chapter 2 : sneaking out, shopping and meeting new friends part 1

Peyton wakes up Harry, Calla, Logan, Ella ,Noah,Kimberly, Jace, Camryn, Jay, Hillary, Alec,Briannah, Alain, Shiloh, David, Mekenna, Harlod, Addison and Matthew.

Harry wakes up with his arm still around Camryn and he wasa still Hugging her. Ella is still Hugging Jace, Calla is Hugging Logan, Matthew is hugging Mekenna, Harlod is hugging Addison, Alec is hugging Briannah, Shiloh is hugging David and and Kimberly is hugging Harry as well, peyton is hugging Alain and  Hillary Is hugging Jay. The girls let go of their brothers and they decided to get ready for the day. They get showers secretly and get dressed in clean clothes. They decide to cook breakfast without having to be told by their Aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon.

They exit the cupboard under the stairs to find they cousins, Dudley, Ashyln, Robert, Madeline, Tyler, Bella, Chris, Abby, John , Lindsay, Benjamin, Chole, Thomas, Makyla, , Olivia ,Kevin, Izzy Ashton and Daniella waiting for them holding the same letter the Potter kids have in their hands.

Dudley said " we wanted to say that we are coming With you and your siblings to Hogwarts. And that we are sorry for how we treated you and your siblings for past ten  years.

The Potter Siblings cooked breakfast and ate quickly, took their plates to wash them and put them away. They started talking with cousins.

Harry said " Dudley, Ashyln, Robert, Madeline, Tyler, Bella, Chris, Abby, John , Lindsay, Benjamin, Chole, Thomas, Makyla, Ashton, Olivia ,Kevin, Izzy Ashton and Daniella, you all are forgiven. Besides we would love for you guys to join in Hogwarts. but we need to find where to get our school  supplies and we have to sneak out into groups of ten. First group will be: Ashyln,Bella, Camryn, Izzy , peyton, Matthew, Tyler, Kevin, John and Logan. Get to Dudleys room and sneak out through the window.

The first group went to Dudleys bedroom and sneaked out through the window  and landed in the garden. They went to the gate. Camryn saw 40 gold keys laying on the grass In front of them.  She picked up the keys and handed them to the correct person whose name was on the key.

The Next group to come down to the garden was: Addison, Briannah, Chole, Daniella,Ella ,Noah,Harlod,Jay, Thomas and Robert. Camryn handed them their Keys and Waited for the others.

Next group to come down was : Alec Benjamin, Chris,David, Jace, Kimberly, Shiloh, Makyla, Calla and Hillary. Camryn handed them their Keys and Waited for the last group.

The last group was :Alain, Ashton, Harry, Brian, Dudley, Olivia, Abby, Madeline, Lindsay and Mekenna. Camryn once again handed them their Keys and kept hers  in her hand. They go to find Diagon Alley and get their school supplies and surely London wasn't the place place to get school supplies.

Camryn shly asked " Harry, where are we supposed to go get school supplies for this school called Hogwarts? There is no name of a shop for this school. I'm really scared right now Harry. Camryn started crying and Harry wrapped his arms around her and Hugged his sister Camryn. Harry then letted go of the Hug and held her hand in his. This cheered camryn Up. Harry said " Camryn, I may a answer but that doesn't mean I won't take care of you. I will Always protect you.

Calla softly said " Harry, I see a abandoned pub. Maybe we can go there and see where it leads to.

Harry said " Good Idea Calla, let's go everyone. Harry held Camryn's hand and she stayed with Harry. They all followed Harry to the place that Calla saw and went inside.

Camryn letted go of Harry's hand and started wondering the place on her own. She saw a exit and goes to the exit with all of her siblings and cousins right behind her.

Harry said " Camryn, peyton, Izzy, Danielle, Logan, Robert, David, Kevin and Benjamin, you guys go to the exit first and then Ella, Kimberly, Shiloh, Madeline, Lindsay, Jace,  Alec, Chris,  Thomas and Alain. Then Calla, Ashyln, Izzy,Harlod, Noah and Tyler. And we will be right behind you. Allright Let's go now. Camryn, Izzy, peyton, Daniella ,Logan, Robert, David, Kevin and Benjamin went through the exit and ended up separated in different parts of Diagon Alley. The others went through and Harry saw that Camryn was Missing. This made him worried.

Harry asked " Peyton? Where is Camryn? I don't see her with you.

Peyton looked around and saw that Harry was right. Camryn was nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile with Camryn!

Camryn was walking around the place where she was supposed to get school supplies. Camryn couldn't find her family and this scared her to find her sitting on the ground crying.

Suddenly A blonde haired boy appeared in front of her and he was wearing A green robe and he had Blue eyes.

The boy Asked " Hey there little one, are you Lost?

End of the chapter!! Next chapter will be Meeting the Potter Siblings Meeting Students of hogwarts to find their sister!

Who is Camryn Meeting for the first time? Put your guess in the comments.

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it..

See you guys next chapter!!!

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