Kunoichi vs Airachnid/ Rasengen

( It has been a couple of months since Kurina fought Kazeheto and his team. Since then, there has been no sign or word from Kazeheto and his group. So  Kurina took this as a sign that she could continue her training. Arcee even stated that she would start using the moves that she had learned from Kasumi. Meanwhile, in Kurina's homeworld. Kushina, Minato, and Jiraiya were hard at work creating the portal that would send Kushina and her team into the world that which Kurina resided in.   Kurina and Arcee were at the moment, investigating an unknown energon signature)

" ( Looks around the woodland area while looking down at the scanner every now and then). I'm not getting any confirmed readings. Something must be messing with Ratchet's scanner." Said  Arcee as she and  Kurina jumped over a raven that was in their way. " ( Looks over to her left and then notices a wad of acid on two trees). Or someone, I think we may not be the only ones here Arcee." Said Kurina as she watched  Arcee look at the wad of acid in shock. " ( Looks down at  Kurina). Do you know any new Jutsu's that may help?" Asked Arcee as they continued to walk. " I know a few, but are you going to fill me in on what's wrong with you? Your body is shaking and you seem twitchy even. ( Looks to her right and then spots a crashed spaceship,  then quickly jumps over to it with  Arcee following close behind). Does it have something to do with this ship and that wad of acid?" Asked Kurina as they walked through the ship.

" It's because I know who thins hip belongs to. If I'm right, then we need to make sure she doesn't stay on earth. You could consider her, someone who takes pleasure in her work." Said  Arcee.  " Really, well then this should be. (Quickly looks to the open door that leads outside the ship). Oh, you have got to be kidding me. There is a civilian camping out here in the woods. Sumi says that something vile is headed straight for them. ( Listens to  Arcee transform into her motorcycle mode and then quickly looks to her right to see Arcee zoom past her).  REALLY, YOU'RE GONNA DO THAT TO ME! ( Quickly runs outside and then jumps onto the highest tree and lands on one of its branches). Fine then, I'll just wait and watch you let your anger get the better of you. Then I'll handle the con." Said  Kurina as she quickly jumped from tree branch to tree branch as she filed behind Arcee. While also making sure to mask her chakra signature as she did so.

( Meanwhile, a deception with eight spider-like limbs. Quietly and stealthfully creeps on an unsuspecting   adult male who is currently roasting hot dogs on a fire)

 "Ah hah, my very first native. I can not wait to add you to my collection. ( Jumps up into the air to pounce on her newfound prey. Only to get tackled while still in midair by Arcee which caused the two to roll across the ground and down the hill. Where Arcee slams into the rock wall while the female decepticon skids and crashes onto the ground hard as the two of them quickly get up). Well well, Arcee, what a small universe we live in." Said the deception. "Two small for you to be here, Airachnid. " Said Arcee as she armed her blasters. " I see you're still holding a grudge, but then you never learned when to let things go. However, I left that war in pursuit of my new hobby. Were I collect different species across the galaxy and add them to my collection " Said Airachnid. "  You mean your victims,  I'm not letting you endanger these humans." Said Arcee as she began her fight with Airachnidnby firing energon bolts at her. With Airachnid returned fire by firing her own energon bolts through her hands. This went on for a couple of minutes until the two decided to go at it in hand-to-hand combat. With Arcee blindly choosing not to use the new fighting style that she has learned.

" ( Lands on the highest point of the tree and then watches the battle through  Kurina's eyes). Your friend is embarrassing herself right now. She's leaving too many openings for her opponent to exploit. At this rate, we'll have to jump in." Said Kasumi. " I know, but we'll need something to get the insect's attention while also giving us time to strike. A flash seal should do the trick. Even if it hits Arcee in the process. We'll need to lure Airachnid back to her ship." Said Kurina as she watched the fight.

( Waits until Airachinid has pinned Arcee to the rock wall behind her by trapping her in a wad of webs. Then quickly throws the flash seal that is attached to a kunai toward the two cybertronians.  Before waiting till the kunai is in between them, and then activating the seal. As she quickly covers her eyes)

" ( Screams in pain from the bright flash of light that disorientates her optics and messes with her systems. Before feeling something grab her around her waist and then yank her away from Arcee. Before yelling in pain as she was smashed through multiple trees. As it then lets her go which causes her to be sent flying as she crashes through seven more trees). What in Primus's name is going on? Who dares interrupt my fun? " Yelled Airachnid as she tried to get her vision back. " ( Walks over to Arcee who is still trapped in the web and is currently screaming in pain from the flash seal). You really are sad, you know that. Letting your anger get the better of you because of some past grievances. Well, whatever those may be. Let them go or they will be what destroys you and the team. Your lone wolf thing you just pulled will get everyone else killed. And allow the cons to acquire the Matrix as a trophy. You left so many openings in your fight as well. Stay there for now, and let me deal with this." Said Kurina as she quickly jumped onto the nearest tree. Then quickly jumped toward the direction in which she three Airachnid with her Chakra chains.

