Chapter 82: Just Chillin

"Guys I'm fine," I lied. "It was just another vision."

"Well then your visions are getting worse," Jason said. "You never passed out that long before."

"It was a long vision," I lied again.

"What happened then?" Dean asked. I couldn't read the look on his face. Worry, and something else. "In the vision."

So I lied again. "Us and the Angels fighting. It's going to be big. We need to find Hannah ASAP. And God. We gotta find him too."

"God?" Dean repeated. "We already tried that. A lot. He doesn't want to be found."

"We can't end this thing without him and he knows it. He told me just now. If you'll excuse me I really do have to go to the bathroom before we go." Dean was holding my duffle bag. "Dean give me that."

"For in the bathroom?" Dean asked.

"Yes for in the bathroom."


"It's my time of month. I need to get something out of the bag for the-"

Dean practically threw the bag at me. "Just go."

:::Time skip brought to you by curious George:::

We sat waiting for Hannah in the Bunker. We had just gotten back, and the summoning spell was the first thing we did.

"Is she even coming?" asked Lucy.

"Yes," said Sam.

"How do you know?" Lucy crossed her arms and glared at Sam. A white light flashed through the room and I forced Lucy to turn around, before closing my own eyes. The light stopped burning and we looked up.

"Sam was speaking to me," said Sam.

"Hannah?" asked Cas.

"Yes," Sam/Hannah replied. "Don't worry I'll be out of Sam as soon as we're done talking. I couldn't find a more suitable vessel."

"Sam needs to hear this too," said Charlie.

"He can hear what's going on."

"And you'll get out the second we're done here?" asked Dean.

"Or if Sam rejects me prematurely," Hannah said.

"And he agreed to this?" asked Dean.

"I couldn't be here otherwise," said Hannah.

"Let's get on with this then," I said. "We know you're not in charge of heaven anymore, so why did you tell me you were?"

She sighed. "I was afraid of that. Unfortunately the Angels no longer trust me since Metatron escaped," Cas suddenly found his feet very interesting and I started picking at my nails. "I needed allies. Helping you seemed like the easiest way to get them."

"Two of us almost died," I said, glaring at Hannah.

"You fought an angel, knowing it was an angel.that wasn't my fault. I don't have to stay here and take this, I can leave or you can ask for my help."

"Fine don't get your feathers in a bunch," Dean grumbled, earning an aggravated look from both Hannah, and Cas. "What can you tell us about the factions?"

"Not much. None of them support me, as far as I know. Most of them are fighting for control of heaven, some are trying to take care of things on earth, answering prayers and needs, and a few are looking for God. And then there are rogues, like Kushiel, with their own unique vendettas," Hannah grimaced.

"What about heaven?" Cas asked.

"A lot of the main fighting is happening up there, but as far as I know the souls are secure. It's easy to get in or out now, but it's not safe. It's too easy to get caught in the crossfire."

Cas steadied himself against one of the tables. "This can't be happening again. It isn't. Not after everything. We fixed it. We fixed it so many times, why does this keep happening?"

Dean pulled up a chair for Cas and squeezed husband, gently. "We'll figure it out."

"Dean you can't possibly know that," said Hannah. Apparently some angels were still pretty oblivious.

"Anything else we should know?" I asked Hannah.

"No," she responded.

"Okay if you find anything else, come tell us."

"I may not be able to do that," said Hannah. "I will try."

"Thank you," I said.

"All of you should close your eyes now," said Hannah. I closed my eyes. The blinding white light was still visible through my eyelids, though not blinding. When it was over, Dean was yelling at Sam like a concerned mom.

"You can't just let Angels posses you!"

"We needed to talk to her!" Sam yelled back. "What was I supposed to do? Tell her to go ask you instead?"

"Well maybe!"

"Dean, you have the Mark of Cain on your arm! Even if she could posses you, and wanted to, you have enough supernatural crap messing with your brain!"
Slowly we all backed out of the room, leaving them to their argument.

:::Time skip brought to you by the vandalism on this desk I'm sitting at:::

"So after Garth disappeared, did anyone take over the whole phone calls, advice, organizing hunters thingy?"

"You mean what Bobby did and then what Garth did?" Sam asked.

"Yeah that," I agreed.

"No," Dean said. "We thought Garth was coming back. Rudy calls us every now and then, but that's it."

"I think we need that," I said. "And that's what The Bunker was kinda built for wasn't it? I think we should set up some kind of network."

"We can't just tell hunters to start reporting to us or something. That'd be kinda awkward."

"I can do it," Charlie offered. "I'll set up a computer program to find weirdness in news papers, and a bunch of phones in the map room, and we have awesome resources in here. I could call all the hunters you have phone numbers for, and give them mine, and then we can check Bobby's and Garth's journals for more. I don't even have to tell them we hunt together."

"I'll help," Cyrus offered. "I know a lot of stuff, because of my family and all, plus I read the books in the library all the time. You can teach me more. At least until you guys trust me enough to let me hunt with you."

"We don't trust you," Dean said.

"Well not now you but-"

"Not ever." Dean said.

"Okay. I get it. I'll just help Charlie."

"Dean, Cyrus-" I started to argue.

"Maria, it's fine," Cyrus stopped me. "Thanks, but I wouldn't trust me either." He trudged out of the room.

