to sweat, knowing that the beast had detected her, and would soon pounce. She could only think of one way she was going survive, give it a distraction. Composing her face to be as slack and calm as possible she turned back to Colin, and smiled like she was relieved.
"Coast is clear, you go first while I keep an eye on our rear, so nothing gets the drop on us."
Colin nodded, before pushing into the shrub, separating it's leaves and causing a loud rustling, the perfect distraction.
As Colin stepped out of the bush, a prickle moved up the back of his neck, the reptilian part of his brain telling him that there was danger. Straightening up, his eyes streaked across the field, straining to make out the threat, but after several sweeps he found there was nothing. Deciding the stress was getting to his nerves Colin exhaled in relief. After pushing through the stalks, it was a couple seconds before Colin realized he was alone. Struggling his way back through the shrub, he emerged to find Sarah with her back towards him creeping away on tiptoe.
"Hey where are you going?" he called after her in a horse whisper, lips stretching tight.
Jumping on to her toes, the women whirled around, eyes widening at the sight of Colin.
"Where you trying to sneak away," Colin demanded his eyes narrowing accusingly.
Sarah's lips became a thin line while the corners scrunched up, her eyes averting looking into his, like a dog that was being yelled at for peeing on the carpet. Colin took a heavy step forwards, ready to berate her, when his vision adjusted to the dark and he realized there was a figure standing behind Sarah that had he had failed to notice its approach.
The monster, lumbered forward its paws stepping on the patches of ground bare of leaves to prevent detection. It was shorter than the others beast's, about a half a foot taller than Colin, but all muscle, armed with razor sharp claws and fangs. This one's fur was a moca, the tan and brown colors swirling like the caffeinated beverage itself. Feeling his skin squirm, Colin dragged his teeth across his bottom lip trying to force his jaws apart to issue a warning. Before he could however the beast locked its gaze with his and he lost his train of thought mind fogging. The monstrosity slunk right up behind Sarah, and inclined its head so that it was level with her neck.
Sarah had been watching Colin's wide eyes and slack jaw, and a smirked twisted her lips. This melted into bared teeth as she felt the beast's hot breath on her neck, only now realizing what Colin had been goggling at. Shrieking like a banshee, she leaped forward several feet and whirled around. The monster snorted in amusement its muzzle spreading into a toothy grin.
Rising to its full height the behemoth towered over the helpless girl baring its claws.
"Why are you attacking me, he was going to hurt you, kill him," Sarah screamed, and to Colin's astonishment pointed a finger at him.
The beast's glowing eyes flicked at Colin for a fraction of a second before darting back to the defenses women. It gave Sarah the fierce stare of a parent that had just been lied to by a child, its upper lip curling into a snarl.
Sarah opened her mouth again, no doubt to spew more lies, when the beast's claws ripped not only the air but her face as well. There was a bone chilling wet ripping sound, as Sarah's jaw was torn from her head in one dramatic strike. It had been so swift and precise that Sarah's body hadn't even been tugged an inch in the removal. Sarah, made loud gurgling sounds, as if she hadn't yet become aware that her jaw was gone. The monster not yet done with it's brutality, never gave her a chance to become aware of that fact.
Gripping the severed bone in its grizzled hand the beast thrusted it over Sarah's head before driving it downwards with lightning speed. The point of the jaw bone pierced Sarah's skull like it was fabric, making an indescribable crack, and squelching noise. The monster, satisfied, released it's grasp of the bone, still embedded in in the women's cranium. Sarah swayed back and forth on her feet, before kneeling over sideways, and crumpled to the ground.
Colin just stood frozen, unable to even breath, his head starting to feel like it was full of helium. Then the creature turned slowly, and Colin was sure it was intending to attack him then. The creature however, kept turning past him towards the cover of the far trees. It began to lumber slowly way with heavy flat footfalls like an elephant, slouching its shoulders, clearly not caring that Colin was there. In less than thirty seconds the creature disappeared between two trees into the shroud of the night.
Even though his legs would not have responded Colin was unsure if he wanted to move, or just remain where he was, given the dramatic scene he had just witnessed. Letting out a deep exhale, he felt his mind fracturing around the edges from the overwhelming terror he had felt for the last hour or so. Suddenly a new sound pierced the silence of the forest like a spear. A cracking scream issued from the direction the werewolf had headed in.
At this point in the strange night such an occurrence wouldn't have phased Colin, except he recognized its owner.
"Rachel," he shouted, his voice cracking from panic, "Rachel where are you?"
Despite his legs aching and responding sluggishly, Colin urged them onward, as he weaved through the trees towards the source of the cry. A heavy weight was forming in Colin's stomach because Rachel didn't respond to a single one of his calls.
Finally just as he thought the endless darkness would crush him, Colin burst into a sizable field, bathed in the light of the moon, like the lights of a football stadium. The space was empty except for a single shape lying in the center. Dashing forward, the figure became more distinct with each step closer. The thing was a person stark naked, lying crumpled on the ground with their back to him, arms and legs splayed in erratic directions.
