chapter 8 : first day of school and bonding with new friends

The Syltherin common room at 6:00 am.

Camryn Was in her dorm room and was wearing her School uniform except for the Tie,Sweater, and Robe and that was  because she was having trouble getting the Tie on but her White button shirt was Buttoned up nicely. She also had her purple  hairbrush in Her Arms and several colored Ponytails on her wrist. Her hair was messy.

She Headed down to the common Room and saw her friend Terence Higgs was waiting for her to come down to the common Room.

Terence looked Camryn and could tell that she was feeling confused about to how to put the Tie on.

Camryn asked " Terence,can you please help me put on my Tie? Sorry to bother you with this Terence but I don't know who else to ask. She put her purple hairbrush down on the Couch.

Terence said " of Course I will help you put on your Tie.

He helped Camryn put on her Tie.  she then put on her sweater and Robe.

Camryn Grabbed the purple hairbrush and started brushing her hair and Pulled the red Ponytail from her wrist and pulled her hair up into a high Ponytail. She began looking for her backpack and couldn't remember where she put it and started freaking out.

Terence saw that Camryn was looking for her backpack and found it by the door to the staircase to the dormitory. He grabbed her backpack and brought it to her. She said " Thank you for finding my backpack and also  bringing it back to me  Terence. She Smiled.

Camryn then Started putting her hairbrush and colored Ponytails in outside zipper part and her school supplies inside the backpack.

Terence and Camryn then saw their friends and family come over to them. Cassius was Hugging Kevin and he sat down beside his cousin Camryn Potter.  Graham was hugging David and he sat beside Kevin on the couch. Marcus was hugging Makyla and she sat down beside her cousin David. Draco was holding hands with Peyton and she sat down next to Camryn. Adrian has his arms around Logan and Peregrine had his arms around Robert. Both boys sat next to Peyton and Kevin respectively. Miles Bletchley had come over to them and so did Lucian Bole. Matthew sat Next to Logan on the couch. They all started talking to each other and soon they headed to the great hall for food and excited for classes and learning new things today along with Jenna Jones.

The Huffpuff common Room at 6:00 am

Mekenna, Alec, Kimberly, Jace and Shiloh were all dressed in their Hogwarts Uniform  with their House colors on the Tie, Sweater and Robe.

Thomas, Lindsay,Benjamin, Bella, and Dudley were Dressed in their Hogwarts Uniform with their house colors on the tie, sweater and Robe.

Cedric and His friends Malkin Jones younger brother to Alison, Jenna and Serena Jones , older brother to Megan Jones, Sophia Smith, Zach Abbott, Hannah's older brother
and Cedric's siblings, Alex, Barry, Cindy, Donovan, Elena, George, Lucy, Henry, Catherine,Peter, Amy and Esteban also came down the Stairs ready to go get some breakfast. They all started heading to the great hall for some breakfast.

The Ravenclaw Common Room at 6:00 am.

Calla, Noah, Ella, Harlod and Alain are  already dressed in their Hogwarts Uniform with their House colors on the Tie, Sweater and Robe.

Ashyln, Tyler,Madeline, John and Daniella are also dressed in their Hogwarts Uniform with their House colors on the Tie, Sweater and Robe.

Cho Chang, Roger Davies, Alison Jones,  Ashley Goldstein, Eliana Corner, Taya Boot, and Kim Turpin Lisa's older sister, come down the stairs from the dormitory and all of the group went to the great hall for some  breakfast.

the Gryffindor common Room at 6:00 am

Harry, Hillary, Jay, Addison and Briannah  are already dressed in Their Hogwarts Uniform with their House colors on the Tie ,Sweater and Robe.

Chole, Chris, Olivia,Abby and Izzy are also dressed in their Hogwarts Uniform with their House colors on the Tie,Sweater and Robe.

Percy, Fred and George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet,Angelina Johnson, Serena Jones, Katie Bell and Lee Jordan come down the stairs from the dormitory all of the group went to the great hall for some breakfast.

8:00 am at the great hall September 2nd.

The Potter kids were sitting with their new  Housemates and the dursley kids were also sitting with Their Housemates and having a great time with Their New Friends at school.

Harry saw Camryn looking at him and went over to the Syltherin Table to give her a hug.

Camryn Hugged Harry tightly and Harry  hugged her back just as tightly and then letted go as soon as Calla came over from the Ravenclaw Table and gave him a hug.

Calla said " Hey Harry, where are we going to build the treehouse. I have 3 locations: something called the Quidditch Pitch, the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake.

