Chapter 7 - Confrontation

With the address Felicity gave them, an abandoned museum in Central City, Barry, Clark, Thea, Sara, Ray and Diggle went for Grodd while Kara and Oliver went after Deathstroke, who still tried to create havoc back in Star City.

- Why there's always has to be multiple attacks so we need to divide? – Ray said once they got to the museum, looking around cautiously and ready for anything that could happen.

- Divide and conquer, Ray. – Sara said walking in front of everyone – Besides, someone needed to stop Slade so I can bring him back to his original timeline and erase his memory from the last events.

- We have enough back up here guys. And I'm sure Ollie and Kara can handle him – Barry said.

Clark flew in front of everyone, making them all stop. He used his x ray vision on the building, already waiting for a few surprises but couldn't see a thing.

- What? – Diggle asked, noticing the confused look in Clark's face.

- Lead. All walls are with lead, I can't see through...

- Of course not – they all hear a voice and looked around, trying to find the source. – I was ready for you.

Everyone walked around trying to find the source of that voice.

- Do you all hear it right? – Ray asked, afraid of the answer.

- Yes, Ray.

- Cool, I'm not losing my mind then... - He looked at Sara and lowered his head – Sorry.

- Don't waste time... I'm in your heads. – The cold voice kept talking.

- This is creepy... - Diggle said – And not cool!

- You have arrived just in time to meet the real world dominator, the destroyer! I made him whole and now, we are going to make Earth ours.

The voice echoed through the abandoned first floor of the museum. Coming from the shadows, a tall and hooded figure emerged, walking like he was floating around.

- It's the person from the news... - Thea whispered and Barry nodded with his head, not taking his eyes from it.

- It's funny... - The figure said with its cold and weirdly calm voice. – How I was created so far away, and how I ended up here. It's like destiny wanted me here, to do what I couldn't do before, on my own planet.

He walked slowly and stared deeply at Clark's face.

- Just like you, I come from planet Krypton. It was sad the way it exploded. My rests were found by a true loyal friend and now I stand by you, to let you know a little secret... Whatever happened in your world, fellow kryptonian, it won't repeat itself here. I'm truly sorry to disappoint you.

- I guess you're underestimating me, or anyone in this Earth. – Clark said as he closed his fists.

- You're the one doing that! – He said as he turned around and walked back to the shadows.

No one understood what just happened. While they looked at each other confused, Sara kept her eyes on the hooded figure as he looked like he was waiting for something. She could tell something was off and suddenly Clark fell to the ground, his hands pressing his head, and he screamed in agony.

- Superman? What happened? – Barry said as he approached cautiously.

Clark opened his eyes and his heat vision started shooting everywhere, blindly. Everyone tried to avoid it and suddenly, Clark was floating on air again, but staring deadly at the team.

- Kill you all – He said it in a cold voice.

- It's Grodd! – Diggle said – He's controlling Superman.

Clark looked intensely at Ray and Thea and was about to fry them when Kara flew in super speed, using her own heat vision against Clark, both ray of lights meeting halfway while neither gave up. Oliver came jumping from the highest window of the first floor, breaking its glass. He rolled on the floor and aimed at Grodd who appeared from the door. Barry used his super speed to try to hit Grodd while Oliver shot a tranquilizer arrow right in Grodds arm.

- KARA, NOW! – Oliver shouted and they quickly switched places.

Kara flew really fast towards Grodd, giving him a punch while he tried to take the arrow from his arm.

- Hey monkey! – She said while she kept punching him until he couldn't take anymore.

Grodd let a loud roar out and started to fall down. Barry cleared the room, taking everyone that was near Grodd, away. Grodd fell with a loud thud. Meanwhile, Oliver grabbed one of his kryptonite arrows and aimed at Clark, right when he was about to use his heat vision again. The arrow went straight to Clark's shoulder and he fell to the ground right away.

- I'm sorry, man. – Oliver said

Grodd was on the ground, trying to get up while Ray kept attacking him in his small size. Grodd seemed lost, not able to see who was attacking him when he felt something like a needle on his skin.

- This will do... I hope so – Ray said as he looked proudly at his work and went back to normal size.

- You got here right on time, brother! – Thea said as she came to Oliver's side, looking at Clark on the ground. – But we still have one more problem to deal with...

- Try that again... - Oliver said as he pointed to the door.

Malcolm, Reverse Flash and Deathstroke all came in together, making everyone feel even more confused than before.

- I thought you guys were dealing with Slade! – Thea said looking alarmed at Oliver.

- Well, Malcolm was supposed to be locked up until the Wave Rider came pick him up! – Oliver answered.

