Chapter #2

I didn't normally travel, so the concept of efficient and neat packing was foreign to me. So the next morning after condemning myself to death and a wild Hallguard party, I found myself sitting in front of my wardrobe without a clue what to do. I may play my part as Prince Eden in public and even around the castle, but when it came to being by myself in my bedroom I was just Maddox. No special treatment. No servants to dress me or pack my cloth for me. It wasn't like I was a real prince or anything close to royalty.

I picked through the rack of clothes hoping to find something I could actually wear to a party. Not all the clothes were bad, but all of them had a uppity-prince vibe that I despised. They weren't even flittering.
Now I wasn't real big on fashion or anything, but I did know blown-up, big-bottom, prince-type pants couldn't possibly look good on anyone.

I pulled out a frilly, purple tunic and wrinkled my nose. Who even came up with this stuff? Why wasn't it normal for a prince to wear a plain white tunic? Something lacking bright colors and frilly fabrics.

Sighing, I settled with a white frilled undershirt and dark green overcoat that wasn't too terribly long. Unfortunately this, along with normal, plain, brown slacks, was the only descent thing I had to wear that would work with traveling. So I guess I shouldn't have been worrying about packing efficiently because I really didn't have anything to pack.

"Maybe I'll be able to find something simpler at the market." I say to myself as I put on the least flamboyant clothes I can find.

The one, and probably only, good thing about being the decoy for assassins to hunt is the money. Money that never leaves me hungry or in need of anything.

Now normally I wouldn't use this money because the market place was dangerous. For the normal citizens of the capital, Ward, the marketplace wouldn't be a problem, but for the crown Prince of Brinonia... yeah it was about as far from safe as you can get.

Assassins were everywhere! And I really mean everywhere. And the marketplace was crowded, like push and shove crowded. If someone were to come up behind me with a knife I wouldn't even know until it was in my back.

So no. I hadn't made it a habit of spending the King's money. I hadn't made it a habit of leaving the castle because it was dangerous enough in my own bedroom. Leaving the castle was just hazardous.

As I finished tying on my worn leather boots, the only shoes I would ever wear in public or anywhere for that matter, a soft knock sounded on my door. It was a familiar knock and one that I heard all too often.

"Come in!" I called, fulling knowing the girl outside wouldn't come in unless I personally opened the door for her. 

Eleanor Duchess. A princess from the neighboring kingdom in the east. Prince Eden was supposed to be courting her publicly. But, like I was sure you'd already guessed, that meant I was supposed to be courting her.

Aside from King Seaward, Prince Eden, my family, and myself, Princess Eleanor was the only person who knew my real identity.

How could she not know? I mean she was privately with the real Prince Eden and when it can to showing the kingdom their relationship... well that was my job. Did she love Prince Eden? I didn't know. She cared for him, but love felt like a strong word. Did she love me? Definitely no, but to keep up appearances she acted like she wanted to be my wife.

She wasn't completely terrible, but she certainly wouldn't be my first choice for a wife.

Groaning, I pushed myself off my bed. It was full of feathers and covered with silks and furs. Another good thing about being a phony prince.

I opened the door and leaned against the frame with my best charming grin. "Princess?"

She looked mad. No, not just mad... ferocious. If looks could kill I would have died before meeting the Grey Peaks.

One of the only things that made Eleanor tolerable were her looks. She was gorgeous. With curly, red hair and eyes of gold. She was of average height, which compared to my six feet looked short and her build was slight. She looked fragile, but I knew better.

The fire in her eyes made me shiver as she shoved me into the room and slammed the door behind her.

"Don't even start with me, Maddox!" She screamed at me. "How stupid can you possibly be! Do you want to get yourself killed?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She didn't care about me. She hated me and everything I was.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't tell me you've started to like me. That you honestly care whether I live or die within the next few months?"

Eleanor laughed. A sharp sound that closely resembled the bark of a small and viscous dog. "Don't be ridiculous."

She made no sense. She didn't care what happened to me, yet she was here to yell at me for condemning myself to death? What?

She must have seen the confusion on my face. "How dense are you? I don't care about you. I only care about Eden's safety." She took a calming breath, but it did nothing to help the anger in her voice. "If you get yourself killed then the king will tell everyone that you were not the real prince. Eden will have to come out of hiding and face the many, many assassins that are trying to kill him."

