Chapter 3: Where Do We Go When All Else Falls?
Your POV
A beautiful sunrise that just peeks above some cliffs. The beams of the morning sun reflect on the water, bathing the whole scene in yellow light. The group has made camp on the shore. Appa is seen chewing on some grass while the smoke of the nearby campfire rises to the sky.
Sokka is lying in a blue sleeping bag next to the fire. Aang and Katara can be seen atop Appa. Aang sits on the bison's head and is checking the knots that tie the reins to Appa's horns. Katara is sitting on the saddle, fiddling with their luggage, while I sit on top of a rock, meditating.
Aang: Wait 'til you see it, Katara! The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world!
Katara: Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home.
Aang: That's why I'm so excited!
Katara: It's just that ... a lot can change in all that time.
Y/N: Meaning...Gyatso won't...
Aang: Won't what?
Y/N: Dismiss that, nevermind.
Aang: Right...I know it's been a long time, but I need to see it for myself!
Aang jumps off Appa, landing softly due to his airbending. He then walks over to a snoring Sokka, who is lying in his sleeping bag. A view from next to Sokka's head, looking up at the approaching airbender.
Aang: Wake up, Sokka! Air Temple, here we come!
Sokka wakes up, making a groggy noise, and he spoke with hints of annoyance in his tone:
Sokka: Uggh! Sleep now. Temple later.
Sokka turns around, showing his back to Aang and falls back asleep, snoring as soon as his eyes close. Aang, whose big eyes blink in surprise, then looks discontent with Sokka's attitude, but he quickly smiles mischievously. Aang grabs a small, thin stick.
Aang: Sokka! Wake up!
Aang moves the stick up and down the sleeping bag, only touching Sokka with the tip of it.
Aang: There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!
Sokka lazily opens one of his eyes, before yelling out in horror.
Sokka: Ahh!
He quickly rises and hops around, still inside the sleeping bag.
Sokka: Get it off! Get it off!
After two hops, Sokka slams flat to the ground.
Sokka: Ahh!
Katara giggles, as Sokka falls over.
Y/N: By the Gods you don't know how to shut the fuck up, don't you?
Aang: Zip it, Y/N.
Y/N: Fuck off, Aang.
Aang: Whatever. Anyways, Great! You're awake! Let's go!
Change Scene
Several Fire Nation ships are seen and are lined up next to each other. A couple of lifeboats can be seen docked between all the others, identical mastodons. From one of the lifeboats, stepped out two figures, turning out to be Zuko and Iroh.
Zuko: Zuko, I need a new frigate as soon as possible. I don't want to stay here for too long and lose his trail.
Iroh: You mean the Avatar?
Zuko: Don't mention those names on these docks! Once word got out he's still alive, every firebender will be out looking for him, and I don't want anyone getting in the way!
Iroh: And what of the Mad Airbender?
Zuko: What about him, Uncle?
Iroh: I saw how he treated the Avatar, they're brothers, Prince Zuko. The Mad Airbender is known to be relentless, and would kill anyone if they chose to cross paths with him or his brother. Be weary, Prince Zuko, you're treading on thin ice.
Zuko: Uggh! You already told me that, Uncle! I don't care about him, I don't want anyone getting in my way!
???: Get in the way of what, Prince Zuko?
Iroh and Zuko turn, with shocked expressions on their face, toward the direction the sound came from, and they see a man with big sideburns dressed in a Fire Nation uniform.
Zuko: Captain Zhao...
Zhao: smirks It's commander now. And General Iroh. bows down slightly, facing Iroh's direction Great Hero of our Nation.
Iroh: bows back Retired General.
Zhao: The Fire Lord's brother and son are welcome guests anytime. What brings you to my harbor?
Iroh: We're in need of a new ship.
Iroh gestured to the lifeboats behind him, and Zhao looks in shock.
Zhao: By the Gods, what happened?
Zuko: Yes. You wouldn't believe what happened.
He holds up one finger, while Iroh stares disinterested in front of him.He glances at his uncle, and angrily commands him as he gestures at Zhao.
Zuko: Uncle! Tell Commander Zhao what happened.
Iroh's eyes open wide in surprise, as he is addressed by Zuko.He happily holds his hand up and relates enthusiastically.
Iroh: Yes. I will do that. It was incredible! What? Did we crash or something?
Zuko: Yes! Right into a...Earth Kingdom Ship! Luckily we got out before they sunk the ship completely.
Zhao: Really? You must regale me with all of the thrilling details.
He smirks while he gets into Zuko's face.
Zhao: Join me for a drink?
Zuko: Sorry, but we have to go.
Zhao smiles evilly at him as he starts to walk away, but after a few steps, Iroh place his hand on his shoulder to hold him back.
Iroh: Prince Zuko, show Commander Zhao your respect.
Iroh removes his hand from Zuko's shoulder as he faces Zhao while Zuko just slants his eyes.
Iroh: We would be honored to join you. Do you have any ginseng tea? It's my favorite.
Iroh and Zhao walk off screen. Zuko grunts in anger upon hearing Iroh's tea comment. He growls angrily and firebends a small arc out of annoyance as he turns to walk after them.
Change Scene
The scene cuts to Appa, who is flying above the clouds in the Patola Mountain range. A closer look reveals Aang and Katara sitting atop Appa's head, and me and Sokka is back in the saddle. Sokka seems to be clutching his stomach as it growls, with a look of dismay all over his face.
Sokka: Hey, stomach? Be quiet, all right? I'm trying to find us some food.
Y/N: I'll be damned if that thing responds with a "Yes master". For now, shut the fuck up, please? I'm hungry too but I don't need to hear you ramble for the next few hours.
Sokka: Why is it that everytime you talk, there's always a chance of you slaughtering us on the spot?
Y/N: Get used to it, be grateful I'm not wrapping my fingers around your neck, lest shit gets even worse.
Katara: Hey, Y/N?
Y/N: Heh?
Katara: I gotta ask, is it true that you were possessed by a spirit when you were born?
Y/N: Ah, it seems Aang already told you. Yes, I was.
Katara: But...why though? Why you in particular?
Y/N: Me and Aang are twins, and Aang, as you can see, is the Avatar. Then that leaves me...I had a slim chance to become the Avatar too. But Raava, a spirit that is said to be the one who bestow the Avatar the ability to bend other Elements, chose Aang. Leaving me out in the open in the Spirit World. Then...
Sokka: Come on, don't kill us with the suspense! What is it?
Katara: Tell us, Y/N!
Y/N: Can you shut the fuck up?! It's not an easy topic for me, so I'm trying to put words into it! By the Gods you're all impatient fucks.
Sokka: Says the guy who couldn't even take a joke.
Y/N: Shut it, bitch boy.
Aang: Bro, you're getting side-tracked and angry again. Breathe.
I sigh and I take in a deep breathe, and exhaled through my nose.
Y/N: ancient spirit that was ealed away, tried to possess me for it to escpape it's tapered with me for quite a while, but Raava's influence was able to ward it off and it failed to escape...
Katara: What happened then?
Y/N: What happened? chuckles I'm left with consumes me on a daily basis. You might be wondering why I'm sealed away and chained up in an Iceberg in the first place. "Maybe the Monks saw you as a big threat?" No, I saw myself as THE biggest threat in the fact...I'm the one who proposed the idea that I should be sealed away.
Aang: So that's why you we're under the ice too...
Y/N: So if I ever get angry over simple things...I'm really sorry...I can't control my matter how hard I try.
Katara: Y-you said something about an "Evil Spirit", what...what about it?
Y/N: The eldest of the monks...they called it "Vaatu"...that always give me chills...damnit.
Aang: Y/N, stay with us, you're alright, he's not here.
Y/N: I...I don't like talking about scarred me for life...literally in this case...and that scar is a unquenchable rage that forever burns and consumes me...and you say I can't take a joke...well I can't, it's literally impossible for me to take a joke...and us Air Nomads are known to have a great sense of humor. Me and my brother, we...we never really got to fit in that well with the rest of our people...I just had shit worse.
Katar: I...I'm sorry...
Y/N: If you can...try not to bring...HIM...up again...don't use it against me'll make things worse if you do...
Katara: I'll try not to bring it up, you have my word.
Sokka: sigh As much as I still don't like you that much, I'm not so much of a cruel person as to let you suffer and use it against you, I'm not a bad person. You have my word, I'll keep my mouth shut about it.
Y/N: ...Thank you...
Sokka: No problem...I'm still hungry, wanna eat something?
Y/N: I'll pass for now, thanks. I'd rather hunt my own food.
