Pilot episodes 1 & 2 - Way Of The Ninja & The Golden Weapons |1|
🎼 Song: "Born For This" By The Score ♬ ♩ ♪
⚞Tw: Violence, Pain, Language⚟
It had been six years since Wu had taken Y/n in. She was now 14, and her and Wu's relationship had grown tremendously. He started training her a few days after she came to live with him. Sure she was only eight years old, but Wu could tell that she could take it. Wu loved Y/n, and she loved him. Y/n grew to have an unspeakable amount of trust and respect for Wu over the past six years, little did she know that maybe not all secrets were shared with her.
-{October 1st}-
I jumped on another one of the poles that were jerking up and down just as Wu came out of the monastery. "Y/n," He simply began.
I turned to my left and saw him. I then quickly jumped off the pole I was currently on and moved a little closer toward him. "Yes, Master?" I questioned, panting a little from how long I'd been training.
Wu didn't say anything else as he moved past me, his staff clicking on the ground as he walked with it. "The time has come that the Protectors of the Golden Weapons are needed. I must leave and find them, I will be back in a few days." I was completely shocked and just stared at him dumbfounded before shaking my head back to reality.
"Wait! Who are they!" I ask frantically as I follow behind him. "Can't I come with you?"
He stops at the big doors of the Monastery and then turns back to me. "You must stay here, and when I come back with them you must not show yourself until I tell you to do so." I was still confused, but with the time I've stayed here I have learned that Wu doesn't give straight answers. I just took a breath and nodded my head, even though I wanted nothing more than answers.
Wu smiles softly, trying to calm me. "I will return soon." He reassures. And with that he leaves, walking his way down the steps to the bottom of the mountain. He'd gotten slower on those stairs over these past years. I even remember a time where he jokingly mentioned wanting to put an elevator in. I still think he secretly meant that.
I sighed sharply after I closed the grand doors. I plopped myself on the step of the Monastery porch, playing with my necklace, feeling the silver butterfly on it and the engraved details under my fingertips. And I just keep wondering who these 'Protectors' were exactly.
And that's how I got here: a couple days after he left. And I'm still waiting for his return.
I hear talking coming from outside the monastery doors and I immediately perk up. I assume it is Wu and these so-called 'Protectors' of the Golden Weapons, so I obey Wu's orders and I stay out of sight. Climbing up a support beam onto the roof, I lay on my stomach and watch as Wu comes in followed by three boys that look somewhat around my age.
The one who was in front was pretty tall and more muscular than the rest, sandalwood skin and black hair around neck-length.
Another had brown hair with an orange tint, a big thing I had noticed from afar was he had heterochromia, one brown and one blue. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet as Wu stood talking to him, he was obviously feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. He seemed like the type that couldn't stand still. "ADHD." I mumble to myself.
The last boy had such platinum blond hair it was practically white, and he had a really pale complexion. He stood behind the other two, his hand clasped together in front of him, and he just smiled timidly as he watched Wu talk to the boys. I have this feeling he'd be that guy that would catch a fly in a cup to release it safely outside.
That day I watched from afar as Wu trained the three, continuing to take my mental notes on each of the boys. 'Hefty' was the most mature and usually kept the talkative one in line. 'Zippy' couldn't stay quiet and had a nervous laughing problem. 'Softy' never understood when 'Zippy' made a joke, he would usually take things too seriously and never get any jokes or metaphors, but was so pure it was endearing.
Wu left after only one day of being back. He didn't answer any of my questions he just kept saying 'stay hidden and wait'. I was so annoyed and impatient over this. I was never one to be demanding answers that may have been none of my business, but I've been here for years and it kinda hurt that he wouldn't tell me.
So. What did I do? The only thing reasonable...
I followed him, obviously.
I silently follow Wu for an hour, my legs burning by the time I see a small building in the distance. Wu began to walk up the driveway, I quickly dashed behind a large rock and watched as I got closer to the house by moving from rock to rock. I could make out two figures of people inside the shop, I could hear grunting and clanging coming from the house.
I listened to see what was happening when I heard a boy speak. "To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat...cool it off...and...presto." Forge? Must be a blacksmith shop.
