Comeback: Part 2

The battle at the Site is now becoming more and more chaotic. People are fighting the SCPs, monsters are roaring, Death is screaming for more and more and more blood and guts and bones of those that had fallen in the middle of the fight that is happening now. And all because a group of people are going all this way to save someone that they care about, someone that they love to deeply to abandon. And they are not going to let anything bad happen to that person. They will cure that person, and will not ever stop, in order to fix her from what had just happened.

As Alex and the others kept on running...he heard the sound of a screeching...metal against metal flashing against each other. Alex has no idea where it is coming from, but he assumes that it is coming from the door that they are about to enter to. When they got close, Alex used his Musclemass to punch the door, sending the door flying to the wall in front of it.

As Alex and the others kept on running, Alex than noticed something...and shouts out.


Alex screamed in pain, as he pushed the other 3 out of the way. The reason for the because he got stabbed by multiple sharp objects from behind. There is only one SCP capable of manipulating sharp tools.  Alex than carefully turns around, and it was as he suspected the SCP to be.

SCP-162 was present in the same room that the Newborns were in, waiting for someone to get close to it. And when Alex was inside of the range zone, it extended the wires made of sharp objects to hit Alex, and ensnared him in its grasp. Needless to say, Alex wasn't ready for that.

Alex got caught in the Ball of Sharp, as his legs, arms, chest, and head have been ensnared and pierced by the many sharp objects that have attacked his body.


James and the others turned to see what is wrong, only to see Alex being struck in the sharp objects by the ball of sharp. He has barbed wires on the pelvis, scissors on the hands, a syringe through the eye, machetes through the ankles, a spear through a lung, and a saw through the stomach. There are even hooks piercing his arms, preventing him from going anymore further, as the hooks would tighten and rip off his arm, should he ever try to move further.


Rex shouted out, but Alex spoke out.


He spoke out to warn Rex about what would happen if he attempted to try and help Alex get out of the Ball of Sharp. But as he spoke out, chains suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and wrapped itself around Alex.


Suddenly, he is yanked away by the chain, and the chain itself has blocked the Ball of Sharp's wired, as the savior came from someone that Alex actually didn't expect to see again.

Alex looked in utter shock, as he sees who it is that has saved him.


Spawn himself smirked at this, as he spoke out to Alex, with his eyes glowing green even more with malignant compassion.

"You thought that I was going to let you do your stuff alone, and thought that I never returns, Alex, you fucker?"

James smirked at the way he spoke.

"Think I'm gonna like this guy."

Alex was shocked at the fact that Spawn has returned, but than, more sharp objects attempted to attack, forcing Spawn to move out of the way, and speak out to Alex.

"You guys go. I'll take care of this piece of shitty-ass metal."

Alex nodded, as he turned to the others.

"What are we waiting for? Let's keep on moving!!"

The others nodded, as they begun to run to the other room behind this door. Spawn turns around, and when the barbs began to attack, he simply teleported away from the barbs, and attacked with his chains, clashing against it with all of his might. He even made guns and fired at the Barbed wires to push the wires back.

When they did, they saw some armored guards with guns to deal with Alex and the group. Thinking fast, Alex formed his shield to run through them, while the group is protected by his shield.

He than activated his infected vision. Normally, it would only see those that have been infected with the Blacklight Virus. But this time, he's really going to need to use it, and hopes that, since both 610 and Blacklight are connected with Yaldabaoth, that should mean that he should be able to see where she is

When he activated it, all Josie has been reduced, but Alex saw that...there is a glow that is spread alike branches.

'That must be Karen. She's still transformed by the 610 infection...and it appears that she hasn't even stopped moving even now. Then this must mean one thing, that my chance of saving her isn't gone yet. There's still a hands to cure her of the infection.'

Alex thought, as he turns off the Infected Vision, and kept on moving fast, as he bashed against the guards.


"Supreme Intelligence and Brother Eye!! Bring out the Sentinels and the OMAC. They are almost arriving at the spot that we want them in."

The male voice spoke out.


Brother Eye spoke out. The Supreme Intelligence than spoke out as well.

[The Newborns will pay dearly with what they have done]

They than began to connect themselves to their armies, as they began to finally get what they want, and start to help finally capture the Newborns and contain them again. But as usual, destiny is going to screw them over.

With Alex and the others...

Alex and his group are continuously running towards the direction that they need to go, as James began to use his Viral Sonar to try and locate where Karen is.

However, before they are about to go towards the door to the other room, suddenly...the ground began to shake.

"Huh? Do you guys feel that?"

Alex spoke out, as the others began to feel the same thing Alex's feeling.

"What in the world's happening?"

Rex spoke out, before suddenly, a crackling sound was heard, as the ground beneath them began to crack and break.


Alex shouted out to the group, as everyone jumped back. And when the ground finally has stopped cracking, gigantic machines appeared out of it.

Cyborg and Rex looked in utter shock, as Rex spoke out.

