chapter 6: sorting and Camryn struggles with Trust issues part 1

Camryn was just starting to wake up and as she woke up, she heard a knock on the Door and it woke up Terence Higgs, who was also asleep and She got off his lap and he went to open the door and was annoyed that it was Joseph Mackey, Audrey Mackey, Samuel Mackey, Ava Marks and Annie Marks. They all looked Mad and Terence was Furious at them for disturbing their peace. Terence wrapped his arm around Camryn and asked " how may I help you? Camryn looked at the other five first years and Noticed how Annie had Blonde hair and green Eyes, Ava had black hair and blue eyes, Audrey had Brown Hair and eyes, Annie had Black hair and green Eyes, Joseph had Brown Hair and eyes, And Sam Had Brown Hair and eyes.

Joseph said " Maybe you can tell me why there are so many Mudbloods coming to Hogwarts with Us This year? And why are you hugging that little girl? Is she scared? Is she Related to Harry, Addison, Matthew, Briannah and Jay potter? Because they were just rude to me and my friends for no good reason.
Suddenly Cassius Warrington, Peregrine Derrick,Adrian Pucey,Graham Montague and Marcus Flint along with the first years Makyla ,Kevin,Logan ,Robert ,David, peyton, Draco and Benjamin woke up to a bunch of noisy conflict in their Compartment and Looked at who was disturbing their nap and went to roll their eyes at Who disturbed them. Cassius wrapped his arm around his friend Kevin, Graham wrapped his arm around his friend David, Draco wrapped his arm around his friend Peyton, Adrian wrapped his arms around Logan and Robert and Marcus wrapped his arm around his friend Makyla. Joseph noticed that the other kids and Teengers were awake and said" So who are they? Your friends? The girl looks like she is stupid " he said About Camryn.

Makyla said " I am Makyla Dursley. Muggleborn witch.

Kevin said " I am Kevin Dursley. Muggleborn wizard. We have a sister named Izzy but she will be by in a little bit. She is chatting with Our Other cousins and siblings.

Benjamin said " I am Benjamin Dursley. Muggleborn wizard.

Robert said " I am Robert Dursley. Muggleborn wizard.

Camryn shly said " I am Camryn potter and I am a first year Hogwarts student.

Logan said " I am Logan potter and I am also a first year Hogwarts student.

Peyton said " I am Peyton potter and I am also a first year Hogwarts student.

David said " I am David Potter and I am also a first year Hogwarts student. We have a brother named Alain but he will be by in a little bit because he is checking in on our other siblings and Cousins.

Draco, who looked annoyed said " I am Draco Malfoy and I am a also first year Hogwarts student. I know who you are. You are a first year like us. Your parents are very good friends with mine and you don't like me at all for some reason I don't know why.

Audrey Mackey said " Uhg, more stupid little Mudbloods? What has the world come to?

Sam looked guilty for just being part of the Bullying that was taking place Right at the moment . He didn't believe in the blood traitors s tuff and he didn't like Calling Muggleborns Disgusting names such as little stupid Mudbloods. But he couldn't stand up to his brother at all because he would get in trouble with their parents and siblings too.

Sam was youngest of the three born. So they have pretty much ignored him. Audrey was the most spoiled because she was actually the youngest girl in the Family. Joseph was also spoiled Rotten because he believed in all of the Pureblood stuff and Called witches and Wizards who were Muggleborns really horrible names like Mudbloods. He has five older sisters and three older brothers. He thinks that Camryn Potter is pretty and super cute. He blushed at the thought.

Terence said "can you please leave this compartment? I will talk to you guys later. I am busy hanging out with my friends at the moment and I promise you That I will see you at hogwarts tonight. Noticing the blush on Samuel Mackey's face, he tighten his hug on Camryn and glared at him which made Samuel Mackey scared him to no end.

Joseph Mackey, Audrey Mackey, Sam Mackey ,Ava Marks and Annie Marks left the compartment and returned to their own compartment with Each other. Cassius said " I can't believe they had the nerve to come in to our compartment and start trouble with us. He looked at Kevin and asked " are you OK Kevin? Don't listen to Audrey Mackey.

When Terence saw that the five first years had left he loosen his hug on Camryn potter.

Kevin, who had been crying because he was being called stupid looked up at Cassius and said " Thank you for cheering me up. I really needed that Cassius. He Hugged Cassius. Cassius Hugged him back and letted him go.

With camryn.

Camryn Ran out of the Compartment without anybody noticing and hid in the left girls bathroom on the train. She stayed hid in the bathroom on the rest of the way to Hogwarts. She didn't like the way Samuel Mackey was looking at her. He looked at her as if he wanted to beat her up and leave her. In her opinion anyway. She didn't know if Terence was going to protect her and she is confused by his behavior towards her. She has trust issues and ends up crying this fact about herself.

