The Party

Izzy was having fun dancing the night away. Jace was hanging out with some girl. Alec was in the background hoping to not be noticed by anyone especially the high warlock. He heard the rumors of how Magnus, according to Izzy, forced everyone to have fun if he noticed them alone in the dark just like Alec. Everyone knew Magnus was a player trying to go out with many people as he could and who couldn't resist him anyways? Apparently, he was outstanding handsome not that Alec would care. "What are you doing all alone and not on the dance floor?" Asked a voice taking Alec away from his thoughts. He turned to face the high warlock who was ultimately handsome. He was wearing a bright pink crop top, glittery blue pants, red scarf, and his hair had purple streaks to match his nail polish while his makeup was a mixture of different colors. "Parties aren't my thing," Alec answered. "Then why are you here?" The warlock asked smiling at him.
"My sister- she forced me to come here"
"You're handsome for a Shadowhunter. Now tell me, what do you want me to do with you?"
Alec froze not knowing what to say. Before he knew it, the warlock was dragging him away from the crowd and up the stairs where a door stood. Magnus opened it without hesitation and gestured Alec inside where surprisingly he obeyed. When inside, Alec looked around his surroundings to notice a red sofa, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and two bedroom doors. "Please make yourself comfortable," the warlock said before going in the kitchen to make some drinks for the two of them. "You have a nice place," Alec replied.
"Thank you, darling. I don't believe I've introduced myself before. I'm Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn"
"I know. I'm Alexander, well Alec, Lightwood"
"Alexander suits you very well"
"I prefer Alec but thank you"
Magnus sat next to Alec and smiled. "What help does your sister desire?" Magnus asked. "Nothing. She just came to party," Alec replied.
"Darling, I hope she'll end up needing my help because it'd hurt to see you leave"
Alec blushed and looked away. He wasn't used to people noticing him and of course thought he was handsome. Magnus noticed this and smirked. "No need to be embarrassed, darling," he whispered. "I'm just not used to this. People usually notice my adoptive brother, not me," Alec replied.
"Well, darling, you should be noticed more often"
"And stop calling me darling"
"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?"
"No, I'm just not used to people calling me pet names"
Magnus looked shocked and laughed when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sighing, he got up to open it to face with a girl with long black hair. "Alec, Jace is ready to leave," she announced. "Alright, Iz," Alec stated. "Alexander, is this your sister?" Magnus asked.
"Now I know the reason why you're so handsome"
Izzy laughed and stopped when Alec gave the death glare. "We'll see you back at the Institute," Izzy said after whispering something to Magnus. "But I'm going with you," Alec pouted. "Not anymore, darling. Your sister wants my help and my price is to take care of a Shadowhunter and you're already here so it'll be silly to let you leave," Magnus replied.
Izzy just laughed before walking away. "Have fun, "darling"," joked Izzy, walking down the steps before Magnus closed the door. "As I said earlier, what do you want me to do with you?" Magnus smirked making Alec blush. "Anything," Alec said unexpectedly not realizing he'd probably regret it later.
"Well, let's get started"
Just after a few hours, Alec knew he regretted saying "anything" to a warlock especially the high warlock himself. Magnus managed to get him very drunk and so was he. The next thing he knew he was being kissed which made him a little uncomfortable since he hadn't come out yet but Magnus knew his secret. He knew Alec was gay so he told him he was a freewheeling bisexual causing Alec to calm down. Magnus finally pulled away laughing to himself. "You know darling, you're a wonderful kisser," Magnus said, breaking the silence. "Thatwasmyfirstkiss," muttered Alec.
"What was that, darling?"
"Hm. Well, I'm in a good mood so I'll let it go. Consider yourself lucky, darling. I'm not in a good mood often. Otherwise, I'd be pinning you down on the couch and forcing you to tell me"
"Do it"
Magnus gasped in surprise and grabbed Alec's wrists pinning Alec down on the couch as if accepting his dare. He kissed Alec passionately and broke apart after a few minutes. "Tell me," Magnus hissed. "I thought you were in a good mood," joked Alec.