Sokka: Your loss.
Sokka starts to go through the luggage and gets out a bag. He looks at it for a moment while it sways in the wind. With his tongue out of his mouth full anticipation, he sticks his hand in the bag and starts to go through it. He looks surprised for a moment, but quickly and with anticipation turns the bag upside down to pour the contents into his hand. He held his gloved hand forward, and it can be seen that only a few crumbs of blubbered seal jerky fall into it.
Sokka: Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?!
Aang: Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry.
Sokka: You what?! groan No wonder the flames smelled good.
Y/N: Now that you mentioned it, yeah, it did smell good.
I then saw something massive in the distance. I leaned forward and I squinted my eyes to see what it was, it was the mountain range. The Patola Mountain Ranges. Appa then flew through mountains, and ascended over a few of them as well.
Y/N: We're at the mountain range, we're getting close.
Aang: The Patola Mountain Range! We're almost there!
Y/N: Stay clear of the mountains, it's been a century since we've last been here and we don't know what would happen if Appa hit even one of these mountains.
Katara: Aang, Y/N, before we get to the temple, I wanna talk to you about the airbenders.
Y/N: Go ahead.
Aang: What about 'em?
Katara: Well, I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. sadly They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people.
Aang: Just because no one has seen an airbender, doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all. They probably escaped!
Y/N: Damnit...I knew I should have stayed...but maybe Gyatso held them off...I hope...
Katara places a hand on Aang's shoulder, as I just think...did Gyatso manage to hold all the Firebenders off?
Katara: I know it's hard to accept.
Aang: You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison.
I stood up and made my way behind Aang and Katara, and I placed a hand on Appa's head.
Y/N: caresses Appa's head I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison. Right, Appa?
Appa grunts in response, and then he flies past to begin a last ascent up the side of a mountain.
Aang: Yip yip!
Appa flies up the mountain and through the clouds. Appa turns out of sight behind the flank of a mountain. Appa is seen emerging from behind that flank and turns further upward. Aang holds onto the reins tightly as Appa rapidly ascends while Katara, whose eyes are closed, and Sokka hold on tight to Appa's fur and saddle respectively.
I held on for my dear life on Appa's saddle. Aang looks back for a moment to his passengers. Appa flies over the rocks and into the sky again. He flies over a last ridge that is covered with trees. I then looked forward, and the scenery in front of me revealed a large temple as Appa floats toward it.
Aang: There it is. The Southern Air Temple.
Y/N: Our home...
Katara: Aang, it's amazing!
Sokka: You used to live in one entire temple? All Airbenders?
Y/N: Hard to imagine, but it's our way of living.
Aang is visibly excited as a close-up shows how his eyes widen upon the sight of the temple. I couldn't help but to crack a smirk as well.
Aang: We're home, Y/N! We're home!
Change Scene
In the Earth Kingdom docks, it can be seen that several Fire Navy ships are lined up. Something that looks like a railroad stretches out along the shipyard. There were tents placed and lined up in front of the ships. One of the bigger tents is being guarded by two Fire Nation soldiers. Zhao is seen inside the tent, standing in front of a large map of the World that is hung up on the wall. He holds his hands behind his back.
Zhao: ... And by the year's end, the Earth Kingdom capital will be under our rule. The Fire Lord will finally claim victory in this war.
Zuko: If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him willingly, then he is a fool!
Zhao: Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue. So, how is your search for the Avatar going?
Iroh knocks over a weapon display behind them. The weapons come crashing down with a lot of noise. The general cowers at the noise and the damage he wrecked. Zhao turns around looking annoyed.
Iroh: fault, entirely.
Iroh places his hands in his sleeves and walks away backward, with a faint smile on his face.
Zuko: We haven't found him yet.
Zhao: Did you really expect to? The Avatar died a hundred years ago. Along with the rest of the airbenders. Unless you have found some evidence that the Avatar is alive?
Zuko: No...nothing.
Zhao: Prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you found.
Zuko: I haven't found anything. It's like you said. The Avatar probably died a long time ago along with the airbenders. stands up Come on, Uncle, we're going.
As Zuko approaches the door, the guards stop him from leaving by crossing their spears while a third soldier enters the room. Zuko and the two soldiers blocking his path can be seen in the background. The soldier then entered walking up to Zhao.
Soldier: Commander Zhao, we interrogated the crew as you instructed. They confirmed Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody, but let him escape.
Zhao walks up to Zuko in a creepy manner with an evil smile and leans closely behind his ear.
Zhao: Now remind me, how, exactly, did you lose your ship?
Change Scene
Me and and the others landed in the snow covered stair leading to the Temple's entrance. Aang proceeded to dismount and run forward, while looking at me and Sokka and Katara.
Sokka: So where do I get something to eat?
Katara: You're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?
Sokka: I'm just a simple guy, with simple needs.
Y/N: We don't even know if anyone's in here, it's been a century. So I advise you to shut up.
Aang: So that's where my friends and I would play airball, and over there is where the bison would sleep, and...
I walked closer to him and I put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and he sadly sighed.
Katara: What's wrong?
Aang: This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much things have changed.
Y/N: For a Century I've left my duty as a Temple Defender...hundreds of Air Nomads used to live in this it's a Ghost Town.
Katara and Sokka give each other a look of sympathy. They quickly approach me and Aang. Aang was still saddened, I was overwhelmed emotion that's a tad bit hard to explain...anger? No...perhaps it's nostalgia. Katara and Sokka pull up beside us.
Sokka: So uh, this airball game. How do you play?
The scene cuts with Aang and Sokka playing against me. I can see Sokka, looking concentrated while standing on a pole and guarding the goal of the airball court with Aang up the front. I also stood on one of the tall poles, suspending a hollow ball in the air with airbending. I then tossed the ball followed by an airsweep. Then, Aang jumps up and kicks the ball away with a powerful air swipe. It rapidly shoots across the poles, changing direction as it crashes into several poles, but steadily moving closer toward my goal. I retaliated by jumping and backflip-kicked the ball, along with an airswipe, causing it to fly back towards Aang and Sokka's direction.
Aang couldn't stop the ball in time for it for it whizzed past him before he could do anything, the ball races quickly towards Sokka, he opens his mouth in shock. He grunts as the ball hits him right in the stomach. The force of impact sends Sokka and the ball flying backward, right through the rotating door of the goal behind him. Sokka crashing into the snow behind the goal. Aang laughs as he jumps up in joy. I smile as I emerged victorious.
Y/N: Y/N: 7, Aang and Sokka: 3. Would you look at that, I won~
Aang: Good game, Y/N!
Y/N: Likewise. But I think I made Sokka eat shit on that snow.
Sokka: painfully Making him feel better is putting me in a world of hurt.
Sokka erects himself from the snow, but before he gets up completely, his eyes widen when he sees something in front of him and he crawls to the front. The camera shifts to reveal an old Fire Nation helmet lying in the snow. It has been battered by the elements, and shows signs of cracks and burns. He looks up at his sister, and I took notice of what it was.
Sokka: Katara, check this out.
Katara: Fire Nation...
Sokka: Should we...tell them?
Y/N: assumption was right. They've been here.
Katara: Aang, there's something you need to see!
Y/N: Katara, shut your Godsdamned mouth.
Aang: Okay, I'm coming!
Katara gave me a fearful look, and I gestured to the helmet. he glances at the helmet and back at the approaching Aang. Suddenly she shifts her weight and brings her arms up. With one swift movement she swings her arms back, manipulating the overhanging snow to fall down, obscuring the helmet and Sokka from sight.
Aang: What's up?
Y/N: Katara learned a new waterbending move, isn't that right?
Katara: Uh...y-yeah!
Aang: Nice one! But enough practicing, we have a whole temple to see!
Sokka finally stand up, and brushed off all of the snow on him as Aang started walking away.
Sokka: You know you can't protect him forever, both of you.
Katara falls silent, and she started walking after Aang. I didn't say a word to Sokka, but man how I'd love to say a thing or two to this motherfucker.
Sokka: Y/N, Katara, firebenders were here. You can't pretend they weren't.
Katara: I can for Aang's sake. If he finds out that the Fire Nation invaded his home, he'll be devastated.
Sokka: But Y/N here doesn't even-
Y/N: Don't mistake my silence for acceptance. I'm still trying to get over it too. Why does Aang act like a kid? Aang was forced to grow up, and he didn't get to enjoy much of his childhood. If he wants to act like a child, let him...because it's possibly the most fun he's going to have this entire journey. I know I can't protect him forever, but I will protect him as much as I can. He doesn't need to know the horrifying truth of this world...not yet at least.
