Moving On
It's been a three months since the five royals came to Ronin's, a six months since Nya first ran away, and a year since full destruction started in Ninjago. Terror attacks happen more often and no one knows how to stop it. But there is a certain team that can & will stop it.
Ten people on their knees, fifteen gunman with black mask over their heads, and five people in the shadows waiting for the right moment. Four of the royals were hiding behind buildings or bushes in Ninjago City, "Are we in position?" Jay asked through his head com.
"All ready in position. Nya, how about you and Zane?" Kai asked his sister through the com.
"Locked and ready, and Lloyd is playing the bait perfectly" Nya reported back while keeping her eye on a certain person out of the ten people.
"GIVE US THE INFORMATION ABOUT NINAGO CITY" One of the gunman yelled at the citizens of Ninjago City.
"Do you got a good shot at any of the gunman Nya?" Zane whispered to Nya.
Nya prepared her bow with an arrow already in place towards the terror attack, "I only have a good shot at the gunman behind Lloyd and the one screaming at all of them" She informed Zane.
All of a sudden some of the gunman raised their snippers to the citizens, "Kai, they're raising their riffles do you want me to shoot?" Nya asked through her head com concerned.
"Since no one is talking. We're going to start ending your lives starting with the one in the green" The main gunman said.
"Kai, they're aiming for Lloyd can I please shoot?!?" Nya asked frantically.
"Wait" Kai commanded. Seconds with still no word and Nya was getting very impatient.
"I said wait, Nya!" Kai yelled through the com.
Once the princess got a glance of the trigger fear consumed her, "I can't do this" Nya said as she shot the man who's gun was aiming at Lloyd.
All the gunman turned around to see Nya and Zane at the corner of the building, "I think this is an Oh No situation" Zane said calmly.
"Yeah and I also think that we should RUN!" Nya yelled as Zane and her started running the opposite way of the attack. The all the gunman started to follow them in response leaving the prisoners out for grabs.
Kai and Jay ran up to the prisoners and helped untied them, "Thank you kind men" One of the villagers told the thief before she walked away back home.
"Lloyd you alright?" Jay asked the green prince.
"Yeah I'm good, but right now we need to go help Zane and Nya before the gunman do" Lloyd said before standing up and running to find Zane and Nya.
"Zane, where are you?" Kai asked through the com.
"Well the gunman are shooting at us and we are know entering the woods" Zane informed him through the head com.
"Do they know who you are" Jay asked through the com.
"No I don't think so, but if you guys could help us then that would be great help" Nya responded.
The gunman kept shooting at the two royals as they were still in the lead, but not for too much longer. One of the bullets almost hit the side of Zane's head, luckily he dodged it before it came too close. Zane hid behind a big oak tree while Nya climbed up a tree, "Come out wherever you are. We can still go back to the capital and kill even more people to get answers" A gunman said.
Nya was able to look Zane in the eyes, but it was cut short when one of the fellow gunmen went to the other side of Zane and dragged him to the main gunman, "Well look what we got here, the prince of Stiix. Whoever is with him come out or," He pointed to gun directly towards Zane, "I'll shoot him." Nya thought about it for a moment and climbed down the tree to be facing the gunmen.
"The princess of Ignacia. You've been in big headlines around Ninjago, we could get a butt load of money for bringing you back to your family" the gunman said, "Put your hands up and come with us or your friend dies." Then all of a sudden Jay, Kai, and Lloyd came from behind the guards and knocked them out including the main one.
"What were you thinking Nya!?!" Kai yelled at Nya as he came closer to her.
"I made sure that our friends didn't die. I didn't see you do anything about it!" Nya yelled back.
Kai's face was turning red, angry red, "That was because I was busy telling you to wait for my signal! What do you think would've happened if we didn't get here in time huh? I know Zane would've died and you would be brought back to the fire temple and get married to Cole who guess what is still looking for you!" He yelled.
"You two just stop it!" Jay yelled as he went between the siblings, "We are all tired of hiding and running all the time, but that doesn't mean we should be killing each other about it. Look we are one step closer to the temple of light and once we tell Garmadon what happen then we can all go home and live our lives."
"Oh yeah because everything is about you and we need to follow everything that the person my sister is dating says" Kai continued to yell.
"Do not bring Jay into this!" Nya yelled.
"What of it wasn't for him finding you then we might be home sleeping in our normal beds with our loved ones" Kai said.
"Oh really so it's his fault that I decided to leave the fire temple. And also I don't have any loved ones in Ignacia anymore!" Nya yelled.
"Just stop it! I think we all just need to calm down and rest okay" Lloyd said.
"Fine" Kai said paranoid before walking away back to base.
"Just give him some time okay" Jay assured Nya as he embraced her in a hug, "Right now we all just need to have time to think this through and be positive that we want to continue this"
"Ok" was all Nya could say before giving Jay a peck on the cheek. Lets just hope that everything would get solved.
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