Chapter 13

We spend a further three days ensconced belowground before finally emerging.

Tawny leads Luca and I through the tunnels and out an abandoned shaft near the crumbled remains of the Irrigator. We find Geoff waiting for us, disapproval written clearly across his grizzled features. Wordlessly, he hands boots and a bundle of clothing to Luca, instructing him to change behind some of the wreckage.

"I really hope that your boy knows what he's doing." Geoff directs his misgivings at Tawny, still oblivious to my role in the entire scheme. "You don't seem to appreciate just how far I'm sticking my neck out."

"We all are." Tawny shoots back. "Come off it. You wouldn't be here if you didn't want this rebellion as badly as the rest of us."

Geoff gives a noncommittal grunt as Luca re-appears, head bowed and pulling nervously at his Enforcer uniform. Even after spending the last several days watching the half-wild Waster refine his speech and manners, the transformation that comes with a new set of clothes is startling. With his freshly-shorn hair parted precisely and combed into shining waves and the dark, heavy uniform turning his lean frame broad, Luca appears an entirely different person. Where there was once a mild-mannered wanderer, there now exists an authoritative blueblood.

"Well?" Luca asks, breaking the round of stunned silence that follows his arrival. "Do I meet approval?"

"I'll be." Geoff shakes his head. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a born and bred Babelonian."

I grin proudly, throwing Luca a reassuring wink as he visibly relaxes.

"Told you." Tawny can't resist getting a word in as she rubs her hands together in glee. "This is going to work."

"Let's not count our chickens." Geoff recovers from his brief bout of shock, once more turning gruff. "New duds and a haircut might be enough to get him into the tower, but breaching the laboratories is an entirely different matter."

"You just let me worry about that." Luca tells him.

"Easy there, boy." Geoff raises his hand dismissively. "First thing's first. How much cash have you got on you?"

"Cash?" Luca looks to me for help.

"Cash. Cheddar. Money." Geoff lists off, voice dripping with condescension. I suppress the urge to smack him for his insolence. "Those eggheads surrounding the lab are going to need their pockets lined before letting us get anywhere close."

"You didn't mention anything about bribes." Tawny speaks up, clearly annoyed. "We don't have any money."

"'Stotle's sake, Tawny. What kind of half-assed rebellion is this?" Geoff runs a hand over his face. "Of course we're going to need to bribe our way into the lower levels. I told you before that I don't have the clearance to just waltz on down."

"How in the Burn am I supposed to know that? You're meant to be my man on the inside, you should have mentioned this sooner."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that as our fearless leader you might have an idea of how bureaucracy works."

"There's no way I can raise the funds in time." Tawny's freckled face turns red. "You're going to have to find another way."

"Trust me, there is no other way. The labs are locked tight and the only way to open them," Geoff rubs his fingers together. "Is with a little grease."

"It's fine." I break in. "We can get you the money. How much do you need?"

Geoff's unnervingly pale eyes find me, as if for the first time. "A thousand ought to do it."

"A thousand?" Tawny shakes her head incredulously. "That's imposs-"

"You'll have it first thing tomorrow." I say, placing my hand on her arm. "In the meantime, bring Luca to the tower and start getting the other Enforcers accustomed to his presence."

Geoff's bushy brows knit together as he scans me up and down. Finally, he releases me from his gaze and turns back to Luca. "I guess it's is the moment of truth, kid. Ready to do this?"

"Never more ready." Luca responds confidently, his voice a little too loud.

"Then we're off. Ladies," Geoff pulls on his cap and hands another to Luca. "We'll see you on the other side."

"Good luck." Tawny says as they stride past us, intent on the set of narrow stairs barely visible amongst the rubble. I give Luca's hand a brief squeeze when he passes by, nearly choking on the sudden sense of helplessness that follows once he's disappeared from sight.

"So, are you going to fill me in on how we're supposed to drum up a thousand crowns before tomorrow?" Tawny asks, breaking through my thoughts.

I blink, pushing the image of Luca's retreating figure to the back of my mind. "I have a few ideas." I say. "But I'm going to require a couple of things from you."

"Such as?"

"A cloak." I respond. "The shabbier, the better."

"A recipe for riches if I've ever heard one. What's the other requirement?"

My fingers twitch with anticipation, the familiar hum beginning to work its way through my veins. "I'll need you to escort me to the busiest district Babel has to offer."

* * * * *

The surface of Babel is nothing like I remember.

Gone are the cleanswept cobblestone streets, the lush gardens and free-flowing rivers. In their place I find buildings still damaged by battle; abandoned and crumbling into disrepair. The fields of grass have turned brown, the dried-out stalks scratching against my ankles. We crisscross narrow bridges as Tawny leads me on a convoluted route towards what she deems the "well-heeled" neighbourhood, though to me it appears only marginally more upscale than our City Court was back in its glory days.

