~~~~(Aurora's POV)~~~~
I woke up getting ready for the day. Jesse left when I woke up, and he left a note saying he had patrol. So I won't see him for hours, or even till late tonight. I was just finishing up my breakfast when my phone started ringing.
I walked over and picked up my phone to see that it's my grandpa John calling me. I smiled and answered the phone.
"Hi grandpa."
"Hey sweetheart, I'm sorry if I'm calling at such a bad time."
"Oh no you weren't, I'm home alone today. Jesse is on patrol, what did you need?"
"Well in that case, I was wondering if you'd like to do as you younglings say. Would you like to hangout with me, like old times? Since I heard you were in town, I figured we could do stuff like old times." I smiled remembering when I was little, I was always at grandpas house. I hated being at home so I would always wander to grandpas house.
"I would love that, I will be over in half an hour?"
"Sounds good Aura, see you in a bit." Then I heard the click, signaling the end of the call. I smiled at the nickname grandpa gave me. I put my dishes in the sink, and made my way down towards the garage. I grabbed my keys off the hook and walked to my car.
My car was a 2015 white jeep Cherokee. I'm glad Jesse has taken great care of it. I hop in and start the car, leaving the house and down our drive. After about less than five minutes, I turned right onto the highway and drove to my grandparents house.
Soon I pulled into the driveway of a very familiar house. I get out of the car, just as grandpa John comes walking out of the house. As soon as I'm close, I wrap my arms around him and stay like that for a few minutes.
We got into my car and drove off to Seattle, but before we left we stopped at the small ice cream shop. Grandpa got his chocolate brownie on a cone, and me, I got cookies n cream on a cone. We ate for a few minutes then got back in the car.
We were heading to Seattle to see a movie, and then get ready for the evening fish. Grandpa John would always take me fishing with him. I always found my time with grandpa John fun relaxing, like it was my only time to escape from the world.
We were going to go see 'Fast and Furious 7'. Grandpa John loves the Fast and Furious series. Grandpa was talking to me almost about anything, when I noticed he was started to get shortness of breath.
"Grandpa? Grandpa, are you okay?" I asked reaching my hand over to his shoulder. I kept glancing at him, while keeping my eyes on the road. I noticed he had beads of sweat on his forehead and he was grasping his shirt by his heart.
I was beginning to get scared that he was having a heart attack! I took a quick glance back at the road to see a person in the middle of my lane. It was the same person who confronted me in the forest the second night I came home.
I quickly slammed on the breaks and turned the wheel. Now remember on the highway you are going like 55 or 60 miles an hour. When I turned the wheel sharply to the right, everything went in slow motion. The car left the ground and began to turn in the air.
Glass was breaking all around us. I looked out my window to see that blood sucker still standing there with her head back, staring at me. My eyes would close then barely open to see colors blur past me.
"," I could feel my mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything but ringing in my ears. Grandpa John turned his head to me mouthed something that I couldn't quite catch. The next thing I know is the impact of the car hitting the ground.
The car continued to roll, then about rolled again but came back down on its wheels. My head landed on the window, and it was hard to breathe a bit. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.
I turned my head to see that leech standing outside my window. She got close enough and whispered low enough that I was still able to hear her.
"We're coming, and we don't stop until we get what we want. Even if that means all that you love and care about is gone." She stands up straight and walks away. I could faintly hear sirens out in the distance.
"Aurora,...." I turn my head but wince a little.
"Aura,....I am....glad back.....I tho..ught...I woul..d...never again...just know....that...I love you Aura...." I could feel tears prick at the backs of my eyes. I could see the life slowly fade in his eyes, as they closed.
"Grandpa....I love you too." I hope he could still hear me. I heard car doors shut and shouts from many people. There was people at my door trying to get it open. "No! Help him, please help my grandpa!"
I kept motioning towards my grandpa. I knew I would be fine, it was him I was worried about. I felt something go around my neck, and then something hard was placed under my body. Hands gently pulled me onto a board structure, and then I saw many faces looking down at me.
"Grandpa!" I would keep shouting hopefully to hear him reply back. My nerves were bad as my worries grew. This was bad, I had to calm down otherwise. I started to cough, and gasp for air.
"Quick get her into the ambulance!" All I could see was the grey sky, then a ceiling of an ambulance. A face came into view, and I recognized her. It was aunt Kim!