"I was until you dared me, darling. You should know to never dare the high warlock"
"I only dared you because I knew you would've kissed me. It was my first kiss, after all"
"Ha! Seriously, tell me"
"I just did"
Suddenly, Magnus removed his grip off Alec and sat on the couch next to him. They stayed in silence for a few minutes. "Was that really your first kiss?" Magnus asked. "Besides my family, yes," Alec answered.
"I'm shocked. And you're lucky you have loving parents"
"Not really"
"My father left when he found out I was gay. I didn't even tell, he somehow found out. My mother and siblings were the ones who supported me. No one knows my secret besides them and you of course"
"Darling, I didn't realize. My parents hated me ever since my mom took her own life when she found out I'm half demon and my father was an abuser"
"Magnus, I'm so sorry"
"Don't be. I've never told anyone and I expect you not to tell"
Alec laughed before nodding. "Your secrets safe with me," Alec whispered. "You know, it's 3 am, let's go to bed on something more comfortable than this couch," Magnus smirked.
"You mean the bedroom is open? How surprising"
"Be careful darling, I just might make you have love with me"
"You wouldn't!"
"Of course I wouldn't!"
Alec just laughed causing Magnus to laugh with him. With a snap of Magnus's fingers, they were dressed in pajamas and under a spell since they were drunk and could actually make love which Magnus wouldn't allow it to happen, not when he was taking care of a Shadowhunter. Magnus was not that kind of person. Morning finally came and Alec was the first to wake. He looked beside him to see Magnus still sleeping which was so cute. Especially since he had no makeup and his hair was a mess. No, Magnus would never be more than a friend to a Shadowhunter, Alec thought to himself. "Morning, darling," Magnus said, sleepily. "Morning. What time is it?" Alec asked.
"I better get going"
"You're not going anywhere until Izzy gets here"
"You really don't know how this works, do you?"
"I've never experienced this price before"
"Seriously? I thought I wasn't the only one"
Alec laughed and shook his head. "Perhaps my siblings should ask for your help more often," Alec said. "As long as you volunteer for me to take care of you, I'm definitely okay with it," Magnus replied.
"I will. For you"
"Oh, darling, stop being so sweet"
Alec blushed and looked away not because he was terrified but because he started to enjoy Magnus's company. Magnus smirked and wrapped his hands protectively around Alec making him blush even more. "Magnus!" Alec cried. "I like your blush, darling," Magnus smirked before moving his hands to tickle Alec which made him start laughing.
"M-Magnus, stop! I'm extremely ticklish!"
"Extremely? You shouldn't have said that!"
Alec shrugged not thinking much about it until Magnus started tickling him all over making Alec laugh harder. "M-Magnus, I-I can't b-breathe!" Alec cried forcing Magnus to stop. "But, I was enjoying your laugh!" Magnus exclaimed.
"Well, too bad"
Raising his eyebrows, Magnus stared in Alec's eyes. "What is it?" Alec asked, concerned. "Your eyes are beautiful, darling," answered Magnus making Alec blush. Unexpectedly, Alec kissed Magnus making him frozen. Finally, Alec pulled away and smiled. "What was that for?" Magnus asked. "To thank you for complimenting me," Alec answered.
"I'll always compliment you, darling"
Alec was about to say something before there was a knock on the door. Magnus got up and answered the door with Alec right behind him. Alec's heart dropped when he saw Izzy knowing he had to leave. "Alec, we need you," said Izzy. Magnus smirked and went to the table to write something down. After a few seconds, he returned and handed the paper to Alec. "Call me, darling," Magnus smirked ending with a wink. Alec blushed and would've stayed where he was forever if Izzy hadn't took him by the arm dragging him down the stairs. "You like him, don't you?" Izzy asked. "N-no, what made you think that?" Alec struggled.