With Cassius Warrington, Peregrine Derrick, Terence Higgs,Adrian Pucey,Graham Montague and Marcus Flint along with the first years Makyla ,Kevin,Logan ,Robert ,David, peyton, Draco and Benjamin

Terence looked around In the compartment for Camryn and couldn't find Camryn hiding anywhere in the compartment. He was very worried. He asked " Have any of you guys seen Camryn? I'm really worried about her.

Cassius said " I thought she was with you. Is she okay with all of things that have taken place at the moment?

Terence said " I have no idea how she Is doing right now. But I promised Harry that I would protect her from Builles those five. I am going to keep my promise to Harry.

Cassius said " Harry will be happy to hear that Terence and so will her other siblings and Cousins and Her new friends.

Just as soon as Cassius finished talking, the Door to The Compartment opened up again and there was Izzy and Alain outside the compartment dressed in their Hogwarts Uniform. They walked into the Compartment and closed the door.

Izzy Hugged Cassius and Alain Hugged Terence. They all set in silence and waited to arrive at hogwarts and get to bed.

With Mekenna, Alec, Kimberly, Jace, Shiloh, Chris,Bella,thomas, Lindsay, and Dudley's compartment with Cedric Diggory and his siblings.

Lindsay was just starting to wake up and as she woke up, she heard a knock on the Door and went to Open it up to five first years just
Like her. Three of the Kids were Triplets and the other two were twins. As soon she saw the first years she introduced herself " Hi My name is Lindsay Dursley. It's nice to meet you all.

The oldest boy of the Triplets said " my name is Joseph Mackey and this is my sister Audrey Mackey and my brother Samuel Mackey but we call him Sam for short. Are you a mudblood? These are my best friends Ava Marks and Annie Marks. We have met a few people who share the Last Dursley and I am completely not sure what is going on here but the fact you all share the last Dursley and Are cousins to the Potters is down right embarrassing. So shut up you stupid little Mudblood.

Lindsay started crying immediately because she didn't know what the word Mudblood meant and she was being called rude names again.

Cedric was just starting to wake up and so were his siblings Alex, Barry, Cindy, Donovan, Elena, George, Lucy, Henry, Catherine,Peter, Amy and Esteban and so were her siblings Bella, Chris, Thomas and Dudley. Mekenna, Alec, Kimberly, Jace and Shiloh were the last to wake up. Cedric took one look at Lindsay crying and decided to say something to these Builles because he has always stood for his siblings especially Lucy. She would never fight Someone who builles her anyway. Never of his siblings would do that.

Cedric said " That's not nice to call someone who is Muggleborn Like Lindsay. she is new to this world and doesn't need to be called names like Mudblood. Please leave me, my siblings and new friends alone right now. Stop being so rude to my new friends. Jerk.


Joseph put a hand on Audrey's shoulder, leaned into her ear and said " please calm down sis. I am okay. I promise you. I will be sorted into Syltherin with you and We will play Wizarding chess all you want or we can read books together just like old times. I am excited to go to Hogwarts and make sure you are safe. He pulled her into a hug and a moment later she Hugged him back just as tightly. Ava Marks and Annie Marks took her back to the Compartment. Sam left and so did Joseph. Cedric walked to the door and closed it all of the way.

Lindsay took a seat by Cedric and said" may I ask what the Word Mudblood means or no.

Cedric said " mudblood is a foul name for someone who is Muggleborn Like you. It's a
Really horrible name for Someone who has Non-Magical parents. Has anyone in your family been called That name by Joseph? He's a bully and I don't want to hear about him calling your siblings Mudbloods because I would Defend them without a second thought just like I did with you guys.

Lindsay said " I had no idea Cedric but I am hoping not. I don't know what to do if they are being called that horrible name Cedric.

Cedric said " Me too Lindsay. Me too. I will cheer your siblings up if they have been called That horrible name. They sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts. He Hugged Lindsay for the rest of the ride to Hogwarts and he Hugged Lucy to his chest as well and She Hugged him back. Lindsay fell asleep in Cedric's right arm almost immediately. Lucy fell asleep safe and sound in her big brother's left arm.

Neville and Calla's compartment

Calla,Harlod,Ella,Noah, Ashyln, Tyler,Madeline, and Neville were starting to wake up and they went to take turns using the bathroom and changed into their school Uniform. Izzy Dursley had Left with Alain potter to sit their new friends. They heard a knock on the Door and Saw Five first years. Three of them were Triplets and the other two were Twins.

The oldest boy said " I am Joseph Mackey and these are my siblings, Audrey and Samuel Mackey and these are my best friends Ava Marks and Annie Marks. It's a pleasure to meet you all. What are your names?

Calla Shly said " My name is Calla Potter. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Her hand was grabbed by her brother Harlod and it comforted Calla to know that her brother was going to be there for her when he sees that she needs him all of the time.