Sokka: What are you talking about? What "horrifying truth"?
Y/N: ...A question for another day.
Aang: Hey guys! I want you to meet somebody!
Aang pointed to the statue in front of him. I looked to see who the statue was, and realized it was Monk Gyatso.
Sokka: Who's that?
Y/N: Gyatso. Monk Gyatso.
Aang: Yeah! He taught me and Y/N everything we know about Airbending!
Aang and myself included bowed to the statue of an elderly man with a mustache and a distinct round necklace sitting in lotus with our fists bumped to each other in front of us.
Flashback (Aang)
The scene changes to a flashback of Aang's, the statue's face is replaced by the face of the real Gyatso. The scenery also become much brighter as it is a flashback of a sunny day at the Southern Air Temple.
Gyatso: But the true secret, is in the gooey center.
Monk Gyatso is seen standing in front of an oven. With the use of a long wooden paddle, he retracts an orange, fruit pie out of the oven. With the use of his airbending, he creates a miniature tornado to spin out the fruity center of the pie. A young Aang is seen sitting on the ledge of the balcony, resting his left hand on his knee while staring into nothing. A bison is grazing in the trees on the background.
Aang: Hmm...
Gyatso walk over to the ledge as well and places his newly baked cake next to three others that were already standing there.
Gyatso: My ancient cake-making technique isn't the only thing on your mind, is it, Aang?
Aang This whole Avatar thing, m-maybe the monks made a mistake.
Gyatso: The only mistake they made was telling you before you turned twenty, but we can't concern ourselves with what was. We must act on what is.
Gyatso extends his arm and while he does so, the camera moves back to reveal the beauty of the Southern Air Temple. The sky is filled with several sky bison with their calves who are feasting from the nearby trees. Sun beams bathe the scene in bright light.
Aang: But Gyatso...what if I'm not ready for this?
Gyatso: Your brother supports you wholeheartedly. But other than that, your questions will be answered when you're old enough to enter the air temple sanctuary. Inside, you will meet someone who will guide you on your journey.
Aang: Who is it?
Gyatso: When you are ready, he will reveal himself to you. Now, are you going to help me with these cakes, or not?
Aang: Alright.
The scene cuts to a close-up of a purple fruit pie with Aang and Gyatso in the background. They take on an airbending stance, bringing their hand back.
Gyatso: One. Two. Three!
They shift their weight to the front, launching their air balls. The balls send the four fruit pies flying high in the air, disappearing in the clouds. The scene of the flying cakes switches to a shot of four monks in lotus, meditating quietly between some trees. Suddenly, the cakes drop out of the sky and each of the monks is hit on the head by one of the colorful desserts. The monk at the far left of the line topples over upon impact. The moment the pies hit their heads, several flying lemurs appear and start to stuff their faces.
One of the lemurs jumps up and down on the stomach of the toppled-over monk, while another grabs some cake right of the head of the monk on the far right. One of the lemurs jumps on the head on one of the monks. Aang and Gyatso are seen laughing loudly at the scene. Aang is clutching his stomach, while Monk Gyatso is leaning on the railing of the balcony. They both move back from the railing when they are done laughing. The two monks bow at each other
Gyatso: Your aim has improved, my young pupil.
The flashback fades back to reveal Aang in the present, bowing the same way before the statue as he had done for the real Gyatso.
Flashback (Y/N)
Y/N can be seen breathing steadily, his eyes closed and in front of a boulder three times his size. He takes in a deep breathe, and he opened his eyes. He reared his hand back, and delivered a devastating punch combined with an air blast.
His fist made contact with the boulder, and at the same time, the air blast launched it a few meters back, hitting a wall in the process. The boulder is seen with a shape of a fist in front, and massive cracks surrounding the fist shaped crater.
Y/N then stomps his foot on the ground, causing two smaller sized boulders to launch into the air. He extends both his arms forward and sent an airblast with both hands, sending both boulders flying to the walls again.
Y/N immediately turns around and he sees a pillar in front of him, he jumps and kicked the air multiple times, and those kicks were followed by a series of air currents turning in a form of horizontal blade projectiles, cutting the pillar in the process.
He lands back on the ground, and he raised his leg to deliver an overhead kick, and after he brought his leg down, a wind current in the form of a vertical blade cutting through wind, cuts through the remaining pillar, causing it to fall over.
Y/N sighs and he reared his hand back, and he heard clapping at the distance, seeing Gyatso walking to his direction.
Gyatso: So it seems you've gotten better with letting your rage flow, my pupil.
Y/N: Like you said, I put more force and power into my bending instead of punching things senselessly.
Gyatso: And that's good. You're improving. Both in your Airbending and controlling your anger.
Y/N smiles, but immediately frowns, and Gyatso took notice of it.
Gyatso: What's on your mind, young Y/N? I know something is bothering you.
Y/N: Well, it's just...what if the Monks were right? What if it's better that I should be exiled so that I'm not a threat to anyone at all? Seeing how...devastating and deadly I can get when I become unhinged...I'm afraid that...I may lose control and...hurt everyone here.
Gyatso: Don't worry about that, Y/N. You worry and think too much. Aang is here with you, helping you cope with your anger. Bumi helps you cope with it as well. You've tried so hard to manage your anger, some people just have to manage their stupidity this time. However, if you can't control your anger, try to control how you'd respond instead, and see how things will go.
Y/N:...What if I can't hold it in anymore? What if the meditation doesn't work, and I'm at my limit?
Gyatso: Anger resembles fire. Like the fire, if you keep feeding it, it will harm you. If you stop feeding anger with your attention, it will fade away eventually.
Y/N:...I understand...
Gyatso: That, or you can punch another boulder or two. Whatever helps.
Y/N: chuckles Thank you, Monk Gyatso.
Gyatso: You are more than welcome, young Y/N.
I then bowed and bumped my fists together. Gyatso returned the gesture, and I looked up. I then proceeded to wrap my arms around him for a hug, which took him off guard. Gyatso chuckles, and he pats my back and he hugs back.
Gyatso: That's enough training for today, come, let's make pie together with your brother.
Y/N: Sounds fun.
I broke the hug, and he puts a hand on my shoulder, and gave me an assuring nod. I nodded back, and he started walking. I started following him, and started looking for Aang.
Flashback Ends
The flashback fades back to reveal me and Aang in the present, bowing the same way before the statue as we had done for the real Gyatso. We recomposed ourselves, both with a saddened look on our face. Only Aang's was more noticeable.
Katara: You must miss him, huh?
Aang: Yeah...
Aang started walking away and he remained quiet.
Katara: Where are you going?
Y/N: Aang, you better not be going where I think you're going.
Aang: The air temple sanctuary. There's someone I'm ready to meet.
Y/N: Aang, you still have to wait two years!
Aang: Are you missing a part of your brain? We're 118 years old! I am old enough!
Y/N: ...Fuck...that's true.
I started walking after Aang, and Aang enters the hallway. Katara she looks questioningly at Sokka, who just shrugs. They both start walking after me and Aang. The round symbol of intertwined air currents, the national symbol of the Air Nomads is largely embedded in the floor, surrounded by two square shapes that form some sort of sun together. The four of us reached the entrance of the air temple sanctuary. The door supports a combination of metal colored pipes and three, blue, rolled up, pipes that are similar looking and arranges like the symbol for airbending. The large wooden door is framed by the branches of an old tree standing on the left of it and the hallway is illuminated by sunlight that falls through little, round windows.
Katara: But Aang, no one could have survived in there for a hundred years.
Aang: It's not impossible. Me and Y/N survived in the iceberg for that long.
Katara: Good point...
Y/N (Mind): No it's not!
Aang: Katara, whoever's in there might help figure out this Avatar thing!
Sokka: And whoever's in there might have a medley of delicious cured meats!
Y/N: Sokka, this part of the temple is sacred, shut the Hell up.
Full of anticipation and longing, Sokka charges at the door, but it will not budge and he simply smacks into it, head first. He quickly turns around and puts his back to it, trying to push the giant door open. When the door does not move, he sighs, slides down to the floor, disappointed, and rests against the door.
Sokka: I don't suppose you have a key?
I take in a deep breathe, and I spreads my arms and thrust them forward, sending an air current into both of the tubes on the door. The air current travels through the pipe. The wind makes one of the blue curled tube turn around.
When it does, the tube changes colors to purple and the wind blows out like a horn. The process is repeated for the other two blue tubes as well. When the three blue tubes have turned and become purple. I had unlocked the door and it slowly starts to open.
