
    Alice felt as though she could fly. The excitement coursing through her veins was so intense; as if she'd been struck by lightning and its electricity had replaced her lifeblood. Finally after nearly five years she was returning to Wonderland! But this jovial journey was not without a small twinge of sorrow.

    For this time she would not be coming back to England. Absolem had been conversing with her in dreams for the better part of a year; ever since her mother's passing. The wise deep voiced butterfly told her of a cave, located on a small island, just off the coast where she would find a portal back to Wonderland or Underland, as it was truly called.

    Earlier this week she'd signed over her company to her elder sister, Margaret, and her new husband Edward Harcourt. Lowell had died shortly after Alice's last return from Wonderland(the details of his unfaithful actions she'd kept to herself to spare Margaret unnecessary pain). Had her sister not been so happy and well cared for Alice wouldn't have been able to leave. But as all the pieces fell into place she was unable to deny her desire for Wonderland and its people.

    The White Queen, Cheshire, Mallymkun, the Twiddles, and so many others. But her heart yearned most of all for her truest friend Tarrant Hightopp, The Mad Hatter. Her heart fluttered rapidly as she took the last few steps into the hollow place of earth. A short walk into the cave water dripped from stalactites creating a small pool. Nothing appeared special about it but she'd learned long ago not to trust the seemingly ordinary look of anything.

    Using her right hand Alice disturbed the waters surface and as she pulled away from the lukewarm pond, her reflection was replaced by a view of Mirana's castle in Marmoreal. Grinning widely Alice waded into the water. Despite the pool being quite shallow she was soon up to her chin. Taking a final breath she submerged completely and was pulled down by a powerful unseen force.

    Thrill combined with slight panic filled her. Getting to Wonderland was always a trial in of itself. This was even worse than falling down a rabbit hole or from a door in the sky. Just when she felt her lungs were about to explode she broke through to the surface. Wet, cold, and coughing she sucked in much needed air. Once Alice had regained her breath she took in her surroundings to find that she stood in a fountain near Mirana's castle. Snow gently fell and already a thin white blanket covered the ground.

    "You really are unspeakably stupid," Absolem's slow drawl informed her. "Standing in a fountain soaking wet in the dead of winter is a sure way to get yourself killed." Alice was soaking wet but the fountain held only five centimeters of water, if that.

    "Good to see you too, Absolem." Alice couldn't help but smile at the coarse tongued insect. "You're the one who guided me to the pool and besides its not as if I could control where I popped out," she defended in a teasing tone. While she clumsily climbed from the fountain the butterfly let out a loud sigh. Alice took the time to gaze around and noticed the small village seemed deserted.

    "Where is everyone?"

    "Still as uncoordinated as ever I see. The festival in Witzend you dull girl," he floated to her eye level, "how else do you expect your presence to remain a surprise. Follow me to the castle before you freeze solid."

    "Why should my being here be a secret? I dearly long to see my other friends."

    "Consider it an unbirthday gift for someone of our mutual acquaintance." Anxious to get to the warmth of the castle a shivering Alice hurried behind the blue butterfly.


    She was awakened late the next day by the doors of her room slamming open. Alice bolted up alarmed at the sudden noise; something she regretted as a wave of dizziness hit her. All her friends(even a bored looking Iracebeth)were excitedly filing into the room; everyone of them jabbering loudly as to be heard over the created cacophony. Though glad to see them Alice found it hard to muster the same level of outward enthusiasm. Her body ached and a pounding in her head was making it hard to remain sitting up.

    "My dear Alice you look terribly unwell," said a concerned Hatter.

    "Oh," Mirana pressed a hand to her forehead, "you're  burning up!"

    "No need to fuss. It's only a cold," her comments fell on deaf ears. The Underlanders argued about how best to care for her. She was about to insist it was nothing when Hatter began shouting loudly in his roguish Scottish accent.

    "All of you out! You're distressing Alice! I WILL -"

    "HATTER," Alice exclaimed in the loudest voice she was capable of.

    "I'm fine" came his reply in a weak tone. With that everyone but Hatter rushed out of the door.


    Alice worsened slightly over the next few days but with Hatter there to see to her every need it didn't seem so bad. He regaled her with all the details of every important event she'd missed. One of his sisters' had gotten married, the day Iracebeth's head had shrunk slightly, Mally's latest misadventure, and a very eventful tea time with Time. Currently Hatter was off getting some broth and she, tired of the confines of her bed, had dared to venture out onto the balcony.

    The night was clear with a full moon shining beautifully upon the frozen courtyard. She could feel the cold through her slippers but relished it as a small bit of freedom from the sickroom.

