Beating a Bully/Protecting Raf/Cheetah

( The next day, after returning home to Jasper Nevada. Arcee and Alina continued their discussion on who their favorite superhero is. Thats was until Arcee brought up what had happened the other day. While she was dropping Alina off at school) 

" It still surprises me how you not only blocked a blast of magic, from what you thought was a normal accessory. Only to find out that you are wearing actual Amazon bracers" Said Arcee. You're telling me,  but my thing was caps shield. That thing is supposed to hurt anyone but those like him, Wonder Woman, Spiderman, or Superman. But I caught that thing with ease and it didn't hurt. ( Notices how they were reaching her school). To be continued, Sadie." Said Alina as  Arcee Activated her holographic rider and then parked in a parking spot. Before letting Alina get off. 

( As  Alina gets off Arcee, their autobot and human allies Bulkhead, Miko, Bumblebee, and Rafiel pull up. With Bulkhead and  Bumblebee parking next to Arcee and then letting  Miko and Rafiel out respectfully. The three autobots then watched as their human charges  headed inside to school)

" So how was your trip to Metropolis? Did you get to meet some of the superheroes that stay there?" Asked Miko." We actually almost get caught in a battle between the Avengers and the Justice League. Fighting the masters of Evil and the Injustice League." Said Alina. " What, that's so cool." Said Miko as two people that they didn't see. Walked over to them. " You probably ran away, didn't you darby?" Said Vince with a smirk as the girl beside him also smirked. " Not a chance. I actually helped them out a little. Pulled off a swerving drift maneuver that allowed me to catch Captain America's shield and throw it back to him While Also smacking  BaronZemo in the process." Said Alina as she held up her phone to show the recording of herself pulling off the maneuver. That was recorded from her helmet. " No way, you actually did that. But didn't his shield hurt when you caught it?" Asked Raf. 

" Well, not really. Otherwise, my hand would be in a cast and I wouldn't be here at school right now. The maneuver that I pulled off allowed me to use my momentum to throw the shield back While also minimizing the shock that my hand had taken." Said  Alina. " That makes sense,   it even checks out as well. That type of move would lessen the shock. Thanks in part for immediately throwing it back.  But did you leave after that?" Asked Rafiel. " Well yeah, I didn't want to get in their way. So I quickly let the area." Said Alina as they started their first class.

( Ten hours later at the end of school) 

" ( Walks out of her classroom alongside Miko). Well, that was something. The teacher wouldn't stop asking me questions here and there." Said Alina. " What do you expect, you literally fell asleep in his class only to throw in his face. The whole true meaning of the movie. Something that is impossible,  since you were supposed to be sleeping." Said Miko as they heard someone grunt and then looked over to see Vince bullying Raf. " Excuse me a minute Miko, I'm starting to get tired of this, so." Said  Alina as she watched towards Vince. " Oh no, I am not missing this." Said Miko as she pulled out her phone and then recorded what was about to happen.

" ( Lightly shoves Vice's fellow bullies out of her way and then taps Vince on the shoulder). So Viny, What exactly made you want to decide to pick on my buddy here?" Asked Alina. " This brat won't do my homework for me like a good little nerd. Thinks he can say now to me, the big dog of the school." Said  Vicne and he and his friends began to laugh. Only to then stop after hearing  Alina do a sarcastic laugh. " ( Stops laughing, once she notices that Vice has stopped and then  Looks at  Vince with a raised eyebrow). You, a big dog. Sorry, I don't see it. You and your buddies are like adult Chihuahua's yapping. Yapping, nipping, and growling at people's heels. Trying to force them to do what you tell them. Me, I'm a wolf,  helping their back and being there when they need her. OR an eagle attacking anything that would endanger her nest." Said Alina as everyone gasped and then laughed at Vicne and his friends. "

" I don't want to hear it from a boy who is making a low minimum wage and can barely support herself. A fast food joint, really. Out of all the places and you choose that one. ( Grughs).What a joke. It's no wonder you can barely provide for yourself. " Said Vicne as everyone looked at him. " Coming from you, that means next to nothing. Especially when I have a job, and you don't. I can work on my homework and do it by myself while asking questions every now and again. You make people do yours for you. an you you even learn to grow that way. That just shows how dumb and ignorant you are. You want to be a street racer. How can you be something like that? When you can't even do math. You need maths to calculate your turns moran. ( Cracks her left knuckle in her right palm). But since you wanted to bring my mother into this by talking about my family. I'm gonna enjoy this." Said Alina with a grin.