Harlod said " My name is Harlod Potter and it's a pleasure to meet you too.

Ella said " my name is Ella potter and it's a pleasure to meet you too.

Noah said " my name is Noah Potter and it's a pleasure to meet you too.

Ashyln said " My name is Ashyln Dursley and it's a pleasure to meet you too.

Tyler said " my name is Tyler Dursley and it's a pleasure to meet you too.

Madeline said " My name is Madeline Dursley and it's a pleasure to meet you too.

Audrey Mackey said " seriously Joseph? I am leaving this compartment because there are too many Mudbloods here and a another one is that the blood-traitor is here as well.

Joseph said " Of Course Sis. Let's leave this compartment and sit with Our friends okay?

All five first years left the compartment and returned to their Compartment.

Madeline said " I am extremely confused on what just happened now. What was that name that called us and what was it suppose to mean anyway? Please explain?

Calla looked up from the book she was going to read and said " I have no idea what that word means but I do plan on asking my only house perefect if she can tell me. I wonder if you could help me with something quickly. I am a Little bit nervous about being sorted in a different that you guys. So can we all hang out on the weekends where we don't have any classes or any homework pretty please? For me?

They all said Yes to Calla's request and sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride.

They arrive at hogwarts and get off the train and headed to the boats and rowed up to see the school up ahead. Hogwarts was a very big school that looked more like a castle.

Neville helped Calla out of the boat and led her to the school and went inside to see how big the school was and Calla was sad that it she could end up in a different house then her siblings and cousins and her best friend Neville. She was starting to cry softly.

Professor Mcgonagall came in the Hallway to the great hall and said ' It's time for the sorting to begin. Everyone line up and Follow me into the Great Hall. The sorting hat is ready to begin sorting.

All of the students followd professor Mcgonagall and waited to get sorted into their houses.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Hannah Abbott.

Hannah went up to the sorting hat and The hat Shouted " HUFFPUFF.
Hannah went to the second table on the left.

They sorted the kids into their houses and Professor Mcgonagall was on the Letter D.

Professor Mcgonagall said "Abigail Dursley.

Abby went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " GRYFFINDOR.

Abby went to sit at the Gryffindor table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Ashyln Dursley.

Ashyln went up to the sorting and she put it on and sat on the Stool and Hat Shouted "RAVENCLAW.

Ashyln went to sit at the Ravenclaw Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Ashton Dursley.

Ashton went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " SLYTHERIN.

Ashton went to sit at the Syltherin Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted" Bella Dursley.

Bella went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " HUFFPUFF.

Bella went to sit at the Huffpuff Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted" BENJAMIN DURSLEY.

Benjamin went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " SLYTHERIN.

Benjamin went to sit at the Syltherin Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Chris Dursley.

Chris went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " GRYFFINDOR.

Chris went to sit at the Gryffindor table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Chole Dursley.

Chole went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted "GRYFFINDOR.

Chole went to sit at the Gryffindor table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Dudley Dursley.

Dudley went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " HUFFPUFF.

Dudley went to sit at the Huffpuff Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Daniella Dursley.

Daniella went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " RAVENCLAW.

Daniella went to sit at the Ravenclaw Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Izzy Dursley.

Izzy went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " GRYFFINDOR.

Izzy went to sit at the Gryffindor Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " John Dursley.

John went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted "RAVENCLAW.

John went to sit at the Ravenclaw Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Kevin Dursley.

Kevin went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted" SLYTHERIN

Kevin went to sit at the Syltherin Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Lindsay Dursley.

Lindsay went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " HUFFPUFF.

Lindsay went to sit at the Huffpuff Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Makyla Dursley.

Makyla went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted " SLYTHERIN

Maklya went to sit at the Syltherin Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Madeline Dursley.

Madeline went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted "RAVENCLAW .

Madeline went to sit at the Ravenclaw Table and waited for her siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Olivia Dursley.

Olivia went up to the sorting hat and she put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted "GRYFFINDOR.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Robert Dursley.

Robert went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted" SLYTHERIN

Robert went to sit at the Syltherin Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall said " Thomas Dursley.

Thomas went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted" HUFFPUFF

Thomas went to sit at the Huffpuff Table and waited for his siblings to be sorted.

Professor Mcgonagall Shouted " Tyler Dursley.

Tyler went up to the sorting hat and he put it on and sat on the Stool and the hat Shouted" RAVENCLAW

Tyler went to sit at the Ravenclaw Table and waited for his cousins to be sorted next.

End of the chapter! First off I want to thank both midnight0088 and Bluebell-Winter for all of your support and always giving me advice about my stories. I really appreciate you two.

Next chapter is the Potter sorting and it will be interesting to see what House the Potter kids will be sorted into.

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