The door cracks open and light penetrates the dark room. The doors sway open and me and Aang is seen standing there with Katara and Sokka in the background.
Y/N: The key, Sokka, is Airbending.
We started making our way into the sanctuary, and Aang called out;
Aang: Hello? Anyone home?
Sokka and Katara walks behind me, who was walking just behind Aang. We fell silent, as we enter further into the sanctuary and disappear in the darkness.
Change Scene
Zuko is seen, who is sitting in a chair in Zhao's tent, flanked by two Fire Nation soldiers while Zhao is pacing back and forth.
Zhao: So an eighteen-year-old Avatar and an Airbender boy who happens to be "bald" as how you put it, bested you and your Firebenders? You're more pathetic than I thought.
Zuko: I underestimated him once, but it will not happen again!
Zhao: No, it will not. Because you won't have a second chance.
Zuko: Commander Zhao, I've been hunting the Avatar for two years and I -
Zhao: And you failed! Capturing the Avatar is too important to leave in a teenager's hands. He's mine now.
Zuko's face contorts with anger and he jumps at Zhao. Cut to a side-view. Before Zuko can reach the commander, however, he is held back by the two guards.
Zhao: Keep them here.
Zhao walks away, leaving an angrily panting Zuko. Enraged, he kicks the table in front of Iroh, breaking it clean in two, sending the objects that were on it flying through the room.
Iroh: More tea, please.
Change Scene
Me, Aang, Katara, and Sokka who are venturing further down into the sanctuary. The only light comes from the open door behind them and illuminates the scene with bluish light.
We stop, and Sokka holds a hand to his brow to look up ahead, as we stand in the light that comes in through the door. Their shadows are cast over the floor.
In front of us was a large amount of statues of people, lined up in a circular pattern. curiously looking around. Sokka halts before one of them.
Sokka: Statues? That's it? Where's the meat?
Y/N: Sokka, shut up.
I said as I walked up to one of the statues, seeing a man with a Water Tribe attire, a tall woman wearing Earth Kingdom garbs. And an old man wearing a Fire Nation clothing. I realized where we are...
Aang and Katara, who also have stopped and are looking up at a statue.
Katara: Aang...who are all these people?
Aang: I'm not sure. But I feel like I know them somehow. Look!
Aang points at the statue of a man with airbending mastery tattoos in front of him, and I too notice of it.
Aang: That one's an Airbender.
Katara points at the statue of a male dressed in Water Tribe clothes next to the airbender.
Katara: And this one's a Waterbender.
Y/N: Then an Earthbender, then a Firebender...
Aang: They're line up in a pattern; Air, Water, Earth, Fire.
Aang & Y/N: That's the Avatar Cycle.
Katara: Of course. They're Avatars. All these people are your past lives, Aang.
Aang: Wow! There are so many!
Aang starts to walk down the circular pattern. Katara is seen standing next to Sokka who has his arms crossed.
Sokka: Past lives?
Aang stops before a statue while Sokka and Katara are still visible in the background.
Sokka: Katara, you really believe in that stuff?
Katara: It's true. When the Avatar dies, he's reincarnated into the next nation in the cycle.
Y/N: After Avatar Kyoshi, came Avatar Roku...and after Roku, came my brother, Aang.
Aang: How'd you know about Kyoshi and Roku?
Y/N: I read stuff up when I'm bored, mostly, I read the stuff at the Monastery. Try it, you'll be surprised of what you find out.
I said to Aang, who is looking at the elderly man, Avatar Roku. I noticed that...he's been staring at him for quite a while now. He's just...not saying a word, mesmerized.
Y/N: Aang, snap the fuck out of it.
Aang: Huh?
Katara: Who is that?
Avatar: Like Y/N said, that's Avatar Roku. The Avatar before me.
Sokka: You were a firebender? No wonder I didn't trust you when we first met.
Katara: There's no writing here, I guess Y/N saying that his name's Roku helped.
Aang: The thing is, I knew who he is even before Y/N said anything.
Katara: What? Then how did you know his name?
Aang: I don't know. I just, knew, somehow.
Sokka: groans You just couldn't get any weirder.
I then heard something move in the darkness. Instinctively, I grabbed my Naginata behind my back, and readied my weapon, the other three on the other hand stared at the direction it came from, all wide eyes.
Aang and Katara hides behind a statue, Sokka hides behind one as well, with his club at the ready, while I on the other hand is still anticipating an attack.
Y/N: There's a shift in the air currents... someone's here...
Sokka: whispering Firebender. Nobody make a sound.
Katara : You're making a sound!
Aang & Sokka: Shhhh!
Y/N: annoyed He's been behind us for a good fucking minute, if anything, he already knows we're here, so shut up!
Sokka raised his club, and I try to sense where it is just by feeling the air currents around me shift.
Sokka: That Firebender won't know what hit him.
I kept checking every direction that's not covered by the dark, and then, suddenly, I felt movement in the dark, and I was abel to pinpoint it.
Y/N: Gotcha.
I held my Naginata right beside my head, and I threw it like a spear to the direction where the Firebender was. It hits the wall instead, and I grit my teeth. Damnit, I could have sworn he was there. Then, the figure steps out, and turns out...
Y/N: A Godsdamn Lemur, of course.
Aang: Lemur!
Sokka: Dinner!
The lemur looks at all three of us, as the animal pricks his ears and slightly tilts his head.
Aang: Don't listen to him, you're going to be my new pet.
Sokka: Not if I get him first!
Aang: Sokka, no! Y/N, help me!
Y/N: I'm not feeding that thing.
Sokka stretches his hand while he excitedly lunges himself at the animal from behind the statue. Aang runs up at the lemur as well. The lemur arcs his back in fright, his ears, hair and tail standing upright as the snatching hands of the boys draw closer.
The Lemur startles, quickly turns around and makes a break for it. Sokka barely misses the animal and falls down. Aang nimbly avoids tripping as well by using Sokka's head as a stepping stone. Sokka quickly gets up and runs behind Aang and the lemur as they exit the sanctuary.
Aang: Wait! Come back!
Sokka: I wanna eat you!
Y/N: That sounds fucking weird out of context.
Katara: I agree.
Aang and Sokka come sliding around the corner and give chase. Sokka passes Aang and shoves him back. Cut to a side-view of Sokka running in the lead. Aang pulls up next to him again, so Sokka takes out his club and takes a swing at Aang's legs.
Aang nimbly avoids the club and uses his airbending to run on the side of the wall, laughing loudly with amusement. Cut to a shot from Sokka's point of view as Aang runs up ahead. The airbender runs on the floor again. He quickly turns around and directs on airball at Sokka, which knocks his legs from underneath him.
Sokka flips in the air before smacking face first on the ground, his hood falling over his head while he lands. Switch to a frontal view from a balcony as the lemur exits the corridor and sits on the ledge of the balcony, looking back at the approaching Aang.
He pricks his ears again and takes flight with a scared look on his face. Cut to a shot from over Aang's shoulder as he is running down the hall. He briefly glances over to see if Sokka is still following.
He too exits the hallway and without slowing down, he jumps over the ledge of the balcony, behind the lemur. Cut to a shot from underneath Aang. The airbender turns in the air and uses some of the rocks to break his freefall, jumping from one rock to the other. Cut back to Sokka, who too has reached the balcony, but stops there while looking over the rim.
Change Scene
Zhao is walking towards a tent at the occupied Earth Kingdom harbor.. The scene changes from inside the tent, where two guards hold their spears in front of the exit. Zhao pushes the cloths aside that serve as tent doors and enters.
Zhao: My search party is ready. Once I'm out to sea, my guards will escort you back to your new ship and you'll be free to go.
Zuko: Why? Are you worried I'm going to try and stop you?
Zhao laughs out loud in amusement, enraging the Prince even more.
Zhao: You? Stop me? Impossible
Zuko: Don't underestimate me, Zhao! I will capture the Avatar before you!
Iroh: Prince Zuko, that's enough.
Zhao: You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of war ships under my command and you? You're just a banished prince. No home, no allies. Your own father doesn't even want you.
Zuko: You're wrong! Once I deliver the Avatar to my father, he will welcome me home with honor, and restore my rightful place on the throne!
Zhao: If your father really wanted you home, he would have let you return by now, Avatar or no Avatar. But in his eyes you are a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation.
Zuko: That's not true.
Zhao: You have the scar to prove it.
With a cry of frustration, Zuko jolts up out of his chair and into Zhao's face. The two stare at each other in anger.