"You didn't have to be like that about it," Charlie told Dean. "He wants to help."

"Dean is the Mark acting up again?" Sam asked.

"So what if it is?" Dean asked, one hand sliding up to cover the mark. "He's a Frankenstein. The only reason we let him stay here is to keep an eye on him."

"He saved my life. If he hadn't pulled Eldon off of me, Hannah wouldn't of gotten here in time and I would be dead!" I stormed out to find Cyrus.

:::Time skip brought to you by the silence:::

I found him in the dungeon. Yeah the dungeon. He was just sitting there in the dark cement corner, knees against his chest, staring off into space.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked. He shrugged. I sat next to him, copying his position.

"So you're just chillin?" I asked, repositioning my back against the grey brick wall.

"Yeah, I just needed a minute."

"In the dungeon?"

"It calms me down."

"Remind you of home or something?" I asked.

He almost smiled. "The opposite. The rest of the bunker is full of books and magic object and weapons, just like my house. This," he gestured at the Devils traps on the floor, "reminds me this is different. You kill demons, not people. You're not like my family."

"You know Dean didn't really mean that," I said. "It's just The Mark talking. One day you're going to be a hunter like the rest of us."

He looked at me and then back into the darkness. "I'm not. I'm not going to be a hunter. I'm not brave like all of you guys. I read those hunting journals in the library, from Bobby Singer and Garth Fitzgerald and John Winchester. I'm not like that."

"You saved me from your brother. He would've killed you too if Hannah hadn't shown up. You didn't have to do that, and I thought it was pretty brave."

"I lived in that house my whole life, and I knew what they were doing, and I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything to stop it. I'm a coward."

"Stop it. You aren't. They were your family. It's amazing you didn't turn out like them."

"There was this guy at school, who was picking on me one day. He was stupid, just this stupid jerk and I told him off, so he pushed me. My cousin saw and he nearly killed the guy. I didn't think about it after that. Then a few days later, when Eldon needed an arm, I came down into the basement and they had the guy strapped down on a table. They said I had to kill him."

"And you did it?"

"Yeah. I cut him up with a scalpel. He was conscious for most of it. I can still hear him screaming when I close my eyes." Cyrus buried his face in his hands.

I moved across from him. "Cyrus look. Look at me. Did you want to do it?"

"No," he looked up at me, shocked. "Of course I didn't."

"Did you enjoy it? Even a little?"


"What would've happened if you hadn't killed him?"

"My father would have killed him, and then he would have . . ." Cyrus shuddered.

"Killed you?"

"Worse." I didn't ask what worse meant, apparently it was really bad.

"Was there anything," I asked, "anything at all, you could have done to save him?"

Cyrus took a few minutes before answering, "no."

"Then what are you punishing yourself for?"

"I killed someone. Nothing is going to bring him back."

"You're right," I said. "Nothing will bring him back. Not even if you sit in this dungeon and beat yourself up for it over the next twenty years. Now, Charlie, is upstairs, setting up a network, that will help people who are still alive. Do you feel like getting up and helping?"

Cyrus pulled himself up, and then sat back down. "I'm sorry I think I need another minute," Cyrus said.

"Do you need to be alone?" I asked. I didn't mind leaving the cold dark creepy dungeon if he needed me to.

"No, I would rather you stay."

"Okay. Was that the only thing bothering you?"

"Well, um . . . yeah."

"Don't do that," I smacked him on the arm.

"Ow! Don't do what?"

"Don't lie to me. You were going to say something."

"You don't want to hear this one. It's stupid."

"Yes I do. I am your friend, and you have to tell me your issues."

"We killed my entire family. I didn't even think about it. And I'm not sad. What kind of person kills all of their relatives, by magical bomb, and then doesn't care?"

"Easy, those people weren't your family."

"They were. I checked my birth certificate at least three times, it was real."

"That's not what family is. Family looks out for you. They care about you. They don't threaten you and make you dissect people. What you had was closer to a hostage situation than a family."

"Am I overstepping boundaries if I ask what happened to your parents? I mean Dean's not your dad, and neither is Sam, so. . . ?"

"Considering I killed your parents you're allowed to ask about mine. I am a prophet, chosen messenger of God, so one morning, at the church I went to with Ethan, Marcey, Alfie and my brother Jason, demons killed our entire church congregation trying to kidnap me."

He stared at me for a minute. "What happened to the demon?"

"I fought it off with a squirt gun full of holy water. Then I exorcised it."

"Are you serious?"


"That's really badass with the water gun. And also I'm Sorry for your loss."

"Thanks. You ready to go upstairs yet?" He looked less dead inside.

"Yeah," he said. He used the wall to push himself up. "Thanks."

"No problem. Let's go help Charlie."


Hey people's!

So I'm going to update every week from now on.

It's decided. I need to get this thing done, so every week there will be a chapter.

If not from me I will have one of my friends write it.

Okay so that's that.

I'm really busy with school though. Like AP tests are coming. This determines whether or not I have to take certain courses during college.

College is expensive y'all. If I pass these tests its kinda like winning a thousand dollars. :)

If I fail these tests I have basically lost myself a thousand dollars. :(

No pressure.

On the bright side, after that, all my AP classes are a piece of cake.

So yeah hope you liked the chapter. May all of you pass your finals!

Be safe!


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