Now I was annoyed. So the little princy couldn't protect himself. How did anyone expect him to protect a whole kingdom and all it's people?

"He'll have to learn to live without me taking all the hits for him someday. I can't live forever."

Eleanor smacked me across the face. "All you care about is yourself!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but I knew better than to argue with her. It was best just to take the hits she threw at me and wait for her to leave. She wouldn't be staying long.

With another stinging smack to the face, Princess Eleanor left my life forever. Or at least I really hoped to never see her again. Sadly I would have to if I lived through my meeting with the Grey Peaks.

Strapping a short blade to my belt, knowing fully well that I would be needing it, I walked out of my room. As I walked the walk of a dignified prince many people stopped to greet me. Servants bowed and Lords nodded a hello and good day.

I hated the attention and regretted not bring a long cloak to help hide my appearance.

As I walked out the open front a gate a guard stopped me.

"My Prince." He walked towards me and stopped with a purposeful bow. "Don't you need an escort?"

Everyone knew that I was constantly dodging death. Guards constantly asked me if I needed assistance walking through the city or even in the castle itself. Like it would really help.

"No sir." I turned my voice sturn. "I'll be perfectly fine by myself."

"But Prince, your father has commanded that you don't leave the castle alone." He wasn't going to let me leave and we both knew it. I couldn't waste anymore time.

"Fine. Who's coming with me? You?"

The knight smiled like he had won a great battle. "Oh no. I'm afraid I'm posted at the gate, but I do have one knight I can spare. She's a bit young, but I wouldn't underestimate her."

My eyes widened at his use of the word "her". With the war raging on the South Coast, the kingdom had gotten short on knights. Not wanting to anger the people with a draft, the King had decided to train any women willing to fight. The number of volunteers hadn't been great, but the ladies who wanted to be knights had a lot of heart. They only made one regiment called the Sirens and most of them of them were even better than the men.

"Well," I swallowed back my sudden nervousness. "Where is she?"

Why was I nervous? I wasn't really sure. It's just most girls I'd met thought they were head-over-heels in love with Prince Eden and as far as most people knew... I was Prince Eden.

This girl wouldn't be able to do her job if she was anything like the other girls I had met. In the end I'd probably be protecting her more than she'd be protecting me.

"Siren Waters! Here now!" Called the knight in a light tone. A tone that felt more seductive to me than demanding. When the girl came out of the gates left tower I understood why he sounded like that.

She was beautiful beyond anything, or anyone, I had ever seen before. She was young, probably my age, with a slight build and avenge height. As far as her body type went, she was a lot like Princess Eleanor, but their similarities stopped there. Instead of red, her hair was light brown with a loose curl to it. Her eyes were a mix of blue and green a color I would have to describe as the color of a shallow, tropical ocean.

I shouldn't have been worrying about her falling in love with me. Really I should have been worrying about the safety of my own heart.

She stopped stiffly in front of the knight. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was slowly looking her up and down.

I felt offended for her to be honest. People should avert their eyes out of respect for a girl like her.

She cleared her throat to gather the man's attention to her words. "You called for me sir?"

The knight's eyes snapped up to meet her's. "Yes. I did." He said awkwardly. "I need you to escort Prince Eden through the city."

I felt myself blush at his words. He made it sound like I couldn't take care of myself. I didn't need an escort. When Siren Waters turned to me with a glare I put up my hands in surrender. "It wasn't my idea."

I pointed a finger gun at the knight. "It was him. All him."

With a sign, Siren Waters looked at the knight in disgust before bowing to me. "Your majesty." She said it as though the words tasted sour in her mouth. "I'm ready when you are."

I was a little confused at first. Who was she calling majesty? I wasn't royalty? Then I remembered that to everyone I wasn't Maddox. I was Prince Eden, the heir to the throne of Brinonia.

I cleared my throat and tried my best to sound like a real prince. "You may rise my loyal subject."

If we hadn't been in the middle of the King's kingdom, she probably would have killed me right then and there.

"Let's just go and get this over with." Siren Waters growled murderously at me.

It was then, with that look of complete hatred in her eyes, I decided I liked my new escort.

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