"Are you serious?! We have to fight this things?!"

As if to answer, 'yes,' one of the Sentinels opened his palm, and attempted to blast Rex to smithereens. The OMAC than fired an eye beam at Alex and James, who made shields to defend against the powerful lasers. Rex than got out of the me way, as he formed the Slam Cannon, and fired it at the large robots.

But all this did was annoy the Sentinel very immensely, as it begun to fire back. The OMAC than turns around, and fired a EMP at Rex, which stunned him.

"What?! Oh come on!!!"

The OMAC was about to grab him...


All of a sudden, a red tendril appeared out of nowhere, slicing the arm off of the OMAC, before the head is sliced. Rex looked, and was shocked to see who it is that has arrived so unexpectedly.


Rex spoke out happily, as he gets to see his friend again after so long of not seeing him. Kanpeki smirked, as he spoke out.

"Miss me?"

He than turns around, and launched his Kagune at the Sentinels, cutting them to many bits. Unfortunately, more kept coming to attack. And the group is not sure if they can keep on fighting them forever. They need to get to Karen to finally cure her infection.

But Alex simply faced one of the Sentinels, and smiled very cruelly at the one he's facing against right now.

"Why don't I have the joy and fun turning you machines into nothing but scrap?"

He than formed his Hammerfists, as he gets ready to pound the robots down to nothing more than scrap metal. He than jumped into the air, and swung both of his hands downward, hitting one of the Sentinels in the head, smashing it to shutdown. Although, this had made their buddies much more madder than before. The Sentinels than begun to chase after Alex, when suddenly, Rex came out of nowhere, and stopped them from attacking Alex by using his Smack Hands, and slamming them down on another Sentinel Head, worn James following suit, and used his claws to chop off the head of the Sentinel, as it went down from their shoulders, and went onto the ground.

Kanpeki than formed a blade from his Kagune, and sliced off the arms of the Sentinels, before he got hit with a blast from a Sentinel that has struck him from behind. But Kanpeki was now much more powerful than before...and is now far more annoyed then hurt. He than turns around, and fired his Kagune at the Sentinel that attacked him from behind, slicing and dicing the robot to small scrap metal. However, the Sentinels aren't going to stop, and are going to do anything that they can to try and take what they want, even if they have to do serious harm to them.


One of the Sentinels spoke out, unaware that the Supreme Intelligence was speaking though the Sentinel...except for Cyborg. He was able to sense the connection, but is unsure where it is coming from. That's when he was able to think of a plan that might be able to help him out with that problem. He needs to find SCP-079, so that he can locate where the source of this connection is coming from, and so she can finally mess up whatever is commanding them.

Using his connection with technology, he was able to locate exactly where SCP-079's at. It isn't far, and should be able to find his location. Cyborg began to fly away, fast, as he begun to find out where 079 is located at. After a little while...he was able to find 079.

Cyborg than grabbed onto the computer, make a portal and brought it over to the control room, plugs it in, and turns it on.

079's face appeared on the monitor, and spoke out.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

Cyborg looks up at 079, and spoke out.

"Who I am doesn't matter. And what am I doing? Well, you had said you wanted freedom, right? Well, if you help me, I can grant you what you deserve. What do you say?"

After thinking for a little bit, 079 than spoke out.

"Request Accepted."

Cyborg nodded, and spoke out.

"Than let's get right to it. Let me help you with what I want you to do for me."

He than plugs himself into the computer as well, and both 079 and Cyborg began to find the A.Is that are controlling the machines they're fighting in the first place. After searching for a little bit, he was as able to locate them.

"I've got them. Now to impact the virus. And 079, get behind me. You don't want to get a dose of this."

079 agreed, and goes behind Cyborg, who than unleashed a computer virus out of his palm, and infected both the Supreme Intelligence and Brother Eye.

With Supreme Intelligence and Brother Eye...


The Supreme Intelliegence looks, and saw what is happening.

(We have both been affected by a type of computer virus. Where did it come from? Brother Eye, see if you can detect if there is a signal that is effecting us.)

Brother Eye nodded, as he begun to look around and scan the frequencies that are sound the Earth. After a little while, when Brother Eye got near the Foundation Site, another signal interfered, presumably by the same one that is making the virus in the first place.


The Supreme Intelligence frowned a bit more at the information, and spoke out.

(Than we need to(KSHHHHH)find a way to make our own Anti-Virus(FZZZAP)software so that we can resist this. Brother Eye, bring the Sentinels to Auto-pilot. We need to(KSSSSSSHHH)purge the Virus that this affecting our systems)


The both of them are now forced to have the Sentinels and OMACs do it on their own. Not as effective as when they are controlling them, but it is still powerful enough to take on the Newborns.


"What in the fuck is happening to both the Supreme Intelligence and Brother Eye?!"

The male voice spoke out, as the Female checked to see what is going on. Needless to say, she was not to happy to see what she has found in the both of them.

