Chapter 8 ~Night Marionne~

Aphmaus P.O.V
"It's you..." I said.

"ItS mE!" the Puppets Soul replied. "Apparently this is not the real Katelyn you was me. She is still alive but somewhere around here....." She said while turning into her normal self. But it was a black mist but then turned to white. Like the normal souls that were freed.

"Like I said You are not worthy enough to have my power. Would you kindly return it? If not.......I wIlL tAkE iT aT wIlL aNd LeAvE YoUr OwN bOdY fOr DeAd..." she said in a demonic voice. Staring at me.

"Like hell I would. I know you would kill people. Andy told me that the puppet helped the children who the purple guy killed. He killed innocent lives of children. And you saved them-brought them back from the dead......and the only way was to put them in animatronic suits." I said in tears.

"You saved my sister's son but he is already dead. But it was good to talk to him. BUT I STILL DONT GET WHY YOU WANT ME DEAD!!!" I screamed at her tears running down my cheeks.

"DoN't YoU sEe?! I wAnT vInCeNt DeAd.....BuT yOu ToOk mY pOWeR...AND I NEED IT BACK!!!" she said crying. "I just wanted him dead..........for doing this for the children...." she continued.

"But now I'm done....with you and your boyfriend~" she giggled. I was frozen I couldn't move. "Goodbye Jin~" she said while she stabbed him in the stomach. He fell to the ground.

"A....aph....mau...." I hear Jin say. "JIN!!" I ran to him and pushed the puppets soul out of my way. And holding his head up. "Jin is gonna be okay....okay? It will just hang in there okay?" I said repeatedly.

He smiled at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Adam. And I felt two more hands on my other shoulder. It was Ross and barney! "Guys...?" I asked them. Hoping for an answer.

"I love you aph....." I hear Jin say. "Jin....jin.....JIN!!" I screamed while he closed his eyes. "Please jin....PLEASE!!" I screamed.

I opened my eyes and I could tell they were black. I looked at the Puppets Soul. She looked terrified.

"H-h-how are you a-able to be......
                   Night Marionne

My fingers grew claws. My teeth razored. My Mask was on the right side of my head. My skin turned to a dark shade of gray. The tears were blue now to pure black. I became....

                   Night Marionne

Third Persons P.O.V
Aphmau turned into Night Marionne. This is one of her stronger ones but she has other forms.

Her main one is the regular Puppet.

Her second one is Phantom Marionette

Her third one was Night Marionne.

The Puppet's Soul couldn't believe her eyes for what she is seeing. Night Marionne was Aphmaus greatest fear because she remembers seeing her in her bedroom when she was living alone when Claire moved out.

She conquered her fear of Night Marionne. Now that she is the puppet she has control over Night Marionne.

Aphmau was first to speak to the scared soul. "YoU kIlLeD tHe OnE i LoVeD........nOw YoU wIlL pAy..." Aphmau said but the Puppets Soul did not reply at all she was shocked.

Aphmau ran up to the Puppets Soul at full speed and punched her out the window. The Puppets Soul was laying down on the ground in the street. Aphmau jumped out of the window and ran towards the soul. The Puppets Soul looked at her and moved out of the way. Aphmau was about to stab her with her claws but she missed.

The Puppets Soul looked at her and tried to leave but Aphmau grabbed her by Souls Hair. She screamed in pain. Until Aphmau heard a man's voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU!?" the man screamed. Aphmau looked over and dropped the Puppets Soul. And The Soul ran off. "YoU mAdE hEr GeT aWaY!!"  Aphmau Screamed at the men but what she didn't know is that it was a cop. Their were others behind him.

"MOVE AND WE WILL SHOOT!!!" He yelled at Aphmau. "YoU cAn'T kIlL mE.......i Am AlReAdY dEaD~" Aphmau giggled. They started shooting at aphmau. But she wasn't taking any damage. "TrY aNd KiLl Me It WoN't WoRk~" Aphmau laughed at them.

"APHMAU!!!" Adam yelled and Ross and Barney were holding Jin. "Aphmau this is not you!!" Adam yelled at Aphmau. "This is me now Adam. You can't stop me. Not even these stupid humans~" Aphmau giggled then turned into a evil laugh.

"Jin is still al-" Adam started but was cut off by Aphmau "DON'T SAY HIS NAME!!! I know he is dead. I watched him get killed." She said while Smiling.

Adam Ross and Berney were now all crying. They thought they lost Aphmau but they still had hope that she will be back to normal.

"Heheh goodbye~" Aphmau giggled while running away into the darkness. The cops were asking Adam Ross and Barney questions and they asked about Jin. The guys told them what happened but they didn't believe anything about Aphmau but they called an ambulance for Jin.

The ambulance came and took Jin. They were now standing there watching them take Jin.

"Lets go look for Aphmau guys.......we have too." Adam explained. "Aphmau never knew about Night Marionne but now she is in control....." Ross explained. "Wes has to saves the Aphmau." Barney said.

"We have to remind her who she really is! We have to!!" Adam said. "Lets go then.." Ross said. They nodded at each other and ran off to find their friend....

Shit just got real in this!! Lolol Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Night Marionne it now in control not The Puppets Soul but one of Aphmau's Forms took over her. What will Adam Ross and Barney do now!? And don't forget Take Care Guys BYEEEEEE <3 <3 <3

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