Symbiote History

The Green Zone of New York. It is the most peaceful out of all the zones from the splited New York City. Many humans live like normal people in this third of a land. They observe, they shop, they dance, they play, they hang out with one another. However, it is also a place where humans keep things secret to humans outside in order to experiment on life forms beyond the human race. This place, the Life Foundation, experiments on a life form that had crashed on earth 5 years ago. It resembles a black goo, and the goo moves around a lot in the circular chamber. This is called the symbiote.

The symbiote is an alien life form made from the living abyss. Born from Knull, the symbiotes' god, this symbiote crash landed while riding on a meteorite. When it crashed on earth, a spider touched the symbiote, allowing the alien to copy its DNA. However, the symbiote escaped and had bonded to a ex-reporter named Eddie Brock. Firmly working at a newspaper building, Eddie Brock was unfairly fired when a worker and tricked them into thinking that he made a fake newspaper. Eddie went to a church and prayed to god to help him with the unfairness and cruelty in his life.

As if God sends a divine gift, the symbiote came and bonded with him, Giving him superhuman physicality, web swinging, wall-crawling, and a sense that allows him to know what's coming, creating the creature called 'Venom'.

Venom than took his revenge and killed the guy that had him fired, than went and a killing spree against bad people. However, when Eddie Brock went to prison, he found himself next to Cletus Kasedy, a more infamous killer who murdered as a child. When the venom symbiote returns to Eddie Brock, they symbiote oozed it's spawn and left it there. As Cletus watched in shock behind the destroyed wall, the spawn than merged with a cut on his skin, creating a suit made from his blood, leading to the creation of 'Carnage'

Carnage is known for being an insane mass murderer who doesn't even bother killing children and families, something that even Venom is disgusted at, compared to the other 5 spawns that the Life Foundations forced from his body. Venom and Carnage had been duking at one another for years, until Carnage manage to reproduce 2 spawns within himself. Angered and disgusted at having children stronger than him, he immediately has to find 2 people to used at their hosts so he could kill them. What he doesn't know, however, fate has plans for the both of them.

New York Green Zone: 2010, May ,9 in 11:30 P.M. Friday

In the middle of the night, there is a report of a strange being killing people left and right. The being that looked like a red monster. The sound of a police siren is heard in the night. In the night, 3 police cars, consisted of 6 people hunting down whatever this being is. Within one of the police cars sat a pair of twins, both brother and sister. Their names are Patrick and Patricia Mulligan.

20-year olds Patrick Mulligan and his twin Patricia were born from a rather decent family. They lived a normal life and had did normal school stuff as children. However, an accident 2-years ago happened when their car crashed within the front of the drunk driver. Mr and mrs Mulligan, their parent were killed, and Patricia lost her right arm and shoulder, with Patrick only getting cuts and bruises, as well as a broken arm. Thankfully, Patricia was able to get a robotic prosthetic and was able to move again. Patrick, opening his eyes and see how dangerous the world truly is, works his body to it's Limit and began to work as a police officer, alongside his sister, who got used to her right arm. Afterwords, he, alongside Patricia became cops to stop crime from the cruel world they lived in. Little did Patrick know, it is a lot more dangerous than he thinks it is.

As the Police car stopped, Patrick, Patricia, and 4 other police officers began to search a alleyway, which reports claim the location of the beast. As the other officers went ahead, Patrick became cautious and turned on his flashlight to look around in the dark. As he began to search for the beast, his sister spoke to him in a worried tone.

"Patrick, you don't think the reports are true about that 'thing' do you?"

Patrick looked at his sister with a worried expression.

"I don't know, Patricia. I want to deny it. But when we saw the photo, I have no idea it this is real for fake. The crime scene was real. The creature itself, I'm not sure about if it is real or not. We just need to be cautious of what it is or what it can do."

Patrica nodded and both she and her bother turned on their flashlights. As they looked around, Patrick heard something.