Zuko: Maybe you'd like one to match!
Zhao: Is that a challenge?
Zuko: An Agni Kai, at sunset.
Zhao: Very well. It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle will do.
Zhao started walking away, leaving the retired General and the banished Prince to themselves.
Iroh: Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you dueled a master?
Zuko: I will never forget.
Change Scene
A beautiful scenery of the Southern Air Temple can be seen. Inside the temple where the lemur lands on the ground. The animal erects his ears as Aang touches down on the ground behind him as well and launches forward. The lemur jumps out of the way. The animal runs through some ripped drapes, which once formed a tent.
Y/N: Aang, slow down, damnit!
Aang: Hey! Come back! Come on out, little lemur! That hungry guy won't bother you anymore.
Aang walks up to another curtain of drapes. He looks in the room, but suddenly takes a sharp breath in shock. Switch to several skeletons dressed in Fire Nation uniforms lying scattered over the floor. The scene slowly pans up to a skeleton lying in the snow, surrounded by many more skeletons of Fire Nation soldiers.
Aang: Firebenders? They were here?
Y/N: Aang! There you are-
As soon as I saw that Aang was frozen in place, and I saw the dead Fire Nation soldiers, I knew that I failed already...I don't even know why I even bothered to hide it, it was bound that he'd know eventually.
Y/N: Shit...I didn't want you to find out like this...
Aang: You knew?
Y/N: I did...and I'm sorry for not telling you...
Aang: ...It doesn't matter. At least...I know now that they were here...
Y/N: You took that quite well than I expected.
Aang: Yeah...
Me and Aang entered the room and we looked around, Aang with a sad expression on his face, while I had hints of...depression, and anger and hatred at the sight...but relief as well, knowing that some Airbenders fought back.
I then noticed a skeleton in the snow. The said skeleton is adorned with a round necklace that supports the symbol of airbending. I stopped dead in my tracks, and Aang fell silent.
We stared at the skeletons, and we looked at each other, both not saying a word, but knwoing what the other meant. We looked at the skeleton dressed in yellow monk robes, and we focused on the round, wooden necklace.
Aang's eyes are trembling with sadness and hold back tears, and he fell to his knees, his head cupped in his hands. I stood completely body froze..., and my face went blank, and tears fell from my eyes without my expression changing it current state; Shock, Denial...and Rage.
Sokka: Hey, Aang! You find my dinner yet? Aang, I wasn't really going to eat the lemur, okay? Oh, man.
Sokka sees the skeleton of the monk, which slowly moves back to reveal that Sokka places a hand on Aang's shoulder. While maintaining a worried and fearful expression towards me, not saying a word.
Sokka: Come on, both of you. Everything will be all right. Let's get out of here.
Y/N: Sokka...
Sokka: H-huh?
My head snapped to his direction, making a sickening cracking sound. My eyes still leaking with tears...but my eyes became black...Jet Black...and I managed to mutter one word, before I fall victim into the Black Rage.
Y/N: Ŗ̸͓͚̠̣̞͎͆̎̎̇͊͌̕̚u̸̜͔̳̇̎n̵̡̛̹̻̣̹̰̣͇͂̎̾̈́̂̓
Sokka: Holy shi-
Y/N: R̸̫̉͗̽̋͠͝U̷̖̟̪̥͊̌Ư̸̧͍̹̗͎̮͉͐̍͋͑̈́̑͘U̸̼͓̪̜͋Ǔ̸̹͙͙͚̟Ư̶̡̱̙̫̳͕̫͑̈́̈́͛̅Ứ̶̧̰̺̹͚͇͑͑̈͊́Ư̸̡̛̫̜̦͈̹͇̪̾͒̑͘Ù̸̡̩̫͍̐͆̽̆̎̚U̸͎̫͇̍̌̇͑̉͘͘͝U̵̮̙̙̅̋N̸̤̺̣̲̒̎̄̔̓̽͋́!̶̱̯̯̦̩͌̋̀̇̇!!
Sokka ran outside, fearing for his dear life. My veins started revealing themselves, and I growled and held my head in pain. I then fell against a wall, and I screamed in anger and punched the said wall, leaving a massive crack in the process. I breathe heavily, and I roared at the top of my lungs.
Y/N: W̸͈̞̜͈̄A̷̛̟̪̹͛̓́͋͂͒̐̃͠͝Ǎ̷̢̛̹͔̠͓̗̘͎̼̏À̴̮̓̀̈̐͘̕A̵̮̐̔̏̍́A̵̝̔̈̎̊͠A̴̧͔͔̫̜̮̹̣̳̓̈̀͋̌̚̚̕G̵̲͕̭͔͋̒̒́̿̀̕G̷̥̅̎̃̽̀̂͝G̵̮̣̹̮͕̟̳̎̈́͛G̴̨͓̩̤̫̱̏̒̔́G̶̢̭̹̹͓͔͎̮̯̓̀̅̆͋̀̾͋̿͜͠G̶̲̦̟͎̀̍̈́͆́̆H̸̦͎͂̇̋̊H̵̢͎̥̱̗̟̃͆͆͆̐͘̕͝H̶̡̬͙̞̺͙̗̖̜̃̉̃̾͗H̴̼̞͕̻́̚H̶̛̺̦̟̲͙̎͐͒̋̄̚͘͜͠H̵̞͖̰̠̤̾͋͠Ḩ̴̛̟̱̲̪̗̭͓̘̹͗̅͋̓̓̅̐̃̚͠!̶̪̀̈́̐̎!̴̧͓͇͎͔̳̑̊̎̀!̷͈̝͉͔̙̩̯͔͖͍̈́̇̄̑͒̀̒̑̂̐͠!̷̡̤̫͍̱̖̙̄͋̔͂̎̏͐̈
I used my airbending, and I flew through the roof, the rocks and debris almost hitting my brother. I flew high up to the clouds, and there powerful winds started coming from all directions, and the winds started going around in circles, as if forming a giant Suddenly, Aang's arrow tattoos begin to glow a bluish white.
He lifts his head, his eyes glowing in the same color. Sokka sees this, and tries to run even faster. Katara is seen walking down the circular pattern of statues. She stops before and looks at the statue of Avatar Roku.
Katara suddenly looks surprised as a bluish, white light illuminates her face; it seems to come from the statue.Its eyes are gleaming bright. The bright light spreads to the other statues and one by one, their eyes start to gleam. The light travels from statue to statue and makes its way up to the top of the sanctuary. Katara gasps, as she knew, and recognized those glowing eyes.
Katara: Aang!
Katara turns around and runs to the direction where Sokka and Aang have been running around. At the distance, another temple, deep whithin the mountains. Inside the temple was a man dressed in the typical green of the Earth Kingdom, sitting in front of a painting of past Earth Avatars.
Their eyes also begin to gleam brightly, and the man's expression was nothing more than frightened. The light being so strong, that it casts long shadows on his face. Somwhere at a distant place, preferably one of the pols, Two Water Tribe civillians are looking at the water temple's roof that glows bright with t
he bluish, white light.
Then, a Fire Temple, it's roof started glowing with a reddish light. Inside the Temple where a Fire Sage is leaning out of the room from which the light emanates
Fire Sage: Send word to the Fire Lord immediately! The Avatar has returned!
The expression of the recepient FIre Sage's face turns to fright. Then back to the decaying building Aang is in at the Souther Air Temple. A whirlwind beginds to form around him. The winds coming from me and Aang ever so powerful, almost blowing Katara and Sokka off the mountain.
The winds started kicking away the bones. The wind kicks up and forms a sphere around Aang, clouds enveloped and covered my body, as I scream at the top of my lungs, filled with nothing but blinding rage and hatred.
Sokka: Aang! Y/N! Come on, snap out of it!
We didn't respond, and the winds kept raging on. Then, the mountain range surroounding the Temple, tornadoes started forming around us, created by me, and me alone, and it started sucking and tearing everything apart in it's path.
Then, something massive formed at the atmosphere, enveloping the almost the entirety of the Earth Kingdom, a Hypercane forms at the atmosphere. The said Hypercane slowly, started descending, and it will kill many many people in the Earth Kingdom, a Hypercane started forming over the Fire Nation as well.
Side Note: How big is a Hypercane? Here's for reference:
Sokka holds up his arms to protect himself from the raging winds coming from us, and leaned forward to put his weight forward so that he won't get blown away too. Suddenly, the air sphere around Aang expands and sends Sokka flying backward. The wind currents being created by me, were no exception, and blasted Sokka away even farther and stronger than Aang's air sphere.
