The Hitchhiker

This is day 3 since they had split ip with the other half of their group. Alex and the others have done anything they can to desperately to get away from the Satellite. But it was very difficult, since Alex has no idea, how many satellites the SCP Foundation has made. Right now, they are doing the best that they can to avoid getting hit by the satellite's point of vision. Alex has no idea what happens when he gets spotted, but he knows that, it is not a good thing. Rex is able to see it through his goggles, which made getting away much easier than it was ever before. But even then, trying to outrace it is difficult. So because of this, the only thing that they can do is to try and outrun the sight of the satellite, or to simply hope that something above them will block it's view and to misdirect it to somewhere else.

Alex and the others kept on moving as fast as they can. The foundation's satellites are trying to get onto them, as they are doing the best that they can to avoid the line of sight of the camera.

Alex is jumping from building to building as fast as he can, and thankfully, there are no civilians on top to spot them, and the buildings are very tall to even notice.

Rex used the Boogie Packs to simply fly, while also carrying Circe on his back, just to keep her as close as possible. And as usual, they are very fast when it comes to the Boogie Packs.

Kaede used her Vectors to lift herself on the air, making her jump almost as high as when Alex jumped normally. Although she also needs to use her Vectors to grapple on either Alex and Rex in order to catch up.

Thankfully, it than turned to a cloudy day, which allowed them to be unseen by the camera. The camera's sight on them was lost, as Alex and the others than went back down to the ground, and saw that there was no one in sight.

Alex and the others than moved out of the city, although it took them an incredibly long time for the to do so, for about a total of 3 hours. But regardless, they were able to get out of the city intact.

"Phew, that was close. For a second there, I thought that we were going to be dead meat."

Rex spoke out. But Alex took the time to sporks this out.

"Except you Rex, since you are somewhat mechanical. So you'd be shut down and be a malfunctioning robot."

Rex responds with a glare, as Circe snorts a bit, trying to stifle her laughter. Kaede attempts to do the same, but she laughs aloud. Alex has nothing but a trolling grin on his face, as he looked at what he has done to Rex.

But as that happened, Alex calmed himself down, and spoke out.

"But we've waited enough time. I think we should get moving before we get tracked down again."

Rex, realizing what he meant, spoke out

"Oh yeah, right. Let's go."

Kaede wrapped her arms around Alex's right arm, very comfortingly, as Alex picked her up bridal style.

Than, Alex leapt into the air, and began to move fast, as he runs. He goes running at 1,209 miles per-hour. Rex activates the Boogie Packs, and began flying fast, and moves at the same speed at Alex's running speed, due to the fact that the Nanites that are in his body had time to evolve, growing more in power than before. They continue to run as fast as they can, hoping that the satellite didn't notice that they have fled fast.

But it didn't matter, as Alex and the others kept on moving, and didn't look back. In fact...none of the Newborns looked back.


The group continued to walk for a bit, and made their attempt to find a place to stay for the night. As they continued to walk, Kaede noticed something.

"Could this count as a shelter to stay in for the night?"

Alex looked, and saw what seems to be an abandoned building of some sort. Alex than turned to Rex, and spoke to him.

"Does or have a basement?"

Rex than goes towards a fuse box, and used his power to check the entire structure of the house. Thankfully, there is a basement.

"We're in luck, Alex. There's a basement big enough to fit us all in."

Alex nodded, before they went into the house.

And thankfully, the Satellite, which almost spotted them, has missed. And now, they are in the basement, where the satellite cannot track them all down.

Inside the basement, Kaede leans up against Alex, and Circe leans against Rex, using their jackets and their boyfriends as blankets and pillows. Alex and Rex didn't seem to mind, and instead, the both of them were happy that they get to be near them. After a little while, they fell asleep themselves, with worry no longer present in the minds of the godly entities. They were finally able to get a well deserved rest. But that doesn't mean that the entire thing's over yet.

The next day...

Alex and the others were able to get out of hiding, and are walking far away from the satellite's line of sight. Rex senses that it's now not tracking them. They are now walking what seems to be a dirty road, which is smooth for the cars to go through.

