8. The Sun, the Sea, and a Stupid Haruhi

A/N: The title rhymes by accident, but we'll pretend it's on purpose. Funny meme up top, but this chapter is not funny at all. It's incredibly serious.

Hikaru and Kaoru: But why couldn't we have gone...

Hikaru: ...to the Caribbean?

Kaoru: Or even Fiji?

Kyoya: Do you think a commoner like Haruhi has a passport?

Hikaru and Kaoru: Ahh.

Haruhi: You do realize that I can hear what you're saying, right?

Daichi: Hm.

Girl: It's so beautiful. Tamaki, being alone here with you and looking out at the sea, it's like a dream.

Tamaki: It's no dream. It's real. But if I could have my way, my princess, I'd be in your dreams every night.

Girl: Oh Tamaki.

Daichi hears the voice of Tamaki's guests nearby. Our puppy type is playing in the ocean water with maybe six girls, since none of the other boys actually want to go into the water. They splash each other and scare one another sometimes, but Daichi notices one girl start to swim farther away toward the deep.

He excuses himself and goes to swim after her. Gently he takes her hand in his. "Not there," he says.

He swims with her back to the main group. The other girls are all impressed. "Wow, Daichi, you're so chivalrous!"

"I know, right! So protective too."

Daichi doesn't really care what adjectives they use to describe him as long as the girls can't be described as lost at sea.

Somehow a competition is started among the hosts to see who can figure out Haruhi's fear first, but Daichi doesn't really care. The prize is a bunch of pictures of Haruhi that Kyoya had. Daichi doesn't want them, and if he did, he knows Kyoya would be willing to give them to him anyway.

Daichi and the guests are taking a break from the water, and he's taking this time to relax with Kyoya. The older boy is as always in charge of monitoring everything with everyone. It's especially a lot of work at times like these, special occasions. Daichi just wishes he'd take a break sometimes.

It's evening when Daichi realizes he hasn't seen Haruhi since she started picking crabs. He looks around near that area only to find Haruhi up on the cliff. He moves closer. She shouldn't be up there. It's dangerous. Then he watches the boys approach her and...

She's falling.

Daichi sprints as fast as he humanly can to intercept Haruhi. He jumps high into the air, grabbing Haruhi from behind. He wraps his arms around her and holds on tight. For both of them.

He shuts his eyes when his back hits the rocky ground that's just beneath the cliff. His vision isn't all that clear, and his body's aching, maybe even broken. Not to mention everything is so loud. Why is it so loud?

Honey: Haru-chan!

Hikaru: Daichi!

Haruhi stands. They all stare at Daichi for a minute. He's not moving. Slowly, very slowly, he sits up. Kyoya picks him up as gently as he can, allowing the younger boy to lean on him. He's supporting nearly all of Daichi's weight, but he doesn't mind.

"We took the ID cards of those boys and respectfully asked them to leave," Kyoya sighs. "The girls all went back to the hotel and I called a doctor. He should be arriving here any minute now. Both of you should see him."

"I'm fine, you guys," Haruhi insists.

"What were you thinking? asks Tamaki. "You know, you're not like Honey senpai. You're not a martial arts master. Why did you confront them? What made you think you would stand a chance? You against two boys?"

"But it doesn't matter that they're boys and I'm a girl," Haruhi defends.

"But it matters that you can't protect yourself," Daichi says quietly. He looks at Haruhi's defiant eyes with his own pained eyes. Somehow Haruhi finds herself feeling a bit of shock. "How can you expect to protect someone else?"

Daichi turns his back. Without a word, he walks away from all of them to the hotel. When he arrives, he meets the doctor, who treats the gashes on his back. When it's over, Daichi takes it upon himself to personally deliver all of the guests' flowers. After all the surprise of the day, they deserve at least as much. Each girl is incredibly appreciative, and it helps Daichi ignore the pain that is in his back.

He doesn't pay attention to how long it takes. He doesn't care. He knows he should, but he doesn't put a shirt on. It hurts too much, so he just changes into dry shorts and heads down to the dining room clad in only the thick white bandages that wrap around his abdomen. There he goes straight to Kyoya's side.

As carefully as possible he sits down, grimacing as he does so. It's hard for anyone to look straight at him. They all feel a twinge of guilt when he lets out a muffled grunt. As soon as he's sitting, Kyoya takes his hand softly.

Finally Honey breaks the tense silence. "Let's dig in, Haru-chan," he says. "These are the crabs we caught. I bet they're delicious."

Daichi is more than pleased when Kyoya feeds him his first bite and continues to do so the rest of the night. Not a word is exchanged, and neither feels the need. What a delicious way to enjoy delicious food. Still Daichi doesn't eat much, while Haruhi seems to be eating a whole plate herself.

"These crabs... taste in-crab-ible. Get it?" she jokes.

Tamaki, who's sitting next to her, is disturbed by her unlady-like behavior, "Don't you think you've had enough? Give it a rest."

"Excuse me, I thought you weren't speaking to me." Daichi doesn't have all the details but he's quite certain Tamaki's still mad at Haruhi for pulling her little stunt.

"You... trying to be cute? Okay fine, I get it. It seems you refuse to admit that you were wrong. See if I care, then. I'm going to bed. Kyoya, would you show me to my room, please?"

Kyoya dabs at his mouth with a napkin before doing the same for Daichi. "No problem. Well, excuse me, everyone." He stands and leaves with Tamaki.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I do need to learn a way to protect myself," Haruhi admits.

"So, that's it. They got to you, huh?" the twins ask,

"Well, it wouldn't hurt you to learn martial arts or something..."

"...But it's not like we're going to force you to learn it."

"Besides, that's not the real issue here."

"To be honest, we were all a little worried about how recklessly you acted."

"What do you mean?" Haruhi asks. "I didn't cause you guys any trouble or anything."

"That's not true, Haru-chan. Chi-chan got hurt saving you," Honey tells him.

Haruhi meets Daichi's eyes across the table. The boy's so tired, so tired, and he can't hide it. He doesn't try. He lets Haruhi read it right off his face. That he's tired and in pain, but not regretful.

Haruhi bows her head. "I feel bad that you got hurt, but... you didn't have to save me."

Everyone but Daichi deflates a little. He isn't expecting an apology anyway. He doesn't need one.

"You're hopeless," the twins mutter.

"You think? Guys, I'm really sorry."

"Apology accepted, you little mutt."

"You're so cute. We forgive you."

Daichi nods at Haruhi. "Forgiven."

After dinner, Daichi heads up to his shared room with Kyoya. His senpai isn't there, so he changes into sleeping clothes minus a shirt and waits for him patiently. It's not that long before Kyoya comes in. He gets changed too and joins Daichi on the edge of the bed. He moves to play with his collar, but finds it to be wet. Immediately, he unbuckles it.

"You were waiting for me to take it off the whole time," Kyoya whispers, finding a new one in one of their suitcases. "As proud as I am that you obeyed the rule, you should've at least told me. You could get a rash from this thing chafing too badly."

Kyoya clips the new collar on. "I'm proud of you today, Daichi. You were the perfect host."

"Thank you."

Kyoya slides under the covers, and Daichi goes in behind him. "Why take that side?" Kyoya asks.

"M' back," Daichi murmurs, latching onto Kyoya.

Just then, a boom is heard and yellow flashes in the window. Daichi lets out a little yelp, pulling on Kyoya's arm. Quickly Kyoya rolls over so he's facing the younger.

"Don't worry, Daichi," he whispers. In the dark he finds Daichi's hand and grasps it lightly."I've got you."

Daichi knows. He knows Kyoya's got him, like always. Then, why does he still feel the fear linger?

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