Chapter 47: The Impenetrable Fortress
I got on the phone and called Sam a little ways away from the others.
"Hey what's up?"
"We're coming back to the bunker," I answered.
"Did you find the demon?" he asked.
"Is everything okay?" Sam sounded worried.
"Um there were some angels and we're all okay but the bunker has angel warding and Jaso-"
That's when I heard the sirens in the background. At this point I remembered that fire and people being launched through the air isn't exactly the average Tuesday for everyone and it might have attracted some attention. "Sam I have to go I hear sirens and I think someone called the cops on us." I hung up without waiting for a response.
It was too late anyway, a police car pulled into the field. They didn't have any way to know it was us in the field but if they took us down to the police station we probably would end up in jail. Well Juve since we were minors. Our names had been all over the news and we were most likely on the FBI most wanted list right now.
We ran. "Alfie? Jason? Now would be a really good time to create a wall of fire or something."
"Well I don't really feel like burning a police officer alive," Jason answered "we should probably come up with a different plan."
"Run in different directions that way only one of us gets caught." I said "we meet back up at the motel room after this. Anybody gets busted we find them and rescue them." We ran in five different directions.
The police officer was chasing me of all people. Probably the only one without magic that would enable me to escape. She was yelling at me but I couldn't hear much of it. I felt bad for her. I mean of course I didn't want to get caught but she thought he was chasing some crazy. . . . Wait what did we even do? Trespassing? Gosh shes fast. Whys there only one cop? I took out my gun from my pocket.
No I wasn't going to shoot her.
Okay I was totally going to shoot her but not fatally.
I shot her leg. She stumbled a bit then kept running. Okay not human. Bad very very bad. Suddenly she was right next to me. I took a few steps back.
"You sent me back to hell," the cop said.
"You don't even remember?" She feigned offense. "Maybe Marcey remembers me. We had so much fun together."
"Oh yeah you," the demon who possessed Marcey and the reason we had to run from police cars at all.
"Oh so she does remember," the demon mocked.
"Yeah no one could forget a stupid bitch like you."
"Shut up," she snarled.
I took out the angel blade and tried to stab her with it, but she grabbed my wrist and we teleported to some room I had never seen before. She yanked the blade out of my hand. There, sitting on the desk, was the demon tablet which was previously in the car. Leaning against the desk was the demon who killed my parents.
"Hello Maria," he was smirking.
"Hey fugly," I smiled back. "You broke into my car?"
"Demons can teleport. You didn't put any kind of warding on your car it was easy to get in. Your car is fine it's you you should be worrying about."
"No you need me to translate that tablet, and if you killed me I wouldn't be able to translate it now would I?"
"Well you better get to translating then," said the Cop/demon.
"The only reason you're alive right now is so you can't translate that tablet," the other demon said.
"Then why don't you go ahead and shoot me, or stab me or whatever the hell you're going to do about it and quit wasting my time?"
For a minute I was concerned they might actually stab me, but then they stormed out and I heard arguing in the hall.
I scanned the room. There were no windows. Only the walls, desk, a chair a bed and the door the demons were loudly talking outside of.
Oh wait I have a phone!
I pulled it out. There was no signal. Brilliant.
I waited till there were no more noises outside the door. I tried to twist the door knob, but it was locked from the outside. Yes I'm aware that it would have been really stupid to leave it unlocked but it would have been even more idiotic had I waited 'stuck' in a room with a door that wasn't locked. I looked at the materials in the room. Desk, bed, bedsheets, pen, paper, tablet. Really not much to work with.
I sighed and flopped down on the floor and tried to think up ways to escapé.
:::Time skip brought to you by 7 the very intimidating prime number:::
The demons kept bringing me food. According to the date on my phone I had been stuck in there for about three weeks. I had had several arguments with the demons. They were becoming more frequent. I still refused to translate the tablet.
I was very much enjoying throwing the desk chair at the wall. I had managed a few small dents in the lower area of the wall.
I picked it up again and threw it harder. Some of the wall broke and there was a small hole into another room. Well that was disappointing. I couldn't escape through the hole yet and it only led to another room.
It would be stupid to stop now though. I kept attacking the wall and eventually there was just enough space to crawl to the other side.
Only to find that the room was identical with another locked door.
Then I had a great idea. Okay maybe not a great idea since I really had no idea what would come out of it but I had nothing better to do.