I hear an annoyed groan come from the boy and then a laugh from a girl. "You made it too quickly, Kai" So, that was the boy's name. "Be patient. If Father was still here he'd say-" The boy, now known as Kai, cut off the girl I assume to be his sister.
"I know, 'No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn over night.'" He sighs. "That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than dad ever was." Kai says, a determination in his voice.
I hear Wu give a 'hm' and I peek past the rock I was listening behind to see what's happening. "Your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down, useless in the art of stealth." Wu says and walks past Kai. I just now see what he looks like, a brown haired boy with it styled into spikes.
Wu looks at Kai and continues. "All tools for a samurai," He then taps his staff against a stack of helmets leaning on the wall, making the top helmet slump diagonally on the stack. "But nothing for a ninja?" He says as he points his staff at Kai. Ninja? That's what he's doing? Getting ninjas?
"Ninja? You're a long way from finding a ninja in the parts, old man." He says as he puts the horribly made sword on the anvil. "And the shop is called '4 Weapons', not for browsing. So either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else." He said as he got in Master Wu's face and pointed past him out the entrance, and his tone was incredibly disrespectful.
"Loud, bad-tempered, and overly confident." I mutter to myself. "He would make a terrible ninja, let alone one of the Golden Weapon's protectors."
"Ha, too bad. I thought I'd find something special here." He walks past Kai and Kai turns to his sister.
She made a gesture with her hands as if to say 'talk to him'. "If it's something special you're looking for," Kai walks over to another helmet stack and picks one up. "Let me sho-" He stops when he turns around and sees Wu has already disappeared. "He was just- Ugh, nevermind!"
I blink. I didn't even see Wu leave. I look around frantically for him. I stop as I feel it suddenly get dark, I look up and see dark clouds roll in out of nowhere.
I hear engines revving and then multiple motorbikes with skulls on the front jump out from over the hill and...skeleton people riding them? I hear a skeleton shout, "ATTACK!!" and then skeleton vehicles zoom forward, the villagers working to try to fight but then end up running away while screaming. I try to listen to what is happening as the skeletons drive to the blacksmith shop but I can't due to the loud engines.
The skeletons start to jump on Kai and he tries to fight them off, but soon gets pinned to the ground by Samukai. He twirls a dagger in each of his 4 hands,and out of nowhere a golden Spinjitzu tornado comes out with a scream."Ninja! Go!" The gold tornado pushes Samukai away from Kai. I still can't hear anything as Wu speaks to Samukai.
Samukai laughs and throws his 4 daggers at Wu, which Wu easily dodges. Or I thought he did. The dagger hits a wooden leg of a water tower and it starts falling towards Kai. I gasp, but Wu does his Spinjitzu and picks up Kai in the gold tornado and gets him out of the way
I am finally able to hear some things once all the vehicles have rolled to a stop. "Garmadon says take the girl!"
My eyes practically pop out of my head. Garmadon? Wu said he was trapped in the Underworld! A skeleton grapple hand comes out of one of the nearby cars and grabs Nya, pulling her onto it.
"Nya!" Kai screams as the skeletons quickly drive away and out of sight. "They took Nya..."
Wu walks up and taps the helmet Kai is wearing. "I told you, useless." Okay, now that's just provoking him.
"UGH! You could've done something! You could've used your whatjitzu thingy-"
"Spinjitzu!" Wu cuts him off with his correction, only making Kai get angrier.
"You did nothing, now I'm going to get my sister back."
"Where they go, a mortal cannot. That was Samukai, king of the Underworld. And if it is true that he is carrying out orders from Lord Garmadon, then I fear things are far worse than I had ever thought."
Kai turns around and walks up to Wu, gripping his shoulder. "Lord Garmadon? Underworld? What do we have that's so important? Why would they take my sister?!
"What's so important? How about everything in Ninjago itself. Long before time had a name,"
A smile pulls onto my lips. I have heard this so, so many times, and I still love it.
A wave of nostalgia hits me as he tells the tale. The tale of the creation of Ninjago, or the four Golden Weapons, of everything. When Wu first took me in, he told that story to me practically non-stop. He didn't tell it to me as much anymore; I think he thought I was getting sick of hearing it so much. But I still love it.
