
"They seriously keep a Cursed object here?"
A relatively tall and slim young man with fair skin and dark-blue eyes, has uniquely styled black hair with long spikes that jut out in every direction around his head, resembling a sea-urchin, and wears a dark blue jacket over a long-sleeved white dress shirt. He was known as Megumi Fushiguro, and he was currently standing before a wooden container shrine.

"Can they be any more stupid?"
Yet when Megumi attempted to open it and retrieve what was inside, there was nothing.

"... Huh?"
Which of course confused and made Megumi very worried, as he looked around the area, yet he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"It's empty."
After finding nothing, Megumi was forced to make a phone call, something he wasn't ro happy about.

"Oh really? Must've gotten up and went on a family stroll~"
Especially since Fushiguro was forced to talk to someone he very much disliked.

"I'm going to punch you."
Megumi didn't hide the fact he dislike the person either.

"Well, no going home until you find it, ok?~"
The person on the phone gave a teasing "Hehe" before hanging up.

"... I'm seriously going to punch him."
Megumi let out a sigh as he hung up and put away his phone as well, looking back at the empty wooden box and wearing a worried frown.

"Where can it be?"
Meanwhile, at a fast food restaurant known as "Family Burgers", a man could be seen sitting at one of the tables, no doubt waiting for his meal to be given to him, though as he was waiting, a group of waiters walked up to the man, once together and around the costumer, the waiters start.

"We've got an order, Family!~"

"Eat with your Family at Family Burgers~"

"Moms and Dads loves eating at Family Burgers~"





"And the star that packs a punch is-"

The workers of the "Family Burgers" start doing some kind of small dance and jingle routine, which involves them being a "Family" or what not, before ending it with one of the waiters dressed as the mascot of the "Family Burgers", the costumer could only shake his head in annoyance at this.

"A-AH! Here's your meal Sir!"
Once the theme song ended, another waiter, or specifically a waitress, came walking in, she seemingly had the tray of food for the customer.

This generally demure, soft spoken, and VERY anxious waitress is a young woman with short brown hair that is tied in a ponytail with bangs/a shoulder-length hair strand hanging on the right side plus hair clips, and brown eyes. This waitress was known as Kobeni Higashiyama, and she did her best to work at the Family Burgers, even doing the "Family" theme and posing.

"Hmph, took you long enough."
The customer just ignore and begins to eat his burgers, which made Higashiyama pout in a dejected manner, but didn't say anything about it as she walked away to get back to work.

"Kobeni, how many times do I have to tell you, stop being so forceful in your delivery, not very Family."
Though the nervous wreck was then stopped by her boss, who seemed to wear a very disappointing and disapproving look at the waitress.

"A-Ah! Yes Sir, I-I'm sorry!"
Making Kobeni feel bad about herself and quickly tried to apologize for it.

"Also, stop saying "Ah" and panicking so much, that's not what Family Burgers does."
The boss just crossed his arms and glared at Higashiyama, seemingly very annoyed with her and how she was acting.

"I-Ah, yes, w-wait! I, ah, um, Ah!-"
Which Kobeni tried to apologize again for it, but freaked out when she said "Ah" again, which then freaks her out even more so to make her say it again, fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, it was quickly stopped, specifically, it was stopped when her boss slapped her across the face.

"That was a Family slap, remember that whenever you feel scared."
The boss huffs and raises a hand again, making his worker flinch in fear.

"... save me..."
Kobeni struggled to not cry about her situation.

"Sir! We have a delivery order."
Luckily before such abuse could continue, it was quickly interrupted by another random worker, informing the body that a delivery order was just called.

"There, that's something you can do instead of screwing up your lines, just be sure you're not late, or you will pay for it."
The boss decided to just leave it to his waitress, of course making her nervous again with such a responsibility.

"A-Ah, ok Sir-"
Though Kobeni had no choice but to accept the task, before quickly freaking out after realizing her mistake and getting slapped for it again.

"I said stop doing that."
Soon, once Higashiyama was given the bag of fast food, as well as the information and location of where to take it, she got into her car and drove off to where she needed to go.

"... I guess I shouldn't complain..."
As Kobeni was driving, she couldn't help but think about her situation.

"At least I'm not a sex worker."
Kobeni looked out the window, seeing prostitutes standing around waiting for "Certain" customers.