- What the hell? – Sara looked incredulously at the three of them.

- It's nice to have the right friends at the right time! – Eobard said as he went after Barry and they started to fight.

- So annoying! – Thea said as she looked at Sara and went both for Malcolm and Slade.

Kara and Ray kept trying to keep Grodd down while Oliver and Cisco checked on Clark.

Clark started to blink and make gestures with his hands so he could get rid of the kryptonite arrow on his shoulder.

- I'm back... - He said with some difficulty. – Help...

Oliver took the arrow from him and destroyed it.

They barely had time to say anything. Clark used his super speed and stormed away. Oliver looked to the door, not knowing what to say. They all heard a small laugh coming from the corner of the room and the hooded figured appeared again.

- That was your strongest hero? Your friend? The coward that ran away? – He asked with an extremely calm voice.

He stood where he was, just watching as the chaos happened all at once. Deathstroke finally managed to kick Sara down, throwing her to the ground as she let out a loud scream.

- This way you'll always remember me, dear Sara – Slade said as he kept cutting the skin of her leg.

Diggle tried to shoot him, but Slade was faster, throwing one of his knifes into his knee. He felt down in pain, trying to take the blade from his skin. Sara felt weaker than ever, her wound was deep and she was bleeding a lot. Barry looked worried for a few seconds and it was enough to Eobard lock him against the wall with one of his arms, getting ready to use his hand on his heart, to stop it.

- You never learn, do you? Never get distracted in the middle of a fight, Flash!

Grodd managed to sit back on the floor, using his tricks to control Kara's mind. She stared at Ray and grabbed him by his collar; throwing him against the wall and making him lose his conscious. She turned to Oliver and user her super speed to fly to him, grabbing him by his arms and lifting him to the ceiling.

- You'll burn, Queen!

She was really strong; he couldn't make her let go of him. It was a real struggle, because he knew that wasn't Kara, just Grodd controlling her mind. He looked down just to see Thea and Malcolm fighting.

Things were getting uglier by the minute, the hooded figure walked around the place, talking like he was contemplating something he found really beautiful.

- I'm Doomsday! Your fight against my forces is nothing! Accept your destiny and your death will be... Not that painful!

- We won't accept anything! – Sara said, gasping.

- You already lost, dear!

Kara was high in the sky, ready to burn Oliver. Her eyes went red and he closed his eyes, knowing there was nothing left for him to try. He couldn't do anything against her, just hope for a miracle. He started feeling his flesh burning when a loud scream came from the distance as soon as a wormhole opened in the middle of the room. Kara fell to the ground, bringing Oliver with her. His back hit the floor and he felt a heavy pain on his back, but had no time for it right now. He covered his ears as the scream kept getting louder and louder. Kara did the same as she started coming back at her senses.

Eobard, Deathstroke and Malcolm were thrown away, hitting the wall across the room. The three of them fainted with their ears bleeding. Doomsday kept covering his ears, a strong wind coming in his direction.

Through the wormhole, Black Siren came in front, being followed by Alex, Lena, Killer Frost and Vibe. Killer Frost used her powers against Grodd, freezing him just in time, while he was still dizzy from all the screaming.

Behind them all, there was a flying figure carrying something that looked really heavy on his back. It was Superman, bringing a huge machine with him.

- It took you long enough! – Thea said feeling a huge relief.

- I told you to trust me! – Laurel smiled and she screamed again, distracting Doomsday

Clark left the huge machine on the ground and with Kara, flew around Doomsday, attacking him. Alex looked quickly at Lena, giving her a blink and Lena smiled back at her. Lena pressed a small button on the lower part of the machine and it started turning on. She turned to the rest of the team and handled them ear protectors.

- Things are about to get really loud – She said as she turned back to the machine.

Doomsday was easily beating up both Kara and Clark while laughing at the same time. Laurel kept screaming, trying to help knock him out.

Alex ran towards Sara, Barry and Oliver as they tied Slade, Malcolm and Eobard down, putting devices on them that looked like necklaces.

- This will keep them from using any super powers or any trick until you guys bring them back to their original timelines. – She said while Barry quickly locked the devices around their necks. When he was about to lock the last in Eobard's neck, he punched Barry.

- Until next time, Flash! – He said and vanished from everyone's sight.

- Thanks for that. – Sara smiled at Alex, still feeling pain in her leg.

- Are you ok? – Barry asked worried, while getting up and massaging his face.

- I can handle it! – She said – Are you ok?

- Yes – He said. – I'm pissed that he escaped again, but ok.

- Great! We have bigger thing to do now. – She finished and turned around looking up.