Colin dove onto his knees, sliding in the moist soil, his knees stopping millimeters from the body. Grabbing the figures shoulder, Colin wrenched hard, rolling body over, and had his worst nightmare confirmed. Rachel's brilliant brown eyes stared up wide at him, now empty of life. Her mouth was hanging open, in a frozen look of surprise like she had stumbled into a surprise party attended by unimaginable horrors. Across her bare chest, were deep angry slashes, that went through her breast tissue, past her sternum, and must of puncture her heart, because there wasn't a spray of blood, so it had stopped pumping instantly.
Hands and lips trembling, Colin moved his hand up to her cheek, staring into the shocked eyes, the expression told him that death was so instantaneous that she probably didn't have time to feel pain, or even register what was happening. However this brought him little comfort. His hands dropped uselessly to his sides, Colin hunched over, his heart fracturing in realtime from the emotional tidal wave, that was to great for him to feel in entirety. Several seconds passed by, where he sat in silence. Then finally he could not hold it in anymore. Slamming his clenched fists into the damp ground, Colin scrunched up his eyes, and issued a long scream that would echo for miles, as powerful as the grief he felt.
Just been hours ago, he had been laying against her in their warm safe tent, carefree and happy. Then a ripple in his chest as he remembered what he had seen on her phone when he had gone back to the tent. For a second, his hands clenched, at the betrayal, but seconds later they laxed. What did it matter now if she had been cheating, he would have rather had her in his life having to work out her infidelity then have her ripped out of his so brutally. It seemed so pointless to care, he wasn't even go to know the truth now. It didn't matter to him, if she had not been faithful, he just wanted her back.
His emotional anguish was interrupted by a roar that came from the edge of the clearing, causing Colin to jump to his feet both in terror and readiness to fight. The eight foot tall werewolf was back, crouched low in a ready to strike pose, its amber eyes fix on Rachel's body.
"You can't have her you son of a bitch," Colin shouted at the top of his lungs, before charging, his fists raised ready to fight the monster to the death to avenge his loss. The beast lunged forward, closing the fifteen foot gap between them in a fraction of a second. Before he could take his first swing, the beast backhanded Colin in the left shoulder like he was a fly, and sent him sailing in to the compacted earth where he crumpled.
While he was disoriented the Werewolf scooped up Rachel's body, and swung it over its shoulder. Colin staggered to his feet clumsily, only able to watch as the beast cantered off, carrying the body of his love. He crashed to his knees, before slumping, shaking violently, time passing without his notice.
In a continuous stupper, his mind shutdown unable to handle the mammoth task of processing his grief, Colin was justled from his emotional catatonia, by a shout from behind him. Standing on the edge of the trees were two men he recognized from the campsite. The shorter one was Paul, the one that had accused Colin of beheading his friend, the other was the blonde man holding the gun at his side.
"Come on John, the more of us together the easier it will be to find our way out," Paul called over his shoulder as he approached Colin in a brisk confidant stride that clearly said he was not afraid of Colin being a trap. "Hey man are you alright?"
Colin looked up at the man's question but didn't answer, it was too hard to repeat what he had just gone through.
"Not really," he replied, planting his feet underneath his body and swaying upright.
"Ya lot of that going around, come with us, John over there says he can find our way back to the cars so we can get out of here."
The other man had thick slightly messy hair, with the back somewhat longer, bordering a mullet, an elongated nose, and blue eyes, that contained a light that was a little unvering, like his handsome outside did not reflect his inside.
Colin maneuvered his gaze to the man's face, and saw that he had a confident smile etched into it, that looked rather fake. Colin's first impulse was to speak the truth that these ruthless intelligent beast's were not going to let them escape. Upon further thought however, trying to do so was the only way to keep his mind off his lost love, he wanted to grieve later once he was out of this hell, or never have to, due to being killed.
Colin accepted the hand that Paul offered him, and allowed himself to be guided back to the other man waiting on the edge of the field.
"We don't need him, I can get us out of these woods, no one is better at it then me," John boasted, eyes half open nostrils flared in indignation. Colin frowned slightly already not liking him in the first several seconds they had interacted.
"Just get us out of here that is all that matters," Paul replied slacked faced, gesturing with his wrist for John to proceed.
His face stiffening their leader took his light and cast it across the trees encircling them, and back a few times, then pointed his finger in a direction that the moon lumed over.
"This way."
As the other two proceeded Colin's stomach knotted, pretty sure when he had been running away from the camp that the moon had been behind him. Still he trudged on because he had no sense of direction himself.
"I think we are going backwards," Colin whispered hoarsely ten minutes later, causing them all to come to a stop.
"No one is better at direction them me," John flared up in an instant his voice becoming too loud to keep their position a secret.
"I have total confidence in John, we have nothing to worry about," Paul said flatly waving his hand like Colin's concern was a pesky fly.