I picked up the demon tablet and dropped it on the floor. It shattered. Only I had the power to put it back together. I made sure the pieces didn't touch and then I set to work.
I threw a few of them into the neighboring room. I cut a hole in the bottom of the bed with the jagged edge of the tablet and stuffed a piece in there. I stuck one inside of the wall. The one remaining chunk I set down in the corner.
I propped the bed up against where the hole was. I set the desk across from it. I took the mattress off and draped the blanket over it, finishing my fort. Then I took the pen and drew demon traps on the floor outside of the fort.
I was sitting in my glorious kingdom when the demon walked in. The one that had killed my parents not the one that had possessed Marcey. For the sake of simplicity I decided to refer to them in my head as Stupid and Ugly. The one who had killed my parents was Ugly and the one who possessed Marcey was Stupid.
"What are you doing?" asked ugly.
"Did you make a fort?" Ugly sounded quite bewildered.
"I created an impenetrable fortress."
"Wait is this- what have you done with the tablet?"
"You're never going to find it!" I cackled.
"Where is it?"
"I ate it."
I could hear footsteps coming towards me.
"NOPE!" I shouted "I drew devils traps you'll get stuck."
"What have you done with the tablet?" I heard noises outside of The Impenetrable Fortress. Click. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Click. I pulled the sheet aside to investigate the noises and revealed a large X Ugly had drawn over my devils trap. Ugly walked right through it. For a minute I thought I was going to die in inside of a fort I had made out of blankets a bed and a desk. Then Ugly's eyes flashed white and he fell to the ground. A hand reached out and helped me to my feet.
"Gabe?" I asked.
"In the flesh."
"What the heck-"
"We don't have time to talk right now you need to fix the tablet and get out of here." he interrupted. "You should have taken the pen inside of your 'impenetrable fortress'" he made air quotes around the words impenetrable fortress.
"Wait how long were you standing there?" I started gathering the tablet chunks from their various hiding places.
"I wasn't in the room," he explained "but I've been watching you. I'm supposed to protect you because your the prophet." He handed me another piece of the tablet.
"I'm being held prisoner by demons!"
"To be fair I was in hiding and you were doing pretty well until you left the pen outside the line of devils traps."
"I'm being held prisoner by demons!" I repeated.
"Yes and I came to rescue you when it became life threatening" he rolled his eyes.
I pulled the last piece out of the hole in the wall and started putting it back together. The pieces glowed as the cracks filled in and the tablet became whole. "There."
We flashed into the car in the area behind where the backseats were. Marcey was driving. She looked into the rearview mirror and nearly swerved off the road. "What the hell?"
The boys turned their heads.
"Oh hi Maria," said Alfie. "We were just coming to rescue you."
Okay that's it he's insane.
"What is he doing here?" Ethan pointed at Gabriel "HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE?"
Marcey pulled over on the side of the road and we all got out.
"Maria please explain."
"Actually I'm pretty lost myself I mean he just poofed out of nowhere."
"I was saving the prophets ass from demons because that's my job considering I'm an archangel," Gabe said.
"Well you've been doing a pretty screwed up job so far." I snapped back.
"Well I was in hiding," Gabe said "and you are alive aren't you?"
"Well I almost wasn't a few times."
"You had people with you and you knew how to fight everything you were faced with. Plus as you just said 'almost'."
"No such thing as coincidence Maria." smirked Gabe. "You started going to a church. I made sure their parents did too," he gestured towards Alfie and Marcey "I made sure they found out about it. I even turned your friends the Winchesters lives into a tv show."
"How did you do that?"
"You watched the show. I can make everyday Tuesday and kill Dean multiple times. I just snap my fingers and we have actors, sets, Netflix, everything. I turned the Winchester Gospels into a TV series."
"All that over me when I wasn't even a prophet yet?"
"Oh you were always going to be a prophet Maria. You have a very important role to play. All of you do. That's why we brought you together."
"We?" I repeated.
"Me, Raguel, Michael, Saquel, Uriel."
"What?" asked Alfie.
"Other archangels," explained Gabriel.
"So a bunch of archangels decided to make us go to the same church?"
"Well what did you think?" He asked "Your friends just happened to be a nephilim and a witch-"
"Warlock!" Said Alfie defensively.
