For nomophobiacs, a phone is more than a cell; it's a prison. Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone.
Combining two popular anxieties-the fear of death and the taboo on cannibalism-Kinemortohobiacs can't stomach zombies. Did you guess this one? It's a no-brainer.
That toddler sitting on Santa's lap isn't freaking out over the stranger hugging her; she may have Pogonophobia, the fear of beards. No wonder TV villains are always stroking theirs.
The phobia that will keep you up at night, Somniphobia is the fear of sleep. If you have it, avoid: sheep-related math, warm milk, NPR pledge drives.
Most people feel anxiety over major life changes. Severe neophobiacs might feel the same way over changing their underwear. Neophobia is the fear of new things and experiences.
Hate losing? You've got Kakorrhaphiaphobia: the fear of failure. Aww. Have we told you how smart and pretty you are?
Has anyone ever called you "OCD"? Are you vacuuming crumbs out of your keyboard right now? You may have Ataxophobia: the fear of disorder.
8.Hippopoto- monstro- sesquippedaliophobia
Proving linguists can be real jerks, this very long word refers to the fear of very long words. If you have it, steer clear of James Joyce, chemistry, and telling people what your phobia is called.
If you have metrophobia, your favorite love poem might sound like this: "Roses are terrifying. Violets are terrifying. Sugar is terrifying. I hate poems." Metrophobia is the fear of poetry.
Do you avoid PB&J sammies? You may suffer Arachibutyrophobia-the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Not applicable to dogs.
Do you dread dread? Does anxiety make you anxious? If yes, you likely have Phobophobia: the fear of fear itself. Seek professional therapy, or a beach chair in the Bahamas.
If you had your way, it would be trousers and maxi skirts for everyone! Genuphobia is the fear of knees.
Would you sooner go nude than sew up a hole in your clothes? You may suffer linonophobia: the fear of string.
This phobia is no joke.... Geliophobia is the fear of laughter. Sufferers should seek relief by paging through Reader's Digest one joke at a time.
One summer, in band camp, Aulophobia was the fear of flutes.
It's not all sunshine if you have this weird phobia: Xanthophobia is the fear of the color yellow.
Ostraconophobia is the fear of shellfish, which is an especially hard phobia if one's first name is "Chef" or "Long John."
Heya guys i got my friend to do this since she is better at phobias than me and she wanted to do this anyways byeee
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