( Outside the school, Arcee,  Bulkhead, and  Bumblebee. Wait for their human charges with two of the four new additions to the team parked alongside them. Twelve minutes later and the autobots are suddenly startled by what sounded like a guy screaming. Before they all watched as Vince came flying out of the school and straight onto the ground. They then watched as  Alina came out with  Rafiel on her shoulders and  Miko who still had her phone out to record what had happened)

" ( Sets Raf back onto the ground and next to Bumblebee. Then walks over to Vince and then places her right foot into his cheast and then presses her foot down onto his cheast). Rule one, quit being a coward and do your own homework. Rule two do not talk to someone of low-income value when you yourself seem to really solely on cash from your parents so don't even try to bragge. ( Takes her foot off of Vince and then walks over to Arce and then gets on the seat behind the holographic rider). See ya." Said  Alina as she and the rest of her group. Quickly drove off from school. " ( Walks over to Vicne and then helps him back onto his feet). Maybe you shouldn't have brought up her life Vince. Thats crossing a line Vince. " Said an orange-haired girl. " Be quiet Sierra, I must think about what she had told me. "Said Vicne as he walked away.

( Twenty minutes later at the Autobot base Omega one. The autobots were watching the recording that Miko had taken with her phone of what happened at school on the main screen)

" Dang kid, you really laid into them.  But it looks like you were holding back. ( Looks at Alina). Where exactly did you learn how to fight like that?" Asked Chromia. "Believe it or not. Wonder Woman's Apprentice Wondergirl was doing a girls-only self-defense training alongside  Batgirl and Supergirl. Just a couple of months after the whole Darkmount incident." Said Alina. " So they know about us then. Thats just great, We've got more to worry about." Said Ratchet.  "Zip it Hatchet, that whole thing wouldn't have happened had you done the most basic thing that the others had done. Which was to pick us up from school. Heck,  Optimus even did it, to pick up my adoptive mother June.  Yet you can't even be bothered to ground bridge us to base in order to help keep us safe. How can a prime understand the importance of family and friends but you a medic, don't understand the implications of seeing how not being able to save someone you care about?  When they're used as a hostage. You're supposed to be an autobot. Seriously, How can an autobot have a con-like attitude? Especially one that only cares about what he wants and what he thinks is best for everyone." Said Alina, which shocked everyone. 

" ( turns toward  Alina and then glares at her). What did you just say? You think I don't care about  my autobot brothers and sisters?" Asked Ratchet. " Well, at least you don't fully comprehend the whole  Freedom is the right of all sentient beings  statement that  Optimus stands by. Especially if you're willing to sacrifice a sentient planet. Just to revive your own." Said  Alina.

" ( Looks at Alina and then looks at Ratchet). I'd have to agree with her on that one Ratchet.  You and I both know how much it would way on  Opitus's spark if he could not protect another planet that has sentient life, just like us. It would haunt him. Leaving him to blame himself for not being able to save them. You should have known that by now. If Optimus had let their world die so ours could live. It would have gone against everything he stands for." Said Elita as an alert went off. With Fowler appearing on the main screen. " Prime, we've got a situation. Mechna and the Decepticons are attacking a military research facility right smack dab in Jasper Nevada. We could use some assistance.  Im sending you the coordinates before they jam our signal. Said  Fowler as he sent over the coordinates. " ( Notices an orange blur heading toward Folwer from his left). FOWLER DUCK, RIGHT NOW!" Yelled  Alina as  Folwer did what she told him a s a claw quickly flew over him. Before going off screen as Folwer quickly stands back up.