    "No, no, no, silly Alice standing outside isn't good for you," she turned to see Tarrant setting down a tray and then hurrying toward her moving his arms in a manner that showed he was annoyed.

    "I was just taking in winters beauty."

    "My dear Alice," he shook his head back and forth. Suddenly her knees went weak and she began to fall. Alice never hit the ground for Hatter had scooped her up in his arms. "What ever am I to do with you?"

    Another week of his excellent care would see Alice completely mended.


    Alice crept around the snow covered boulder as silently as possible with the Twiddles close on her heels. The air was saturated with tension, and even though she couldn't see Hatter and his team, Alice didn't doubt they were near. Capture the flag was a game she'd recently introduced to Wonderland and her friends had taken to it quickly. She'd left Bayard and Thackery guarding the piece of blue silk while she scouted with the twins who still couldn't agree on which direction they'd seen Hatter's orange flag.

    In hand she held her only weapon, a snowball, as they advanced. She stopped suddenly as a sound from her left broke the quiet. Alice ducked just in time and the enemy snowball splattered against rock.

    McTwisp darted past them.

    "Follow the rabbit," she shouted. McTwisp dashed madly into their territory and Alice was hot on his trail. As they came to the area where she'd hidden their flag Alice put on an extra burst of speed. The cold nipped at her nose and she had just enough time to be grateful for the warm clothes Mirana had given her when something large crashed into her.

    In a tangle of limbs she was rolling down a snow covered hill with her attacker. Once the world stopped moving Alice pounced positioning herself so she straddled the Hatter. For good measure she pinned his arms above his head.

    "You're mine, Tarrant," she laughed.

    "I most certainly am," he admitted. Hoots from over the hill drew Alice's attention and faster than a flash the Hatter was able to reverse their position. "What have you to say now mighty Alice," he asked his eyes shining bright with trickery. She couldn't help but grin back.


    Months passed swiftly as winter gave way to spring. As beautiful as Mamoreal was in winter it couldn't hold a candle to springs enchantment. Alice was on the arm of Hatter and the two were enjoying a lovely evening walk. Back at the castle everyone was busy making preparations for the annual spring ball. Tonight was the last Alice would see of him for a few weeks. Due to the ball he and his family had an overflow of orders for new hats and other garments.

    "Of course I shall do the Futterwaken. No party would be complete without it. Alice maybe you could dance it with me!" She laughed merrily.

    "I'm sorry Hatter but that lays outside my range of abilities."

    "Oh yes, well it does take years to master I suppose."

    "The only dance I ever excelled at was the waltz."

    Hatter's eyes widened with excitement. "I do an excellent waltz." He then took off his hat and placed it gently on Alice's head before bowing deeply. "May I have this dance, my love?"

    She felt as though her heart was melting. Alice's stomach fluttered with nervous excitement as she curtseyed and took Hatter's offered hand.


    From her balcony Mirana watched as the two started their dance. They moved so well together almost as though possessing one mind. The joy she felt watching her champion and Hatter was without fathom. She began to dance herself unable to contain her feelings. It certainly wouldn't be much longer now.


    As Hatter twirled her around Alice lost all sense of time. Her brown eyes never left Hatter's green ones and the longer the partners danced the faster they moved. Swirls of fallen white, red, and gold blossoms from the trees circled around them. Hatter pulled Alice closer and closer, the heat from his hand on her back felt like open flame that spread out over the rest of her body, her blood sang with the speed and vibration of their movements. A blush crept onto Alice's checks, she never wanted to leave his embrace, but when they did finally come to a stop it took a while for each to let go. Hatter had taken them right to the gate that led into the village. Alice was sure Hatter could feel the hammering of her heart as their bodies were so close. She then took his hat and placed it once again on the Hatter.

    Alice's heart quickened even more as her eyes dropped to Hatter's lips. He was admiring the same feature on her face and leaned in ever so slightly. But when he did kiss her it was only on the forehead. Placing hands on each side of her face he whispered softly, "Would you like to accompany me to the ball Alice?"

    "Yes," her reply has no louder than his question had been but those watching the two had no doubt about the subject which they discussed. A big grin lit up Tarrant's face showing off the adorable gap in between his front teeth. Alice leaned her head against his for just a moment and then Tarrant released her and walked off into the night.


    "No Alice," Mirana's warning came too late. Alice accidentally put too much wishful thinking into the shrinking potion she was trying to create. A big puff of purple smoke filled the kitchen and all those within rushed to open the windows.

    "I'm sorry Mirana," Alice coughed, "I wasn't paying attention."