My attention was grabbed back from my reminiscence when Wu hit Kai with his staff, knocking him to the ground, and Wu standing on top of him and pointing his staff in Kai's face. "HA HA! You are not even ready to face my pinky toe" He says, wiggling his foot in Kai's face. I couldn't help but laugh silently, slapping my hands over my mouth to stay quiet.
I keep trying to stop myself from laughing but then I notice them getting up and leaving. I quickly got up and ran to the monastery, needing to get back before they did so Wu didn't know I followed him.
I wait atop of the monastery roof for their return, I hear grunting and then Kai saying as he pants, "How long is this training going to take, aren't we in a rush because of the map?"
"Patience," Is what Wu says for the hundredth time since Kai had asked for the hundredth time.
Almost a week has passed, Kai failing countless times at the training course.
Ah, I remember Wu giving me this lesson. The wondrous frustration that made me rage. Mm, nostalgia again.
It was another day of watching Kai train on the course. I had been wondering where the other three were but Wu is a crazy old man, so whatever. Today seems different, I could see this agitated determination in Kai's eyes.
So, when the timer started, he was flying through the course.
Cheater. I think when I see Wu start to fix his tea faster.
Suddenly, Kai throws his wooden sword at Wu's cup, knocking it from his hands. Alright, kudos to Kai. Even though he is super arrogant.
I gasp and slap my hand over my mouth as I see Kai sitting next to Wu, holding a bowl of sugar cubes. "Is that one sugar, or two?" He then says smugly.
Wu huffs and get up, turning around and walking back into the monastery.
Kai looks behind him, watching Wu. "So when will I be learning this Spinjitzu thing?"
"You already have, and my advice...Get some sleep."
Later that night Wu gave me a completely black ninja gi and told me to put it on and wait on top of the pole in the middle of the training course and that I'm not to show myself until he gives me 'the signal'. I obey and ask no questions, knowing that he won't tell me even if I did.
I am sitting on the top of the pole in front of the small dragon at the top. I suddenly hear footsteps on the roof, then black figures jumping onto the monastery roof and dashing across it so fast I barely can comprehend.
What. in. the. 16 realms.
I let out a horrified gasp⎯almost a shriek⎯when they break through the roof and jump down the new hole. T-They just destroyed the monastery!
I hear faint grunts and shouts from inside, then Kai comes flying out of the roof, the three people in black ninja gi like mine follow behind. The pole I'm sitting on starts spinning and I grip onto the wings on the small golden dragon statue, holding on for dear life since I'm 'not supposed to reveal myself'.
I hear yelling and fighting but am stilling holding onto the statue with my eyes squeezed shut as the pole keeps spinning. I hear Wu yell "STOP!" He sees me on top of the spinning pole and pushes a button and all the training course stops moving. PHEW! I love Wu!
And now I feel a little sick to my stomach.
The three ninja in black bow. "Yes, Sensei!" They say in sync.
He's...been training them? Are they his new students or something? I watch Wu from above as the five interact.
He went out and got more students? He went out and got more students...without telling me?
"Wait, they're your students too?" Kai asks, "This was my final test, wasn't it?"
"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Woah!" Zippy exclaims. "Uh, you never said anything about a fourth one."
His comment makes me grin to myself.
More like a fifth one.
"It's always three. Three blind mice, three musketeers, three-"
Hefty cuts off Zippy mid rant. "Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that the three of us have trained together. We're solid." He tells him, putting his fist in his palm.
"Didn't look so solid to me." Kai chuckles cockily.
"Master, what is the meaning of this?"
Wu walks closer to them, saying, "Each of you have been chosen, each in tune with Elemental properties." Wu turns to Zippy. "And there are not only four."
He looks up toward me. I'm taking that as the signal.
I silently jumped down from the pole, landing behind the group, in between Kai and Zippy. "Boo~" I whisper in their ears.
Zippy yelps and whips around while Kai throws a punch straight at my face. I catch his first and twist his arm. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" He repeats in a whine. I grin from underneath my mask and release his fist. He quickly pulls away his arm and rubs his wrist. "That was uncalled for," He mumbles.