"Well, the good thing is that the satellites can't find us right now, due to going in a different direction. We can now at least have a nice smooth walk."

Rex spoke out. But Alex than spoke out to him.

"Don't get cocky, Rex. There is still a possibility that it could happen, that we can still be caught by the satellite. So we need to keep our guard up."

Rex was unimpressed, but decided not to dwell in further. After all, Alex is right. There is a possibility that it could happen again. But as they walked, Alex than sensed something.


He resided his head a bit, as if seeing something above him. Alex doesn't know why, but he thinks that there's someone already in this place, older than when they were human.

Suddenly, Alex walked to where the...thing that he's sensing is. Alex, without knowing what he is doing, began to walk to the source of what he is sensing. The others noticed, and they began to feel unease about where he is going.

"What the, what is Alex doing now?"

The others shrugged, but they began to follow his lead. Alex doesn't know why, but he feels like...he's needed in the area he's going.

As they walked, Alex than noticed something. It was a little girl, and she was sitting on a rock. Alex has no idea why...but there was something off about this girl.

Alex stopped, and the others noticed the girl.

"What the...who is that?"

Rex was about to go forward, but Alex put his arm in front of him. He doesn't know why, but a feeling tells him that he should be going forward, not anyone else should go.

"Don't. I'll take care of this. If this is what I think it is..."

Everyone got confused at what he's thinking, but regardless...they stepped back, and let Alex handle this.

Alex began to slowly walk towards the girl. Alex doesn't know what she is, but he has a hunch on what it could be. But what he doesn't know, the girl sensed that he is here.

Suddenly, the girl than turns to face Alex, and while Alex doesn't show it, inside, he flinched at the sight that he is seeing now, and yet, guessed correctly at what SCP this is in front of him.

The female was seems to be a girl, with blonde hair, a red sweater and skirt, as well as a black shirt beneath the red sweater. But her eyes are gone, and have scars, and there's a hole at where her heart is positioned. Despite being a ghost, the entity before him is bleeding.

This thing is SCP-1337, and it now has her attention on Alex, which is not a good sign to even Alex present. It cannot see, but it can still sense Alex either way. Alex turns to his friends, and spoke out.

"Get behind something. I don't want it to attack you all."

Obeying him, Rex, Circe, and Kaede went behind something, as Alex looks at SCP-1337 again.

"1337, is that you?"

Alex spoke out, in order to confirm if it is her. 1337 didn't move at first...but suddenly, she vanished, and reappeared behind Alex, while attacking!



Alex grunted, as he felt the pain of being cut being spread all over, this made him stumble forward, but he regained his composure. Alex turns around, and tries to grab her, if he can, since sue's a ghost. But 1337 than goes through Alex, and appears behind his position. It than made what seemed to be knives of some sort from thin-air, and strikes him in the back. Alex than used a shield to protect himself against SCP-1337, as it seems to not stop attacking Alex's face. But Alex will also not stop in defending against her. But than, it stopped. He looks, and saw that 1337 is gone. But he knows better, because she didn't leave. She is simply out of sight, and isn't being seen.

As he turns, Alex than gets sliced in the face, and has his eyes destroyed, which made Alex grunt in utter pain and agony, and yet, despite how the wounds look, he simply groans as if the pain is minimal. Than, he has his heart suddenly punctured out his body, which was a bit more painful than how SCP-1337 attacked his face. However, he regenerated the damage he had taken from SCP-1337 somewhat quickly, annoying her. She than attempts to do so again, when sudddnly, an invisible force pushed 1337 off.

Kaede, unable to bare seeing Alex getting injured like this, used her Vectors at her first frequency to push 1337 off of him, due to them being invisible, and the fact that it is similar to ghosts, can touch them. When that happened, Kaede jumped out to check on Alex.

"Alex, are you okay?"


Alex grunts, as his sight healed.

"Yeah, just simply bruised. That's all."

Rex and Circe than comes out of hiding, and check on how Alex is doing. But than Alex stood up from the ground, and stares at SCP-1337.