Kara and Clark were getting heavily beaten by Doomsday, that had his ears bleeding from Black Siren's scream, but he was surprisingly still strong. Cisco opened a breach and sent Grodd to another Earth as quickly as he could, before the gorilla could recover and try to manipulate anyone else.

- Maybe I can try to do the same with Doomsday? – Cisco said, looking at Barry.

After Barry's nod, Cisco tried, but they were moving so fast high in the air, it was impossible for him to get it right. It was light some force field was around the three of them, making it impossible for any of them interfere at the fight.

- Are you ready to give up? – Doomsday said, his face distorting, the blood in his ear vanishing as he regenerated. He grabbed Kara's neck with one hand and Clark's neck with the other.

Black Siren tried to keep screaming but had to stop. She was feeling weak and barely able to breath. She looked with a sad look at Sara and the others, like she was apologizing for failing them. One second later, her body collapsed on the ground. Barry ran to catch her before her body hit the ground.

- She is just exhausted.

- We can bring her back to Star Labs – Killer Frost said.

- Yes, and I'll make sure Malcolm and Slade stays locked in our cells back there. – Cisco said as he dragged Malcolm and Thea held Slade. – We'll be right back!

Oliver, Barry, Ray and Sara tried to think about something but there was nothing they could do. The most powerful people they had in the team were getting beaten pretty hard right now by that horrible creature that was shifting apparently to its true form. Oliver started feeling desperate, not knowing what to do. The machine was full on now, but Lena and Alex looked worried, like the plan they had, wasn't working at all. Alex tried to shoot him with her special gun, but it didn't even scratch him.

- Are you ready to give up? – Doomsday repeated as Clark and Kara started feeling dizzy.

There was a whoosh of air out of sudden through a new wormhole and Doomsday got a double punch right on his mutating face.

- I don't think so! – Martian Manhunter said as he used his telepathic powers to weaken Doomsday while the Supergirl attacked from the other side.

- Ok... I'm seeing right, or there's two Karas up there? – Sara said as she looked startled at the fight.

- No, you're right. – Oliver said feeling even more lost than before.

Cisco came back with Caitlin, Laurel and Thea, just right on time.

- She threatened to kill us if we didn't bring her back to the fight – Caitlin said.

- I'm ok now! I ate a protein bar.

- I won't even ask – Alex said – OK GUYS, ATTACK NOW!

Everyone gathered around Doomsday and started using their weapons and powers at the same time.

- Supergirl, Martian, HERE! – Lena yelled, throwing them ear protectors and they grabbed them in the air – PUT IT ON NOW!

As soon as they did what Lena said, Laurel user her scream against Doomsday and everyone else started attacking as well. Clark and Kara managed to get rid of Doomsday hands and used their freeze breath along with Supergirl, while J'onn dominated his mind. Doomsday yelled in anger but all their attacks combined were starting to work.

Lena hurried up and opened the machine while the others made Doomsday get into their trap. As soon as he was in, Lena locked the door and pressed another button.

- This won't be pretty! – Alex said as she turned around, not to see what was happening.

- I don't care – Laurel said – I'm going to enjoy this!

Little by little, Doomsday body started to get ripped in four pieces as he gave his last scream. Lena turned the machine off and Clark looked proudly at her and the others.

- And it's done! – Laurel smiled satisfied.

- Thanks for the note, by the way – Supergirl patted Alex shoulder, smiling at her.

- Let's not celebrate yet – Clark said. – We need to keep his parts separated and far away from each other, so he won't be able to regenerate. I will send one of his parts to the Phantom Zone.

- I can let one piece with Gypsy on Earth 19. – Cisco said – We broke up but she said she could help if we ever needed her.

- Its ok, I can lock one piece at the DEO. – J'onn said, coming back to his human form.

- And the last piece, I will bring to ARGUS, it will be safe there. – Diggle said.

As soon as it was all settled, Barry reached for Sara's hand and picked her up.

- You were hurt; we won, now you'll be taken care of. Liking or not, your wound it's not looking good. – He said – I meet you guys back in Star Labs.

- You'll also go rest now, lady. There's plenty of time to talk and explain everything! – Clark said as he looked at Laurel and the others. – We will explain everything. – He said before Laurel collapsing again, this time in his arms.

Oliver just kept staring at everyone, not knowing what to feel or what to say. There was a lot to take in just a few hours, all he knew was that he needed some air. He walked away and Kara kept staring at him. Supergirl watched the scene from the distance, feeling something weird inside of her.

That was not the first time she had felt this way. Something was off and she needed to find out what it was.

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