I scoff, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest, leaning on one hip. "You literally just tried to punch me!"
Kai looks away. "Okay, true," He grumbles under his breath, slight blush of embarrassment on his face.
I hear Zippy groan annoyed. "How many are there exactly?!"
"That is all, only the five of you, but now: NINJA! GO!" Wu spins into his golden Spinjitzu tornado, moving across all five of us. Changing Softy into a white gi, Zippy into a blue gi, me into a yellow gi, Kai into a red gi, and Hefty into a⎼Oh, he's still black.
Why do I have a-
"Woah, how did he do that?"
"Heh! Look what color I am!"
Hefty steps forward, eyebrows furrowed. "Wait a minute, I'm still black."
Master Wu touches Kai's shoulder with his staff. "Kai; Master of Fire. It burns bright in you." Wu announces, and I can see Kai's eyes light up the tiniest bit at the last words Wu says.
He moves over to Zippy and touches his shoulder. "Jay is blue; Master of Lightning."
"That's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing, I dabble in model building, a touch of cooking, a little poetry." He says as he does exaggerated hand movements.
"More like mouth of lightning." Hefty mumbles.
Wu walks over to Hefty and touches his shoulder with his staff. "Black ninja is Cole; solid as rock; Master of Earth." Cole spins and does a pose with his wooden scythe. Kai gives yet another scoff, rolling his eyes away from Cole
Cole pokes his scythe against Kai's chest. "Nice to meet ya, kid." Cole takes off his mask. "And for the record, there ain't nothin' in this world I'm afraid of."
Softy looks past the others and looks at Cole, putting up a finger. "Except for dragons," He corrects innocently.
Cole rests the butt of his scythe on the ground again. "Dragons aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world."
Softy is Zane.
Wu walks over to Zane "White ninja is Zane; Master of Ice and seer with sixth sense."
Kai leans over to Cole and mumbles through his teeth, "I sense this one takes things a little too seriously."
Zane looks over at Kai and takes off his mask, a wondered expression on his face. "You too have the gift?"
Jay smiles with an underlying cringe, putting his hand on Zane's shoulder and patting it. "He's just making a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor, huh?"
"Oh, yes. It was a joke. Ha, ha." He laughs in a monotone voice, making me giggle a little.
Wu walks over to me and touches his staff on my shoulder, "And yellow is Y/n; Master of Clairvoyance." I freeze. Master of Clairvoyance? I had an Element and Wu never told me! Why did Wu never tell me I was an Elemental Master?
I shake my head, snapping back to reality and I pull off my yellow mask, shock and a little bit of anger plastered on my face. "I. have. an. Element?!" I ask, not meaning to shout but it happened. I mean, FSM, was a little hurt that Wu never said I had an Element.
"Hey, wait, woah! You're...a girl?" Jay asks with this dumbfounded look.
I turned to him, my mouth gaped slightly. I squint my eyes at him and scoff in disbelief. "Did my voice not give it away?" I ask, not able to stop myself from giving another scoff. My voice or, you know, my chest couldn't give it away?
"W-Well, I thought you were maybe just a guy with a no-so-deep voice? Maybe?" Jay stammers out.
I smile innocently. "Oh? Like you?" Jay grumbles and turns away. Cole, Kai and I snicker to ourselves over to the side, and Zane...standing there and smiling sweetly.
"PAY ATTENTION!" Wu yells out, now back on the porch of the monastery. "You four are the chosen ones." Jay opens his mouth to 'correct' Wu and mention me as a fifth, but I slap my hand over his mouth and shake my head no. "Who will protect the four Weapons of Spinjitzu from Lord Garmadon."
"But what about my sister?" Kai points his sword towards Wu.
Jay gasps excitedly. "We're savin' a girl! Is she hot?"
"Jay..." Cole mumbles, signaling Jay to stop. Which he doesn't.
"Jay, did you seriously ask that in front of her brother?" I click my tongue. "You got guts, sir."
"I-I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into..." He stops, then starts again, pushing his luck. "Does she like the color blue?"
Kai's glare burns in Jay's eyes as he slowly and sternly says, "Back. Off."
