Chapter 19: Incident

    "Whoa, slow down, Canyon!" King Falcon Claws almost yelled. "Why so fast with ferocious fires on you?"

    Canyon nearly shrieked out of shock of how suddenly King Falcon Claws appeared. "Sorry, something big is happening right now." When she saw that he was about to ask her what, she just yelled, "Sorry, gotta go!" She quickly dove away, but a few seconds later, she realized that she was flying backwards. What? Why am I flying backwards? This can't be possible! Canyon looked over her shoulder, and saw that attached to her tail feathers were strings of fire, and King Falcon Claws was pulling her back with his magic. Her heart raced. If she didn't hurry, then she'd miss the trap! "Listen, I really -"

    "What I would like to know is what's happening," He said calmly, directing eye contact with her. Canyon shivered. It was as if he could see right through to her thoughts. "Tell me. There's no harm in telling a Fire Phoenix King something important - if that's what you would call it. You know that I am to be trusted." He looked around, as if searching, and expecting his daughter to burst out somewhere unexpectedly.

    Canyon's breath became shallow as she heard wing beats. Pyretalon had already gone to stall Sleektalon, and so that would save her time. She thought that she heard Flame's ragged breath, almost. Then the wing beats receded to the faint beat of her heart.

    Canyon breathed a sigh of relief. "My King, I just wanted to say that tonight, something very important is going to happen. Something beyond what I would've thought." She let out a deep breath, and cleared her mind for the next wave of confusion. "The truth is, that Sleektalon -"

    A scream tore through the air. King Falcon Claws rocketed away, with Canyon at his tail. He was heading for the palace. Canyon now hoped that Pyretalon was okay. She could only hope that Sleektalon and her were okay.

    Soon, Canyon heard different types of phoenix guards yelling, "On the seventh perch! Code number x! Code #X!" There were a few more screams, then it stopped. A small sob was to be heard. The air was full of fear and confusion. Canyon fought her way through the thickening crowd. Once she got closer, and the sobs became more clear, she sprinted in flight straight towards it.

    Sleektalon was...well, not exactly dead, but not exactly emotion-like. He just stood there, looking over the sobbing form, eyes distant. His wings were held out, like he was about to lift off, then got paralyzed. He still held that form, even when everyone else was watching. He turned his head, confused. And the crying form...was Pyretalon. She was screaming and crying, and her tears sizzled on the phoenix palace. One of her wings seemed to look ashen, and her face was a pale red. She seemed so miserable for her big form that Canyon couldn't believe that what she was actually seeing was real. Other than that, they both seemed unharmed.

    King Falcon Claws surveyed them with shock, then signaled to a Fire Phoenix - Alabstorm and his brother, Talcfire - to help them retain themselves.

    King Falcon Claws turned around towards the crowd, and said, "Phoenixes of the Rising Sun, there's been an incident, as you all see here. There's no need to blame anyone, now...yet. We have an idea of who's doing this is, but we do not have much evidence. But remember: Be on your guard at all times. BE AWAKE!" He paused. "And Canyon here has something to say about this that will lead us to the clue. To solving this mystery." He gave her a meaningful, expected look. All heads turned towards her, and Canyon was suddenly glad to be part way in the shadows. She was blushing with nervousness.

    Canyon stepped into the light. "I have a hypothesis of the traitors, who they are, and what they intend to do. Or intended, anyway. You should all know about the ancient Falls, right?" Murmurs of agreement whispered around. "Nobody goes to The Falls anymore, so I was the only one there. When I heard voices, I hid - and discovered a trap...a trap for Sleektalon. And us." Roars sounded out. "QUIET!...Anyway, Flame was talking to a Frigatebird -"

    "A Frigatebird?" A voice yelled out from the crowd. "That can't be possible! They can't appear on phoenix premises!"

    "Well, maybe he had something special in him, or he has strong magic - I don't know!" She breathed out loudly. "They were discussing a murder, and a plan that King Falcon Claws hasn't executed yet! So I know that they are traitors, because they even dare speak of the Forbidden!"

    They believed her.

    Canyon hurried on with her speech, knowing full well that the every second meant more time for the Frigatebird and Flame to escape. So Canyon carried on about explaining it in fury. Her last sentence was the most rousing of all. "Flame and the Frigatebird are aligned with the Ice Dragons and the Forbidden!"