"Aurora! Hey sweetie it's aunt Kim." She noticed it was hard for me to breathe so she put a mask over my face. My vision began to get blurry as my attack was happening again. I saw my aunt Kim's lips moving but heard it muffled as if I was under water.
I slowly closed my eyes, as I couldn't keep them open anymore. Great now my secret will be out. I was hoping no one found out so they wouldn't have to live in pain. Everything just washed over me as I succumbed to the darkness that awaits me.
I woke up to a slow and steady beeping noise. I opened my eyes to see that I was in an all white room with the lights turned down a bit. I blinked a few times and sat up. I placed a hand on my head as a wave of pain just rushed to my forehead behind my eyes.
I took in my surroundings and realized I was in the hospital. I look to my right and I saw some clothes were folded on the chair next to the bed. I carefully took out the needles and wires so I could get dressed.
I heard the door open, just as I was done zipping up my jacket.
"Ah Aurora glad to see that your awake." I looked up and saw that it was Dr. Cullen who spoke.
"Hey Carlisle, how long have I been out?"
"Just a couple of hours, now why are you up out of bed?"
"Please Carlisle, I'm fine. I'm a shifter remember?"
"Yes, but Aurora, you sustained some injuries. And I want to talk to you about the results of the tests that I ran." Tests?! Seriously, now what am I going to do?
"What tests? Shouldn't you have my permission to run tests?" Look I'm nervous. I don't want anyone to find out about my secret. Why does my life suck.
"When you came in, you had a mask on having trouble breathing. It got better once we stabilized you and you rested. I was curious so I ran a few tests to see what was causing it. Luckily it wasn't a punctured lung, collapsed lung, or anything for that matter."
"Great, so then what did you find out?" I'm hoping he didn't find anything and my secret is safe.
"For starters, you have a concussion. So I would like you to take it easy for awhile. Let me know if you are experiencing bad headaches, dizziness, or anything unusual." I nod my head, and was about to leave when something or more like someone came to mind.
"Carlisle, where's my grandpa?" I saw his eyes sadden and knew instantly something was wrong.
"Aurora, I wish it wasn't me who is telling you this but...he didn't make it." My heart stopped, and I felt my heart shatter to pieces and a few splinters of them are missing. "We got him here, but unfortunately we were too late. His injuries were very severe, I'm terribly sorry."
"Can I leave?" He nodded his head and told me that my mom was down in the waiting room. I walked out and down the hall before passing a room. I stopped and stared in at the girl lying on the bed with a tube down her throat. I had a feeling I knew who this was but I asked Carlisle to make sure.
"That's Vanessa Rogers. She's in a coma from an accident two years ago. Why, did you know her Aurora?" I guess in a way, I did know her. I thanked Carlisle and I saw a lady in there next to Vanessa's side. That must be Mr. Rogers wife.
I knocked and the lady turned around. Her face was one of confusion.
"Do I know you child, are you a friend of Vanessa?" I smiled and walked in.
"I guess you could say that I'm friends with her dad. He gave me a ride home on the bus when I got back from college." Her face brightened up suddenly.
"Is your name by any chance Aurora?" I nod my head. "I've heard a bit about you from my husband. He said that you gave him fifty dollars for the fare, but it was only $4.75."
"We exchanged stories and it was nice to have someone that was very nice to talk to. He said that Vanessa and I were a lot alike. I'm sorry about your daughter." Mrs. Rogers face saddened as she looked down at her daughter.
"As am I, but I'm starting to lose hope of her retuning to us." I knew what she meant. If her daughter didn't start showing signs of being responsive, they were going to take her off of life support.
"Mrs. Rogers," she turned to me. "don't stop believing in hope. Like I told your husband, if you believe and have hope...anything is possible." She walked over to me and embraced me in a hug.
"Thank you dear, I'm glad I got to finally meet you." I hugged her back then left as my mother was waiting for me. I got down to the waiting room, and once my mom saw me she ran and embraced me in a hug.
"Oh thank heavens, you're okay." I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her shoulder. We walked back to her car and left the hospital. We sat in silence until we pulled into an old driveway. I looked up and saw the house I grew up in.
As I got out of the car I saw many cars here, and I started feeling uneasy. We walked in, mom being first then me. I felt something ram into me, as arms wrapped around me. I just stood there stunned as the person hugged me.
