Whose the cutie?
Dash and me did the usual together, homework,( And there was a lot from all the school we missed. ), skate park, Mr. Tasty's, come home play video games, watch a movie, ( Or two.... Or four. ) eat dinner, put on our pajamas, ( Mine: A over sized T-shirt with boy shorts underwear. His: Boxers.), And stay up talking and making jokes until we fall asleep.
This is the usual. And I am so glad for it. Me and Dash were in our beds, talking across the room to each other. And dash was telling a dirty joke. But didn't I didn't let him finish I hit him on the head with my pillow laughing. We ended up having an intense pillow fight. Laughing like we had sneezed out our brains. But still I didn't want to disturb the peaceful slumber of my parents so me and Dash played quietly for a minute more then I surrendered. And after saying goodnight to one another we both went to sleep.
And so, the days passed much like this one. Differing here and there. Such as the period of time it takes place. We happily enjoyed one another's company. Dash had been telling me all about his crush on a girl named April for a few days he went on and on about her beauty and how she was the single most beautiful girl in our grade at our school. Finally when the bell rang for lunch, I told Dash to point her out to me. I had to see this girl, I wondered how a girl as beautiful April couldn't be popular or if she was why I had never heard of her or even seen her. And that's when I saw her. Looking fresh off the movie set.
One that was set in the spring. She was a redhead, auburn, her hair was vibrant burnt orange peel, with eyes that were aqua blue, gold flecks sprinkled inside them. Long black oily lashes. A tall skinny figure that pairs well with loose summer dresses, slightly freckled face. Pale white skin that extremely contrast to her hair and eyes. And a tragically beautiful pout face.
You could say that the only immediate flaw I could Identify was her smile. Her mouth just wasn't the right shape for a truly sparkling smile. I could totally see why dash would be attracted. "She really is a looker." I say. " Are you kidding her dad is the devil and her mother a siren, because she's so hot she could drown prince charming at sea." says Dash.
And for how very little sense that made, I had to say, I completely agreed.
Dash continues "She moved here from LA, Hollywood. Today is her first day of school, but I knew all about her before that because her dad is my dad's college friend. He hosted a Housewarming dinner party, and naturally my dad was invited. And so was his family. I met her at the party and she is really funny and used to do hair product and makeup commercials."
I was pleased that Dash had found someone he really liked other than me, and every stranger he sees on the street. But one thing was bugging me, "Why didn't you tell me about this dinner party." When Dash didn't immediately answer, I began tapping my foot impatiently so that he understood me, and I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Well, um you see. I kinda haven't been telling you a lot of things like I actually called that lady who gave me her number at Mr. tasty's. And I made a new friend- who I was going to introduce you to- so don't lose it yet." I fumed and ignoring his statement I hit him VERY HARD in the stomach. He fell to his knees and clutched his stomach gasping for air. "That'll show you to hide things from me." I offer dash my hand and help him off the floor then hit him in his stomach again, lighter this time. This time he clutches his stomach and groans. I leave him on the floor in the middle of the hallway and head into the cafeteria to eat lunch by the time Dash makes it to the seat where I am there's only five minutes until lunchtimes officially over.
He eats as fast as he can. And I, no longer furious but still angry walk him to class. After school me and dash head to his house. Where no longer angry but still upset, I suggest that dash invite this new friend of his. His face flushes knowing that he has no choice in the matter after the stunt he's pulled. He pulls out his phone and sends a text. While we wait Dash makes me sit in his lap so he can practice having April as his girlfriend, he takes a brush and comb through my much longer hair reminding me I am in dire need of a haircut, he combs my hair differently until he finds the most soothing way to brush a girl's hair. Then I very begrudgingly let him sadly braid my hair, finally after six tries he gets it right. And I am allowed to get off his lap and take out my braids.
I lay down on my stomach and he massages my back which isn't as awkward as sitting in his lap or as annoying as getting my hair braided. Actually it was.... quite pleasant...... My mind slowed, "Mm." As I was lulled slowly to the land of dreams. "Um, am I interrupting something." There was a voice, of a young teenage boy. My eyes shot open I sat up so fast I knocked Dash of my back and fell backwards onto him. I quickly sat up. "Uh, no nothing. How long have you been standing there?" I ask. "About two minutes, then thought that rude of me so I made myself aware of." Says the boy. I got to my feet. "Oh, well you must be Dash's new friend. The one he didn't tell me anything about." I glare at dash. then return my attention to the boy. "Well I'm Aaron, but you can call me Rain. Whatever suits you." The boy was just a little shorter than Dash and a little taller than me.
"Okay. The name is Peter." And I felt that I needed to make one very common mistake clear, especially given the circumstance of what just transpired. "So Peter, was it? Just so you know I am not Dash's girlfriend. I am his friend- of seven years." Peter closed his eyes and nodded wisely, then spoke, "I never would have guessed what with that dirty game you were playing on the floor." My face and dash's turned scarlet red, and then some.
"No, I mean of course not... we would never... It was a massage... you see I was pretending to be his girlfrien- Er.. scratch that what I mean is-" He starts laughing "Relax I was only joking, Dash has told me all about you."
"I beg your pardon, you're telling me that Dash told you all about me but didn't bother telling me anything about you!" Okay, 1.. 2.. 3.., I was counting to ten to prevent another punch to Dash's gut, but even still, Dash backed away from me about two feet.
Peter had a very cute accent I noticed and handsome features. I stopped myself. What's wrong with me. Why on earth would I even think about something like that after what I just went through and all the trouble it caused me.
And I really never thought of dating, dash was an exception, until he wasn't. Now all of a sudden I'm having another crush. Now that I think about it, Dash was my first crush.
If you count that sort of thing. If not....... then would that make Peter my first? No. Of course not, I don't think of him that way we've only just met. But... it's possible. "Anyway Peter has just moved here from New Zealand, and he is very fond of video games, and is here with an older sister and his mom." Dash informs me. I put out my hand to shake. Peter takes it with a smile. I feel giddy, and oddly warm. Perhaps it won't be so bad having another friend in our duo. I can see it already, endless summers, classic Halloween pranks, junk food, video games, zombie movie marathons, complete and total chaos. Me like-y.
(Omg I just realized I was writing about a character from New Zealand before I ever met my fiancee who is- from New Zealand!! The fucking universe was foreshadowing on my life tf)
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