"When we find the Weapons, we will find your sister..." Wu tells Kai after Jay has finished asking about Nya. After years of living with Wu, you get used to him not giving you a straight answer ever. But it was still severely annoying.
Wu taps his staff on the ground. "It is time! We must go to the first Weapon!"
Hefty⎯I mean⎯Cole spoke up, interrupting Wu. "Woooah, hold on a minute. You said you were gonna teach us Spinjitzu."
Wu points his staff at all of us, one by one. "Spinjitzu is inside each and every one of you, but it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found." More Wu riddles.
Wu stands for a few seconds. "Came!" He then shouts out randomly, startling me. "My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage." And with that he walks back into the monastery.
And then the complaining begins again, starting with Cole and his sassy "Great"
Jay looks over. "Now we have to find a key?"
"Yeah, I feel like he's taking us for a ride" Kai walks forward looking back to left and right back at us, pulling his hood over his head "But if it means finding my sister, then sign me up."
Panting is the main sound I hear, along with heavy footsteps. Sounds of exhaustion fills my ears as the four boys and I pulled Wu in his mini throne, carriage, thingy. The sound of heavy huffs was mixed with Jay's mocking words. "SigN mE Up! Way to go, Hothead!"
"I sense this is some strange form of team building." Zane claimed.
"Just keep pulling," Cole said as he looked back at the rest of us for a second. "We have a long way to go."
Jay looks back at me with his shiny eyebrow raised. "How are you not exhausted?" He whined.
I turn my head to him, shrugging one of my shoulders. I was barely panting right now while the others looked as if they were about to pass out. "I have lived with Wu for six years now," I tell him, a tiny smile on my lips. "I've gotten pretty used to the training and workouts he makes me do, so this isn't that bad."
Kai nods at my words, and I could tell he was trying to act like he wasn't panting. "So where did Sensei find you four?"
Cole chuckles dryly. "Let's just say; if it wasn't for Sensei Wu we wouldn't be seen together."
"I was testing my limits"
"I was testing my invention"
"And I was testing myself"
They look back at me "Um, he found me as a kid and took me in?" I reply, unsure. They all just looked back forward, a few strained nods.
"You're right, if it wasn't for Sensei none of us wou-"
"Sh! Stop!" Wu yells, making us all screech to a halt, digging the heels of my feet into the ground. We walk over to a rock near the ledge of the cliff, climbing on it and peering over it at the skeletons base below.
"The Caves of Despair. Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes. Remember! Do not use the Weapon or it's power ma-"
Jay cuts me off. "Yeah yeah yeah, it's too much for us mortals. Alright guys⎯an-and girl⎯let's blow this lemonade stand!" Hence why I called him 'Zippy'. "Cole? Got the plan?"
Cole nods, making a popping with his lips. "Sure do. First we lower ourselves down the ledge, and then we⎯ Wait, where's Kai?" He asks when he looks to his left and sees the porcupine haired hothead gone.
Just great.
I squint my eyes, putting my hand over my forehead to keep the blinding sun out of my eyes. I see the obvious red gi 'sneakingly' rolls behind rocks. I sigh, annoyed, and lean my head down and point in his direction. I really just didn't deal with this shit today.
Cole lets out a quick groan. "Come on, let's just go after him."
I sigh, groaning along with Cole. And with that, we leapt over the rock, the other two ninjas in training doing the same. The three boys sneaked around in ways that weren't necessary; moving around and under boxes, sliding under tables, etc. I just went around the rocks, following Kai onto one of the watchtowers.
I apparently had surprised him, making him give a startled yelp. I immediately slap my hand over his mouth through his mask. He diverts his eyes away from my gaze, embarrassed blush spreading his cheeks. He pulls my hand away from his mouth, mumbling an apology.
The others leap onto the tower behind me and Jay slaps the back of Kai's. "What's the matter with you?" He whispers-yells and Kai shushes him, pointing below into the watchtowers. We look at Samukai who inspects a map in his hands. He makes a cackle and sets the map down and walks out of the tower.
I squint, looking a little closer and giving an airy laugh. "It's upside down! They're digging in the wrong spot!" I whisper happily.
