Chapter 2: a normal faithful meeting and a Terrifying Discovery


Inside the headquarters CIA agents were going about their day, a door open and a woman walked in She was the deputy director of the CIA Susan Raynor

She heard about the attack but her and the CIA Decided to keep an eye on them, susan walks to her office and opens it with her ID card but as she opened the door Butcher was inside holding the remote and startled her.

Billy: Morning deputy director.

she drops her bag on the chair.

Susan: How did you get in here? You're like the fucking mold on my laundry room tiles. You scrape it off, comes right back.

she's about to call security.

Billy: Sounds like you got a little bit of a moisture problem, luv.

she pressed the button.

Susan: Security, please.

he pressed the button ending the call.

Billy: Have you seen the news Luv?

Susan: Yeah And I care because?

Billy: well I'm glad you asked.

Billy butcher turns on the tv and shows the news of the attack on Vought Tower to Susan Raynor.

(My apologise for misspelling)

NNC BREAKING NEWS: Vought tower under repair after a super villain attack

last Night at the ceremony of starlight's arrival, the tower was breached by a villain named Pariah, he Attacked and wounded the Deep, black noir and homelander, But thankfully starlight queen maeve, a-train and translucent manged to push him back but he escaped, we asked the heroes for there fight.

Starlight: Yeah it was freighting, never thought my first day will end up like this, but I manged to defend myself and saved the deep from him.

A-Train: when he attack I tried to stop him but somehow he's fast too but if he tries to do, thoughts and prayers to the pilots and their families.

Translucent: I promise you this, the attack on the seven will not go quietly and I'll be giving him a fist to the mouth, If anyone can help, contact Vought and we will track him down.

Maeve: he took the lives of the two pilots away from their loves ones and I will not let him get away from this atrocious attack.

CEO Stand edger gave no comment on the of the villain but he said the three will be able to recover soon.

Despite the attack, Vought has announced the race will go on and Vought has started a charity...

(Insert channel switch sound effect)


Cameron: After the cowardly attack on the tower had the public including the government worried, the mayor has comment saying everything is under control, which is Not true, even DARPA has announced that they will investigate this attack some speculate it could be a Bio terrorist attack. Even the people voice their concerns.

Citizen 1: It was scary we heard loud noises and then boom this guy was beating the hell out of homelander, then he took out that helicopters by throwing homelander at it!

Citizen 2: I hope they can get that guy, he looked scary. 

Citizen 3: Man (BEEP) That guy nobody hurts the seven and think he can get away from this Hell NO! 

Citizen 4: Yeah If he even touches starlight I would (BEEP) (BEEP) (BEEP) (BEEP) THIS (BEEP) (BEEP)Head!

Cameron: wow and as for this Super bio terrorist he will be brought down and face justice.

(Insert channel switch sound effect)

a Funeral was held for the two helicopter pilots that protected everyone from the villain, Madelyn was given a speech to honour the fallen pilots.

Madelyn: Today we are here to honour the two who served our country, Jack Tomas age:41 and Eric Howard Age: 31 these pilots were the brightest of the air force and our security forces This attack is unforgivable for the deaths of the pilots but can be further avoidable if congress allows us to join the military but today a moment of silence.

the whole crowd grieved in silent.

The Tv was shut off Butcher raised his brow waiting for her response.

Susan: What?

Billy: He could be a problem in the dick for us.

Susan: Well What makes you think I care?

Billy: Simple The cunt is vomiting out fucking nonsense that the congress is falling for the shite and even DARPA could be roped into this, no doubt his pocket is filled with Vought's dirty money for his first appearance, however thankfully with a little investigation I got a lead, weeks ago eye witnesses saw the speedy cunt ran through a man who saved the couple Hughie and Robin, but what if I get this guy go into the tower and bugged the room and get something in there.

Susan: Butcher please don't tell me you're going to recruit him.

Billy: heh no promises but hey they probably thank me.

Billy smirks and left.

Susan: (Sighs) Fucking hell.


Hughie was finishing the call to robin

Hughie: And maybe we can go out of tea once I get paid, sounds good? Yeah I love you, alright goodnight.

then he hears the bell rang  turns around to see a man holding a nanny cam.

Hughie: You Interested in a nanny cam? 'Cause we're actually running a special on that, Um it's a pretty popular bear. There's cameras in the eyes.

Butcher: Tell me, how many nannies shake their babies?

Hughie: Um I'm sorry?

Butcher: Yo know, a good... 

he Shakes the bear hard

Butcher: a good... hard shake, like... tryin' to get ketchup out of the bottle. One percent? Less?

Hughie: I-I don't really know.