The roof explodes ny the force of the hurricanes that formed around the Temple and debris are catapulted high into the air. Inside the rubble of the building where Sokka spins through the air and smacks against a wall.
The air sphere started to expand into a raging tornado with Aang at the center, and the raging winds caused by me and the tornadoes I have created, grows stronger by the second.
The Hypercane over the Earth Kingdom was starting to make it's descent, and the people of the Nation started panicking amidst the incoming disaster. Sokka peeks at Aang from behind a rock, and Katara walks up to Sokka, protectively holding her face with her arms.
Katara: What happened?!
Sokka: They found out that Firebenders killed Gyatso! Aang isn't listening and Y/N's going apeshit!
Katara: Oh no! It's Aang's Avatar Spirit and Y/N's Black Rage! Aang must have triggered it somehow and Y/N couldn't hold his anger down anymore!
Katara raised her arms to protect herself against the powerful winds amd the flying debris.
Katara: I'm going to try and calm Aang down!
Sokka: Aang?! Don't forget about Y/N! Dude literally made three tornadoes in matter of seconds! I can even see a Hypercane forming from here!
Katara: Only Aang knows how to calm him down! That's why I have to calm him down in the first pace!
Sokka: Well do it! Before they both blew us off the mountain or before Y/N kills an entire nation with the Hypercane he accidentally made! Maybe even both!
Katara started fighting and making her way through the raging winds coming from me and my brother. The sphere of wind that engulfs the building slowly starts to rise in the air. Katara is pushed back by the strong wind currents that fill the remains of the building as the sphere ascends higher and higher, and the tornadoes around the Temple started coming closer and closer.
Change Scene
A Fire Nation arena at the occupied Earth Kingdom harbor at sunset can be seen. Inside, two figures can be seen standing at the right side of the arena, and five figures at the left side of the arena.
Iroh: Remember your firebending basics, Prince Zuko. They are your greatest weapons.
Zuko: I refuse to let him win.
Zuko stands up and turns around, letting the cape drop from his shoulder. Zhao is seen on the other side of the Arena, and he also arises and turns around; his garments falling down as well.
Zhao: This will be over quickly.
Zuko and Zhao stood in the center of the arena, both of them assumed a fighting stance. Zuko shoots out a fire blast at Zhao, to which he dodged the attack easily. He fires another blast, to which Zhao evaded again. The prince fires two more blasts towards Zhao, only for him to cross his arms and take the blast head on.
Zuko pants heavily, then he fires another blast at Zhao, he creates his own flames to which it pushes Zuko's attack away. Iroh is seen on the sideline, rooting for his nephew.
Iroh: Basics, Zuko! Sweep the leg!
Zhao furiously attacks Zuko with a strong blast of fire. Zuko is thrown back a bit by the attack while he diverts the flames to both of his sides. Zhao jumps and soars through the air towards the Prince's direction. With a loud scream, he lands at Zuko's feet, erects himself and thrusts his fist forward to deliver the final blow. At the last second, Zuko rolls out of the way and swirls his feet around. As he got into this swirl, he sweeps Zhao's leg from underneath him.
Zuko smiled confidently, and he kept shooting fire blasts towards Zhao's direction, until it finally throws the commander off balance. Zhao falls down and he rolled over on the ground, and he laid on his back. Zuko runs up to the downed commander, his arm outstretched, ready to deliver a finishing blow. Zhao looks up and looked Zuko dead in the eyes.
Zhao: Do it!
Zuko grunts and thrusts his fist forward, emitting another fire blast. Smoke appears on screen and Zuko erects himself. The blast hits the ground instead of Zhao.
Zhao: That's it?! Your father raised a coward!
Zuko: Next time you get in my way, I promise, I won't hold back.
Zuko turns his back to Zhao and starts to walk away. The commander gets back up and he groans, and suddenly sends a fire blast from his foot towards the Prince's direction, only for it to be grabbed by Iroh. Iroh tosses Zhao back who slides away on his back. Zuko goes to charge at Zhao in anger, but Iroh stops him.
Iroh: No, Prince Zuko. Do not taint your victory. So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you. Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious.
Iroh and Zuko turn and walk toward the gate of the arena. Zhao partially erects himself, with his left arm resting on his left knee, and grunts as he watches them go.
Zuko: Did you really mean that, Uncle?
Iroh: Of course. I told you ginseng tea is my favorite.
Zuko slightly smiles, before the scene switches to an overview of the harbor as the duo walks toward their ship.
Iroh: I must say, Prince Zuko, why did you tell Zhao the other Airbender was the Avatar?
Zuko: That's to throw them off, Uncle. Only the two of us and our crew know who the real Avatar is.
Iroh: By doing this, you're fooling other Firebenders, and sending them to the Mad Airbender himself.
Zuko: A small price to pay. It means they'll be focused on one man, while we know who the real target is. The Mad Airbender can get rid of anyone who comes after him in the process, and lessens the competition.
Change Scene
Aang can be see, who is still suspended in the air in his sphere, and myself still above the clouds, brooding. Strong winds are rampaging through the rubble of the destroyed building. Katara and Sokka are holding on for dear life on some stones, trying not to get blown away.
Katara: Aang! I know you're upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love! I went through the same thing when I lost my mom!
Sokka runs to his sister's side to help her, and to keep her from being blown away by putting his own weight on her.
Katara: Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have Y/N! You still have a family. Y/N, Sokka and me!
Aang started descending after hearing those words coming from Katara. Sokka and Katara looked at the airbender as they watch him lower himself back to the ground; the winds created by him start to die down and the air sphere that surrounded Aang disappears, his eyes and tattoos are still glowing bluish white. Katara and Sokka pull up next to him, one on each side.
Sokka: Katara and I aren't going to let anything happen to you. Promise.
Katara: And your brother would do the same for you. I know it.
Katara is seen taking Aang's hand. The moment she does, the glowing fades away. His arrow and eyes also stop glowing. He slants his eyes with a saddened expression, before he collapses from in Katara's arms.
Aang: I'm sorry...
Katara: It's okay. It wasn't your fault.
Sokka: Tender reunion, hurrah, but Aang, can you calm your bother down?! He's gonna kill us all!
Y/N: I don't need to calm down. I'm completely fine.
The trio looks up, and they A powerful wind wall surrounding me, my eyes noticeably covered in the Jet Black substance. The winds around me grow ever stronger.
Aang: Y/N! That's enough! You'll hurt a lot of people if you do this!
Y/N: ... D̴̨͔̃̏̀͊͜ő̴̻̒͆̂̍̑̿̚ȅ̷͍̗̻̬s̵̢̛͙̬̹̮̞̗͚̅̾́̊̆́̋ ̶̛͍͊̋̃̒͆̄̊̑͛́́͆͌̃ï̶̧̧̨̙̗̞̬̰͚̲̠̹͎͈̔̈́͐̏̍̆́̚ţ̴̳͇̼̹͎͇͎͈̼̳̪̳̈́̇̅̍̄ ̷̛̼̈̂̎m̵̢̖̬̭̣̱͉͉̻̼̝̮̬̅̈́̋̿͑̈́̎́̈́̋̚͜͠a̵̤̪͈̤͕͉̟͙̒͗͐͗̕ͅt̴̡̫̭͈̫͍̙̺̙͙̞̺̦̦͂̿̋̾͐̃̉̾̚ͅt̷̫̦̝͕̱̘̞͚͙͎͎̯̰̖͈̑̓̏̏͝ë̵̡̧̯́̍̏̈́̿̏ṟ̶̢̣̬̬͔͆͊͆̇̀̎̂̑̂͝͠,̷̨̧̧̢̙͔̟̥̻̦̮̟̰́̋͗̑̀͗̂̿́̀̚͜͠ ̶̡̛̜̙̙̱̹͉͍͕̳̇̀͗̎͋͂̑͒͘͝ͅb̸͇̮͙̩̖̖̭̯͎͓̺̺̣̫̻̈́͊̄̃̂̂̓̊̃͝͠͠ŗ̶̘͚̲͔̦̲̫͍̳͎̘̠̞̌̔͌͒̂͑̾̋̈́́̐͘͘͝ò̷̖̱̭̒͑̈́̈͘ṯ̵̳̇̆̈́̉h̸̢̡̖̰͙̟̞̲̜̊̄͂̒̊̅́͗̊̑̿͠͝e̸̹̟͓̞̗̺̳̪̲̞̪̮̼̓̄̆̓͆͛̈́͘̕r̶̺̃̇̎̕͝?̵̻̜̗͙͓̲̜̹̳̃͗͒͒̎̇̚̕ ̵̜̘̻̗̖̘̙̿̾͗͋̊̔̍̾
Aang: What are you-
I cut him off by sending an air blast towards the trio, launching all three of them away.
