Prologue: the beginning of the virus (Rebooted again)

New York city Manhattan 2013 11:50 AM

On the streets two couples were talking on the streets. Robin ward and her boyfriend Hughie were talking about him moving in with her.

Robin: Listen this is about you getting what you deserve, I'm killing myself at school because I think it's going to be worth it for both of us, you know if we move in together.

Hughie: wait what hey hey hey what was that, what'd you just say?

Robin: well I mean we can't keep you know laying pipe at your dad's place, trying to be all quiet staring with that dumb billy Joel.

But before they kiss a stranger called out to them.

???: hey excuse me, hey sorry but I was wondering if you can give me a hand?

Hughie: umm sure what is that you need?

???: thanks just can you and your girlfriend take 2 steps back you're standing on something.

Hughie: umm sure?

They take 2 steps back.

Hughie: now what?

???: perfect Now have a good life Hughie.

Hughie: wait what?

He didn't get to finished as the Stanger vanished

Time moves slows as A. Train collided with him killing him and blooded sprayed on them.

A-train stopped to see himself covered in blood and small chunks on him.

Robin and Hughie was in shocked to see a-train kill someone.

A-train: I can't stop I can't stop.

He runs away in Sonic speed.

The two were still shocked, then a Radom bystander ran to them saw the whole thing.

Stranger: Oh shit you two alright?

hughie: n no.

the bystander called an ambulance for them


A-train ran to his girlfriend pop claw's apartment.

A-train: babe you home?!

 no answer he picked out a small chunk of that guy and dropped it on the floor

A-train: (Gags) oh god he was in my mouth

he ran to the bathroom to wash the blood off of him and his suit.

 a mouse exit a small hole starts eating the chunk of flesh, then the small blob latches on the mouse, it squeaks in fear and it's necks was snapped killing it then the blob consumed the mouse, the biomass begins to regenerate a hand, a skull with a tongue, teeth and an eyeball.

(Can't find a gif)

then the regeneration has finished and in the place is the stranger who was obliterated by A-train.

the stranger rubs his jaw and spots the bag, he unzips the bag and grabs the item inside.

???: Nice, time to head to the tower.

he lefts the apartment and walked to his place to experiment.



Main earth 2023 (Insert your home country and town name here)

On the streets of (Home town/name) was y/n walking to the mall for shopping for dinner to Bing watch gen V, but he saw a girl trying to catch the ball across the road and a car was speeding towards her.

Y/n however with no fucks given he ran and pushed the girl to safety and does the praise the sun gesture.

But why is he doing this? Well he had a theory that if you saved someone from death you can reincarnate in a new world so he wanted to test it.

Y/n: (Insert your last words here)


Y/n went up in the air and crashed down on the road. He died on impact.

Y/n eyes slowly opened and sees himself in a strange place.

Y/n: holy shit I was right!

???: Congratulations you have proved your theory

it was god

Y/n: Whoa you look different then I thought.

God: Sorry for you to be disappointed.

Y/n: Nah I'm not disappointed just surprised by the way what happened to the girl I pushed?

God: well she is thankful and as she grown up she started a foundation to help people on road safety, the driver who killed you as been killed, he lost control of the car and hit the pole.

Y/n: Huh Karma, so I'm I going to be reincarnated to a new world?

God: Quite right I'm going to give you a sheet of paper so you can write on you want.

Y/n went to work writing on the paper, after a couple of minutes he was finished.

Y/n: Here I'm done.

god grabs the paper and reads it.

God: Let's see...

Powers: Backlight fully upgraded.

Universe: The boys amazon new York city 24 hour before Robin's death.

God: Hmm alright just stand there as a send on your way.

a rune appeared underneath y/n and after a few seconds y/n disappeared.

God: let's hope nobody comes up with his theory.

THE BOYS UNIVERSE New York city  8:40 PM

Y/n felt something crawling on him, he grabbed it and open his eyes to see the intruder.

Y/n: Aww ant you just a cute thing, too bad for you.

y/n's hand begins to emit tendrils and injected into the rat, the rats squalled in pain then begins to transform into a infected rat.

Y/n: Heh awesome.

Y/n then gave it a command to spread the virus but wait for the order.

Y/n: That will come in handy, now to see the red apple.

Y/n dusts himself and walks out from the ally way and sees the scenery.

Y/n: time square what a glorious site, sooner or later it will fall to ruin, now to see the tower.

Y/n Stretch's and his body jumps and wall runs to the roof.

(Replace the corpses with people saw him jumping)

Bystander: Whoa did you see that?

As he landed on the roof and he saw the tower.

(It's night time)

The Vought tower where the seven live and compound v experiments occur.

He wanted to make sure that robin and Hughie have a happy life and Starlight doesn't get sexual assaulted by the deep, y/n know how fucked Vought is and the people who are brainwashed, so made his choice is to bring it down He'll need a way inside, but first thing first he need a safehouse to set up.


2 Hours later

Y/n wearing a business suit entered the entrance and saw the place packed with armed guards.

Y/n: Man to be honest, Roy Thomson got nothing on this place.

???: Really? Then I appreciate your honesty.

he turns around and saw Madelyn Stillwell

Y/n: Madelyn Stillwell The Senior Vice president of Hero management, It's an honour to met you.

Madelyn: Thank you, so what brings you here? not only to grace our place.

Y/n: well your correct I'm here to return lost property.

Madelyn: Oh thank you may I see it?

Y/n hands her the property which spooked and confused her.

to most people it looked like a red vile but to her it is compound V but it's red.

Madelyn: I... I must thank you for returning it to us, Can I ask how you acquired it?

Y/n: well I was walking down the street then suddenly a blue flash went past me almost blew my jacket off, then a saw it on the ground.

Madelyn: Blue flash? Ugh a-train of course, well thank you for returning this back to us.

Y/n: No problem (Time to scare her) Don't want them to find out it makes supes.

Madelyn: what?

Madelyn's eyes widen as she heard the comment, she turned around to see him gone. she talks to the security

Madelyn: You I want you to found that man Now.

the guard nods and radios the crisis management team.

the tower's alarm rang as people were begin to worry.

y/n had managed to blend in then he saw the janitor going in the closet room no doubt putting the cleaning products back in.

Y/n: Nice.

he slipped in as the door closed and started to consume him.

Y/n smirks as he takes the form of the janitor.

he walks out of the closet and a guard comes up to him.

Guard: ID please.

y/n showed him the ID of Steven the janitor.

Guard: Good now come with me the tower's in lockdown.

he followed the guard to the others to wait for the lockdown to end.

TIMESKIP Downtown 10:45 PM

A woman is walking home when she was cut off by two men in a mask.

Thug 1: Now what do we have here?

Thug 2: Looks like a pretty lady.

she pulls out a taser

Lady: Leave me alone you creeps!

but the thug pulls out a gun

Thug 1: What a foul mouth, hope it can clean well (Laughs)

but then a big mutant rat jumped at the thug and bites his neck.


Thug 2: JOSH!

Then a swarm of small infected rats climbs on the other thug and starts biting him all over.


The lady screamed at the site and starts running for her life.

the rats dragged the two thugs back into the sewers screaming kicking and trying to open the lid to get out of the hell that lies in the sewer.


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