    Angry roars met her ears. Then, one sentence stopped it all. "How do we know if we can trust you?" Yelled out a voice.

    Canyon opened her beak, then closed it. She had no answer.

    But King Falcon Claws flew next to Canyon's side, and said, "Because I believe her."

    This was the most rousing of all. Phoenixes yelled in fury, and some even shouted out plans of murders of the traitors.

    King Falcon Claws made a wide, high arc sweep of fire around and over him, and the angry chatters died down instantly - though with some still angry mutterings. "Please, everyone! We must retain our anger!" He looked over them. "I know that this is some serious business to even talk about, but now is the time for breaking up! Please go back to your hollows, and smother it in elemental magic protection! Talcfire, Alabastorm, take Pyretalon and Sleektalon to the infirmerary. Mysa and Heldrich, round up each and every phoenix to their desired location!" Those four phoenixes lifted off into flight, without looking back. Except one...

    King Falcon Claws kept going on with ordering his elite group of phoenixes to take their respected positions. Canyon followed Talfire and Alabastorm as they hauled Pyretalon and Sleektalon to the infirmerary. When they got there, Talcfire laid down Pyretalon on a nest which was padded with soft, downy feathers of an owl. Alabstorm looked at Canyon, touched her wingtips with his, and went to put Sleektalon in another, unoccupied nest.

    Talcfire whispered, "I'm sorry. We will do whatever we can do to revive them." And he flapped off to assist his brother.

    Canyon looked at his form for a moment, then strayed her attention towards Pyretalon. Pyretalon now seemed more calm, and she looked at Canyon calmly - though her eyes still held confusion and fear. Canyon leaned down, and whispered into her ear, "What happened?"

    Pyretalon shifted uncomfortably, then answered back in a quavering voice, "I-I was there. Nobody was there. Ju-just me and Sleektalon." She closed her eyes, bringing up back the memories. "Everything was going according to the plan, except -" She choked, then hacked; yellow fireballs shot out weakly. "Except when Flame came. He looked at me, and held up a ball. Sleektalon froze, and blinked his eyes as if he wanted to attack him. Flame looked at me calmly, and urged me to look inside the orb." Pyretalon swallowed. "And I saw my past ripped apart." Pyretalon gave out a shudder, then said, "Please...I want to be alone right now...I'll join you later..." She closed her eyes, and went into a deep slumber.

    Canyon silently flew away, and flew out of the front entrance of the infirmerary. She couldn't imagine what Pyretalon was experiencing now. She flew into the dark, until something caught her eye. A dull glow flickered in the distance...on, and off...on, and off...Canyon slid away from the updraft that she was riding, and cautiously moved towards it. Rain was starting to patter down, so she would have to move quick, as she's a Fire Phoenix, and rain weakens. She carefully crept up along the fire resistant trees of the Rising Sun. Canyon, though, still had to be careful about burning the leaves. The leaves were normal leaves.

    As she saw the glow coming into her sight once again, she slowed down.

    She saw a fiery form, and realized that it was Flame. He seemed to be struggling...against what? Canyon edged closer to see. Thunder rolled across the sky, and flickers of lightning flashed unexpectedly. Canyon knew that she had seconds to get inside, or the rain would drown her. Funny, though, how she used to love water and embrace it as she played and drank it. Now, it was the exact opposite. Canyon now drank fire, and loathed water.

    Canyon flew low under the trees, and saw that Flame looked like her was struggling with an invisible...opponent? Canyon used her magic to send a brief wind of fire out at Flame to push him away from shelter. He was in trouble now. Canyon could see it. Sheer terror blinded his face of any other emotion. Please let him drown. Oh, please let him drown. Flame moved away, out of her sight.

    Canyon breathed a sigh of relief. She then decided to follow him. Suddenly, sharp talons grabbed her talons, and a wing batted at her chest. She looked down, and saw that the Frigatebird had grabbed her. He looked all ruffled up, with a few slashes around his eyes. This gave her comfort, knowing that he was hurt. But his strength was amazing. Canyon breathed fire at his face, and yanked her talons free. She sprinted away, winding between trees as lightning and rain hit the earth. She looked back, and saw that the Frigatebird was nowhere to be seen. She let out some of her tenseness, and relaxed a bit.

    Canyon's mistake.

    The next thing she knew, flames roared out in front of her, and something hard struck her across the head. She blacked out.

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