"Or a Devil Hunter..."
Kobeni also noticed a few people in suits, specifically a man with a Topknot and a woman with an eyepatch.

"I just hope I won't have to work there for long."
Yet even if Kobeni was glad she didn't have those kinds of specific jobs, she still wasn't entirely happy with her current predicament either.

"Once I'm no longer forced to pay for my Brother's college, I can look for a better job, and worry about my own future."
Kobeni couldn't help but be lost in thoughts, as she thought about her own future, and what kind of things she wanted in life, it was the only thing she could hope for these days.

"M-Maybe a future with ice cream~..."
Before Kobeni could get any more lost in thought, she was instantly interrupted and cut off when she saw two school students in front of her.

This of course made Kobeni panic but was able to stop her car just in time, sighing in relief to not hit the students.

"Sorry About That! Please Forgive Us!"
The students quickly apologized, seeming not realizing or caring they almost got hit by the car, as they ran off, no doubt heading to school.

"... Must be nice to live so carefree..."
Kobeni shook her head, as she was about to continue driving, but noticed something on the top of the hood of her car, specifically something wrapped in bandages.

"O-Oh? They dropped something?"
Kobeni was surprised to see this, as she was concerned at the idea of her being responsible for making a student lose something.

"But they're long gone, so I can't give it to them."
Unfortunately the students were long gone, so Kobeni couldn't just give it back to them.

"Well, I can't just leave it here, people might step on it, or maybe steal it."
Kobeni then reached for it and held it in her hand, as she considered what to do with the item.

"I'll just hold on to it for now, maybe I'll find them again on the way back from delivery."
Kobeni, while thinking what to do with the item, soon realized that she was still on the job, quickly driving away to make the delivery, unaware of a certain something following just behind her.

Meanwhile, at some school building during night time, two students could be seen sitting together, candles and random "Curse Demon" books surrounding the two.

"Oooooh, this is gonna be so exciting~"
The students seemed to be very excited and eager on what they were about to do.

"Wait, shouldn't we wait for Yuji?"
But just as the students were about to do something, they were interrupted by another student, with spiky pink hair.

"Guys Wait!"
This pink-haired student was known as Itadori Yuji, and he was currently trying to stop his friends from doing whatever they were about to do.

"Oh look, there he is."
The students were just glad to see their friend here with them.

"Have you opened that scary looking thing we found?"
Yuji quickly asks them something that made them confused.

"Oh, not yet no, why?"
But before the two students could question why, a familiar person also came walking in.

"My name is Megumi Fushiguro, and I need to confiscate the Cursed Item you currently have."
That being Megumi himself, he was the one who wanted the item that the two students currently have.

"W-Woah, is it really Cursed?"
This of course surprises the two students when they were informed that the item they supposedly had was actually cursed.

"Very Cursed, and very dangerous."
Megumi nods when they asked this.

"Awesome! I knew we'll find something cool!~"

Which made both students excited and high-five each other, no doubt very happy to find something that was actually spooky and haunted.

"Please give it to me!"
Megumi got impatient as he had to sternly ask again to be handed the item.

"Fine, fine, no need to get all pissy about it."
The two students pouted from having to give up something so important, but they complied and did as they were told, opening their bag and was about to get it.

"... Uh oh."
Until the student ran into a certain problem.

"What do you mean by 'Uh Oh'?!"
Which did not go unnoticed by Megumi.

"Um... I think we lost the thing..."
The Cursed Item that the student was supposed to have, they didn't really have it after all.

"This isn't good."
Megumi glanced up, seeing something look away and started to leave the area, as if finding something.

"Very not good at all..."
Megumi was getting very more concerned about the situation he found himself in.

"Hey, what happens if someone else finds that thing you were looking for?"
Yuji noticed the worried look of Fushiguro, as he asked a question that made him frown and even more unsure about the problem they were currently facing.

"... I can only hope Gojo will find them before that happens..."
Back with Kobeni, she was currently standing before a house, which was opened and seemingly owned by a young woman, with a tied up black hair, had brown eyes, and seemed to be wearing a school uniform, she was known as Asa Mitaka.

"AH-H, here's your order, just in time!"
And currently, Kobeni was there to give this Mitaka person their bag of food.

"Thank you, would you like a tip?"
Which Asa appreciated, and was even about to offer Higashiyama a tip.

"T-That would be nice, thank you."
Making Kobeni very thankful, though, as the customer was getting about her wallet to both pay and tip her, she couldn't help but notice her school uniform and remembered something.

