9. A Challenge from the Androgynous Chick

"Really? All the afternoon classes have been cancelled?"

Daichi looks at Haruhi, who's talking with some other girls. The boy is sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce on top of his desk. And, yes, he does call it criss-cross-apple-sauce in his head.

"You mean no one told you?"

"It's going to be crazy around here for the next two days. Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs."

"Drama and choral clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited."

"It's a big event this school hosts annually."

"Is that so?" asks Haruhi.

"Yes, tell him Daichi," a girl says.

Daichi nods blankly. "...Yes." He's now tuned in to Hikaru and Kaoru's conversation with Renge.

"What? You've never tried it?" the twins ask.

"Didn't anyone tell you that it's the preferred drink of the host club?" Hikaru says. "Daichi is the only one who doesn't drink it."

"But that's just because he can't have caffeine," Kaoru adds. "And you are our manager, so you should drink it too."

"Um well, I-I think I've heard of instant coffee before. Oh, that's right. Isn't that one coffee beans that have already been ground for you?" asks Renge.

"That's just ground coffee," Hikaru corrects. "Instant is something completely different. I don't even think there're any coffee beans in instant coffee. You just mix this powder with hot water and drink it. You don't have to brew it. It's pretty awesome."

"So, it's basically just like coffee, but not as robust."

"And yet it's strangely satisfying."

"Now that you mention it, we just ran out of it, didn't we?"

"Go buy us some more, Haruhi?" they both ask.

"Why do I have to go get it?" she grumbles.

"Because you're the only commoner. No one else knows where to buy it," Hikaru explains.

"We've even been serving it to our guests lately. And besides, it's part of your job," Kaoru tells him.

"But the cultural club exposition starts soon."

"Go?" Daichi asks the twins with bright eyes. They both frown.

"Sorry, Daichi. But Kyoya-senpai would kill us if we let you leave."

Daichi's shoulders slump as the twins pat his head sadly.

Later that day Daichi is in the host club wearing purple armor that compliments Kyoya's. The older boy has to help him put it on, but Daichi doesn't mind. It's a bit heavy for him and the helmet is constantly slipping down his face. He stops playing with it however, the second two girls come in.

"Welcome, ladies!"

Tamaki approaches, seeing that these are two new girls in strange uniforms. "Well, well, well. I see you ladies are from another school. I certainly hope we haven't startled you. We love first-time guests. I'm glad you've come, princesses. My darlings, even if the world were to be destroyed, I'd put my life on the line as your faithful knight and servant. I will protect you."

One of the girls looks to be almost laughing. "Oh my, do you really think you'll be able to protect us? That's awfully arrogant of you, wouldn't you agree? You think that's what a woman wants to hear? Well you're wrong."

This time the other girls does laugh, and it makes Daichi take a step forward. "Come on. Give him a break, sister Suzuran. Men are just lowly life forms who don't care about anything other than perpetuating their testosterone latent image. By protecting us he's actually attempting to disguise the fact that he is weak and unable of even protecting himself."

"You're such a clever girl, Hinagiku," Suzuran says. Daichi doesn't like the way they're talking.

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Tamaki asks nervously. "Fine then. What do women like you want to hear?"

Just then Haruhi comes in under the arm of another one of these girls. She starts spinning Haruhi around, and Daichi's one good-looking girl away from going in there. "Maybe, something like 'I would never leave my lover alone. If we fight, it'll be together. If we fail, we fail together. Even if I were to die, I promise you that I will never leave your side, my love.'"

"Benibara, we thought you'd never show," Hinagiku says.

"What are we going to do with you? So tell us where you found this lovely young lady."

And immediately they're all fawning over Haruhi. Daichi tries to take another step, but Kyoya yanks him back by his arm. He's not as caring with Tamaki, who sprints straight up to those girls and is punched back in return. Now he's crying like a toddler.

"She punched me. She's so violent!"

"Get a hold of yourself!" shouts Honey.

"Guess the rumors we heard are true. You guys are just a bunch of weak little punks with no sense between you," Benibara accuses. Again Daichi tries to move, but Kyoya holds him in place. Benibara laughs at it. "You've even got yourselves a dog. How cute."

"Those uniforms," Kyoya says, trying to ignore his rising anger. How dare they talk to his puppy like that? "I assume you ladies are from Lobelia girls' academy."

"That's correct," answers Benibara.

Then they introduce themselves with those theatrics, and, ugh, it's just so painful to watch. Daichi's grateful his helmet falls over his eyes.


"We are the members of St. Lobelia academy's white lily league, also known as..."

"The Zuka club!"




Tamaki is stunned to silence and petrification. "The Zuka club?"

The twins think differently and start cracking up in laughter.

"Oh man, what a stupid name! The Zuka club! My stomach hurts!"

"The Zuka club! That's priceless! And they had those get-ups on under their uniforms!"

"You shouldn't underestimate the Zuka club."

Daichi turns his head to where Renge rises from the floor with a cup of what must be instant coffee. "I may not know much about instant coffee, but I'm fascinated with girls' schools. St. Lobelia academy, it is truly a woman's world there. The Zuka club is a group of strong young maidens who consider women to be superior in every way. The club prides itself on its 30 year history. It's a society of maidens, by maidens, for maidens. The Zuka club activities include maidens' tea parties, the maiden debate forum, and most importantly, musical reviews performed by the society's top members."