Butcher: Funny, that. They sell a billion dollars worth of that shit worldwide. Goes to show you, doesn't it? The bollocks people will believe if you get them scared enough.

hughie tries not being terrified by this man's presence.

Hughie: (Scoffs) Cool. cool, cool. Um... Is there anything I can help you with today or... ?

Butcher: I'm not going to piss you about, Hughie. I heard what happened to you and Robin.

Hughie: I'm-I'm-I'm sorry, who are you?

Butcher: You both weren't being Mugged on the street, and they viewed him a criminal.

Hughie: Yeah. I said, who the hell are you? How did you know that?

Butcher: Name's Butcher.

he shows him his FBI ID.

Butcher: Billy Butcher. Listen, I was thinking that, uh, you and me should have a little bit of a chat, follow me.

he walks out with Hughie in pursuit.

Hughie: Y-You're a fed? You don't sound like a Fed.

Butcher: What? I can't immigrate? There's a giant green slapper with her ass in the harbor that says different.

Hughie: You don't really look like one, either.

Butcher: No? What do I look like?

Hughie: Like you're starring in a porn version of the Matrix.

Butcher: Well, it's all right there in black and white.

Hughie: Okay. Uh, what exactly can I do for you?

Butcher: No, you got it all wrong Hughie. It's what I can do for you. You see, you ain't not alone, son. It happens a lot more than you think. Supes lose hundreds of people each year to collateral damage.

Hughie: No. Come on, that'd be all over the news. People would be screaming murder.

Butcher: Yeah, look, there might be the odd mention of it again, like with the guy who may have saved you're girlfriend's life, but there's a fuck-sight more that happens that just gets swept right under the rug.

Hughie: Why?

Butcher: Ain't it obvious?

he shows him time square littered with advertisements of the seven.

Butcher: Movie tickets, merchandising, theme parks, video games. A multi-billion dollar global industry supported by corporate lobbyists and politicians on both sides. But the main reasons that you won't hear about it is 'cause the public don't want to know about it. See the people love that cozy feeling that supes give them. Some golden cunt to swoop out of the sky and save the day so you don't got to do it yourself. But if you know half the shit they get up to... Ooh (Clicks tongue) Fuckin diabolical. But then... that's where I come in.

Hughie: Come in to... to do what?

Butcher: Spank the bastards when they get out of line.

Hughie: How do you spank a supe?

Butcher: Come on, son.

Hughie: Um, where?

Butcher: You'll love it.

Hughie: Uh, not likely. Uh, listen. I think this is good; I'm good. Uh, thank you for an extremely weird conversation, but, uh, I don't want to go to a second location with you. So, I'm gonna get back to work. Thank you.

he was about to walk away but butcher calls out to him

Butcher: Hughie! Hughie.

he turns back around.

Butcher: This is your one and only, mate. Once I go, I'm gone. I'm offering you the opportunity to see what they really are. Tell me are you going to let that man who saved robin death be for nothing?

he walks away as Hughie is not moving so he made up his mind and follow him.

Butcher and Hughie walked in the alleyway

Hughie: Where are we?

Butcher: Keep your mouth shut.

he bangs on the door and the hatch opens

Butcher: Harry. Got your message. Thank you for being an upstanding citizen.

Harry: You know this is fucking police brutality, man. You know what they'll do to me, they catch me letting you in?

Butcher: Not half of what I'll do if you don't.

harry closed the hatch and unlocking the locks.

Hughie: Did he just say you were police?

Butcher: Yeah, you know, cop, fed, all the same twats like that.

the door opens and butcher walked in but before dragging Hughie in.

Hughie was in shocked to see what he is seeing, people in the air having sex.

Hughie: Holy shit.

Butcher: Pick your jaw up off the floor and try to blend in. This is the only place where the Supes can scratch their filthy little itch without the paps taking snaps.

he sees a guy who is shrunk dive into a woman's pussy and recognised someone.

Hughie: Wait, wait, wait. That's Ezekiel.

the man makes a gay guy blow him as he stretch to two other guys and makes out with them

Hughie: The "Cape for Chirst" guy... preaches all that... "Pray the gay away" shit.

Butcher: And now he's the meat in the Manwich. Fucking hypocrite.

they step over his body and entered the security room while harry plays the recording of A-train's visit.

Butcher: There. There. stop.

the screen shows A-train sitting down pouring shots.

Hughie: wait is A-train here right now?

Butcher: Was. that was weeks ago before the atatck on Vought tower, Turn it up.

the recording plays as a supe named big game sat next to him.

Big game: I cannot believe you ran through a hobo.

A-train: You want to hear something nasty? I ran so fast through this hobo that I swallowed one of his morals. Like a bug on the fucking freeway.