"The Golden Weapon is near." Zane says as he points his shuriken at me. I give Zane a nod and he throws the shuriken with a rope attached to it down at the map. Pulling it back, making the map come flying out and into his hands.
We look at it for a few seconds before Kai speaks up. "There's no time to waste!" And then immediately jumps off the tower, leaving us behind again!
Jay scoffs. "What is it with that guy? Always in a rush!"
I roll my eyes and sigh deeply with annoyance, I stand up. "Let's just go." They stand up after me and we follow Kai into the mine.
We walk around aimlessly, having lost hi. Hearing grunting, I look around the corner and I see him trying to move a passageway stone. I walk up to him and cross my arms. He looks at me and seems to tense up a bit yet keeps on pushing the stone and keeps failing miserably.
"Hey, before you race off next time you need to remember we're a team, whether you like it or not." I huff at him. I am trying to keep my aggravation under control, but I can't remember the last time I was this irritated.
He looks down, still with his hands on the stone and mumbles, "Yeah whatever..." This dude's attitude was seriously getting on my nerves now. We all walk forward and help him push the stone away, revealing a round room. There were statues of four samurai looking people with poorly made faces lined up against the walls, and in the center of the room stood a dragon head. The head was pointed straight up, and inside the mouth was the Scythe.
The Scythe of Quakes.
Walking forward, Jay pushes past and walks in front of all of us, squealing and pointing at the Scythe in the head. "WOAH! THAT IS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!" He shrieks like a fanboy, and it echoing in cave makes my ears hurts. I glare at Jay, slapping him on the back of the head.
Cole swiftly climbs onto the dragon head and slides the Scythe out of the mouth. He jumps back down and begins to quickly wrap the Golden Weapon in a cloth.
I feel like I should be the one securing the Weapon, worried anyone else would drop it. But so far Cole has been extremely responsible compared to the other new people, and I have somehow have already gained respect for him.
"Try not to be so loud, yeah? I mean it's not like we're trying to avoid evil skeleton people or anything like that." Cole tells Jay, his voice seething in sarcasm with his insincere nice smile.
Jay makes a 'pft' sound and dismisses Cole's words with his hand as he looks at one of the samurai statues. "Don't be so paranoid. We're on the opposite side of the caves."
Cole breathes and moves towards the exit with the Scythe in hand, us following along. "Zip it, okay. We got the Scythe, so let's sneak out while those boneheads are busy." He says as he tosses the Scythe behind him, landing in Kai's hands.
I trust Cole, not Kai.
I reach over and take the wrapped Scythe from his hands and into my own arms. I can practically hear him roll his eyes.
As I lead the boys out of the secret room and into the main cave, Cole walks alongside me. He then turns to face us. "Alright team,"
My eyes trail away from Cole when I see Samukai and the whole army of skeletons in front of us. "Um, Cole!"
He ignores me and finishes. "Stick together, the way is right around the corner." He turns his head to face forward and comes face to face with Samukai. He gives a weary yelp and jerks back. For someone with such a deep voice he sure sounds like Jay when he was scared. He backs up as Samukai pulls out daggers.
The team quickly gets into formation, doing some dramatic fight stances. I smile guiltily as I join them. It might be useless but it is fun to do sometimes.
I'm the first to attack the skeletons. I put the Scythe in Cole's arms and then dash through the crowd of bones, lodging my karambit (handmade by Wu as my 9th birthday present) into the rib cage of one of the soldiers, ripping it open and making its body turn to a pile.
The other four fought alongside me, hitting and destroying skeletons with their weapons. The Golden Scythe was getting thrown around like it was nothing, and all I could hear was the loud sounds of battle cries in the cave.
Jay then began going around hitting multiple skeletons while making weird sounds. "KAWPI! WOPEE! BUTASKULL!" What even were these onomatopoeias?
Kai grunted from beside me. "There's too many!"
I grin and position my feet. "Let me handle that." I tell him, and maybe I am feeling a bit cocky right now, but I can't help myself. I push off my back foot, moving towards the skeletons as I spin.
Golden strings of light appear around me, more and more adding on and soon turning into a whirlwind of yellow Spinjitzu.
