Vincent 4

Wow. Lily gave up her life like that. I think she was right. I trust her a lot more now knowing she was willing to sacrifice herself like that. I wonder if any of us will have to do that when the time comes.

It had never even occurred to me until now that we might be risking our lives. I always sort of took for granted that this would work out. I still think it probably will but, it's nice to know that I can rely on her if it doesn't.

I wonder if I would do the same for her. I think I would but, I'm also not exactly sure. I know she would do it for me. If I'm not sure if I would do the same does that make me a bad person?

I can't believe she brought that girl back to life. She really does have triat eyes. I heard that they could do that but; I was never sure if that was real or not. I know my master can do it but it almost took too much power even for him. I never thought... just wow.

"H-how did you bring her back to life," I ask.

"I don't exactly know what I did or how I did it," she says, "It just kind of happened. Okay, I've told my story now, so which one of you wants to go next."

"I'll go," I say.


I don't really remember much about it. I actually don't remember much of anything before my master found me. I know I must have had a family and maybe friends but, I don't remember them. It doesn't matter anyway from what my master told me.

They must have secretly hated me. I couldn't go back to them because if I did they would have killed as soon as they found out who I was.

My master didn't know exactly what their plan was. He found me near the underworld where people would earn their death power. I was dead on the ground. I was only seven years old.

He found me like that and felt bad for me. He told me he could sense great power in me waiting to be unleashed. He wasn't going to let it be wasted.

He said he had seen me with a group of other children that were leading me to die. He said I was the only one in their group who hadn't earned my power yet. He found out later that the girl who was leading us had black hair and was doing it to earn her power. She had friends with her that had different powers, but they still went along with it and didn't try to save me.


Rivka's eyes suddenly widen just a bit and she looks shocked for a moment before schooling her features back into her usual indifferent expression. I wonder what that was about. She's probably just surprised that kids would do something like that.


He brought me back home with him. He used his magic to bring me back to life. It took a lot of power even for him but, he still did it. He saved me. 


"Wait, he actually managed to bring you back from the dead?! And it's permanent?! How is that possible?!" Lily asks.

"Well," I say, "He had to take a life to do it. So, when he did that, some random person had to die before thheir time. It's kind of sad, but that's what happened and I'm still grateful he did it. I wish he didn't have to kill anyone, but it was for the best."

She stares in shock and after a fews moments, she nods solemnly.


Slowly I opened my eyes and pulled myself to my feet.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am the man who just saved your life," my master said, "I watched you with your friends. You have died, they led you to it. One in particular, a girl, she did this on purpose. She needed to kill you in the name of her own power. The world thinks you are dead and if you return, they will try to kill you again. If you stay with me, I will protect you and I will train you to unlock your full potential."

"Why do you want to save me?"

"Because, my child you have incredible power within you that you have yet to unlock. I wish to help you do that. I was originally destined to rule this world, and that was taken away from me before I even had a chance to prove I could do it. I want to train you and two others. When the time comes, you will be given the throne. You'll be able to rule over the entire world. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah, it does."

"I also hate to see the same thing that happened to me happen to another child. The only difference is that my family was taken away but, yours tried to kill you of their own free will."

"I don't remember them," I said.

"Yes child, you see I can revive you, but there are different ways of doing it. The way I chose made it so that you wouldn't remember your family or your so-called friends. You'll find that if you don't remember someone there's a lot less to miss. You don't deserve to remember those awful people. It will only hurt you because you'll continue to struggle with loyalties to bad people. That will hurt you later and I got rid of that problem for you."


"Wait," Rivka says, "He just erased your memories of your family and friends?"

"Well, yeah," I say, "They wanted me dead. They hated me. It would only hurt me later to remember them. My master was right. Working with him would be so much harder if I still had loyalty to such horrible people."

"Maybe they didn't mean to kill you," she says.

"They must have. My master told me that they led me to where I died. No one would do that if they didn't really hate that person."

"That's terrible," Lily says.


"Child, you can go back to your so-called friends and family if you so wish," my master said "You know they will kill you again if you go with them. I won't stop you from going back but if you do and get killed again I won't save you a second time."

"They really don't want me?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not."

"You'll protect me from them?"

"Of course, and over the years you will grow to where you can defend yourself."

"Is there a catch?"

"All I ask in return is that you help me later. Does that seem like a fair trade?"


"So, will you stay with me my child?"

"Yes, I will. If no one else cares about me then I don't think I have a choice. I'll stay with you."

"Good boy. Now you will be given a room here and there are ways you will be able to see the outside world."

"Thank you."

"However, at least for now it's not safe for you to be outside. You will be home schooled. Other children could taint you and the education system could brainwash you. To keep you safe from that you will always stay here. Do you understand?"

I nodded, a little disappointed, before something else occurred to me.

"I don't remember my name," I said, "Do you know what it is?"

"I'm sorry child, I don't know what name they gave you before they abandoned you. I can give you a new one however, to match who you are and will become with me," he thought for a moment, "Vincent. Your name is now Vincent."

"Vincent," I said.

"It means warrior or to conquer. You my child will be trained as a warrior so we can conquer this world and I will have what is rightfully mine. I think it's a fitting name, don't you?"

"I like it."


Over the next several years he's trained me to be a warrior just like he promised. He trained me so I would develop my powers over the years. He prepared me for what we're going to be doing soon. My master is a good man. Because of what he's done, I strive every day to be like him. 

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