Y/N: I don't NEED to calm down, Aang. I have a much better idea. Don't try to stop me.
Aang: What are you-...No! This is what the monks told you not to do!
Y/N: I swore to only use such force for tasks that we're of such import...even the Vows of Pacifism of the Monks would permit such force.
Aang: No! Not like this! You're better than this! If you don't stop, many innocent people will die!
Y/N: They made me take a sacred vow on that... I am pushed over the edge, and now.... THEY'RE ALL DEAD, AANG! AND IT'S MY FAULT!
Aang: Y/N, please-
Y/N: Now....I know what I have to do...I will fucking kill... every. Single. Firebender that stands...and I will tear down anyone...who stands in my way!
Aang: groans This is getting out of hand! Stand down!
Y/N: S̷̛̩̓̍t̵͚̗͌̕̕a̵̫̺̚y̶̮̬͔͑̆̚ ̷̳̅̅o̵̤̺͈̾̈̚u̵͕͆͜͠ͅt̸̨̤̩͊ ̵̞̥̤͗̄̀ȍ̵̗f̸̞͑̉ ̷̤̬̎͒͑m̴̡̍̚͠y̴͓̤͖̽͌͘ ̶̯͎̀̀̕ͅw̸͕̥̔̽̉a̶̘͋y̷͓͙͇̿̕͠,̴̝̏ ̶͚͍̅b̴͖͗r̵͔̀o̵̠̙̓͊t̸͍̘͕̆̀h̶̻̺͒e̶̝͛̈́ř̷̢̜̮̿.̷̺́̾̕ ̸̞̭̜͗̉
Aang: Please, just listen to me! This isn't what Gyatso would have wanted! Yeah, he's dead, and...and it hurts you! It still hurts me! But he wouldn't want to see his student, his son, hurting innocent people! Gyatso loved us, Y/N! Even until his final breathe!
Y/N: I would have preferred if I was there to stand by him! Unlike you, who ran away!
Aang: angrily This is why I can't even with you sometimes! You won't listen and you can't stop being angry!
Aang realizes what he said, and he covers his mouth after the realization.
I clenched my fist, and I let out a war cry and I flew after Aang. Aang scrambles, and he blasted himself away from the spot where he was, he managed to get away at the last second, lest I would have crushed him with my punch.
I snapped my head to his direction again, and I started whipping up a small tornado to suck him back in to make sure he doesn't get away. Aang then pulls out his Airbending Staff, and he sends an Airblast my way, pushing some debris to my direction. I pulled up a wind barrier to keep the debris from hitting me, and I growled at him in response.
Aang: Don't make me hurt you, Y/N!
Y/N: You can't possibly make my life more painful than it is, Aang!
Aang screams in response, as he then proceeded to dive down towards me, cutting through the raging winds I was creating. I reared my hand back, and I balled my hand into a fist, and waited for Aang to come close enough.
Then, the blackness in my eyes reduced by a bit from my iris and I managed to get an opening. Before I even threw the punch, I stretched my other hand to the one that was balled into a fist, and I held it down, and I groaned as I struggled to hold my anger down.
Then, my iris was covered by black again, and I lost control. I looked up, and time seemed to have slowed down, and the end of Aang's staff slowly met my face.
Aang landed a hit right on my face using his staff, and he used his Airbending and sent an air blast my way, sending me flying to a wall. I groaned and I dispersed the wind wall surrounding me. I flew after Aang, and I reared my hand back, Aang stood his ground, and he takes in a deep breathe.
I threw my punch, and at the last second, Aang cocked his head to the side, barely dodging my punch. He grabbed my hand, and he slammed me to the ground. I roared in annoyance, and I tried to get up. Aang, however, got on top of me, and restrained my hands with his legs.
Aang: Bro, listen!
Y/N: Get off me, Aang!
Aang looked at me dead in the eyes, and said;
Aang: It's not your fault they died! You exiled yourself to protect the Temple and everyone in it! You've done your final job as a Temple Defender! It's not your fault they died, it's not your fault they're gone, please don't beat yourself up for this, and don't hurt others because of it! Gyatso wouldn't want that! I...I wouldn't want that!
I then used my legs and used it to grab Aang by the head. I threw him against a wall, and I got up. I reared my hand back, and I almost hit Aang with my punch...up until he said these words;
Aang: If you stayed...I would have lost you too... please...I can't lose you too, Y/N!
Hearing that, I groaned, and I looked at Aang, my eyes still covered with a dark substance. I threw my hand forward, and Aang closes his eyes in fear. Then, he flinched a bit as he felt and heard the wall right beside him shatter.
He opens his eyes, and sees my fist connected to the wall instead. Aang looked at me dead in the eyes, and saw the blackness in my eyes starting to disappear. The wind around us started to die down, the tornadoes formed around the temple dispersed, and the Hypercanes that threatened two Nations broke apart, leaving nothing but mere clouds.
I shivered, and I felt my body weaken, my arms trembled and my legs shake. I looked at Aang, one last time before passing out due to exhaustion, and told him one thing;
Y/N: Forgive me.
And just like that...I passed out...
3rd Person POV
Aang looked at Y/N as he fell to the ground, unconscious. Sokka and Katara emerge from a rock, and they made sure everything was clear.
Sokka: Is it clear?
Aang: sigh You're good. He's knocked out cold. Don't worry, he's a heavy sleeper.
Sokka: Well that's a relief! This guy's insane-!
Katara: Sokka!
Sokka: Oh, right. Sorry.
Aang: ...It was kind of terrifying...I never saw him get this angry before.
Katara: But you calmed him down, and I'm sure he'll come around eventually.
Aang: Yeah...but you're right. And if the firebenders found this temple, that means they found the other ones, too. Me and Y/N really are the last airbenders...
Katara wraps her arms around Aang for a hug, and Sokka walks closer and put his hand on Aang's shoulder.
Aang is seen standing in front of Roku's statue and Katara is seen with Sokka packing things up on Appa's back, and Y/N can be seen still asleep on Appa's back, and it can be seen Appa tries not to move too much.
Katara: Everything's packed. You ready to go?
Aang: How is Roku supposed to help me if I can't talk to him?
Katara: Maybe you'll find a way.
Aang and Katara glance at each other when they hear something behind them. They turn around and see the flying lemur standing on its back legs in the middle of the doorway. The animal as jumps to the right, toward where Sokka is standing. The animal reaches his feet and drops the load he was carrying: a variety of fruits.
The lemur quickly dashes away as Sokka sits down and starts to stuff his face with the fruit, taking large bites of two different pieces of fruit, and Aang and Katara smiles at Sokka.
Aang: Looks like you made a new friend Sokka!
Sokka: muffled Can't talk! Must eat!
The flying lemur climbs onto Aang and hides behind his head, his tail curled around Aang's neck
Aang: Hey, little guy!
After the packing was done, Aang, Appa and the creature looks at the Southern Air Temple from a distance.
Aang: You, me, Y/N, and Appa are the only ones left of this place, so we gotta stick together!
The Airbender turns around facing the Water Tribe siblings, who is seen securing the luggage.
Aang: Katara, Sokka, say hello to the newest member of the family!
Katara: What are you gonna name him?
Aang: Hmm...
Sokka is about to take another bite of the peach he is eating. Aang looks surprised when the lemur suddenly leaps off his arm and returns, holding the peach. The animal starts to nibble from it
Aang: Momo.
Sokka still stands there, mouth open and hand in front of his mouth, ready to take a bite, however, he has no peach anymore. The others start to laugh upon seeing Sokka's expression.
Sokka: Nice name, but would Y/N would even approve of that thing?
Aang: He may not look like it, but he actually loves animals. I'm sure he'll let keep Momo.
A scene of the Southern Air Temple at dusk; Aang is seen sadly staring back at it, leaning on the luggage that is tied at the back on Appa's saddle. Momo chitters quietly as they fly further away from the temple. Dark clouds slowly move in front of the temple, obscuring their view. Aang sighs, and he looks forward. He looks to his side, and looks at Y/N, sleeping peacefully. He smiles, and he looked forward again, as they started to fly away from the Temple.
Change Scene: Your POV
I woke up, and I saw leaves above me, birds singing around me, and the wind gently caressing the trees. I sat up,and held my head. I scanned my surroundings and I saw Appa and...a Lemur sleeping on top of his head. App turns his attention towards me, and he made his way closer to me, and he licked me.