Big name: Dude that's Nasty.

they began to Laugh.

Hughie: They're Fucking laughing.

Butcher: So what are you going to do about it?

he looks at Butcher making his decision.


Inside the lab the scientists were researching the samples of the shattered Armor piece that was from the villain that attacked the tower. one scientist was examining the blood on a slide under a microscope, even they inject a small dose into a guinea pig to see the results.

Tough there was no DNA match they still search for answers then the answer was reviled as carl stands up to check the test subject, when he saw the subject he is in shock and took a step back knocking the table to fall crashed on the floor attracting the other scientists.

Carl: Oh my god!

Frank was walked up to him

Frank: Carl what the fuck is wrong with you?!

carl steps back nearly gagged.

Carl: oh my God, oh my fucking god.

Frank: Carl you alright?

Carl: Frank come look at this.

Frank: what why?

Carl: Just fucking look.

Frank Groans as he look inside, and what he saw clearly shocked him as well.

Frank: Holy Shit, I got to call Leonard.

As frank left the lab carl is now scared.


The head of the R&D department Leonard was called in to see the subject, Leonard is looking inside the room.

In many years after taking over he never seen anything like it.

Leonard: so what am I looking at here?

Carl: well sir we done some testing and inject the blood culture in it, It's like nothing we ever seen before.

Frank: Sir whatever it is, it could be a Bio weapon.

The other scientists stopped when he said that.

Leonard: My god, have your contacted Stan edger about this?

Frank: yes I called him he said he'll be arriving shortly.

The Stan edger comes in.

Stan: this better be important.

Frank: yes sir it is, the blood that we recovered is a Virus, we done some test and it consumed what we added to it. Here the results.

Frank hands him the file containing pics of the virus consuming a cell.

Stan: I see, this is troublesome, Tell me what have you added?

Carl: we added drugs, viruses, bacteria prions even Nanobots and radioactives, the blood culture just consumed them and produce more cells, and we inject a small dose into a guinea pig and well see for yourself.

they get dressed in hazmat suits and enter a ait tight chamber to see the pig that was injected.

Stan though in the hazmat suit gagged at the sight.

Stan: My god what is that?

Carl: That used to be jerry the guinea pig.

Leonard poked it with a scalpel, it was unresponsive.

Leonard: It appears it's body began to mutate as the skin peeled off, extra limbs emerge from the body and may have died in the process.

Stan: Hmm very well Leonard, I want you to continue the work here, and maybe we can use it to our advantage.

Carl: What? But sir this virus is extremely dangerous we have to burn it!

the crew turned and looked at carl surprised to speak out to the CEO.

Stan: I advise you to raise your voice carl.

Carl: No sir this is madness, this could spell the end of the world!

Leonard: I understand your worries but we got in under control, Imagine if we injected into babies with also the dose of compound V, Just think of the results.

Carl: NO!

He breaks the emergency cabinet and grabs the flame thrower and aims it at the dead pig, the guards aims at him.

Guard: Drop the flamethrower Now!

Frank: Carl just calm down, don't you see we can weaponised it and save America!

Carl: Fuck you man, I Can't let you do this! I would rather die then see this thing being released!

But then out of nowhere the creature came back to life and jump on Leonard and bites his neck.

leonard screamed as the pig bite deep on his neck and it's eye was glowing red.

the rest step back as the guards come in front and aims


they shoot the creature killing it, Leonard then groans.

Frank: Leonard?

Leonard grabs him and mutates, his jaws break through the masks and proceeds to bite his face off through the mask.

(Like this)

Frank Screamed in agony pain has his face was ripped out.

Stan: Take them down but don't destroy them!

Carl then shoot out the flames at the two burning them down and including the pig, he was tackled on the guard and the weapon taking off.

Stan: No!

as the heat dies down they saw the charred remains, Stan looked at carl.

Stan: Do you realised what you done, you burned them and now we could lost research.

Carl: With due respect sir, I stopped it dead and I'll do it again.

Stan: Get him out of here!

the guards dragged him out and Stan sighs rubbing his temple.

Stan: (Breaths in and out) I want this lab cleaned up and resume the work, I want them in the R&D Labs and see what we can salvage and don't let anyone know about this, Do you UNDERSTAND?!

The guard nods then Stan left, the crew disposed the bodies by putting them in body bags and took them into the labs including the pig.

but in the body bag of the mutated Leonard the charred arm's veins slightly glowed red.


y/n was on the physiotherapy chair with a Tendril connected from the blacklight pillars to the back of his neck, y/n wakes up and rips the tendril off and stretch his body.

Y/n: Poor jerry, Wish they didn't done that to you. 

he heads off to bed for tomorrow.


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