"Why did you attack him? He wasn't going to attack you in the first place!"

Circe shouted at 1337, who simply looks at them. Alex than sensed something. It was hatred. He doesn't know why, but he feels immense rage towards them for no reason. It's rage is actually bad enough to match Kaede's.

"You people are simply going to hurt me first."

Alex knows what she was thinking.

"Because of an agent at the SCP Foundation, isn't it?"

Rex and Circe looked at him, and spoke out.

"How do you know that, Alex?"

Alex turned around, and spoke out.

"I read about the files on SCP-1337. It was said that an agent had made an attempt to destroy SCP-1337's site, believing that if he destroyed it, he would get promoted. But instead, he got ranked down for doing this without permission, which wouldn't happen if he tries getting permission from them. At first, after 3 years, she was believed to be neutralized, but after 10 years, she appeared yet again, and attack the agent in revenge for what he had done to her, and now, she acts more aggressive, and this is the side that we are seeing of her right now, because of him."

Alex than turns to the girl, and spoke out.

"And you know, 1337, we aren't like that agent. In fact, I hated what the agent has done to you back than."

Than, to everyone's sudden surprise, minus Alex's, SCP-1337 than spoke out to Alex in a distrustful tone.

"Why should I believe you? You could be trying to trick me into a fake form of kindness!"

Alex simply looked calm at her, as he spoke out.

"If I had, I would have done it already."

But those were not the best choice of words, because SCP-1337 acted a bit more angry than before.

"Why should I believe in the words of you people, after what you and your kind has put me through?!"

Alex looked a bit confused, as he spoke out.

"What are you talking about, 1337?"

1337 looks at the group, with rage present on her face. Despite the scars making it impossible to tell what she's thinking, Alex knows that she is in a very enraged state of her mind.

"I had been hurt multiple times. And yet, I had been betrayed twice by my own kind. Those that are humans. First to a cult, which kept me from leaving this plain of exisatancs, and than, a member of the foundation, that you once served. They faked their kindness, and gave nothing but terrible suffering. Now because of you people...I can no longer gain the rest that I deserve. I just want to be free from this!! Is this a hard thing to have?!"

This caught everyone by surprise, but no one is much more surprised than Kaede.

Kaede was has a look of immense disbelief, but than...she began to shed genuine tears, as she realized that this person had went through. This is the pain she knows to well, the pain of being betrayed by the people you are born from. But in this case, it is much more terrible to deal with than in Kaede's case. Kaede has suffered badly, and has killed people, but 1337 was slaughtered, and is now trapped in a fate that is very worse than simply being killed. Because of this...she began to feel sorry for 1337. In other words, 1337 is no different compared to Kaede, in how she feels about the human race.

Alex is silent, as he realized that, 1337 doesn't like being in this place, and only wishes to be free, and...wants to finally have the rest that she deserves. But...there was no way for her to be freed from this hell that she is in now. But Yaldabaoth, the deity of Flesh and Instinct, has been known to control and manipulate souls, and sense the Blacklight is made by her, maybe...just maybe...

"What if I can free you from this fate, 1337?"

Alex suddenly spoke out loud. 1337's eye removed face than looks at Alex, and spoke out to him.

"Why do you mean?"

Alex, although a bit hesitant at first, goes walking to her, and crouched down so that their eyes are leveled at each other, that is if 1337 can see from her eye-absent face. Alex was silent...before he finally spoke out again.

"You claim that you are unable to be free from the mortal world, and that you think you can't be free from what has happened. But what if I can change that? What if I can give you the rest that you deserve? What if I can help you remove the curse ups have?"

1337's eyelids widened a bit, as she spoke out.

"You mean can..."

Alex nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"What if I can free you and send you to the afterlife, so that this torment will now end for you, and that you can finally rest?"

1337 than closed her eye sockets, as she looks down and think. After a couple minutes of thinking, she opened her eye sockets...complete with her original eyes finally showing. She looks down, but than, responds.

"Okay...but...before you set me free...can you do one thing for me?"