"You blushed when he winked, "darling". I dare you to call him tonight"
"You weren't supposed to hear the pet name! Maybe I will"
"Don't worry, Alec, I'll be needing Magnus's help on Friday"
Alec blushed looking away and went to fight with Izzy and Jace. After the battle, Alec went straight to his room and looked at the piece of paper. He pulled out his phone and dialed the numbers. He was so nervous, what if Magnus didn't answer? After a few minutes, Alec finally heard Magnus's voice. "Who is this?" Magnus asked. "Magnus, I'm so glad you answered!" Exclaimed Alec.
"Oh, yes. It's Alec"
"What can I do for you, darling? When I told you to call me, I didn't expect you to call me tonight"
"I wanted to make sure you had my number"
"Of course you did"
"Anyways, what are your plans on Friday?"
"Nothing at the moment. I might be going out since it's a Friday. Why? Do you want to join me?"
"I'm just here to inform you that you'll be taking care of me Friday. Apparently, my sister has already made plans of asking you for help"
"Does she now?"
"I'm pretty sure she's just asking for "help" because she wants me to see you for some reason"
"Ah, sisters. They drive you nuts sometimes"
"Tell me about it"
"I'll see you Friday unless you're free to see me tonight if you're interested"
"I'd love to"
"I'll pick you up at 7. Wear nice clothes but nothing too fancy"
"You should know I'm not good at fashion"
"Then ask Izzy to help you. You look great in your clothes already but just promise me you'll wear a little bit of color. Blue will complement your eyes"
"Blue, really? Fine, blue it is"
"Yay! Anyway, I have clients to talk to so I gotta go"
"Alright, bye Mags"
"Mags? Now you're giving me pet names?"
"Oh, shut up!"
"I'll never get over this"
"Alec likes you!" Izzy yelled. "What was that?" Magnus smirked. "My annoying sister. Just ignore her," Alec replied forgetting to deny.
"So, you do like me"
"Y-yes, I mean no, never mind. Forget it"
"Relax, darling. I like you too"
"I'm hanging up now"
Alec hung up quickly and glared at his sister. Izzy just shrugged and walked away. "Wait!" Alec yelled. "What?" Izzy asked.
"I need your help with clothes"
"Magnus asked me to join him tonight"
"Yay! My brothers got a date!"
"It's not a date! I just need some nice clothes with blue"
"I know the perfect outfit then"

2 hours later

Alec looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. His outfit was beautiful and very easy to make it fancy if you added a bow tie and a blue bracelet. He was wearing a light blue dress shirt with white sparkles on the sleeves, black dress pants with some blue, and black dress shoes. When he heard the knock on the Institute door, he started to become nervous not because he was afraid to see Magnus but because he seemed to fall for him. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" Izzy shrieked with the door open. Great. Now Magnus knows my full name, Alec thought. Sighing, he grabbed his phone putting it in his front pocket and started walking out but didn't get very far since Jace stopped him. "Izzy told me about your date," Jace smirked. "Jace, it's not a date and we're only friends," answered Alec.
"For now"
"What are you even talking about? A warlock and a Shadowhunter would never date"
"It happened before!"
"Can I go? I don't want to keep Magnus waiting. He's the high warlock, remember?"
"I'm 100% sure he'd wait all day for you"
Alec gave him a glare and gently shoved him out of the way running down the stairs so fast that he slipped and landed in Magnus's arms. "Be careful, sweetheart," Magnus whispered. "What happened to darling?" Alec asked.
"Oh, I love to try new pet names"
Alec glared at Magnus making both of them laugh. "I'm sorry to break this beautiful reunion but I believe you have a date to get to," smirked Izzy making Alec blush. Magnus wasn't supposed to hear that and now it was going to be awkward between them. Magnus took Alec's hand pulling him to the car that you'd think was fancy but surprisingly was casual. "You consider this a date, hm?" Magnus asked. "No, my sister and adopted brother do," Alec answered.