His nostrils flaring John, stomped on, with Paul trudging behind, leaving Colin where he stood. Now was the time to consider if staying with the other two was smart. It was clear John had no clue what he was doing, and just as dangerous was Paul's turning a blind eye to the fact he was so incompetent. As Colin clasped his hand over his eyes grappling with these facts, there was a shout from up ahead.
Forgetting his quandary, Colin started to pump his legs, tearing past several trees whose branches whipped at his face. He found the other's standing on the edge of a clearing, moonlight pouring down through the trees to reveal the last thing Colin wanted to see again. The site changed since the last time they had stood there. The tent had been shredded, the poles snapped into tiny sticks. The cooler had been flipped, smashed beer cans littered the area. Scott's body was now crumpled on the ground, his weight having snapped the tree branch he had been squired on.
"You have no idea what the fuck you are doing do you?" Colin shouted brandishing a bruised finger at John, whose face scrunched up angrily.
"Hey none of us really know where we are going," Paul interjected raising a hand between Colin and John.
"Your just as bad for blindly following him, he's your friend, how the fuck did you not know he has no clue, and was leading over the fucking proverbial cliff."
Face contorting into an ugly grimace, John raised the revolver with a shaking hand, and pointed it at Colin's chest before using his thumb to pull the hammer back with a soft metallic click.
"We are alone out here, I could blow your head off and completely get away with it."
Breath frozen in his chest, Colin glanced at Paul, who was looking away from the threatening gesture as though he was more interested in a discarded bra on the ground.
Colin never had to conceive how to respond to such a blatant threat for a blood curdling howl came from the other side of the campsite like an erupting volcano. All three of their heads snapped in the direction of the sound, which was accompanied by growling like rocks grinding together.
From the darkness behind the lifeless corpse of Scott, two enormous figures materialized. The beast's were skulking on all fours, heads low to the ground, upper lips raised up into snarls as they crept towards the three survivors. One would have probably been seven feet tall standing, with onyx colored fur, and large luminous brown tawny eyes. The other would have been about nine errict, sporting a coat with splashes of tawny brown, grey, and black smudged together. Without a word all three men spun on their feet, and begun to pound the dusty ground. Without looking back they could hear the two brutes loupe on all fours in pursuit, their heavy breathing hounding them.
As they burst into an empty clearing, the worst happened. Colin's sore legs, tired from a night of running and being in a constant state of terror spasmed and he stumbled on his own feet and fell to his knees. He had not even a second to comprehend what had happened before he heard the panting on either side of him. This was it, Colin had had a good run, but no one could keep up such a physical demand for long.
To his great surprise the monster's pounded past him barreling after the other two. John who was a foot ahead of Paul, glanced over his shoulder, and in the pale moonlight Colin could see the color drain out of his face seeing that the Werewolves would overtake them in second's. Then in an act of cowardice and cruelty that Colin hadn't thought could raise the bar after everything he had seen that night, John hopped onto one foot. Raising his other he rammed it forcefully into Paul's shin. In slow motion Paul's upper body moved forward while his weight bearing foot faltered and he tumbled face first into dusty earth.
Before Paul could even try to push his face out of the dirt, the two beast's had caught up, and one seized his legs while the other snatched his right arm. His plan to distract the monster's a success, John tore out of sight into the far trees without giving Paul a single look. Without taking the time to think logically, Colin, darted his eyes across the barren dirt for some kind of weapon, a thick branch or rock. This act was interrupted as Paul released a howl that sounded like a dog having it's tail tread on. Swiveling his eyes back across the field, Colin saw that one of the beast's had grabbed Paul's other arm, and both abominations began tugging his entire body into two different directions, like children playing tug a war for their favorite toy.
Paul shrieked in a manner that more suited a little girl, but in the circumstance it was hard to judge him. There were four distinct sharp cracks as his limbs become dislocated from their sockets. Weincing from the grotesque sight, Colin crickled his eyes but was unable to look away. The Werewolves took several steps apart till Paul's body was taught, then leaning forward slightly they lunged in opposite directions.
The sound of ripping skin, flesh, and muscle, never penetrated Colin's ears, because every capacity to process senses was focused watching as Paul's waist ripped, and his torso was torn asunder from his hips, his spinal cord staying attached to the lower portion and departing the upper one. In the single movement of ripping the man in two, the monster's pulled their respective halves to the side and cast them behind them without further thought.
Still sprawled on the ground Colin watched horrified as the to beasts stopped to lick the blood and flesh from their coats. Neither seemed to notice him, though once or twice he could have sworn they cast him a disconcerted glance. Once their coats were cleansed of crimson and pink the two monsters stood back up and finally turned their attention to Colin, eyes narrowed watching him motionlessly. Colin for his part was no longer afraid, nor feeling courageous. Truth was he was no longer capable of processing how he felt, he just exhaled and looked away from the two behemoths no longer able to care what they did.
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