Alex, despite the fact that she is...spirit, he puts a hand on her...and surprisingly, he can feel her shoulder, and that is something that she's also shocked at. But Alex remained calm, and spoke out

"Anything that you ask, 1337...I'll do it."

1337's eyes widened once more, before being normal, and spoke out.

"Can you...accompany me, so I can see the sunset...and the moon again, one last time?"

Alex's expression didn't change, and spoke out, pitifully.

"Okay...I will."

1337 closed her eyes, and lowers her head, as the both of them walk what seems to be a bench. If they had a clock present, than it would be drown as 5:30-540 already, so they had enough time, maybe even more time to see the sunset and moon be shown before them.

As the couple of hours went by, Kaede, Rex, and Circe watched both Alex and 1337, as they watched the sun starting to set off into the distance. It was a really sad thing, that a child had to endure all this all by herself. She had to suffer for so long, and had been hurt by one of the foundation members, all just to be promoted. But will come to an end...soon.

But during the entire thing, Kaede goes at the other side of 1337, and held her hand. 1337 looked, and Kaede gave her an expression of pity. 1337 does nothing, and simply looks back at the sun, which Kaede does the same, and looks forward, as the Sun begins setting.

Nighttime...9:00 P.M...

It was time...for her to be free from this...this curse that she's given with for so much long. is time to lift this hell off of her very she can finally be given the rest that she so deserves.

After 10 more minutes, 1337 sighs, despite not having lungs, and stood up and face Alex.

Alex than stood up, and looked down at her, as he spoke out, calmly.

"Are you ready to be free from the human world?"

1337 nodded, and than spoke out.

"Before you do so, I want to tell real name."

She than looked up, and spoke out.

"My Talish."

Alex looked down at her, before he crouched down to the ground, and spoke out.

"Alexander J. Mercer. That's my name." You name isn't that bad."

As he spoke this, he raised his right hand, and touched her cheek, while Mary finally smiled, for the first time, since she was still a normal human. Suddenly, a blue glow was covering Alex's hand, as Mary began to glow as well. Suddenly, she began to disappear in the form of blue particles, and as she looks at Alex, she than spoke out.

"Thank you, Alex. I will never forget this gift of kindness that you've given me. So allow me for my gift of kindness to you. One you'll give to an offspring that you can have."

As she spoke out her last words, she gets enough time to hug Alex, as Alex hugs back at her. Than, after 5 seconds, she disappears completely, as her essence rises up to the heavens, and into the heavenly afterlife. It was like newborn stars ready to rise up to the heavens of sanctuary. Alex looks up, as his eyes reflect the blue shine that is present above him.

"Goodbye, Mary."

He than looked down, and in the place of where 1337 was, saw a sweater of some sort. Despite the fact that it was old, it was as though that it had been recently made. Alex than crouched down, and picked it up, as he examines the sweater.


Rex spoke out. Alex turned, and saw that he has a concerned expression on his face. In fact, he is not the only one. The other members of the Newborns also looked at him, as if they're wondering if he's injured. Alex breathes and spoke out.

"I'm okay, Rex. Just something that she has given me."

He than used his biomass to store the sweater into himself, and not absorb it. He than looked up at the sky, before speaking out.

"Come on. Let's keep moving. Our job is done here."

Although a little hesitant at first, they nodded, as they than walked away from what is now just an abandoned place. But Alex, he simply doesn't speak, and just keeps moving. What he had witnessed, it was a very sad thing. Sure, he released her soul so that she can finally be free from he pain she had to keep feeling, if she can, but the fact that she had to suffer like this, it made her very sad to see.

As he looks down, feeling the sweater inside of him, a hand suddenly grabbed onto his own. He turns, and saw that Kaede was looking at him with an unusual sad expression on his face. Alex squeezes her hand a little bit, and Kaede does the same thing for him. Alex than rubber Kaede's hand with her thumb, as if to try and comfort her, while Kaede does the same.

Alex and Kaede than began to walk faster than before, as the others followed. This moment...this experience...this is one that will not be forgotten by Alex. It will haunt him...

...for the rest of his eternal life.

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