"Hm, well, I don't mind"
"That's shocking"
"Not when you're used to it"
"I didn't mean-"
"I knew what you meant, Alexander. It's okay"
"Still, I should make it up to you"
"You already are. Friday will be the day you make it up to me"
Alec blushed and looked away. Magnus smiled and kissed Alec on the forehead moving to his lips after. Pulling Alec closer, Magnus bit Alec's lips making Alec groan. "M-Magnus," Alec struggled. After a few minutes, Magnus pulled away gasping for air. "Darling, your kissing gives me life," smirked Magnus.
"Does it now?"
Magnus gasped and playfully hit Alec in the arm causing Alec to laugh. It wasn't long until they reached their destination. Taking Alec by the hand, Magnus guided him to the top of a hill. Alec looked around his surroundings and smiled. There was a table with Italian food, a picnic blanket, and lanterns with multiple colors. "You like?" Magnus asked noticing Alec's stare. "No. I love it," Alec answered.
"I should do this more often then"
"You should"
Magnus smirked while heading to the table and sat down with Alec following suit. It wasn't long before the food was gone. After dinner, there was a lot of talking and kisses once in a while. Alec looked at his phone finding out it was 11. "We should probably be getting back," Alec said. "No! We haven't had dessert yet!" Magnus complained.
"We don't need-"
"Chocolate creme is your favorite, right?"
"How did you-"
"Your sister somehow got my number"
"Of course she did"
Knowing Izzy, Alec knew she could get away with anything. With a snap of fingers, chocolate creme appeared right in front of Alec as long as about 20 thousand different kinds. Alec glared at Magnus in shock. "Yes?" Magnus asked, innocently. "What's with all the desserts?" Alec asked.
"There's only one, sweetheart"
"Magnus, don't play dumb with me!"
"Alright, alright. I just thought you could try all of your favorites in different versions of course"
"Magnus! There's no way I'm going to try them all in one day!"
"Of course not, sweetheart. But I'll make sure you'll try all by the end of the week"
"How will you know if I do?"
"It's your fault that you gave me your number, sweetheart and now I have your sisters so I'll be texting the both of you to know. And don't think about lying on your text, I'll know if you do"
"Of course you'll know, I know how magic works"
"Do you? Because it's not what you think"
"I know that magic can be a curse"
"Only if you use too much dark magic, darling which all warlocks have and will usually end up using it if needed"
Alec stayed quiet eating the rest of his dessert. "I think I should take you home," Magnus whispered. "But I don't want to go home," complained Alec.
"And I don't want you to leave"
"Hold on"
Alec grabbed his phone and texted the one who would understand. Not after a few seconds, Magnus's phone started ringing. "Hello?" Magnus asked. "Magnus, if you bring Alec home, Jace will literally kill you," snapped Izzy.
"Have him stay with you please. I'll pay you if I have to"
"Izzy, are you threatening me?"
"No, but Jace is"
"Fine, he can stay"
"Thank you, Magnus. By the way, this was all Alec's idea"
"Was it now? He'll have to be punished then"
"I don't know what that means, but good luck"
Magnus hung up and glared at Alec. Finally, he grabbed his hand dragging him down to the car. "Should I be scared right now?" Alec asked. "I don't know what you're talking about," Magnus answered, innocently before tackling Alec to the ground.
"You're welcome"
"Just be ready for about one million kisses"
"If that's my punishment, I'll be happy"
"No, it's me taking your virginity"
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Stop joking, otherwise you'll be the death of me"
"Fine, your punishment is the kisses"
Before Alec could reply, Magnus had already started kissing him many times even when they were walking up to the apartment which Magnus had to break to concentrate with the keys to open the door. "Why didn't you just use magic?" Alec asked. "Damnit, I forgot I could open the door with magic. Alexander, you're distracting me and that's a good and bad thing," Magnus answered before returning to kiss him. Let's just say Magnus forgot to take Alec home the next day.

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