He turned to the right side of the wall. He did catch he small glimpse of red, but that's all he saw. As both him and Patricia act worried, they jumped when they heard screaming.


They turned and saw their men gone, but red webbing-like fluid appeared where the men were supposed to be.


The sound was disgusting to the point they flinched at what it is.


Patrick than look up and sees something going down towards his sister. Patrick than runs to his sister.

"Patricia, look out!"

Patrick tackles his sister out of the way as the red mass nearly fell on top of her. As both siblings got up, they saw the something: a being made supposedly of blood, with white eyes and black teeth, as well as black parts on the face. It is the creature from the picture that they had.

"What the? Is that the creature from the picture?"

Patricia spoke. Patrick took out his photo and looked at it. The being is identical to the creature in front of them.

"Yeah, it is."

The creature then cackled wickedly at them. He then crouched, then LUNGES at them!


Patrick took his gun out and rolled out of the way, causing the creature to miss. Patrick than turns around and shoots the creature twice in the head. but the creature didn't go down. It regenerated from the wound instantly. Patricia than punched the creature with her robotic arm, sending it flying to the wall and caused a crater to from. Patrick and Patricia than shot the creature a number of times before tendrils prepare to erupt. Patrick immediately realized what was going to happen and shouted out to her sister.


Both siblings took cover as soon as the tendrils went out. After they went out and stick everywhere, Both twins stood up and found the creature running towards them. Patrick pulls out a knife and charges at the beast, with Patricia charging as well, getting ready to punch him.

The creature than extends his arms, grabbing the 2 and sticking them to the wall. Patrick than stabs the creature in the arm, trying to cut it off from his neck, while Patricia tried to break its bones in his body, if there are any in it. The creature than looks at it with its scary grin as he spoke this.

"Carnage will get you and my spawns soon."

Carnage than pierced them with webbing as he injected his spawn into each of them. Patrick in the chest and Patricia in the robotic arm. The process was so painful that they fainted to total blackness. The last thing they heard before becoming fully unconscious was a crazed laughter before nothingness.

Saturday, May 10, 6:00 in the morning.


Patrick began to stir as lights from the sun hit his face. As he woke up, he found himself in the alleyway. He turns and saw his sister unconscious as well. Patrick turns Patricia over to see any wounds. None seen. Patrick sighed in relief before shaking her, trying to wake her up.

"Patrica, wake up. We need to get back to the station! Patricia, wake up!"

After a couple of shaking, Patrica began to stir from her sleep. She woke up as her blue eyes looked at the sunlight. She turns around a and looks at her brother in the eyes.

"Patrick, What happened? Where are the others?"

Patrick remembered what happened and spoke out this.

"They're dead. Whoever did it must have been good at catching them."

Patricia eyes widened, remembering the events that had transpired in the event that the happened. She then spoke out this question.

"What are we going to tell the chief about this?"

Patrick thought for a couple of minutes. After making up his mind he spoke out this to his sister.

"We can't tell him what happened. He is not going to believe us in what happened. We need to tell him that the killer had a gang and took all of us by surprise and we ran and got knocked out while trying to get to the car to call for help. That is what he have to say."

Patrica wasn't amused about the plan, but realizing that they don't have a choice, she went along with it.

"Alright, I really don't like the sound of that plan, but if the boss really doesn't believe it, it is best to be safe than sorry.

"Then it's settled. Let's got back."

Patrick and Patrica later got back to their car and put a tracking chip on them, so that they know where it is, then they went back to the station.

May 14, 12:00 P.M in the morning. Wednesday

It's been 4 days since the incident with that creature. They were able to lie to the boss at what happened. Luckily for them, the boss believed their story, but does concern them is they are being truthful. They admit they are being truthful and he lets them go. However, the boss was also angry at the loss of police that transpired from such an event. The investigators conducted a search and found their cars and their bodies, so heavily damaged it is too disturbing to list what happened to them.