" Wait Kurina, You're the one that flashed me and Airachnid. Come back you'll need my help if you want to face her. Kurina, cut me loose, Kurina. ( Hears no response and then hears the sound of trees tumbling). Darn it, why won't she cut me loose? ( Regains her sight and then spots a shadow clone of Kasumi in front of her). Kasumi, what are you doing here?" Said Arcee. "You're just sad, you know that.  You're supposed to be a cyber ninja. But you're letting your anger get the better of you. I'm starting to think that Kurina would be better off without you. She has me after all. You'd still be her friend. It's just that she would have to go on missions solo. Especially if you run into Starscream. After all, when I sent a shadow clone to tail him. He boasted about being the one to do it. So until you rain that rage in and learn to let things go. You're a danger to yourself, my kit, and your team. Who knows, that rage may be what gets everyone killed." Said Kasumi." As she poofed in smoke.

" ( Looks on in shock and fear of what  Kasumi had just told her. Before beginning to contemplate herself and cry. As she envisions everyone dead because of her need to get revenge). Am I, truly a danger to everyone? All I want is to avenge my fallen teammates. ( Looks over in the direction were she can hear Kurina fighting  Airachnid along with seeing random bolts of red energon file into the sky). I can't worry about that right now. My partner needs me, and I won't lose her. Not when she hasn't gotten a chance to see her true parents. ( Prefomrs a one-hand sign and burns the web with a fire jutsu. Before quickly transforming into her motorcycle mode and then sped toward the battle). Just hang on Kurina, I won't let you down." Said  Arcee as she quickly made her way toward the current fight.

( Over with Kurina)

" ( Dodges seven energon bolts and then slices off four of Airachnid's spider-like limbs Using a chakra-covered Kunai). Hah, four legs down and four more to go. ( Jumps up onto a tree in order to dodge a web shot from Airachnid). Not gonna lie, I'm actually having fun with this." Said Kurina as she quickly jumped onto another tree after Airachnid destroyed the one that she was standing on. Before quickly jumping from tree branch to tree. With Airachind chasing her by jumping from the same tree. " For a human, you're quite the challenge. I think that I'll collect your head as a trophy and mount it on my bedroom wall. It's a wonder that you're partnered up with Arcee. You don't really seem like her type of partner. Looks to me like she slows you down, a lot if I'm being honest." Said  Airachnid. Unaware that  Arcee could hear her. As she closed in on them.

" Well, some partnerships work and some don't. Thats what I've been told. Plus me and her are still new to this partnership thing. (  Lands on the ground and then quickly dashes into the crashed ship. Before disappearing into the shadows). Heck, the first thing she called me was a liability. Yet I've been helping the autobots on a lot of missions." Said Kurina as she quickly snuck out of the ship and waited outside on top of the ship. " Ah, so Arcee's become the weak link in your little partnership hu. Forshame Arcee." Said  Airachnid as she walked through the ship. " Yeah, but hey, it's something that I'll have to live with until she gets her head on straight." Said Kurina as she intentionally stomped on the metal walls of the ship inorder to get Airachnid's attention. Before quickly blasting the pool of energon with a fire jutsu as she lands on the ground twenty feet away. " ( Runs toward where she heard the sound of something hitting the ship and then stops once she's outside after she sees the flaming pool of energon). Clever little human. You laid a trap." Said Airachnid as she was hit by the explosion.

" ( Walks away from the burning ship while making sure to keep herself alert. Before quickly having to jump twelve feet forward in order to dodge a web net that was shot at her). Ah man, almost had you." Said Kurina as she turned to look at a damaged Airachind. " You did, I will give you that. I'm actually impressed at your little scheme. But this is where it ends." Said  Airachnid as she leaps at Kurina. "  THAT'S NOT HAPPENING AIRACHNID! I MAY HAVE LET MY ANGER  GET THE BETTER OF ME! BUT THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU WILL EVER TOUCH HER!" Yelled Arcee as she leaps into the air and punches  Airachnid in the face. Which causes the two to tumble across the ground. " But Arcee, how can you say such words with so much enthusiasm if your liability over there? Gave me more of a fight than you did? If anything,  she would be better off with me. Hunting different species across the galaxy, collecting trophies as we did so. Besides, you seem to drag her down more than she could ever drag you down." Said Airachnid as she and Arcee began their fight once more. With Arcee fighting with a clearer head this time. 