"We made that happen." He said snapping his fingers as duct tape magically appeared over Alfie's mouth. So many times I've wanted to be able to do that.
"You can't claim responsibility for Ethan being a werewolf or my brother drinking demon blood." I said.
He shrugged "No but I let it happen. I could of stopped it but I didn't. They aren't important. Plus hanging out with you three they weren't exactly going to stay normal now were they?"
"So that's how demons managed to sneak into my house in the middle of the night and feed my brother blood without any archangels trying to stop them?"
"You weren't a prophet yet. The demons had no way of knowing you were going to be a prophet. We didn't think you needed any protection so there wasn't any."
"No but there should have been when we were attacked by werewolves." I pointed out.
"Well in case you haven't noticed most of the other archangels are all dead," he growled "or otherwise occupied. And the Winchesters were on their way."
"I got turned into a werewolf." growled Ethan, eyes changing briefly.
"Collateral damage." Gabe shrugged "You've handled it better then I thought you would. Careful though, you still can't kill me."
"Keep going like this and we might surprise you Gabe." Marcey twirled an angel blade in her fingers.
"We have more important things to discuss then who's fault your screwed up lives are."
"Actually I'd like some clarification on my screwed up life," Marcey said "Like what the hell am I?"
"You're a nephilim," Gabe said.
"Nephilim don't have wings," Marcey said. She unfolded hers for emphasis.
"Oh no you're different," Gabriel laughed "Your father is Raguel. You are way more powerful then a normal angel."
"Ok fine I'm a nephilim. What about when Crowley gathered all the future prophets a few years ago. All the ones that were already born, but Maria was alive and she wasn't one of them."
"Oh Maria was always one of them. There are 8 prophets in each generation, Castiel even listed off all their names in the episode your talking about. Luigi, Justin, Aaron, Maria, Dennis, Krista, and Sven are the seven prophets of this generation besides Kevin Tran."
"Then why wasn't I dragged off to the crummy warehouse too?" I asked.
"Heaven did manage to replace a few people on Crowley's list before he got there once they realized what was happening. They moved your location and put another person there. You were at the zoo, the demons figured out where you were, we took you to heaven, we moved a woman named Maria to the zoo, demon asked if she was Maria, she got taken away, you were fine. It was good enough to fool a demon and we erased your memory of the event."
"Was she the one in the episode that Crowley exploded?" I asked.
"No unfortunately that really was the prophet Krista, who we did not get to in time," Gabe sighed. "She was supposed to be a prophet before you were. You would've been older when you transformed then and everything would be a bit easier for the five of you."
"What would be easier?"
"Fulfilling your destiny. You all have roles to play and you were assembled for a reason."
"What roles? What reason?"
"Oh I can't tell you that!" he grinned.
"You are tearing my patience apart bit by bit and I will shoot you in the face." I threatened.
"You're adorable. No you're going to figure out what it is all on your own, but for now," he snapped his fingers and suddenly we were back in the Bunker "they've been looking for you." He flashed away again and we were left standing in front of two shocked hunters and an angel.
"Was that-" Sam began.
"Gabriel. Yes it was." Cas said.
"He died!" Said Dean.
"Cas never told you?"
"I was unaware."
"He winked at you!" Exclaimed Marcey.
"What happened?" asked Sam. "Maria hung up on us three weeks ago and we've been looking for you ever sense."
"Well a demon took me and I have no idea what happened with the others. . . ."
"The demon broke into our car and took our phones," Marcey explained. "We were busy looking for Maria and we couldn't remember any of you guy's phone numbers."
"So what now?" Dean asked awkwardly "Are you going to leave again to find the demon?"
"No we have other issues." I said "It seems that when Jason was a baby... He umm..."
"I have demon blood in me like Sam did." Jason finished.
Hey peoples!
I brought Gabe back to life! :)
I've been writing this chapter forever!
There are certain chapters I've been writing sense the beginning of the book. I just need to get the inbetween bits written to make the story an actual story and not just random bits of a story.
It may be a while before the next update.
I keep setting my phone in places that later allude me.
And the picture in the multimedia says "I want Dean and Charlie to have sleepovers and wear pjs and have marathons of Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of The Rings and Batman and I want them to make cookies together and build a fort out of pillows and bed sheets and have tickle fights and put shaving cream in Sam's hair and giggle and dress up in costumes and be best friends until the end of time." and it was so beautiful!
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