" That was Cheetah, get her now prime." Said Folwer. "AUTOBOTS, ROLL OUT!"  Yelled  Optimus as he and members of Team Prime except for Ratchet ran through the ground bridge. Not knowing that  Miko had followed them. With Alina and  Raf chasing after her.

( Ten minutes later, at the military base. The Autobots quickly engage the decepticons, while Folwer and his me focus on Silas and his men. Both groups are keeping an eye out for Cheetah,  who has not reappeared since she attempted to take out Fowler. Rafiel, Miko, and Alina were currently hiding behind a steel wall across from Chromia and Arcee)

" So tell me again why the kids are here with us? Don't they know how dangerous this is?" Asked  Chromia as she and  Arcee fired at the decepticon drones while Elita battled Airachnid. " Oh, Alina and Rafiel know. It's Miko that you have to worry about. She has this knack for wanting to watch our battles. She calls it a Robot Smackdown extravaganza." Said Arcee. " Seriously, She's that crazy." Said Chromia. "Sadly, yes." Said Arcee as an explosion goes off at the location of the children.  " ( Slowly struggles to get back up after being disoriented from the explosion that sent her Raf and Miko flying back from their cover). When this is all over. I am so going to tie Miko up to a chair or a steel rail. ( Gets back up onto her feet to see that while she was knocked away and behind a wall. Miko and Raf were sent out into the open). Thats not good." Said Alina as she hid behind the wall. 

" ( Looks over to her left and spots  Miko and  Raf on the ground and out in the open). Why didn't they hide where Alina suggested? Now they just put themselves in danger. ( Spots Alina behind a wall). At least Alina's still hidden. ( Watches Alina look toward her and then taps her wrist three times). Time to see if those are what they are supposed to be." Said Arcee. " ( Looks between  Arcee and Alina). So do you have a plan or something?" Asked Chromia. " Remember the trip to Metropolis that I told you about? Well, we were told that the bracers on  Alina's wrist are more than just a pair of ordinary bracers." Said  Arcee as she  bangs her rist together agian. 

" Oh good, target practice, fire on the children. The autobots do not need such weak team members in their group. The only one that we should be concerned with is the young darby girl. She is more a danger then these two." Said  Silas as his soiders aimed at Miko and  Rafiel. " Indeed, Darby is a worthy adversary. One that  I my self acknwoldge. And one that i like to kepe my eye on" Said  Megatron as his decepticon drones aime their blasters at  Miko and Raf. While  Knockout, Breakdown, and Airachnid. Kept Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and  Elita Busy. Optimus couldn't help becuase her was still battle with Megatron.

" ( Watches as the Decepticon drones and mech soilders aim their gun/blasters at Miko and Raf). Darn it Miko, you are so going to get it when we get done with this." Said  Alina as she quickly dashed toward Miko and Rafiel.

( Play this song for this part of the chapter)

( As the each of the Decepticon drones and mech agents prepare to fire at Miko and Raf tow of them, one from each group. Pull the trigger on their gun/blaster. Which sends an energon bolt/ bullet toward miko and Raf. However, Alina who had come out from her hiding spot. Slid to a stop infornt of Miko and Raf. Before quickly using her Bracers to block the energon bolt and bullet. This got the attention of everyone as Alina's jacket sleeves had come down. Revealing the entirety of her bracers. This is what really got the attention of Cheetah. While it shocked Folwer and Silas)

( Cheetah)

" What, what is she doing with Bracers similar to the ones that those amazons use?" Asked Fowler. " ( Thinks for a second and then gives the order to his men). Men, target the children." Said Silas a shis men all fired on Alina, Miko, and Raf's location. " Well, here we go." Said Alina a sshe began to block the Bullets with her bracers as fast as she could. In doing so, she notices that her vison was able to keep up with the bullets. While her mind was able to react fast enough to time her blocks.