Despite the shabby landscaping and rubble-strewn walkways, the Madam's beloved propaganda remains carefully maintained. The silver speakers jut prominently from the sides of buildings and atop steel poles, presiding above Babel's citizens like the eyes of the Madam, herself.

I keep the hood of my patchwork cloak pulled up over my face, my gaze seemingly downcast as I follow Tawny through the increasingly-congested traffic surrounding the tower. Every so often I catch glimpses of my own face staring out from the posters lining the walls and a small, secret thrill runs through me.

"I suppose this is a good a place as any." Tawny mutters, indicating an alcove between a long-dry fountain and pewter statue depicting a pair of children staring fondly up at a scientist.

I scan our surroundings, taking note of the number of Enforcers and possible escape routes. After careful consideration I give the barest of nods, rolling my shoulders forward to give an impression of appearing frail and stooped.

"I'll be right over there." Tawny indicates a booksellers across the street. "Do your thing."

"I'm going to have to keep moving." I respond, my voice low and gravely. "I'll find you when it's time to make ourselves scarce."

Tawny murmurs her understanding and disappears into the thick crowd while I take my time in actuating myself. I perch atop the low basin surrounding the fountain and croak out my wares. As I speak, I covertly I scan the people who pass by, searching for any telltale winks of precious metals.

"Fortunes, fortunes read here." I call. "Hear what destiny awaits you."

It isn't long before a young couple wanders over, their faces piqued with curiosity.

"Wondering what lies beyond?" I ask mysteriously, motioning for them to sit. "Only five crowns."

The girl beams as the boy digs into his pocket. I stash the coins away before grabbing the girl's hands, staring into them intently.

"You are destined for greatness." I whisper. "I see fortunes, riches far beyond anything you can imagine."

The girl gives an excited gasp and leans forward, struggling to see the imaginary fortune inscribed onto her palms. My eyes dart to the rows of jewel-laden bracelets dangling from her wrist and tighten my grip.

"But be warned." I say, rocking back and forth as my hands creep up her arm. "Good tidings are not without their challenges. There will be trials, suffering, even." My finger hooks around the bracelets.

"What must I do?" The girl asks, her eyes stretched wide as she hangs on my every word.

"Stay true to yourself." I reply. "And when a dark-haired stranger approaches," I glance at the boy by her side, whose attention has diverted towards a passing trio of scantily-clad beauties. "Don't lose your head by trying to find what is already lost."

Her brow furrows in confusion as I shudder and sit back, seemingly exhausted by the ordeal. "Is that all?"

"The fates are fickle mistresses." I say, waving one hand and using the other to slip the bracelets into the folds of my robe. "They speak in riddles. Go, now and trust in their wisdom."

As the couple leaves I let the crowd carry me in the opposite direction, situating myself in a fresh spot and once more calling out for seekers of fortune.

I grow bolder as the day wanes on, gradually winding my way closer and closer to the tower. Pairs of Enforcers and even the odd Mech pass me by. I can't resist searching each blank face carefully, daring continual glances from beneath my hood. Eventually, I wind up near the brightly-lit main square, my shoulders rubbing against the assembled crowd and my fingers darting inside pockets and purses.

Keeping to the middle of the swell, I linger while the PA system crackles to life. Static and a high-pitched whine surround us and the crowd falls silent. My blood instantly turns to ice when our ears are greeted by a familiar, throaty cough.

"Good evening." The Madam speaks slowly and clearly, practiced by a million recitations. I shudder as a sudden, all-encompassing need to run straight for her overwhelms me. My hands curl into tight fists and the claws of the colour red take root.

She's so close.

Struggling to draw a breath, I forcibly push the claws away.


Save him, first.

"Please stand by for the evening's announcements." The utter quiet that follows her pause deafens me. "Tomorrow's forecast of rain has been delayed until the following week while our technicians perform maintenance. In the meantime, the fountains and rivers will be open to public consumption. All citizens are required to inform a member of the administration of any subsequent illnesses."

Several people groan while the Enforcers cast threatening stares at us, daring someone to voice their complaint out loud.

"Our troops continue to gain ground in the Wastelands." The Madam drones on. "Every day, we grow closer to total supremacy. Remember that you, too can be a part of history. Visit the council office, today to hear about our attractive incentive programs."

All thoughts of pickpocketing and remaining hidden are forgotten. I now find myself standing ramrod straight with the rest, attention rapt and unflinching at the spew of rhetoric crackling over our heads.

"Finally, the following citizens are to report to the tower immediately following this evening's announcements. Harvey Lincoln, identification number one-oh-seven-eight-four-two. Beverly Winslow, identification number one-oh-three-nine-nine-oh. Tasmin Hood, identification number one-oh-eight-one-seven-three..."