I crash through skeleton after skeleton, coming to a dizzy stop after defeating a good handful. I wobble a second after I am done, since I never really had to use my Spinjitzu since there was never a time I needed to.
I feel my shoulder get yanked back, turning me around to face a bedazzled Kai. "You- You knew how to do that?!" He asked excitedly.
"Again; I have lived with Wu for six years. So, yes, I do know how to do that, Kai." I tell him, playfully rolling my eyes.
Jay's eyes light up as he stares at the group of skeletons. "Hey guys! Look! It's just like the training course!"
He starts jumping on skeletons mumbling, "Over the planks...dodge the swords..." Blue sparks start to form and he finishes. A bright blue Spinjitzu tornado is created around him, streaks of lightning coming out from it. The tornado moves around, knocking over any skeletons who come near.
Kai pushes past me and cups his hands around his mouth and yells, making his shout louder. "JAY! What's the key?!"
Jay chuckles in delight of what he has just done. "I'm just going through the motions! This is what Sensei must've meant by we already know it!"
Kai breathes in, releasing the oxygen and starting to do what Jay had done, mumbling the steps as he does so. A glowing red Spinjitzu tornado forms and he begins throwing around skeletons with it. I nod towards Zane and Cole, and the three of us do Spinjitzu together.
I watch as Zane stops in front of Samukai and smugly says, "I sense you do not stand a chance."
Samukai backs away slightly, in fear, yet a little bit of awe on his skull "RETREAT!" He shouts. Him and his army of bone people all run out of the cave screaming, and we all stop our Spinjitzu(ing?)
Cole gives a laugh. "Guess they didn't want a second serving of these babies!" He says, showing off his muscles. Kai Jay, and I look at each other and shake our heads in cringe, Jay moving a hand down his face. Cole continues, "Good thing they didn't check out the merchandise in the back!"
The three of us roll our eyes and then cheer and high five each other. Cole soon interrupts "Uhh, guys."
My laughter slows down, looking at him with a smile still on my lips. "What?"
"Didn't Sensei say there was a guardian protecting the Weapons?"
Cole's voice wavers in fear when we turn to look at the Earth dragon. "I-Is t-that a...T-That isn't w-w-what I think i-it is...i-is it?"
Jay's voice follows Cole's fear. "Y-You mean a dragon?"
I giggle slightly. "Guys it's jus-"
Kai cuts me off but his sudden battle cry, unwrapping the Scythe and hold it in his bare hands. My eyes widen
"NO KAI! DON'T!" Too late. He slams the Scythe down into the ground, making the cave tremble and rocks begin to fall from the ceiling. The dragon roars as a boulder falls onto its wing.
The boys look around frantically. "We gotta escape!" Kai yells through the sound of the roars.
"We'll use Spinjitzu!" Jay shouts back.
I watch as they spin into their color-coded tornados and use it to fly out of the crack in the ceiling.
I hear the large beast whimper and I turn to it. "Oh Rocky..." I say softly, smiling sympathetically while pulling the boulder off of his wing. I feel myself getting pushed onto my back immediately. Rocky nuzzles his snoot into my chest, making me laugh. I scratch the underside of his jaw. "You're such a big baby! But I do have to go now"
He seems to understand and lifts up a wing towards the crack, I climb on and climb out. I already hear the others arguing.
How wonderful.
"I warned him Sensei."
"Using it was my only option!" Kai debates with his arrogant tone. He really needs to work on his attitude.
"And what makes you think you are more important than the team? Huh?! HUH?!" Ooo, angry Wu.
"They took my sister, remember?" Kai steps closer to Wu, his voice almost challenging now.
Wu makes a 'hmph' sound and walks away, the other boys falling behind and I quickly join them, hoping they didn't notice I was gone. "There are still three Weapons left. Maybe next time you can do it right."
I walk behind all five of them, think about everything that just happened the past few days.
I have an Element.
I now have teammates, that aren't all that good, and they're the Protectors of the Golden Weapons.
Why didn't Wu tell me? He tells me everything. At least, I thought he did.
When this is all over I will be having a talk with Wu about why he never told me I had powers...
𝕀 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕥! 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕓𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖 𝕓𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕟
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