Tsuna's P.O.V.
"Hya!" I kicked a Chitauri soldier in the head and watched it grow smaller and smaller as it fell to the unforgiving concrete. "Sayonara sucker!" I waved it goodbye even though it couldn't see me.
I flew around knocking and fighting more Chitauri soldiers until I spot Thor who was at Stark Tower staring down at a horned man who flew away on an alien jet. It was most likely Loki.
Something just didn't sit right with so I zoomed to the Tower and landed a few feet away from Thor. Now that I was close enough, I could see Thor attempting to hide his stab wound, but the blood was seeping through his fingers.
"Thor! You're bleeding," I exclaim, trying to see the injury, but he wouldn't let me.
"Merely a graze," Thor attempts to reassure, but I explode on him.
"Like hell it is!" I snap and he takes a step back, "let me see! I can fix it!"
Seeing that I was fully determined, Thor moved his hand away from his wound so I bring up my gloved hand and changed my Sky Flames into Sun Flames which quickly dwarfed the stab until it disappeared, leaving a fresh patch of skin.
"Here we go. Good as new," I quip.
"Wow, you are truly a master healer," Thor compliments before patting my head with his broad hand.
"Aw, it's nothing," I giggle, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment. Being praised is nice. I then notice the device above that was shooting up a freaking vortex into the sky. How did I miss that?!
"Thor, do you know how to shut it off?" I ask, serious.
"Well I have a hammer," Thor laughs, lifting his hammer before leaping into the air onto the higher platform.
"Wait!" I shout, hoping to stop him, but as I expected ignored or not heard.
The hammer did not connect with the device but rather a neon blue barrier appeared around it, deflecting the attack and sending Thor plummeting down right by feet.
"I can't believe it didn't work(!)" I joked, bored, while kneeling down. Thro frowned, but said nothing. "I think we should meet up with the rest," I suggest.
"Where are they?" Thor inquired.
"I'll show you," I inform, hovering a few feet before shooting past buildings, Thor following right behind.
3rd Person's P.O.V.
The Street
Hawkeye trips a Chitauri before plunging an arrow through its throat, Black Widow yanks an energy rifle from one of the Chitauri before blasts multiple of them dead and Captain America uses his shield to whack the Chitauri. Slowly, they begin to get overwhelmed by the shear number of soldiers when lightning blasts down from the sky, electrocuting all the Chitauri in the area. They convulse before dropping dead to the ground.
Tsuna's P.O.V.
Thor drops down near the group and I land beside him.
"What's the story upstairs?" Steve questions.
"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable," Thor informs.
"Yeah, you should've seen how he bounced off it," I crack up, the image is still funny.
Before Thor could retort, Tony spoke up, "They're right. We gotta deal with these guys."
"How do we do this?" Mum urges.
"As a team," Steve states.
"I have unfinished business with Loki," Thor adds.
"Yeah? Get in line," Uncle Clint retorts, inspecting an arrow.
"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..." a small motor interrupted Steve so he turns around to see Bruce heading our way on a motorbike. He gets off and looks around at the chaos.
"So, this all seems horrible," Bruce jokes.
"I've seen worse," Mum states and I wince when I remember she was forced to deal with the Hulk all alone.
"No. We could use a little worse," Mum corrects.
"Stark? We got him," Steve notifies.
"Banner?" Tony wanted to confirm.
"Just like you said."
"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you," Tony then flies out the corner of a building with the Chitauri Leviathan chasing after him, destroying a large chunk of the building it crashed into.
"I... I don't see how that's a party..." Mum stresses.
Tony flies closer to the ground with the Leviathan pursuing, it crashes into the ground, but carries on barrelling down the street like a train. Bruce turns around and casually walks towards the Leviathan.
"Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry," Steve insists a little too eager.
"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry," we watch in amazement as Bruce's body began to swell and harden as his skin turned a deep, dark green. The Hulk punched the Leviathan right on the head, it's body crumpling from the force and flips over 360 degrees.
Tony shoots a bunch of missiles in the soft spot of the Leviathan blowing away it's armour. Steve shields himself and Mum with his shield. Uncle Clint grabs me and sandwiches me between himself and an overturned taxi. How cute, he thinks he can protect me better than my cloak.
"He's so cool," I comment, starry-eyed as I look up at Hulk in awe. Mum clears her throat and sends me a look, "Ignoring the fact that he nearly killed you, Mum."
All the Chitauri soldiers shriek from where they stood at the death of their fallen comrade, some removing their masks. Loki looks on, unbothered, "Send the rest," he commands.
Hundreds of Chitauri Leviathans fly out with thousands of Chitauri soldiers following suit.
"Uh-Oh," I gasped, gaping at the portal.