" ( Sits on the ground while watching the two fight and then pulls out her phone to call Ratchet, hey Ratchet, we're gonna need a ground bridge in a couple of minutes. Your signal led us to a crashed deception ship. Arcee's fighting her right now. ( Listens to what Elita who had answered has to say and then looks at  Arcee's fight with Airachnid). Yeah, sure thing. Ok,  I'll let you know when. ( Hangs up her phone and then looks at the fight that's still going on). She's still not using the new fighting style that she learned. At least she's leaving fewer openings this time. ( Forms a sphere of chakra into her right hand). Thanks again  Kasumi for teaching me this move. I can't wait to see what I can add to it. Especially since this is one of my dad's signature moves. ( Quickly dashes toward Airachnid. Where all anyone can see is a red blur due to her hair. Then holds up the sphere of Chakra with a smile).  HEY AIRACHNID, TRY THIS, RASENGEN!" Yelled  Kurina as she slammed the Rasengen into Airachnids cheast and tore a hole into her body. As the Rasengen quickly pierced Airachnid'd metal body and destroyed her spark chamber.

" ( Looks on in shock at the move that Kurina had just used on Airachnid). What kind of move was that?" Asked  Arcee. " ( Grins as her body slowly offlines due to her spark chamber being destroyed and looks at Arcee). It looks...like your....partner, is the one to....snuff out....my spark. You truly have....become a....liability, Arcee. ( Looks at  Kurina). Well done, warrior." Said  Airachnid as she was finally offlined.  " ( Looks down at  Airachnids dead body and then contemplates her words, and then looks up to her right after hearing a groundbridge appear. Before looking at Kurina as she walks toward the groundbridge). Am I, truly a liability, to you Kurina?" Asked  Arcee which caused  Kurina to stop walking. 

" ( Looks over her left shoulder at  Arcee). I can't answer that for you Arcee. You know what it is that's dragging you down. I mean you let yourself be consumed. Then left me all alone in the woods to be attacked by who knows what if us and Airacnid weren't the only ones in the woods. That is something that only you can decide." Said  Kurina as she walked through the groundbridge, with Arcee walking right behind her twelve minutes later.

( Meanwhile, back in Kurina's home dimension)

" We're almost done with the seal. Soon, we'll be able to join  Kurina in whatever world she's in." Said Kushina as she joined everyone in the living room. "That's good,  just a little while longer and we'll be able to bring her home. That is, if she wants to come home." Said Tsunade. " If she doesn't then I can just teach her a seal that will allow her and any of her future family to join us here in her home dimension." Said Minato as everyone but Jiraiya sat down on the living room couches as  Kushina and Minato performed the needed hand signs. To activate the viewing screen again. Using the piece of Kurina's hair and the chakra chain that was broken by the portal.

( Everyone watches Kurina's life all the way leading up to her confrontation with Airachnid.  Minato, Jiriya, Kushina,  Mikoto, and Tsunade however. Focused on the speed of Kurina as she dashed towards  Aairachnid with the Rasengen. Kushina even jumped with joy while giddy. Knowing that her daughter's speed only left a red blur in its wake. Before Everyone watched  Kurina defeat  Airachnid with the Rasengen. Once the viewing screen was finished it fell apart like it had done previously. Everyone soon began to discuss what they had  just seen)

"  THAT'S MY GIRL, SHOW THAT TIN CAN HOW WE UZUMAKI DO BINUS! WATTA GO KURINA!" Yelled Kushina in excitement. " That was a well-thought-out plan that she made. Lure the robot into a trap using her own hip and ignite the fuel. It did some major damage to her as a result. " Said Minato. " I'll say, that kids getting stronger every time we see her.  I would not be surprised if she showed us what she can do with her sword." Said Tsunade. " Especially since we know she's getting stronger in order to fight the ninjas that are there." Said Mikoto as  Jiriaya walked into the living room. " Ladies and Gentlemen,  the seal has been completed." Said Jiraiya. " ( Looks at Kushina). You and your team will use the portal first thing tomorrow morning.  Naruto and I will join you. I had  Kakashi bring me the file on Kazeheto and his team. And found that his team plus yours and our daughter would be out numbered. Plus, we don't know what else is out there. We could appear in front of our daughter. While she's right in the middle of a fight. Tsunade and Jiraiya will act as my substitute until our mission is done." Said Minato with a smile as everyone either headed to their rooms or left the compound in order to head home for the night.

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