Five subsequent people are listed off. I look about curiously, searching for reactions.

"To the selected citizens, your presence is mandatory. Failure to report will be considered desertion and punished to the law's fullest extent." The Madam voice grows louder, the threat clear as glass. "That concludes this evening's announcements. Tonight's curfew is set at nine p.m. Stay vigilant, stay on task. Progress is power." The speakers shut off abruptly with an ear-splitting echo and I cringe, remembering an instant later to duck my head as the crowd comes back to life and drifts apart.

My pockets sagging beneath the weight of coins, watches, purses and jewelry, I make my way slowly and deliberately back towards the booksellers, finding Tawny waiting outside.

Her almond eyes grow wide as we ensconce ourselves amongst the relative safety of a darkened alleyway and I withdraw the contents of my robe.

"How-" She stammers, then shakes her head. "I'm not certain I even want to know."

"It should be more than enough." I say, emptying the remaining loot into a sack and handing it over to her. "Pawn it and take whatever they offer you. Spread it out amongst a few shops."

"You really are a thief, huh?" Tawny accepts the bag, testing its weight.

I grin, adjusting my hood and tucking away the wayward strands of hair. "If there's one thing you can be certain of, it's that."

* * * * *

It is with a heavy sense of reluctance that I return to the tunnels. The days spent without sunlight are gradually turning my heart hard and it is becoming more and more difficult to ignore the cruel whispers in my head. Relieving the Babelonians of their riches helped for a spell, but now that I'm back underground I can feel my hackles begin to rise and my blood to rush.

The fact that Luca has yet to return doesn't help matters.

"What's taking them so long?" I fairly growl as I pace the too-small space.

Tawny looks up from her spot on the ground, where she sits looking over a map with a few of her crew members. "Any number of things could have delayed them. Maybe the shift ran long, maybe they're out for a drink."

"They're not out having a bloody drink." I snap, spinning on my heel.

"Try and relax, they haven't been gone that long. Time passes strangely down here." Tawny turns her attention back to the map. "I'm sure they'll be back at any moment."

"Maybe I should go above." I glance up at the sparse bulbs dangling above us. "See if there's any word about a disturbance in the tower."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Tawny says. "Enforcers are out tenfold after curfew."

My teeth clench together. Patience.

"I'll give them one more hour." I assert. "One more hour and then I'm going up there."

"No need." Luca's voice startles me and I whip around, the whispers in my head instantly silenced.

"You did it." I can't contain the smile spreading over my face. "Everything went well?"

"I believe so." Luca tugs the cap from his head, leaving his hair slightly mussed. "I kept mostly to myself, but no one appeared suspicious."

"Excellent." Tawny remarks excitedly and I nearly jump, not having noticed her abandoning the others to come join us. "Did you see into the labs?"

Luca shakes his head. "Geoff was right; they are closely guarded."

"I'm not surprised." Tawny crosses her arms. "No matter; we were able to scrape together the funds for your bribes."

Luca nods and I notice some unsightly shadows below his eyes. "You do realize that some of that money will go into Geoff's own pocket?"

"Of course. I'm not a fool." Tawny sighs, looking to me. "And then straight from his pocket to the pub."

"Whatever it takes to keep him loyal." I say darkly, a memory bubbling to the surface. "If he needs more, we'll get it." I think of Lara and the fistful of coins that bought her betrayal. If Geoff can be as easily persuaded, then I'd prefer to be the one holding the pursestrings.

"Everything comes at a price." Tawny remarks. "It's amazing; even when the world is ending, there's still power in riches."

"The world isn't ending." Luca calmly loosens the collar of his uniform. "It's shifting, readying itself for change."

Tawny rolls her eyes. "So, what's next?"

"We play it slow. Careful." I say, exchanging a look with Luca. "I want the Enforcers to get used to Luca's presence. Give it a few days and once you're sure you're above suspicion, start feeling out the sentries guarding the labs. Someone will reveal themselves as the weak point."

"All right." Luca nods readily. "I will not rush."

"One stipulation." I continue. "When you find a way in, I'm going with you."

"How are you going to accomplish that?" Tawny asks incredulously. "I hate to be the voice of reason, here but Kay is the owner of the desert's most recognizable face."

"Guess I'll just have to make sure they aren't looking at my face then, won't I?" The spark of an idea that first ignited during the Madam's evening announcement flares anew, solidifying in my mind's eye. I recall the crowd's fearful expressions as eight identification numbers were called out. That's all the condemned are to her: numbers. What does a person matter compared to a slip of official documentation?

"You already have a plan." Luca states, recognizing something in my face.

I allow a sly smile to pull at my lips.

Yes, I have a plan. All I need, now is a little time and a lot of luck. Soon, I'll be able to slip right through her gates.

Watch your back, Madam.

I'm getting closer.

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