"H-Hey, do you go to school?"
Kobeni then asked the question, catching Mitaka's attention.

"Yeah, why?"
Asa tilts her head, wondering why Higashiyama asked such a question.

"W-Well, it's because I found something that someone at your school dropped, and, s-so, um, I was wondering if you can give it back to them? I-If you can, that is."
Kobeni hoped this would solve the problem, no longer having to worry about what she made the student lost and hopefully being able to return it to them without worry.

"Sure, what is it?"
Asa just shrugged, not having a problem with it, making Higashiyama happy, quickly reaching in her pocket to pull out the item in question.

"O-Oh dear, looks like the wrapping came off."
But when Kobeni pulled it out, both of the girls realized that the bandages were coming off.

And when it came off, the item in question seemed to be a finger, much to the horror of both Asa and Kobeni.

Asa was immediately freaked out and suspicious towards Higashiyama.

"I-I Didn't Know, I-I'm Sor-!"
Kobeni, equally scared, if not more so, tried to explain and defend herself, however she stopped herself when she noticed something even more horrifying, the first being that Asa suddenly had her face split open, falling to the ground with her eyes and brains spilling out to the floors.

"A-A Devil..."
And the 2nd thing that Kobeni noticed was that it was done by a Devil, who then roars and attempted to pounced at her, which she screams and manages to run away, though that then stop the Devil from chasing her, but while they ran away from the area, the corpse of Asa was suddenly met with a bird, with large swirling eyes.

"If you want to live, your body will be mine."
Was all the bird to Asa, back with Kobeni, she was still running away from the Devil.

"WHY ME!?!"
And as Kobeni was running, she couldn't help but question and curse out to the world of the life she had.

Kobeni cried and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Yet the more Kobeni screamed, the more she began to realize how terrible her life was.

And the more Kobeni realized how terrible it was, she let out more tears.

"JUST!... Why can't I just be happy..."
And the more Kobeni cried, the less she tried to run, as if knowing the futility of her situation and her life.

'Maybe I should...'
As Kobeni was just about to consider what she was living for, and if it was all worth it, she was suddenly grabbed in the face by the Devil she was running from.

And was immediately crushed, blood splatter everywhere, making the Devil laugh loudly and insanely.

But before the Devil could enjoy the kill, it was suddenly interrupted by bursting into slice bits and pieces almost instantly.

"Ah! I knew it!"
And the one responsible for this, was none other than Kobeni, yet, not only was she supposed to be dead, but everything about her seemed to have changed.

"The light feels best in the flesh!"
Not only by her voice, but as well as the markings that suddenly appeared on the body of hers, which she revealed more of by removing the clothes she wore that covered them.

"A Cursed Spirit's flesh is so boring..."
Once Kobeni was completely top less, she looked around and opened her eyes, all four of them, as she grabbed her face with her sharp claws and let out a crazed and evil filled laughter.

"Where are the people? The women?! What a wonderful era to be in~"
Kobeni licked her lips as she looked all around herself, sensing all the life that surrounded herself.

"Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots, marvelous! It'll be a massacre!"
Which only made Kobeni even more eager, no doubt having so much negative and evil intentions, specifically with what she planned to do when she met the living people she had sensed.

"[Grandma Spinal Sword]"
However before the changed Higashiyama could have some fun, she suddenly heard something being cut apart and screaming in agony, as she then turns around to see what she heard.

And what Kobeni found was Asa, though she also looked different, her swirling eyes having the same expression as herself, special scars on her face, and what stood out the most was the sword she was currently holding, the sword made from the head and spine of an old lady.

"Ryomen Sukuna."
Asa called out to Kobeni, yet seemed to refer to this new look as "Ryomen Sukuna".

"It's been a while."
Asa smirks as she rests her spine sword over her shoulder.

"It sure has, War Devil."
Kobeni, or actually, Sukuna, also let out a smirk as she recognized the woman that stood before her, not as Asa Mitaka, but as the "War Devil" herself, or in other words.

"How have you been, my terrifying Wife?~"
I have plans, like Kobeni and Asa joining JJK school, but since I'm not an expert on it, I'm very open to suggestions and advice on how to continue this story.
(Fanart is made by Reqqle, idea was all mine, you can find it on DeviantArt, look up "Kobeni The Dishonored One")

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