Is This Our Ending?

All the lights were out. Only sunlight from outside were visible and the room was completely quiet. Nya was breathing heavily from the running and fighting she did earlier that day as she still held Jay close to her. 

Then all of a sudden Jay's body started to floated in the air as sparks of lightning spun around him, but it wasn't just him floating. Kai's feet was off the ground and blazes of flames sored around him. Zane was in the same state, but forms of ice sparkled around him. Lloyd was also floating in the air, but had mist of green energy twirling around him. Nya was no longer on the ground holding Jay and was now floating in the air as well with a nice flow of water spinning around her.

What surprised everyone though was that Cole was having the same thing happening with him as well with boulders of rock circling him. The royals clothing changed into more of knight armor then the wedding attire. 

Jay's stab wound was no longer there and was replaced with a silver pendent with the kingdom of Zelda symbol and a lightning bolt in the background. Navy blue armor surrounded that pendent going from the princes wrist to his ankles and reaching the lower part of his neck. Two gray handles came into his hand with a golden chain connecting them together. 

Kai felt the flames hit his skin, but it didn't hurt. It burn his royal attire into a blood red armor forming from his chest to his ankles. The sleeves wasn't as far as Jay's, but it was still long enough to protect him. On the side of his left arm formed a golden pendent with Ignacia symbol and the flames made outlines on the inside of it. Two long golden katanas blazed into Kai's hand which had his name monogramed on the face of the blade.

Zane didn't feel cold in his fortress of ice as it landed on his attire which turned his light gray suit into a snow white armor which covered him from the tip of his jawline to reaching to his ankles. The long sleeves were longer then Jay's and were more stiff as if it was made for a robot. A golden pendent made from the ice formed on the side of his neck with the Stiix symbol and it looked like it was snowing there as well. Ice started to form two golden shuriken's in both of Zane's hands.

Lloyd watched as the green energy played with his clothes and turned into hard, protection of green armor going to his elbows to his ankles and ended with the lower part of his neck. A golden pendent started to form in the center of Lloyd's stomach with green designs engraved on it. A long sword formed into his hand as green and golden designs floated around it making it shiny. 

Nya felt the cold breeze of the water as it soon completely covered her in a gun metal gray armor as it covered her arms and legs fully and it finished halfway up her neck. Her hair came out from the neat bun back to her messy high ponytail. The water created a  black pendent that also had the Ignacia symbol, but had turquoise designs in its outlines on her right hip. The remaining water created a black wooden bow with water symbols and a satchel with many gray arrows aready in place on her back.

Cole moved through the hard rock that collided with him as it made black armor that covered everything except his arms and neck showing the muscles. The dirt created a copper pendent that had the Jamanakai Village symbol with mountains in the background which was placed on his left leg. The remaining rock particles created a huge silver hammer about twice the size of a snipper. 

The floating stopped and all the royals were fully transformed into their knight attire. Nya looked down at her hands as they were covered in the gray armor, "What- What happened to us?" She asked in confusion. 

"The final transformation" A voice said. 

Everyone turned around to see Prince Wu at the doors to the sanctuary, "I can see that someone got married, but it wasn't who they thought it was" Wu chuckled. 

"Uncle? What are you doing here I thought you had to stay at the castle" Lloyd asked confused.

"Lets just say I saw something in the smoke and I needed to come and see all of you" Wu said. 

Jay walked up to the old man, "How did we- Or better yet--- HOW I'M I ALIVE!" The knight in blue yelled. 

Wu chuckled once again, "You unlocked your true potential which was great timing" Wu smiled. Lloyd was right, he was crazy. 

"What do you mean true potentials?" Kai asked as he held onto his sister's arm. 

"You all have a fear of something and you have all conquered it at some point in your adventure" Wu stated, "Jay unlocked his when he accepted to be himself in front of Nya, Nya unlocked hers by never giving up, Kai unlocked his by accepting that he could not always be the hero and that he needed to protect them instead, Zane accepted his past as it is after finding out about his father, Lloyd accessed his by helping a person in need when he really shouldn't, and Cole got his for protecting his father even when times where bad."

The royals looked at each other confused, "So if that's the case then why did we all get these potentials at the same time when we gained them early on?" Nya asked. 

"Because you all needed to be together as a team. You might have finished this adventure, but that doesn't mean that there'll not be more" Wu said, "Come with me and I will train you to become one of the greatest hero's that ever walked Ninjago."

Lou got up from the ground and threw his dagger in the direction of the knights as it almost came in contact with Nya, but when she crossed her arms in an x water came out and pushed the dagger away. "What---What- Did I just" Nya stuttered. 

"Oh I forgot to mention that part you all have powers that have surrounded you and it looks like this isn't some of your first time playing with it" Wu teased as he looked at Zane, "I know that you were the one who created the frozen lake, Zane."

Everyone turned to Zane, "You had these powers before?" Jay asked. 

Zane scratched his neck, "Well yes I found out about them a couple years ago while working on a project with my father" Zane told them. 

"Come, we have a lot of training to do" Wu said as all the royals walked up to him except Cole. Nya turned around to see Cole looking down at the ground with shame written all over his face. 

"It wasn't your fault Cole. It was your fathers mistake. Come with us I bet you could find something you're looking for there" Nya assured him. 

Cole looked up at her, "But I tried to hurt your boyfriend- I mean husband" Cole said. 

Jay took a deep breath and came over to Cole and held his hand out to him, "I forgive you. You were following orders and I shouldn't have judged you so early on. I'm sorry" Jay apologized. Cole hesitated at first, but shook his hand with Jays and joined the royals.

"Shall we get going?" Wu asked. The all nodded and walked outside the sanctuary where their new adventure begins. 

Well that is an end to another book, but don't worry because I'm making a trilogy! I feel in love with this book and put my time and effort into it and you all like it a lot so I felt like this adventure story isn't over yet. I will start the next book in a couple days or so and I already got an idea of what I want it to be about. I will see you in the next book BYEEEE!!! 

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