Another fight

(Please point out any grammatical errors. This book consists of first drafts and I haven't proof read any of this.)

It had been a month since we were attacked, and sometimes I wake up screaming, remembering that awful night. Dash is always there for me though, whenever one of those nights comes by he comes and lays in my bed, doesn't go back to sleep till I do, and usually stays there till morning.

 He gets me anything I need, and whispers jokes in my ear until I burst out laughing. One time he told the most awful dirty joke. 

"You know I've seen Ms. Lawson's underwear before right. Because she hangs her clothes on a clothesline in her backyard. And every time I see it there's something on it. One time I saw what I swear was syrup, and another time cookie crumbs. And finally, the last time I saw.... I saw... a chicken wing wrapped in her underwear on the line." I shoved dash in the shoulder, almost making him fall off the bed. "That's disgusting, Roy." "No seriously, no joke Aaron......You know what I think. I think that she puts food in her underwear so that no matter where she is she can have a bite to eat." And that's all it took to get the nightmare off my mind and make be burst into a fit of giggles and this time I didn't care that I was giggling.

 I also have a private psychiatrist, he's really nice and all but, the sessions never help anything get better. I still always leave as nervous and scared as when I arrived, and the nightmares are always still there. So other than me having weekly scheduled appointments with my psychiatrist, and the fact that I have nightmares every other night, things have been back to normal. 

Me and Dash didn't become awkward like I assumed we would. So, life in the day is great. "You think if I beg hard enough, they'll give us our allowance early?" 

Me and dash had just got out of school, and all he could think about was his allowance. He wanted to buy a really flashy dirt bike so that he can, in his words exactly, "Get attention from the girls." Honestly the bike he wants could get attention from aliens in outer space. It's a muffler-P 13, the newest bike around. It purrs like a kitten when in constant motion and rumbles like a lion when revved. It has the sickest decals, with serpents and green lightning bolts, blue, orange and red flames, it has a metal chain accessory that goes from the back rack to the front bumper. It has the slickest finish with a shine that makes it almost look like it glows green in the dark. And it has a radio... A dirt bike with a radio. 

Talk about nice. And expensive. 

We get fifty dollars a month on average, and sometimes if were well behaved or it's a holiday or special occasion it might be seventy-five to one hundred. And we definitely have not been good and there's no significant holiday this month. (It's November) And the price of the bike is $6, 540, it would take him five years to earn enough to buy it relying only on his allowance. Maybe if he got a job paying $25 dollars a week and got a hundred dollars in allowance every month, he'd be able to get it in three years instead of five. I told him just to call it quits. But he just wouldn't listen to reason.

 Believe me I would LOVE to have a bike like that one. But it just isn't that serious. 

"Aaron stop to think of the possibilities. We would finally have the required bike for the contests." Dash says "You have to be eighteen to enter, that means we would still have to wait two years before getting in." I reply. "We would be the coolest people at the school for like a week." He continues. "Although a week of fame does sound tempting it doesn't sound good enough for me to waste several months of my allowance or get a job." I argue. "You would get attention from the guys, same goes for me in opposite." He pressures. " I have told you on countless occasions I am not interested in guys and I definitely don't want a whole bunch of girls all over you, preventing you from hanging out with me as usual because you have six girlfriends all fighting to get your attention." I counter, "Roy let's just forget about this okay it's not going to happen."

 For the time being he stops talking about it and instead starts in on why I don't want a boyfriend and continues in this area of conversation all the way to my house and up to my bedroom where he finally stops only because we needed to focus on homework and Korean practice. But when we're done the onslaught starts all over again.

 "Come on Aaron, you're holding out on me." Dash whines. "No I'm not there is nothing to tell. I don't want one because I'm not interested in that sort of.. thing right now." I had slipped and Dash sensed it. "Why did you hesitate when you said sort of thing." I look away from him as my eyes widen and my face starts to flush. But I should have known better than to look away. That only sparked his interest. He grabs my wrists and forces me to sit facing toward him, but I still look away from him.

 I really wished I had long hair right then to cover my face. 

"Aaron look me in the eye and answer this, is there something that you want to tell me?" I hesitate, then turn my head stare him hard in the eyes and tell him, "No." And say it with a straight face, and even as he looks me in the eye for what seems like ages, but in reality, I know was merely a few seconds I keep my cool and remain the same. 

Eventually he lets go of my wrists and gets out of a squatting position. He rubs his face, "I know you're lying but I'm not going to force it out of you. Just know I'm here if there is something you would like to say." His eyes turn warm and a smile creeps up his face in that way of his. "I know, how about a bike ride into town for a doughnut from Mr. tasty's. Hmm?" He asks. 