Y/N: chuckles Good to see you, bud...sorry I got out of hand real quick.
Appa responded with a grunt, and he rubs his head against me, and he decided to lay right beside me. I could only smile, and I rest myself on Appa. I then took notice of the Lemur, and the animal looked at me. It's eyes staring into my own. Then, I stretched my arm forward, and then it proceeded to jump on my arm and walk all the way up to my shoulder.
I smiled and I let out a relieved sigh. I heard footsteps, and I looked to my side and I saw Aang. He was holding at least a handful of fruit. He looked at me, and he smiled. He sat beside me, and he gave me a fruit.
Aang: You're finally up. How are you feeling?
Y/N: Been better, but I'll live.
I said as I took a bite out of the fruit that was in my hand. The Lemur on my shoulder looked at the fruit in my hand, and sniffed it. I proceeded to break off a piece of it, and give it to the animal. I smiled, as I watched the Lemur eat the fruit...
Y/N: Hey Aang...
Aang: What's up?
Y/N: Have you...ever wondered what would happen if I just stay put in that temple?
Aang: ...Why are you asking me this?
Y/N: If I would have stayed and done my job as a Temple Defender...
Aang: Then ai would have lost you too...
Y/N: Not only that...I wonder how different things would be...if other Air Nomads turned out like me...?
Aang: Angry like you?
Y/N: No, who the Hell wants to be angry like me?! No...if they...learned to fight back when they are in danger instead of sitting down and meditating almost on a fucking daily basis. And's their pacifistic asses that got them killed...but then again...I wonder...
I said as the winds kept kicking up, and I looked at the trees...the image of the pile of dead Fire Nation Soldiers...and looked at Gyatso's skeleton and said;
Y/N: How things would differ if I didn't order the Monks to seal myself away..."
Aang: Y/N, we ca-"
Y/N: I'd have been there Aang! I'd have been there! You'd be Training your Earthbending, or whatever, Getting ready for a counter attack, and I'd be here, Fighting them off!
Aang: Then I'd have lost you!
The lemur jumped off my shoulder in fear, and landed on Appa's head. Appa started backing away from both if us, as me and Aang got into a heated argument, the winds kicking up around us.
Y/N: You don't know that! Even at my age, ALL the monks agreed I was the greatest Non-Avatar Temple Defender of all history! They Even said I outdid some of your Past lives in Air Bending, even at their peak! I might have fought them off!
Aang: And what if you didn't!?! What Then?! How do I handle losing my brother!?"
The winds became violent, winds from opposite directions, ones that are being created by me, and ones that are being created by Aang, the winds clashing as the argument progressively got worse.
Y/N: You wouldn't know because you're too damn busy training to be the Godsdamned Hero who'll save the world one day! I on the other hand?! I'm branded as the fucking VILLAIN! I try, I FUCKING do, try to save and protect the Air Nomads! You had it easy with you shit, Aang! The Monks side with you ALL the time! All I get from them are fucking complaints and orders to hold down my rage, which, by the way, I CANNOT FUCKING DO BECAUSE I'M CURSED! The Monks did what they can, and trained you, kept you in perfect condition, while I FUCKING crawl in the mud outside the Temple, and fend off any attackers and not even get a fucking simple "Thank you" for it. Except, I was met with a "You were too violent." WELL WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, THROW FUCKING PIES AT THEM?!
Aang: YOU THINK THAT I HAD IT EASY?! They forced me to do things that I didn't even want to do! I trained daily and nightly, perfecting my Airbending! Only for me to come back to Monk Gyatso and the others that I have to learn three more elements! I was just a kid, I didn't want to do those things and they forced it on me! So shut up, I didn't have it easy, I had it as bad as you? You're just being angry and irrational right now!
I pant heavily, and I noticed my vision started to blur. Tears started pouring out if my eyes, and the black substance steadily creeping into my sclera. The winds started to die down, and the tension breaks. I fell to my knees again, and the tears just...kept on coming...I felt angry at myself...but at the same time I felt... overwhelming sadness.
Y/N: I never wanted to be angry, damnit! I ONLY WANTED TO LIVE LIKE ALL OF YOU! I wanted to laugh, I wanted to hear and take a joke! A goddamn joke!
Aang fell silent...and he just looked at me...seeing his brother, who he's looked up to, and seen as a powerful individual, now weak and on his knees, crying. For a minute, I stopped crying and I just...look at the sky.
Aang then proceeded to sit beside me, and stare at the sky. We listened to the water running down the river, the birds singing a tune, more birds flying in the sky...I take in a deep breathe, and I jaw unclenched, my chest felt light...
Aang: Still remember the time when we still go to that waterfall, and we always jump off the highest point?
Y/N: ....I do....and I pray...that it still stands today, even after a century.
Aang: And I remember the time when you slipped off and you ended up getting a concussion and you threw a boulder at the top?
Y/N: chuckles Good times...tell you what? When all this Avatar, Chosen One, Saviour of the The World Business and shit is done...we do that, yeah?"
Aang: Yeah! And we'll bring our friends there too!
Y/N: Of course...yes...friends. Aang, listen.
Aang looked at me, and I sat back up and crossed my legs. Aang did the same, and he faced me.
Y/N: Wherever you look in this world, there will always be shadows to be found as well. So long as the concept of Victor exist, so will the Vanquished...there will be times when the world goes dark and gives you a big "Fuck you" sign. But no matter what happens, I will protect you. So as long as I live. I won't be there for you all the time...but I will always be right by your side, brother.
Aang: I know...but when the time comes when we ever lose one another...try to find me in my next life, okay?
Y/N: Not if I die first, bozo.
Aang: Ya know, you should stop joking about stuff like that.
Y/N: Force of habit, shut up.
Aang chuckles, and I couldn't help but crack a smile as well. Aang stretched his fist out to me, and he smiles.
Aang: Bros Forever?
I smiled, and I bumped my fist with his own.
Y/N: Bros Forever.
I heard Appa making his way to me, and I turn to him. Appa rubs his head against me again, and he laid right beside me. I chuckled and I put a hand on his nose. The lemur comes forward, and slowly gets on my shoulder, and he held up the same fruit I was eating not too long ago.
Y/N: Keep it, it's yours now.
The lemur immediately ate the fruit, and after it was done, he rubbed his body up against me. I smiled and I rubbed his head, and his ears drooped.
Y/N: What's the little guy's name?
Aang: Momo. His name's Momo.
I look at Aang, as I kept petting the Lemur that Aang named "Momo".
Y/N: Really...? Of all names, you picked that?
Aang: Hey, it's the first thing that came to mind-
Y/N: I like it.
Sokka and Katara then started walking towards the camp, carrying at least four pieces of fish, all of it stabbed with a spear.
Sokka: We got breakfast!
Katara: We got a long journey ahead of us, so we need to eat up!
Sokka: I made sure to catch the juiciest, and the best tasting fish I can find! I hope you enjoy, don't flatter me, it's only too easy.
Aang: Uhh, that's thing...we're Vegetarians.
Y/N: On some occasions, I eat meat. But zi hunt my own food.
Aang: Sorry Sokka, but we appreciate the effort.
Sokka: But...I caught these fishes for us to eat together...
Y/N: Fine, I'll hunt for a bigger catch. Be right back.
I stood up and I started walking away from the camp and onto a nearby lake.
Aang: Y/N, you do know that's against what we do, right?
Y/N: Most Monks are vegetarian, but I follow more esoteric codes. I can eat meat, so long as I or another hunter has caught it fairly and honorably, as that brings honor to the animal spirit. I'll be hunting my own food, thank you very much.
Sokka: Whatever, man! I worked hard catching this, so me and Katara are gonna eat this ourselves!
Y/N: Don't care, shut up. Do you want anything, Aang?
Aang: Like I said, I'll pass. Enjoy the fish though!
I then gave him a nod, and I started running towards the lake. I used my airbending and used it for propulsion to run even faster. Leaving the trio to themselves.
Katara: I heard very...loud screaming earlier. Is everything okay?
Aang: At that time? No. But now? Yeah, me and him are cool...we always do in the end.
Katara: I get that.
Katara smiles and sits beside Aang. She puts her hand on his shoulder, causing both of them to look at each other. Katara smiles, and Aang smiles back. They look at the distance and watch the beautiful scenery of the forest, mountain and the lake.
Katara: What will you do now? Now that...everything else is gone?
Aang: ...We keep moving forward. Always...
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