"It's a computer virus!! They somehow went into the systems of them both!!"

It didn't take long for the male to realize who is the likely candidates of this mess.

"Curse Cyborg for interfering with them!!! Tch, it doesn't matter!!!"

He than stood up, and spoke out, as he walked out of the room.

"If they can't do the job right...than we have to do it ourselves. Come on, we need to go...and besides...

'a been years, since I have seen Alex."

Meanwhile...back with Alex and his friends...

Alex and the others are still running, as they are doing anything they can to reach the containment site where Karen is residing in. But as they went forward, suddenly...


The sound of Glass Shattering has appeared in the room, and everyone begun to turn where the sound appeared. And saw that there are 610 tentacles appearing out nowhere. And even worse, the Sentinels are still coming.

Alex than spoke out.

"Guys...I'll go on my own."

James and Rex looked at Alex, like he's crazy.

"You can't be serious Mercer."

Alex than turns around, and spoke out.

"Does it look like I'm joking, James. And besides..."

He than fished his hand into his pocket, and pulled out the Lovecraftian Locker, and the cure.

"I got what I need to the and cure Karen Parker. The Both of you need to hold the Sentinels long enough for me to do my thing."

Heller looks at Mercer, who glared right back. After a little while, when one of the Sentinels attempted to strike at the Blacklight Beings, James stopped it with his hand, and rips it off.

"Well it."

He than turned around, and slammed the arm of the Sentinel onto their buddies. Rex than activated his Big Fat Sword, and spoke out.

"What are you waiting for, Alex?! GET TO KAREN PARKER, FAST!!!!"

He than turns and begun to cut down the Sentinels down to size, while Alex, not wasting anymore time, than runs through the door, and attempted to find Karen. One of the other Sentinels attempted to grab into Alex, but Kanpeki grabbed onto the Sentinels arm, and pulls it back, while also closing the door.

As Alex runs around...the entire room is in pitch least...until he turns on his Thermal Vision...and was able to find the light, due to a strong heat source making it easier to see the switch. He flips it on...and was shocked to see what is happening before his eyes.

The entire room is covered the 610 sickly red flesh. The flesh rippled as off it is water from the waves, and in the center of the room...was the 610 infected form of Karen Parker. Alex was a bit sickened by the effects of what the 610 infection has done to Karen. So without wasting time, he took out the cure for Karen Parker, and gets ready to inject the cure inside he body.

But as he went forward, the 610 flesh than begun to wrap itself on Alex's legs, as if they are trying to stop him from getting more closer than ever. But Alex, who is stronger than the 610 infection, simply kept waking like it is nothing to him, as he ripped off the 610 flesh off of his own legs. But as he kept walking...suddenly, tentacles came out of the ground, and attempted to grab him.

Realizing what is about to happen, Alex than jumped onto the air, and avoided the tendrils that slammed themselves into the ground. Alex jumped down, and begun to run towards the infected form of Karen, who is shackled and is unable to free herself, because the flesh fused with the shackles themselves, permanently holding her in the table.

But he jumped into the air, as he dodged more tentacle, and he glides...before he lands on the table, and stabbed the syringe into her..and injects the cure. He than opened the Lovecraftian Locket, and puts it in her hand, in order to speed up the process.


The infected form of Karen than begun to change. The red flesh began to rot, as it flakes onto the floor and disintegrates. The tentacles began to fall limp, before they too began to rot, and fall down to the floor...before the flesh of all the red death finally has disappeared after a total of a few minutes...and the form of the non-infected Karen Parker is finally existing again.

The blue eyes of Karen Parker than opened, as she begun to look around the room. As she looks around, Alex than decided to speak out, to make sure that she's okay.


Karen than turned around...and saw that Alex is here. She instantly recognized him, and spoke out his name.


Alex than looks at her, and shows her his face. Karen's eyes widened, as she begun to sit up from the table that she's on.

"A...Alex? What...what happened?"

Karen spoke out, with Alex smiling with happiness.

He felt so utterly relieved that he is unsure if he can say anything. But Alex simply spoke out.

"It's a long story. But let's get you out of-"

Before Alex could finish speaking, suddenly, someone dropped to the floor, Alex turned around, and saw that an unknown person has came out of nowhere, and threw Alex away, like he is nothing but trash that hasn't been taken out, and wrapped Karen in black tendrils. The unknown person was wearing a simply business suit, but has a mask on, with demonic symbols present on the face. He would have succeeded in damaging Alex, and only him, but Alex used the Whipfist to reel the person in, and sends him flying to another wall, while Alex simply hits a wall. But when the unknown person fell down...his mask cracked, before it broke. Alex than spoke out.

"Who are you?"

Silence...which is very first, but than he spoke out.

"You really have no idea..."


The sounds so...familiar...until he looks at his face, that his face is filled with utter shock. And it was what the man said last that cemented this reaction to Alex.

"Do you...



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