( Alina's bracers)

( While  Alina continued to block the bullets. Cheetah began to walk along the far rightside of Alina. Making sure to keep herself in Alina's view)

" Execlent work young one.Now lets see if you can handle me. But don't worry, we'll start of slow." Said  Cheetah, Knowing Alina could hear her. " ( Looks bck at  Miko and Raf while still blocking all of the bullets). MIKO, GRAB RAF AND GET OUT OF HERE! DO IT NOW!" Said Alina. " Say what, come on you got this,  this golden." Said Miko until  she and  Raf where quickly snatched up by  Arcee while Chromia used her shiled to cover them. " Kid, heads up. My boys and I will handle Silas, just watch your back." Said  Fowler as he and his men began to shoot at Silas and his mech agents. Chromia blasted every singile  Decepticon drone that had targeted  Alina,  Miko, and Raf. Allowing  Alina to keep her focus on Cheetah who was cureently stretching.

" So kid.  Are you ready, and who knows. We may even reach second base where. If you impres me enough, I may even show you something that I haven't shown Wonder Woman yet." Said  Cheetah. " ( hops on the balls of her feet while shaking her arms to lossen them up and then rolls her kneck around. Before stopping and looking at Cheetah. Sure, why not. Lets have some fun." Said  Alina as the two then dashed at each other and met in the middle.

( The Fight between Alina and  Cheetah was pure CQC/Speed, and martiall arts in man cases. the veiw of the fight had even panned around them. Showing how the two would either block the others attacks, counter or even throw each other to a wall  or to the ground. Alina had even tired to spin toss Cheetah, by grabbin her left leg. When Cheetah tired to kick her. Only for Cheetah to ustilize her tail and wrap in around Alina's kneck. Cheetah then wrapped her legs around  Alina and foce her to spin as well.  Cheetah then used the momentome to  turn the toss aorund on Alina. But Alina had grabbed both her legs before she could and then finshed the toss. Which threw  Cheetah into a neraby wall.  Not to be outdone, Cheetah quickly dashed toward  Alian and then drop kicked her ten feet away. Which cused to  alina  hit the ground an then rol across the floor. As she then quickly jumped back onto her feet)

( End song here)

(Meanwhile, up in the Hellicarrier)

" Seems like she did learn a few things from form the martail arts clas that we had sactioned. Donna's goong to very ancoiuse to meet her now." Said  Hill. " Though she's still got room for improvement. She seems to be dong well for herself. Have  training room ready, specificly for her. We need to keep this onthe down low, especially from Stark and her parents." Said Furry, as Hill nodded and then sent a shiled agent in the task. While they and every other agent on the Helliciarrier watched the fight. " Are we going to allow them to watch this video sir. You know that they'll be looking for her."Said Hill. " We'll let them look for her. While we give her her gear. With her back on the board. We're looking at a hero that is just as coragiouse as Spiderman 

( Back with Alina)

" (  Rolls across the ground and then slamms into the walk with her back hitting it. Before laughing in joy). Good, good,  I'm enjoying this battle. Can you say the same child?" Asked  Cheetah as she slowy got back up onto her feet. " ( Smiles and then nods her head while rollin gher arms around). Actually, yes. I am enejoying this. Though I don't know why. Oh well, ust be the adrenilene rush. Let's kepe going." Said Alina. " Indeed, but since we've tested your speed. Why don't we test your strenghth this time." Said Cheetah as she suddenly began to grow into a much larger form. "Um, oh boy." Said Alina.

( Cheetah Bulstored mode)

" That wouldn't happen to be a form of a boost, is it? ( Quickly crosses her arms and then blocks a hard left straight punch from Cheetah which causes a shockwave to accure between the two if them). YEP OK NEVERMIND! But I gues I better give it my all as well. SO LETS DO THIS CHEETAH!" Said Alina as she and Cheetah began to clash fist while dashing around the area.