"Guys," Mum calls out, falteringly, staring up at the sky in disbelief.
"Call it, Cap," Tony said.
"Alright, listen up," Steve ordered before commanding his next orders, "until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash."
"Wanna give me a lift?" Uncle Clint requested.
"Right. Better clench up, Legolas," Tony lifts Uncle Clint to the roof of a building.
"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up," Thor nods before spinning Mjølnir and shooting into the sky, Steve turns to Mum, "You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. Tsuna, I need you to defend the people in the buildings, don't hesitate in knocking those things down."
"Aye aye, Captain!" I saluted before zooming into the sky.
3rd Person's P.O.V.
"And Hulk," Captain America called, holding up his finger, "smash." Hulk grins widely and leaps high into the sky into the nearest bulging. Hulk uses his fist to smash multiple Chitauri before leaping onto the next building where he hurls dead Chitauri soldiers to the other soldiers. Hulk continued to wreak havoc upon the army.
Thor flies to the highest skyscraper and using Mjølnir, summons large amounts of lightning before aiming it the portal. Multiple Chitauri soldiers are destroyed while a Chitauri Leviathan is sent flying back into the portal, crashing into other Leviathans.
Rooftop Building
Atop the roof, Hawkeye fires multiple arrows at a fleet of Chitauri, each hitting the mark dead on. He surveys the area before noticing a fleet chasing Iron Man.
"Stark. You got a lot of strings sticking to your tail," Hawkeye informs, not stopping the streaming flow of arrows.
"Just trying to keep them off the streets," Iron Man replies.
"Well, they can't bank worth a damn," Hawkeye smirks before grabbing an arrow and shooting it behind himself without ever looking, even when it exploded, "find a tight corner."
"I will roger that," Iron Man responds before turning a tight corner which puts the Chitauri fleet in Hawkeye's view. He fires a continuous stream of arrows which explode, killing the Chitauri. When Iron Man looks back, he sees no Chitauri on his tail.
"Nice call. What else you got?" Iron Man questions, eagerly.
"Well, Thor's taking on a squadron down on 6th," Hawkeye notifies.
"And he didn't invite me(?)" Iron Man mocks being offended before shooting to Thor's location.
Tsuna's P.O.V.
The Sky
I plant myself firmly on the side of a building staring down at the Chitauri soldiers who screeched and hiked up the building to me. I put both my wrists together with my palms flat out and shoot out a large amount of sky flames, burning all the Chitauri.
Look out!
I heard a screech above me so I whip my head to the sky only to see a flash of metal before a Chitauri soldier jump onto me. I screamed before flying about in all directions, out of control, as I tried to fight the Chitauri off.
There was a bellowing war cry as I was suddenly snatched from the sky and the Chitauri was yanked off of me. I was carefully dropped on to a roof where I say Hulk crush the Chitauri soldier in his fist before throwing the remains at another fleet.
"Thanks," I say, bending down another and placing my hands on my knees, breathing heavily in exhaustion and shock. I couldn't believe that I let my guard down like that. I took a huge breath in before standing up tall.
It was the I noticed the Leviathan heading past some buildings so I pointed it out to Hulk, "Hey, you might wanna deal with that."
Hulk roared before leaping into the next building, I didn't stick around to see what he would do. I have to deal with the others.
3rd Person's P.O.V.
Office Building
A bunch of workers were gathering closer to the large window to examine the great, large behemoth that soon turned it's attention onto the workers who start screaming am backing away. Suddenly, there were crashes coming from behind as the Hulk comes barrelling through the room and leaps through the window on to the head of the Leviathan which lowers from the weight of the Hulk. The Leviathan tries to shake Hulk off by waving it's head, but Hulk stayed on.
Black Widow is thrown onto the hood of a car and is nearly stabbed by an energy rifle, but she dodges last minute before wrapping her legs around the Chitauri soldier's neck and thrusting her electroshock device into it's neck, effectively killing it.
She yanked the energy rifle out of its dead grip before spinning 180 and aiming at Captain America, who lands in front of her, with shield up to defend himself.
She slumps back, tired.
Black Widow slumps back, almost completely drained of energy, "Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."
"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it," Captain America replied, looking up at the portal.
"Well, maybe it's not about guns," Black Widow theorises, gesturing to the flying jets.
"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride," Captain America states.
"I got a ride. I could use a lift though," Black Widow requests as she drops the energy rifle and moves back to give herself a running start.
"Are you sure about this?" Cap inquires as bends slightly at the knees and angles his shield.
"Yeah. It's gonna be fun," Black Widow urges in a positive manner. She runs at Captain America, she jumps onto the car then onto Captain America's shield which he uses to boost her into the sky. She grabs onto a jet as Captain America looks on in awe.
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