The Chase And The Kiss
KL: I thought this piece of music would be appropriate cause of the last chapter and this one....... well mostly anyway. Neither the video or song is mine. Credit goes to the proper owners.😅 On another note, I sincerely apologize for not updating this when I said I would. I forgot about when I said I'd update and all. This was what I was afraid would happen and I was hopping someone would well at me if I forgot, which I did and no one yelled at me surprisingly...... and I'm ranting... oh well, back to the story I guess.
"I've been collecting scarlet eyes with Kurai for a long time. Two weeks after the massacre, we'd finished burying the clan members and went out to look for the eyes. That was seven years ago." I say as I keep looking at him. He turned to me and hugged me without any warning. 'He's.... hugging me... I guess he wasn't ready for this yet then...' That's what I thought until he said something that surprised me. "Thank you.... thank you for showing me this..." He mumbled a thank you.... and.....
IS HE CRYING A LITTLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*With Killua and Gon*
*Killua's P.O.V.*
I went out for a walk around York New City with Gon only for something red and white pass the corner of my eye up on the roofs of some of the buildings. I looked at it and that 'it' turned out to be a girl with scarlet hair wearing red black and white.
I looked over to Gon who seemed to have already noticed her. He looked back at me and in that moment, we both had the same idea to follow her. We waited till she was a bit further away and as we turned a corner into an alleyway, we used zetsu and began following her. As we continued to follow her, I noticed we were heading for the abandoned part of the city, noting that it was the same area Gon and I were being held by the troupe!
'IS THIS PERSON CRAZY??!!! WHY WOULD SHE GO TO THE HIDE OUT THE TROUPE USES????!!!!!!!!!!' I thought as she ended up going inside the building. A few minutes later, an explosion came through the roof of the building she went into with her coming through the hole and one of the members going after her. It was the one that is dressed in black, has a cloth mask that covers half his face and fights with a sword. 'That's the one called Feitan, right?.... I think it is.' I thought.
The mood over there was super intense, and the girl we were following was smiling.... almost like... she was having fun.
"YOU'RE A DEAD WOMAN THIS TIME!!!!!" Feitan yelled. That was when I called Gon right then and there. Fortunately, he picked up almost immediately.
"What's up Killua? Are you thinking we should get out of here while we can?" He asked over the phone. "Yes, I feel like we should also tell Kurapika. He needs to know what we saw and heard. This is big news. Let's go back." After we hung up, we went back to the alley we were in before.
"Come on, let's go find him." I say, Gon nods. "What do you think that was about? She was smiling like it was a game to her or something. She didn't even seem scared of that man. What's his name again?... Mmmm...." He trails off. "It's Feitan I think." I say. "Yeah him! It seemed like he was really mad at her or something. I can't put my finger on why though..." He says. " Maybe Kurapika has more info on this possibly knowing him anyway."
*Back with (Y/N) and Kurapika*
*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*
After Kurapika hugged me and cried on my shoulder a little, he wiped his tears and asked if he could take one pair back with him for comfort and as a reminder of this room. Of course I'm gonna say he can. It's his clan too after all. I have no right to keep it from him after he's been through the same hardship knowing what happened that day. Sure I was the princess of the clan, but still.
"You can take one pair back with you, but first, I need to know something. Give me your hand." I demand. He does as told as I closed my eyes and took a look inside him to figure out what pair to give him that would bring the most comfort. That pair just so happened to be... "Pairo...." I whispered as I opened my eyes. "What happened?" He asks. I let go of his hand and scanned the room for his eyes. When I found them, I picked them up and gave them to Kurapika.
"What was that about (Y/N)?" He asked again. "I hope you don't mind, but I looked inside you a little to see which pair of eyes would bring you the most comfort." I respond. "Who's is this pair then?" He asks. "It's Pairo's eyes." I say with a small smile. His eyes widened and he stared at the scarlet eyes with tears in his eyes. "It's Pairo's eyes....? For real?..." He asked in a whisper. "Yes."
He clenched them close to his chest and whispered another thank you. "You don't have to keep thanking me Kurapika. You have just as much a right to these as I do. I'm merely keeping them here to keep them safe. That's all." He looked at me for a moment before smiling a heart clenching, sad smile. It however was just enough to show he was happy and grateful for all the hard work.
"Well, you best be off now. I imagine someone would get suspicious should you be away from work too long as I'm sure you're aware." I said. "Yes, you're right. I will never forget this. I'm grateful for this, and for you." He says as we walk out of the room down the stairs. "It wasn't just me, Kurai helped a lot in finding them you know. She's actually found most of them. How she found them though is a trade secret. Plus I can't say without her permission. She'd kick my but for that." We both laugh lightly at my comment.
We walked back to the entrance and said our goodbyes for the time being. Our meeting ending with him about to walk back through the barrier and me pulling him back without even thinking to giving him a kiss on the cheek and pushed him out the barrier leaving a shocked Kurapika on the other end.
KL: Thank goodness! I still updated!! What do you guys think? Please comment or vote if you want another chapter within the next few weeks. If we get at least 10 votes, I'll eventually.... *Clears throat loudly* *Mumbles* maybe even write a lime as a special chapter. B'BUT THATS ONLY IF WE GET 10 VOTES O-OR MORE!!!! NO LESS!!!!
Killua: For real KL? You're really gonna do that? *Has on a "Are you kidding me" look*
KL: If I say so, then yes. But if need be, I'll make it apart of the story for real. 💡💥 *Freezes*
Killua: Oh no, what is it this time?...
KL: What if... 😮 💡 NOPE!!! NOPE!!!!!!!!!! NEVERMIND!!!!!! NOT SAYING A WORD TILL-!
Kurapika: Not saying anything about what?
KL: Welp!!! HOPE Y'ALL ENJOIED THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Runs for it*
Kurapika: #Confused
Killua: Good grief.... what I have to live with...
Kurapika and Killua: Thanks for reading another chapter of The Princess That Fights The Phantom Troupe!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💖🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
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