While they still did their job as police, they felt strange. It's as if they aren't alone. Sure, they had each other and the police with them, but they felt there is something else with them, or better yet...within them.

Right now, they have a day off on the job. They are at the house, with Patrick doing push-ups and sit-ups, keeping himself in shape and Patrica was on the kitchen counter on a stool, twirling a cup of water with her spoon, using her robotic hand.



"Will that being come back for us again?"

Patrick look down for a moment. Ever since the encounter with the beast, he is worried that it might strike again. He is working more harder than ever to get in shape and more faster if he wants to take on him again. But seeing as to how it took down an entire team of police, he is unsure about what would happen if it fought against them again.

Before he could talk about what he has in mind, a crash was heard from downstairs in the first floor, causing the twins to jump.

"Patrick, What was that?"

"I don't know. Have your gun ready."

Patrica nodded and both twins got their guns. They went downstairs and saw the creature again. This time, the right arm became a blade and the left arm is in axe.


"How did you find us?!"

"HEHEHEHEHEHEH! I followed you 2. I was invisible all this time. Now that were here, this is where Carnage kills you AAAALLLLL!!!"

The creature named Carnage than lunges at the 2. The twins shot at carnage in a total of 8 rounds. Carnage tries to cut them in half, but the 2 jumped, side rolled out of the way. Patrick punched carnage in the face, but carnage only laughs at him and tries to stab him. Patrick, without thinking uses his gun to block it. While it is successful, the gun was cut in half.

"Dang it!! What was I thinking, using a gun like that. How am I supposed to"-

As he began to panick on what he is supposed to do, something unexcepted happened to the both of them. On Patrick, orange and dark-blue goo began to appear on him, while Patrica had purple and silver coming out of her robotic prosthetic, later spreading all over their body. As their vision began to fade, the symbiotes took over their bodies. The purple symbiote than grabs carnage with her right arm and both symbiotes appeared fully in their forms.

(Ignore black cat)

(Think of the shriek girl as Carnage)

"And we are Toxin."

Scorn than threw Carnage at Toxin, who than proceeds to tackle Carnage to the wall. Toxin than proceeds to punch him rapidly and is not stopping.

"If you are my father, Carnage..."

Toxin than threw carnage to another part of the wall, while Toxin pinned him there, as Carnage struggled to get out.

Then who is my mother?"

"That ain't quite how biology pans out, Buster."

During the struggle between the 2 symbiotes, Scorn put her robotic hand onto a microwave, using mechanical tendrils, Scorn tore it apart and reassembled it on her arm. It than became an arm cannon, capable of firing blasts of heat.

Scorn than fired the weapon at Carnage, who Toxin used as a shield, causing Carnage so much pain. Toxin than begun to spin Carnage around so much, Carnage than began to become very thin like a string.

"Sorry I flunked biology!"

With the tenth spin, he swung Carnage out of the house, creating a hole in the wall, as Carnage screams in agony and rage. Toxin than pants as he spoke out this.

"You're not our're not..."

Toxin than goes back inside Patrick, who than collapses from exhaustion with Toxin using his body.


Scorn simply oozed back into the arm, with Patricia in control.


Patrick looked up at his sister.

"Patricia, What do we do? Now that thing is aware of where we live, he could get to us at any time."

"Maybe he knows where we live, but does he know how to get here?"

Patrick looked at her confuse, in which Patricia continued with her explanation.

"Carnage was to focused on us that he doesn't truly know the location of where we are. We just have to make sure that we aren't scene by him, so we could be safe if we possibly can, can't we?"

Patrick look at her suprised, before looking down, somberly.

"I hope so."

As they began to think of the events that had transpired, a large, hulking figure is scene watching them. It is a being almost 7 feet tall, with a black suit and a symbol of a white spider, with the same eyes as carnage, with white teeth and gums. The figure looks at the 2 before web-swinging away. 

A day later

A tragedy struck on the officers as they went back to the station. 