( Play this song for this part of the chapter)

" Watches  Alina clash with Cheetah as they smash through the newrby military buildings. Butn then notices how there is no more gun fire sounds. Before looking toward Fowler and his group to see that Silas is hand cuffed and on his knee's). Looks like you finnally got him Fowler." Said  Arcee. " Yeah, luckly for me. Our girls fight with Cheetah was a good distraction. But you guys better keep an eye on those cons." Said Fowler as he looked over at Megatron and his decepticons as they slowly leave through a ground bridge. " ( Looks towards Alina's battle with  Cheetah. Before spotting them stop and then lock hands in the form of a power struggle). You remennd me more and more of what I once had with Orion. ( Looks at Optimus). We will meet again, Orion. For it appeares our battle will be joined by the warriors of this planet." Said  Megatron as he and his deceptcions entered the groundbridge.

( As for Alina and Cheetah, the two of them continued to clash, counter or block each others moves.  Cheetah had even tried to tackle Alina through more of the buildings at the military facility. Before using her tail an then wrapping it around  Alina's kneck, in order to  slam her into the ground. Alina, then quickly broke free and kicked Cheeta in the face. Which sent her flying ten feet away. The two would then slowly but painfully get back onto their feet)

" Very good kid. I'm enjoying this fight more than I do with Wonder Woman and her brats.  However, you seme to not be fully aware of what you can do. Your movements are fast, but not trully precised. Not yet anyway. So why don't we end our fight for today." Said Cheetah as she got into a ready sprint stance. " One final attack hu. Ok, I'm game." Said  Alina as she got into a ready stance.

 ( Neither of the two opponents moved, as if they were trying to fidn the right place to strike. It wasn't until a piece of debris fell. Did the two of them make their move. With Cheetah going for a hard right straight punch, with her claws out. While who had dodged  Cheetah's attemp to claw her. Went for a hard right gut punch. Thus knocking the winf out of Cheetah and forcing her to spit out saliva. Cheetah then fell to her hands and knees and changed back into her normal state. Declaring Alina the winner)

( End song here)

" ( Coughs as she tries to get some air in her lungs. Then looks up at Alina). You young one. Were a trumendus opponent, to test out my new  transformation. ( Stand up oher knee's and then places her right hand on Alina left cheek, as Alina placed her left hand ontop). What a, worthy rival. You are, my dear. Till next time." Said  Cheetah as she fele forward. Only for Alina to catch her. " You were a tremendus oppenent as well. Helped me  to sharpen my skills in CQC. ( Looks down at  Cheetah anf then picks her up in bridal carry form). Till next time." Said  Alina as she walked toward  Fowler, and Team prime.

" ( Looks toward where she can hear the sound of someone walking toward them from Alina's location. Then spots a cloatsh torn and bruised Alina). No way, she actually did it. Alina beat  Cheetah." Said Miko as everyone looks over to see Alina carrying Cheetah. " ( Walks over to  Folwer with a smile). Please tell em that you have more comfortable prison transport? Wouldn't want our Cheetah here to feell umcomfortable."Said Alina. " Transport, kid if you moved like that and are wearing those. Don't you think that you can, I don't know. Fly her over there if give you the location?" Asked Fowler. " Fowler I just learend that I can react as fast as Wonder Woman, hit as hard as her, and then possibly move as fast as her or maybe Donna Troy. One thing at a time ok." Said Alina as a prisoner transfer that housed a tinted glass cell, with a bed and built in bathroom inside the tinted glass prison. " Will this due then mam?" Asked a solider as female soilder place power dampaning handcuffs on Cheetah.

" Yeah, that will due solider. Just make sure to have women in the back with her.  Modesty and all that." Said  Alina as she gently placed Cheetah inside the tinted glass cell. Then walked over to her friends once  Cheeetah was secure in her cell." Very good mam." Said  solider as he got into the driver seat. While four female siliders joined him. One in the passanger seat, and the other three in the back with Cheetah. " ( Watches the truck slowly drive off and then looks at  Alina). Who exaclty are you kid, June's never shown this kind of skill and power." Said  Fowler. " She's my adoptive mother Fowler. I don't know who my actual parents are. ( Looks at the bracers). But she might, either way. i've got some training to do." Said Alina as she, Miko, Raf, and team prime walked through a groundbridge. Courtsy of Elita contacting Ratchet.

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