Harry said "shhh, remember, our friends don't know about the treehouse,so please be quiet about it. But I think somewhere around this so-called Quidditch Pitch.

Calla said "Allright, I will tell the others after class and I want to ask Briannah about the Cheer Team and Camryn is going to be on it too. So we will see each other later. I love you big brother.

Harry said " I love you too little sister Calla. See you later  after classes and let's make Fridays movie night after classes are over.

Calla said " Sure, we can do movie nights. And Calla walked to the Gryffindor Table to ask Briannah about the Cheerleader Team.

Camryn noticed that Harry was hugging her again and she leaned her head on his right shoulder and looked at the time and noticed that it was almost time to go to the first class  which is called Transfiguration and they left for Class. Terence Led Camryn to class and Oliver led Harry to class. Professor Minvera  Mcgonagall was waiting for her students to show up and was happy that the older  students are helping their new Housemates to classes.

Cho Chang was the Next to arrive at the Transfiguration classroom and she was holding Calla's hand and Malkin was the last one to arrive and he was holding Mekenna's hand as he Showed up to the the classroom which was labeled Transfiguration and he was smiling which made the others smile.

The three third years and One Fifth Year left and Headed to classes themselves.

The first years saw that Transfiguration was not Very easy and Required a lot of focus.

The dursley and potter kids first day of class  was great until they all saw Joseph and Audrey Mackey standing in front of them with their best friends Ava and Annie Marks looking at them in disgusted frowns. Sam was already in the dormitory putting away his homework away. They were outside the Syltherin common room. Both calla and  camryn hid behind Harry and he stood in front of them protectively. He had his Wand out to Defend them Dangerous Spells.

Addison said " What do you four want now? Can't you please leave all of us alone now?
Camryn, can you please put your things away and Meet us outside the Syltherin  Common room in about a hour?

Camryn said " Sure. Terence is waiting for me anyway. Bye Calla, Addison and Harry.

Camryn walked over to Terence who was in the entrance to the Syltherin common room and waiting for her to come upstairs with  him. He saw That Camryn was struggling with her Backpack took it, put it on his right shoulder and carried it all of the way to the common Room for her and smiled when he Saw that Camryn was meeting up with her family. He also Noticed that Camryn had A Quidditch Set and was wondering what she was going to do with it but shrugged it off.

The Quidditch Pitch with Harry, Calla, Logan, Ella ,Noah, Peyton, Jace,Kimberly, ,Alec, Camryn, Jay ,Briannah, Alain, Shiloh, David, Mekenna, Harlod,Addison ,Matthew and Hillary potter, Dudley, Ashyln, Robert, Madeline, Tyler, Bella, Chris, Abigail, John , Lindsay, Benjamin, Chole, Thomas, Makyla,Olivia ,Kevin, Izzy Ashton and Daniella Dursley.

Harry said " Allright, Let's go build a cool, and fun treehouse. Starting Right now guys.

Addison, Tyler,  Briannah, Jay and David were gathering Tree Branches for the cool and fun treehouse. They were working well together with each other and having fun. Matthew was helping them with Movies.

Ashyln, Robert, Madeline, John and Daniella were at the store buying Paint for the fun and cool treehouse and got different color Paint for the Treehouse and were excited. Ella, Hillary, Alec,Izzy and Makyla went too.

Alain, Bella,Chris, Thomas and Calla were filling the treehouse with Movies and games for Friday nights which were movie night.

Abby,Benjamin, Chole, Logan and Kevin were making sure none of the teachers were coming their way. Noah, Peyton, Kimberly, Shiloh and Mekenna were helping as well.

Harry was overseeing the constitution of the treehouse and Making sure that Nothing is going wrong alongside with Olivia, Lindsay, Camryn and Dudley which was exciting. It was 3:00 in the Afternoon and it was going to take three Very Hard working hours.

Three hours later when the treehouse is finished.

Harry, Calla, Logan,David, Mekenna, Harlod, Addison, Matthew, Alec,Briannah, Kimberly, Jace,Shiloh, Noah, Dudley, Ashyln, Robert, Madeline, Tyler, Bella, Chris, Abigail, John , Lindsay, Benjamin, Chole, Thomas, Makyla,Olivia ,Kevin, Izzy Ashton and Daniella looked at the finished treehouse and were wondering what to do now.

Just as they were heading back to the castle, 28 Angry faces were Heading towards them and it caused then to Run in different directions.

End of the chapter!! Next chapter will the Confrontation with their Friends.

What should they do when confronted, what Quidditch Team member should confront Each first year in their house? Let me know in the comments.

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

See you guys soon next chapter. Goodbye.

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