"You sure have a vast world of knowledge, Renge," says Kyoya, taking off his armor.

"Well, I've always admired St. Lobelia's. I just couldn't go to school there, though. What would I do without any boys?" And like that she disappears.

Daichi doesn't pay too much attention as Kyoya starts to help him with his armor. Finally, he's wearing his normal clothes and his usual bright blue collar.

"A maiden's beauty," says Suzuran. "It means possessing a spirit pure enough to not give in to power or to lust."

"As a girl, you... For a girl, you... We've had quite enough of all your oppressive male contempt for woman kind," Hinagiku adds.

"And our pride... comes from having meaningful relationships based on equality," Benibara tells them. "Because we're the same sex. And yes, that includes relationships of love."

"Yeah, you tell them, Benio."

"You're awesome, Benibara."

Daichi can't help but stick his tongue out.

"I find it hard to believe that you silly boys have nothing to say about our sublime female love," Hinagiku says once the boys are all thoroughly distracted.

"You should feel sorry for them, Hinagiku," Suzuran tells her. "Their patented host skills don't work on us. Now they're all flustered and they don't know what to do with themselves."

"True," Benibara comments. "I must say I'm glad we decided to perform here. It was fun to sneak a peek at the notorious Ouran host club.

"And to think they're dragging this sweet young girl down with them. The host club's president may be a pretty little halfer. But he shouldn't be using his looks to create a fictitious romance. Attempting to fool the heart of a pure young maiden is demeaning. Your so-called club activities are nothing more than debasing macho fantasies. I promise you. We will bring you guys down. The Ouran host club will be abolished."

"All hail Zuka club!"

Finally Daichi's had enough. He shakes free of Kyoya and walks up to the girls. Benibara, he sees, is taller than him but not intimidating. She leans down to look at Daichi, getting right up in his face with that sickening smirk of hers. "Is there something you'd like to say, boy?" she asks.

"Shut up," he says bluntly.

Benibara is so stunned, she doesn't even know how to reply. Quickly Haruhi comes over. "Daichi, that wasn't nice at all."

"Not trying," Daichi tells her.

"See here, girls, this is the exact oppression of man we must escape! This boy seeks to harm me with his words, but I must not let him tear me down!" Benibara exclaims.

"Shut up." There's a low growl in his throat, and he raises a hand.

Then Kyoya comes over as well, pulling Daichi behind him. He offers the girls a fake smile. "I apologize for him, ladies," he says. "I promise he will be severely punished for this." Kyoya turns to Daichi and points to a chair in the far corner. "Timeout for ten minutes."

Daichi frowns but goes to the chair anyway, sitting with his eyes planted on the wall. The growling doesn't stop. As he sits, Benibara takes more jabs at him. "This boy, is there nothing in his head other than foolishness and anger? If he weren't constantly surrounded by men perhaps he would learn some manners."

The following ten minutes are the longest of Daichi's life as he is forced to listen to the girls try and persuade Haruhi to go to Lobelia. But he gets no word of input. And he isn't even made to be a part of the secret plan Tamaki comes up with.

As the day continues, Kyoya further punishes him by not playing with his collar at all and hardly even touching him at all.

The next day Daichi watches with confusion as the new 'female' host club tries to entice Haruhi to stay. He only stays to the side of the room, but then... He hears Haruhi laughing.

And he realizes the host club was never in danger.

"I'm sorry but your club's not for me," Haruhi tells Benibara. "I think the idea of a girls' school is great. And your views are very unique and interesting. But I came to this school with a goal and a plan for my future. So while I appreciate your offer, I really already knew that I was never going to leave Ouran academy."

Daichi sees the moment Benibara's face falls, and it's the exact same moment that he smiles.

"Hold on," Tamaki says. "If you knew you weren't going to leave, then why did you act so angry yesterday?"

"How would you feel if I stole something of yours without asking you?! I really liked that mechanical pencil! It was easy to write with!" Haruhi shouts at him. Tamaki cowers easily.

"Um Benio..." Suzuran says.

"Yes, I know," Benibara interrupts. "We're not going to give up on you, maiden. I swear this to you. Someday, we'll come and rescue you from this place. And when we do, we'll abolish the Ouran host club."

Daichi goes up and puts his arms around Haruhi's neck from behind. He can feel her heat up a little bit, but he doesn't care. He looks Benibara right in the eye and says to her, "Not yours."

Benibara frowns before leaving with her two girls. When they're gone, Daichi still doesn't move. The twins notice and look to Tamaki. "Hey, boss, how come Daichi's allowed to touch Haruhi?"

He shrugs. "Because Kyoya hasn't stopped him yet. And because... he's innocent."

"Uh, Daichi, you can let me go now," Haruhi says nervously.

The boy does as asked as Kyoya walks over. He hugs him close to his side. "Sorry, Haruhi," he says. "Daichi can be a bit... possessive."

Haruhi looks at her classmate strangely. He smiles at her. "Thanks, Haruhi," he tells her.

Haruhi's eyes widen as Kyoya and Daichi walk off together. This is the first time Daichi has said her name.

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