It was Flora, then dad. I just stood there, not wanting to look into their eyes. After a few minutes we were all sitting down. I just stared at my lap as Flora sat beside me. I listened to grandma Serena talk to mom, and grandma Tiffany. Grandpa Billy and dad sat in the living room with us.
Uncle Sam, Paul, Jake, Jared, Seth, Collin, Brady, and then my aunts were all here. After the accident, aunt Kim called everyone telling them. All of my cousins are here, except my siblings. Jesse showed up shortly after I arrived.
Everyone was talking when all of a sudden the front door slams open. I nearly jump off the couch, but stayed seated. In comes Liam, Lilly, and Ember. I could feel the anger radiate from them in waves.
"What the hell did you do?!" Ember shouts. I kept my head down in my hands.
"Aurora, why did you wreck the car! There was nobody else there, they said you were speeding!" Lilly yelled. I felt tears start to form. Fragments of the accident were popping up in my mind.
"Why Aurora, explain...explain what happened." Liam said trying to control his anger. My body was shaking. Shaking from fear, guilt, and partially anger. I tried to block them out but it's getting harder. The more I stress the more my secret gets worse.
"Why aren't you talking! You killed grandpa John. Everything was fine until you came back!" Lilly screamed at me. I heard grandpa whisper something before I was taken away. Liam, Ember, and Lilly continued as they were pushing the line.
"Enough! What has gotten into you guys? She just got here from the hospital and you come in here yelling at her!" Mom started arguing with them. I tried to block them out by covering my ears but it wasn't working. I was getting over whelmed and finally I snapped.
"Stop!" I screamed. Everything went quiet, and all eyes were on me as I stood up. "I didn't mean to wreck the car. Grandpa John was having a heart attack but I didn't realize that until I woke up in the hospital. I was more focused on him than the road! I checked the road every few seconds but..."
"But what sweetie?" Grandma Serena came over to me and placed a hand on my back. I could feel my chest tightening again, I have to leave now!
"I killed him." I whispered. I knew everyone that was a shifter could hear me. "I'm so sorry grandma," I quickly hugged her then ran past her. I ran past everyone that is crowded in the room, and out the kitchen door.
I just ran into the woods. I hear people call my name but I just continue to run. As I run my chest was getting very tight, and it was getting harder to breathe. I was about to have another attack.
'I killed him. I killed my own grandpa! Why did it have to happen to him? Why couldn't it have been me who died? Lilly was right, everyone was better off without me being here. I wish I was never born. I'm so sorry grandpa, I'm so sorry!'
As I was running, memories of the accident were flashing through my mind slowly, then quickly. Tears were blurring my vision making it very hard to see. I continued to run, when my foot missed the ground and I fell down a hill side.
I rolled down the hill hitting rocks or branches here and there. I finally came to a stop when I heard a splash. I landed on my side as the water started to go around me. With it being dark out, the temperature was low tonight as well. My body began to shiver as the water began to freeze.
I was slowly falling into darkness as my attack was still occurring. Memories of the accident still flooded my mind, when I heard faint muffled shouts in the distance. I couldn't open my eyes or move. Ever since my attacks have become more frequent, my body has grown weaker.
"Aurora!" I could faintly hear my name. Why can't they let me just die? I killed grandpa, I don't want to live with that guilt.
"She's over here!" I hear someone closer shout. I hear mud sliding as a person or two came down the hill I fell down.
"Aurora?" I couldn't respond I am so tired. I was slipping into darkness. I felt a warm hand on my neck as they were checking my pulse. "Damn! Her pulse is slow." I couldn't make out who was talking.
I hear muffled voices but once a hand touched my arm, my attack was beginning to subside. I was grateful for that, but I wished to be alone. The hand that touched me sent tingles up my arm, and I knew it was Jesse.
I hear muffled voices shout, then shortly after I hear more people come. My body was lifted out of the water and was brought to a warm chest. Who ever was carrying me, was climbing up the hill.
I assumed we got to the top when we stopped, but I flinched when a blanket was being wrapped around me. Before I totally lost consciousness, I hear the words,
"Don't worry Aurora, I've got you." But what was on my mind was the words grandpa said before he died. 'I love you Aura' and a lone tear fell down my freezing cold cheek. I'm so sorry grandpa, I wish you were here, and I was the one who was dead instead. I love you grandpa....
I'm so sorry for the late update, I hope this long chapter makes up for it. Please for give me, I've been busy and will continue to be until May. I will try to upload when I can.
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