The Truth

As the guards stayed behind in Prince Zane's temple, the prince, princess, and thief went to an outside area. It was a nice pretty garden like structure, it was surrounded by water and the flowers were just gorgeous. That was once the saw a small little section of the water that was covered in ice. 

Zane knew exactly what to do along with Nya, but Jay has no clue what he is about to get himself into. As the three got in front of the frozen part of the pond Zane was preparing Jay for what might come. "So all you have to do is stare into the frozen pond to see your past" Zane told Jay. 

The thief was still a bit confused though, "Wait so I have to just stare at myself in the pod and then my past will be reveled?" Jay asked Zane once again.

"Jay, that's all you have to do and we better hurry before someone finds out we're here" Nya assured him. Jay took a deep breath and walked over to the frozen pond. He got closer and closer to it until he was able to see himself in the pond.

* Flashback *

It was about 18 years ago in the kingdom of Zelda and their was a huge riot around the gates of the temple. "We need to get him out of here Cliff!" A female voice said to a man as she was holding a little toddler in her arms . 

"I know Amy, but how can we. The temple is surrounded by protesters" The man said  to his wife. 

Then the heard a huge boom coming from the front gates and a guard came in, "Your highness the gates are broken the protesters are coming in!" The guard informed them. 

The queen and king looked at each other before nodding, "Ronin we need you to take our son somewhere safe" The king informed his knight. 

Ronin was surprised, "Why me I am certainly not the only knight you could trust with your son" Ronin explained 

"You are our most trustworthy knight out of all of them and we have agreed to have you as Jay's guardian. Please Ronin we're begging you" The queen begged. Ronin thought about it for a moment before nodding to the royals. The queen handed her son to him after she planted a kiss on his forehead. 

"Take care of our son, Ronin" The king told him before signaling the two to run. 

Ronin ran far away from the scene and locked him and the prince into a closet. People were filing around the King and Queen, but they didn't go without a fight. The king was pushing people back while the queen was swinging a long stick at them. Then everything became silent once a man in a long furry cape with a huge crown above his head.

"Lou, please tell them to stop. There is no need for anyone to get hurt" the king told him as Lou got closer to the royals. 

"But I do need someone to get hurt or better yet die" Lou said before stabbing the king in the chest. He fell to the ground as he was stabbing the queen in the stomach and she too came falling to the ground with her husband.

The crowd cheered at his victory and Lou happily smiled, "Jamanakai Village will be the most powerful kingdom of the land! My son will become the most powerful man in Ninjago and no one can stop it!" Lou said.

Then the past became blurry and was brought back to reality

* Flashback over *

Jay was out of his trance back to reality, but not to what he would think. He was being grabbed by the arms onto his knees and he also saw that guards were blocking Zane from view, but he didn't see Nya. 

"Cole stop!!!" Jay heard Zane yell at a man with a long black shirt in a royal attire, "The man is not a murder!" But the prince didn't listen he grabbed a rock and threw it into the frozen pond basically braking every last piece of it. 

Cole walked back from the now broken pond up to the guards. "Did you find her?" He asked sternly. The guard shook his head and Cole felt rage filling his body.

The angry prince walked up to Jay, "Where is she!!! Where is Nya you coward!?" He yelled at Jay. 

"I don't know okay" Jay told him with a stern voice. Cole grabbed something form his back before both Jay and Zane realized it, it was an axe. 

"If you don't tell me where she is then you loose your life right here right now" Cole hissed. 

"Cole he doesn't know where she is-" Zane tried to say before getting interrupted by Cole, "No I know a liar when I see one now where is she!"

Jay stayed still not saying a word to anything the prince had to say. "Alright then I guess this should be a goodbye" Cole said as he raised his axe before a voice yelled at him. 

"Put the axe down" Someone yelled. Everyone looked to where the voice came from to see Nya having her bow and arrow ready to shoot, "I won't ask again. Put the axe down and let Jay go" Nya demanded. 

Cole lowered his axe and walked closer to Nya, "Nya put the bow down and we can talk about this" Cole assured her, but Nya didn't do anything only pulled the sting connecting the arrow to the bow. 

"Let him go first" She demanded. 

Cole looked at her strangely, "Nya he kidnapped you his punishment is death" He informed her, "Your parents requested it." 

Nya was getting a bit ticked, "I ran away! I was never kidnapped in the first place. I ran into him and we became great friends that cared for each other. I have been helping him prove his innocents with this pond and I know everything Cole!" Nya screamed at him. 

"Your father killed the royals of Zelda except one. Jayson Gordon or in this case Jayson Walker the one that you are accusing of kidnap and murder" Nya told everyone in the garden. 

Cole knew this was all true, but he needed to protect his family name, "None since. This pond is over 50 years old and doesn't know right from wrong. Guards take the boy to my kingdom and as for you Nya we have a wedding to attend to tomorrow" Cole told them.

Nya didn't like that response so she let go of the arrow and let it hit Cole in the shoulder. Cole screamed in pain as the arrow got deeper in his skin, so while he was distracted Nya was able to get Jay from the ground and ran out of the situation with him. The two were able to find the tunnel to lead them out. They just ran and ran until they saw the light, but before they had the chance to actually escape there was many knights surrounding the two with 4 main figures in the middle.

"Nya you're alright" The only women said relieved as she was going to go up to her daughter before Nya pulled her bow up at everyone. 

"Don't come near us" Nya hissed. 

"Nya Smith, stop this foolish behavior and come with us right now" The King demanded, "And also guards arrest this man for kidnapping my daughter!" 

The guards started to come up to them, but Nya shot her arrows straight towards them hitting every single one in the stomach. "I already shot Cole back there don't think I won't shot" Nya hissed at them, but she more than looked at her brother, "And I can't believe you would buy their lies." 

"Nya-" Kai tried to say, but Nya interrupted him before he could finish, "Don't even think about it. Now I'm leaving with Jay and I don't want to be come back until I get my freedom, but from how this day turned out I don't think I will ever come home" Nya declared. But then out of no where someone goes behind Nya and inserts a syringe into her neck and she passed out.

"Nya!" Jay yelled before he too got inserted with a syringe and passing out right next to Nya. 

The king and queen looked at each other, "She's going crazy thanks to that murderer" Queen Maya told her husband. 

Ray nodded, "I know, but we do have a wedding to do. Let's let Cole and her get married and when the ceremony is over she can get fixed and turn back to normal" Ray offered. 

"Like a crazy camp" Maya questioned. 

"Precisely" The king told her.

"And what about the boy?" She asked. 

"Well we did say that whoever kidnapped her was punished with death and he did murder the royal family" Ray told her.

"The boy will be hanged before the ceremony."   

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