    "Have no fear. Perhaps this concoction will turnout to be something useful," she said cheerfully though her pretty white dress was now stained a deep violet in several places. "Why don't we go for a walk? It's too lovely a day to spend inside." It wasn't long into their walk that the White Queen determined Alice's thoughts were elsewhere.

    "He had many suitors, you know."

    "Sorry. I didn't catch that," Alice confessed. She had been staring at the gate where somewhere beyond Hatter was with his family creating what were no doubt the loveliest hats of the season.

    "The Hatter," Mirana said taking Alice's arm. "He's the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom."

    "Oh." Mirana smiled softly.

    "But alas he turned them all away. I believe he's been waiting a long time for a very special woman." It was impossible to deny her feelings. Alice loved Hatter.

    In the time that he'd been gone Alice had often dreamed of Tarrant. The way his eyes had burned into hers like a green fire and the kiss they'd almost shared on the night he left. She also had dreams of a more passionate manner involving the two of them but was far too embarrassed to admit it. Even now she found herself running her thumb lightly across her lips, wondering. Only remembering that Mirana was there and watching snapped Alice back into the here and now. The White Queen was looking as though she knew what Alice's thoughts had been and Alice's cheeks colored a deep red.

    "Your secret is safe with me," she told Alice kindly.


    Finally the day of the ball arrived; but she hardly had time to think about how much fun it would be because just like everyone else, Alice was busy running back and forth making sure the castle was ready. She spent time in the kitchens with Thackery, out in the gardens with McTwisp, and even helped Iracebeth apply her makeup for the night. She returned to her room hot and sweaty but very satisfied with her work for the day. Feeling happy that she now had a few hours to herself Alice drew a hot bath and after cleansing drew another just to soak.

    She didn't remember dozing off but when she woke the water was freezing cold. Glancing at the clock she saw there were still three hours to the ball. Rising from the water she pulled on a thin robe while mentally going over the contents of her closet. Having never been to a Wonderland ball she was having trouble deciding what would be appropriate and more important pleasing to Tarrant.

    Alice was so caught up in her thoughts that she nearly missed the large packages that someone had placed on the table near her bed. On a closer look she discovered there was a note on top of the small box.

[ My Dearest, Alice
Though only two fortnights have passed since we last met I miss you immensely. I can scarcely wait to see you again. You have frequented my thoughts so often that I found myself unable to resist making a gift I hope will be to your liking.
Would you do me the honor of wearing the gown and hat I've made at the ball tonight?
They are your color.
Yours Always


    Alice walked through a crowd of people searching for the one face she longed to see. But it was a different Hightopp that eventually blocked her path.

    "Mr. Hightopp," Alice said respectively.

    "Hello Alice. Would you speak to me for a few moments?"

    "Of course." Zanik led her to one of the many small tables she'd helped to set up and pulled out her chair before taking his own. It took a moment for Zanik to sort out the words he wished to say.

    "I wanted to thank you for saving my son and the rest of our family."

    "No need. Tarrant is very precious to me."

    Zanik nodded. "I know he holds you in similar regard. I wish you both-"

    "Father!" Hatter's voice startled her slightly. "May I cut in?"

    "Naturally, naturally. Enjoy the evening."

    Alice stood quickly to let Hatter see that she had indeed worn what he created. Hatter took a moment to admire his work and then took her hand and gently spun her around.

    "I knew you would enhance the beauty of this shade of blue."

    "It's wonderful Tarrant. I never knew that you could create dresses equal in magnificence to your hats."

    "Only for you darling," he said lightly while playing with a strand of her hair. "Would you join me once again for a dance?"

    "Nothing would give me greater pleasure." As Alice turned about the dance floor in Hatter's arms her world shrunk to only her and her partner. Hatter brought them to a sudden stop and Alice was surprised to see that they were no longer on the dance floor but a ways into the woods behind Marmoreal Castle. The light breeze sounded of music to her ears and in the distance fireflies blinked.

    "Alice," Hatter removed his hat, set it on a bench, took both her tiny hands in his large, calloused, stained ones, and sunk down to one knee. "Every day you were gone from Wonderland I thought of you. If you want them my heart and soul are yours. Now that you forever reside in Wonderland and are the proper size. Will you marry me?"

    "Tarrant you are the right man for me," happy tears spilled from Alice's eyes. Hatter jumped up with joy took her in his arms and spun her around.

    Laughing hysterically Alice tightened her grip on Hatter. When he stopped they stood in the woods holding each other when something occurred to her.

    "Tarrant you've said I'm the proper size before. What exactly am I the proper size for?"

    A smirk appeared on Hatter's face and his eyes sparkled. Instead of speaking he decided to show her. Holding her tightly he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

    When he pulled away some time later he said," For me. You are exactly the proper size for me."

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