When the police went back on the job, they found that their chief had been murdered somehow. There are multiple stabs wounds on him, as well as some pretty large cuts on his chest, arms, and legs. Patrick and Patricia was shocked, believing Carnage had done this.

At the rainiest day, he was held a funeral of being a very great officer to other people. All the officers had their heads down on honor for their late leader and boss. When the officers walked away from the grave, only Patrick and Patricia remained with the grave.


Patrica turned to Patrick, who looks unhappy.


"If we had told the chief the truth of what had actually happened to us, how would he reacted?"

"I don't know?"

"Than how would he react that we have those things in us? Would he call us monsters, or would he reject us?"

Patricia than looks down, unsure what to say to him.

"I have no idea in this sort of..."

As they began to think, the twins than felt the ground shaking.

"Did you feel that?"

"Yeah, I did."

Both symbiote than covered them as they took control. Suddenly, carnage and a hulking, shadowy black creature appeared out of nowhere and attacked them. Toxin than launched himself at Carnage and punched him, while Scorn shot the hulking symbiote.

"<Text>Who are you?!"

She spoke towards the black, hulking beast.

"We are Venom. We are the father of carnage, and the grandfather to you 2."

Scorn looked in shock. Toxin heard it to, but didn't have time to be hesitant and kept attacking Carnage.

"<Text>What?! You were the reason Carnage exists and we exist?!

"Yes. I originally want to train you 2 into being like me, killing people who deserve death by our hands. But since you both had bonded to cops, well... let's say plans change. Now, time to put you out of your misery."

Venom roared as he charged at scorn. Scorn immediately shot at venom in the arm with a heat blast. Venom roars in pain and rage and charges at Scorn again. Scorn than shoots out a purple and silver webbing and pulls herself in.

Scorn than shifts her left hand into a big mace and smashed venom to the ground with it. Venom looks back up and has his face blasted with heat. Venom face is partly revealed. She caught a glimpse of blond hair and blue eyes. Venom immediately healed and charged at her again.

Toxin punched Carnage to the ground. He than manipulated the orange moving tendrils on his arms and created 2 large hammers. He then launches said hammer to the ground, causing a crater to appear. Toxin than clawed carnage in the face, causing Carnage immense pain.

"You know, I always thought that if you truly are family, you would give a hang about me. You wouldn't harm me and in-fact do stuff for me. Looks like fathers like you can stoop so low in comparison to Patrick's father. To me, he would be a true father."

Carnage looks at his spawn in disgust as he spoke out this to his 'son'.

"The thought of having a child sickens me to my stomach. Having venom is enough to handle. But having children is a bit to much for me to take."

"Well, that's your fault for being born now is it?"

Carnage got so angry that he charged at Toxin. Before Toxin could react to the danger at hand, he got slammed very far from the fight, to the point of not being seen.

"I'll deal with my 'son' later. Now to deal with Scorn."

Carnage than charged at Scorn and punched her away, who almost blasted Venom in the face. Scorn than recovered, but than found herself being attack by both her father and grandfather.

"<Text>Hey, that is not fair at all!!"

"Trust me sweetheart. Life can never be fair."

Scorn was than punched to the ground, when a large crack was formed and went down into a grave filled with skeletons.

Venom and Carnage than came down with her, with venom pinning her down as hard as he could, and Carnage readying a blade to kill her with.

"Say goodbye, you pathetic mistake."

Before he could do anything, a familiar voice spoke out.

"Let her go."

Venom, Carnage, and Scorn turn to see Toxin, but is now Venom-Sized, with claws becomes longer and sharper. Although his face is hidden, by how he spoke to them, he is very angry.

(Again, ignore black cat)

"Wow, Pat. That is some temper you have there."

Patricia spoke out from Scorn covering her body.

"Me? I'm normally a placid guy, you know? But I guess...with all this happening over the last few days...

Toxin than punched venom so hard he created a crater to the ground, than grabs carnage with his claws.

Our friends killed by this monster. Him always attacking us. And now him trying to kill you. When all of this happened..."