I know what he's trying to do. It won't work. The comfort of Mr. tasty's Cafe in our little spot in the corner which is the most well-lit warm area in the cafe, won't get me to spill the beans but he sure can try. "Sure, let's go." 

I pull out some emergency money that I hide underneath my bed mattress, for times like these. It has slowly amassed, starting with $17.45, and became $ 627.23. "Whoa you had all of that under your mattress and you never told me. That is a nice big jump toward that dirt bike-" I cut him off "No way. It took me three years to save that much money. I am not going to spend it all on some bike so that we can have a bike that looks cool. Key word being "Looks." He stares into my eyes. Darn him, he knows that those dark eyes look as though they could stare into my soul. 

"Alright I'll think about it." I relent. I grab twenty dollars and my sweater then get away from those eyes as fast as I can before he makes me guarantee it. Me and him grab our bikes and ride downtown. When we're inside the shop I am instantly glad I decided to come. Roy goes and sweet talks some college girls out of our spot, and for once I am glad he is so full of himself.

 I hear the ladies giggle and then get up out of the booth one of them gives dash a kiss on the cheek and the other one hands him a sheet of paper. I had made sure to give Dash plenty of space to work his charms. Then they walk out of the store, as they pass me by, I see they are one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen and by the smell of their perfume have a bit of cash. "Your boyfriend over there is a real cutie and a total sweet talker." Says the girl who kissed him, she turns her head and waves at him before fully exiting the store. I don't bother telling her he's not my boyfriend, when you're a girl who hangs out with a cute boy, people tend to think you're in a relationship. I'm used to it by now. 

I take my seat at the booth and Dash slides in across from me, "How do you do it? How do you get girls that are five years older than you to swoon over you." I demand. "Why you jealous?" He bounces his eyebrows. "That's disgusting. Uh! you are unbelievable." I throw up my hands in disbelief. He just laughs. I don't see what's so funny. 

A waiter comes to our table, she is a tall Hispanic brunette with ringlets of hair. Really pretty and is wearing turtle green and aqua blue, and gold hoop earrings. As soon as she sees Dash her face turns bright red and her eyelashes repeatedly flutter in a nervous manner. "Anything I can get for you sir." She said it almost as if he were older than her.. Sir??? I make my confusion and irritation clear to Dash. "We want the peppermint frappes, a bear claw, a maple doughnut, a glazed doughnut, and a slice of chocolate cake." 

She writes like her life depends on it. "Anything else sir?" Dash shakes his head, signaling no. She leaves the table.

 "What was that all about Roy?" I whisper with clear annoyance. He lifts one of his eyebrows. "You know what I'm talking about. Do not play dumb." He throws his hands up "Okay, so I may have on more than one occasion said I was twenty-three." He admits. "And she believed that?" 

Dash can pass for eighteen usually and maybe even twenty if he really cleaned up nicely, but twenty-three is really pushing it.

 "Of course not. Nobody is that dumb. But that's nothing that a little sweet talking can't convince." I huff at him. At moments like these I wish he wasn't my best friend.... so that I could beat the living snot out of him. 

The waitress returns with our drinks and bag of doughnuts. She sets it on the table then gets oddly close to dash and slips something into his lap almost without me seeing. 


He smiles brightly at her and winks. As soon as she leaves, I get up and snatch what I find out is a piece of paper in his hand. In neat handwriting the words ' It's all on me. Call me, 702-457-656. ' That was the last straw. 

I crumble the piece of paper and throw it in the trash then grab my bag of doughnuts and my drink and storm out of the cafe. 

"Aaron wait up! Aaron come on, What's your problem?!" I stop dead in my tracks, and whip my head around, my body following suit. "What's my problem!" I snap. "How about that you're so full of yourself, you don't even think how much trouble you could get yourself in. That you're flirting with every girl on the block worth any attention. That you aren't there for me as much anymore. That we have fought more times in the past couple of months than we have since we've known each other, and you can't see that or don't seem to care. That our friendship is falling apart, and you aren't doing anything but trying to use me for my money to get a hot new ride and dating girls several years older than you. So brainless that they fall flat from your charms and would do anything for you. If you told them to jump, they'd ask 'How high.' "

 By the end of it I was gasping for breath. My throat burned from the mixture of the sharp cool air, and my emotions.

 "Roy I- maybe we should take a break from each other." I whisper. His face falls. "I don't know like a vacation. I don't care I just need one day alone." I add hastily. Me and him walk toward each other closing up the wide amount of space between us. We mutually wrap our arms around one another. I rest my head on his shoulder. "Just one day.. right?" He worriedly questions. I laugh into his chest, finding his genuine act of worry amusing. I put out my pinkie he wraps his around mine. "Just one day. Starting tomorrow. I promise." We lock the promise. Then walk home eating our doughnuts and drinking our, poorly chosen, cold drinks in the chilly weather. 

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