17 - Cabin In The Woods - Tallulah POV

The world starts closing in on me as soon as I wake up. This is it. I'm leaving my old life behind. I stuffed as much as Miriam will let me bring into a suitcase and duffle bag last night. After I wake up and get ready for the day, I pack my box of memories and mementos. Spencer helps me lug them downstairs. Miriam isn't sure I will have much access to the internet or cell service, but I bring my laptop and cell phone, just in case.

Since the day after the Fourth of July is a Sunday, I'm going to have a hard time finding someone to print my pictures. When I express my concern to Miriam, she assures me that we can get everything printed. It's important to me to have pictures from home, so I am glad to hear I will be able to print these soon. Not even making it to the car, I miss my family already.

We load up Miriam's rental car and set out for the cabin somewhere in the woods. We go towards and over the mountains on I-40 with plenty of curves in the roads, and I don't know when we will actually stop for something other than a bathroom break.

I break the silence. "How does magic exist?"

"The reason for its original existence is hotly debated, but people with magic in their blood can perform magic because they can draw energy out of themselves, others, the environment, and the DE."

"The DE?"

"Sorry, I'm used to calling it that. The DE is the Dexameni Energeias, which is Greek for 'pool of energy.' The most popular theory is that when the universe was created, the Divine Couple decided that this 'pool of energy' could be an energy source for magical creatures. Don't ask me why the Divine Couple created magical creatures."

"So, why don't witches just get rid of evil people?"

She grins.

I'm not so sure what is so amusing about my question.

She concentrates on the road for a while before she answers.

"If things were only that easy. The idea is similar to the Ancient Chinese philosophy of yin and yang. Everything needs balance. For example, if you have light, then you need dark. If you have spring, then you need fall. If you have good, then you need evil. The Ancient Ones always strive to maintain a balance within life."

"The Ancient Ones?"

"A talk for another time. You'll hear more about them during lessons. To continue about the use of magic. There is also the real possibility, although a lot would have to happen, that the DE could get drained of all its energy. If this happens, the existence of magic ceases."

"That little bit of information on the DE would explain some questions that might come up."

"Actually, it explains a lot about why certain things do and don't happen. Why some things do and don't exist. How some people can do things when others can't."

I nod my understanding and then change to lighter topics to try and get to know Miriam even more. She is my grandma after all. Maybe I'll call her that soon.

Finally, we drive up a dirt road that leads back into the surrounding forest - an estimated two and a half hours later. What I see when we get to the end is beautiful. It looks like a two story cabin with large windows and what looks to be a view from the back side. Trees cover the area except for around the cabin. There is some sort of clearing not far off.

Stepping out of the car, I immediately notice the change in temperature from home. The trees provide a canopy, shielding most of the area from the sun beating down. The smell of earth mixes with a wet, musty smell - a smell that reminds me of what wet leaves piled on the ground - seemingly forgotten.

When we go up the steps to enter the cabin, I notice there are covered porches off of both stories, and a possible drop off. My guess is that there is either storage or a lower level. The cabin looks a little big to just train five people, and I find out when we walk in that there are more than five teenagers here.

I narrow my eyes at Miriam - my lips tight. "I thought there were only five teenagers that were going to be present."

"I didn't say that. There are five Protectors, but there are also protectors for those Protectors, the Guardians. Unfortunately, two of the Guardians passed away before they even made it to their teenage years. That will all be explained tomorrow during the unlocking ceremony."

Raising an eyebrow, I ask, "If you say so. Is it too late to back out?"

She pats my arm. "It will be okay. Let's take you up to your room to put your belongings away. We are going to be here a month, so might as well make this feel like home for now."

At the top of the stairs is a foyer where there are two bedrooms on each side of the house with bathrooms between the bedrooms. I pick the room to the back right of the stairs, and Miriam takes the room in the front right. It looks like one of the other bedrooms is already occupied by someone, but the door is shut.

"Who's on each floor?" I ask.

"The girls are on the top floor, except for Carleigh. Two of the instructors, Mia and Estel, are in the room on the first floor. And the boys and the other instructor, EJ, are on the lower level. There is also a recreation room down there to enjoy, when you can." She grins, and I want to ask about this Carleigh girl but choose not to.

"After you get your stuff unpacked, head back down to the main floor. I'm sure you are hungry, and I'm sure there are snacks to tide you over until dinner is ready."

Unpacking is quicker than packing. Walking downstairs, I'm immediately approached by a girl around my height with blond hair and twinkling brown eyes.

"Hi, I'm Andrea, but everyone calls me Ande," she states with a broad smile.

"I'm Tallulah, but you can also call me Tally. Excuse me, but I left something upstairs. I will be back down in a minute." I smile politely and try my best not to run back up the stairs.

I burst into Miriam's room. "I can't do it!"

"What dear?"

"There are too many people down there! Maybe they won't like me. Maybe they will make fun of me when I'm not around or when I'm around. Maybe I won't be good enough." Everything is coming out in pants.

"Those teens down there are not the bullies from high school. For one, those bullies from high school are pretentious princesses who were probably jealous of you."

I interrupt before she gets to two. "Jealous of me?" I ask, pointing at myself.

"You must know how beautiful you really are, and how well you carry yourself without even trying. You look great in anything you put on. I bet the first guy interested in you didn't care if you had a potato sack on—you still were beautiful."

I cross my arms. "You're just saying that because you're my grandma. No guy has even asked me out on a date."

"I am not. I see it in Daniel's eyes too. He's fond of you," she says with a smile like Mona Lisa's. "You were the first real family that boy had ever had. He would move mountains to help you if you asked. He seems a little too protective sometimes, but other than that he seems to have grown up well within the care of your family."

"Yes, Danny became my second brother. And, yes, Danny protected me from everything that tried to harm me - physically and mentally."

"That is something else that girls are jealous of you about. The love and protection of a guy, whether you were dating or not. And he isn't bad on the eyes either."


"I'm older - not blind." She chuckles. "But seriously, those are probably some of the best teens for you to get to know. Every one of them has been in a similar situation as you. Granted their stories all vary from the very good like you and Tanner to the really sad like Carleigh. But all of you have been called to a challenge that you are rising to achieve. That is a mighty big step for any teenager, let alone the ones that might save a country."

I sigh, knowing I can't argue with this stubborn woman. "You've convinced me. I'll go down and try to make friends. Ande seemed nice."

"Ande is a sweetheart. And Tanner is down there somewhere too. Michaela hasn't quite gotten here yet. She was more difficult to find."

My nose crinkles. "Really?"

"It's not my story to tell, but she has had one of the worst lives of all of the teens that will be here this month. She could probably use a friend, if she opens up to anyone."

"I'll keep that in mind," I smile, give her a hug, and head back down stairs to face one of my fears.

Hearing laughter from below, it gives me new hope that all will go well, after my powers are unlocked - and if I am successful at using them - and if I can master them well enough to go up against an army of rebels. All in a day's work or rather all in a day's work of a Protector and Guardian.

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