As he slammed carnage on Venom, the bottom mask ripped open, revealing teeth and a green tongue, with black saliva leaking from his mouth. As he kicked them out of the hole, he leaps up, grabs them by the legs and spins them around.




As he said that, he threw then so far away, they had gone out of sight within a few seconds. Toxin/Patrick flexed his fingers, But is beginning to calm down as the symbiote shrinks to normal size

" it over?"/" it over?"

"Scorn's face disappeared as Patricia's is shown.

" is over."

"But...will they come back?"

Patrick spoke out, as Toxin began to ooze into Patrick's bloodstream.

"Considering how far you threw them, no."

Patrick than looks down before he spoke out this.

"We're moving."

"What? Why?"

"Its is possible we aren't the only ones here. In fact, there could be others like us. We need to get our stuff together and get out of here. Also, there is no telling how many of these things exists here."

Patricia wanted to argue, but paused. He did have a point on the situation at hand. Also, they have no idea what happens next. Finally. She agrees.

"Okay, Patrick, we'll do it. We will go back home. Take what we need, and get out of here."

"Good. Let's get started."

8 days later

Patrick and Patricia later finally went out of the house. Saying goodbye to it one last time, they got their symbiotes out and became invisible, while web-swinging out of the Green Zone, and went on the boat to the Yellow Zone

The Yellow Zone is a place for homeless people and a quarantine zone by a foundation nobody knows about. This zone is overcrowded with camps/shanty towns of refugees. A lot of civilians are found caged throughout the Yellow Zone. But to Patrick, it is a place to practice and control the Symbiotes so they really don't go berserk.

"Patrick, why did you take us to the Yellow Zone."

Patricia said as she look confused and her older twin.

"The Yellow Zone has a lot of open space to the point of almost no people in one area. We can use it to practice our symbiotes so we don't risk harming other people that might see us."

"Are you sure that's safe?"

Patrick looks at her with confidence in his face.

"Yes, I am very sure of it."

Patricia smiles as they went to the Yellow Zone, completely invisible to everyone here.

Meanwhile at the SCP foundation

In one of the facilities, Dr Carver is studying one of the specimens they had found. This specimens is a shadowy black creature with a white spider symbol on its chest.

Venom, it is called, had crashed into the facility, along side Carnage. This has alerted the SCP personnel as they immediately took action, as the symbiotes start to attack the solders and the scientists. It took a number of weapons to take them down before moving to flamethrowers and sound guns, which was able to put them down.

As he was studying, dr. Bright than walks into the room and speaks out to Carver.

"Mr. Carver. I manage to find out something about where this symbiote came from."

Carver turned calmly and spoke this to him.

"Tell me."

Bright took him to a computer room and showed this to Carver.

"Apparently, this symbiote was found by this company called, the Life Foundaiton. They had been the ones that started the Cold War and committed acts of crime throughout the country. They also stole this Venom symbiote and manage to make 5 spawns out of it."

Carver was now interested.

"5 more spawns?"

"Yes, and they are still here at the foundation."

Carver took a few minutes to think about it before finally standing up in front of the computer, with the screen showing the 5 symbiotes: Riot, Agony, Phage, Lasher, And Scream.

"Very well. I will report this to the O-5 council into dealing with this problem. We will have soldiers get flamethrowers and some sound guns ready with frequency at 1,000 decibels. Finally, we will destroy the Life Foundation in order to make sure that the symbiotes do not come out in the open. Am I clear at what I am saying, Jack Bright?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. I will report to the O-5 council immediately. Bright, get some scientists to ready the weapons, and send Samsara just in case the situation gets out of hand, okay.

Dr. Carver than walks away from Dr.Bright, as Bright began to think of the events that will transpire.

The end of chapter 3. Okay. Really hope this is one you will like. I'll give them an scp Number when they meet together, for those that were wondering why I haven't done it yet. Welp, that's all for now. Goodbye.

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