Sibling Reunion

( It has been a week since the reveal of Katie's adoptive mother June's plan to turn Katie over to the Yono. Since then Kim and Shego have been training their daughters for when the time comes. Along the way, they have also been keeping an eye and ear out for any information concerning their husbands Ron and Draken. Little did they know that their second meeting with the Yono would be sooner than they realized)

"( Looks around the main lobby ). Has anyone seen Katie,  we were supposed to go for a drive but she never showed up to the training room. " Said Kim as she looked around the room as Shego walks up next to her. " You just missed her Kimmie, She and Shela left with your car to go for a drive." Said Shego as Kim looked at her in shock. " She did what; when did she do that.  ( looks around the room seeing all the Autobots before spotting Arcee). I'm surprised that they didn't take you with them. However, that also means you know where they went." Said Kim as she and Shego looked at Arcee. " What makes you say that. I'm just as curious as you are as to where they went. " Said Arcee as she held her arms up at a bend at her sides in a shrugging gesture. " I'm surprised you didn't put a tracker on her Kimmie. You did it with Ron back in the day." Said Shego. " That was before he learned how to face his fear and become stronger for it." Said Kim until she heard an alarm go off and spotted ratchet running to the control consul.

" Whats the situation Ratchet are the cons up to no good again." Asked Bulkhead as they watched Ratchet pull something up onto the screen to show Katie and Shela in a fight against a squad of ninjas. " What the hecks going on over there. It looks like a war zone. ( Points to the fire in multiple stores). Though I can't find Shela and Katie any were." Said Ratchet. " ( Looks at Ratchet in shock). What do you mean you can't find them. Are you saying they're in that whole mess?" Said Shego worried. "That's exactly what it means. Ratchet point the camera in the center-right. ( Watches the screen focus on that sector showing Shela Fighting four ninjas). There's Shela over there. ( Watches as a Grappling huck wrap around two of the ninja's before following as it pulls them to another sector of the mall that shows Katie fighting five ninjas; before watching the two she hucked slam into two of the ninjas she was fighting after swinging them at the two ninjas). Those two sure are holding their own though,  there's barely even a scratch on either of them. Said Bulkhead.

" Ya your right bulk, but their movement seems to be timed. It's almost as if they're trying to minimize how much energy they waste." Said Bumblebee. " Not only that but it seems like their fighting that way because of the policemen trying to get civilians out of danger. For example, Ratchet rewind it back to before Katie launches her grapple gun. ( Watches as the scree rewinds to that given time). Now watch what happens, you can see how the grapple hits four ninjas that are trying to attack the policemen before it wrapped around the two ninjas fighting  Shela). Their somehow able to multitask while defending themselves." Said Smokescreen. " Good eye Smokescreen,  but there's something else two. ( Walks up to the consul next to Ratchet and presses a button that shows an energy wavelength). There we go,  I figured something was strange when I saw ripple currents in the air between them. Those two are somehow using their aura to create a sensory field. It's allowing them to feel for when an enemy gets anywhere near that field they will know and be able to react. " Said Wheeljack.

" Speaking of auras,  it looks like Katie is subconsciously using that mystical monkey power that Ron was training your older child I. ( Hears an explosion go off on the screen before looking to see what happened).  What the heck was that." Said Shego as she watches smoke come out of an open wall. "( Watches as a figure walks out of the smoke and through the hole in the wall while Katie and Shela slowly get back onto their feet after getting knocked away and onto the ground by the explosion). Who would be cruel enough to attack the mall like that? ( Watches as the figure walks more out of the smoke).  N-n-no i-it can't be him,  not now. ( Looks over towards Kim to see her horrified face). Oh Kimmie,  I can only imagine what this must feel like to you." Said Shego as she looks back at the screen.

( Ryan but the blue Aura around his hands is red)

" ( Looks at the screen in horror at seeing her eldest child with the red aura around him). R-ry-Ryan,  what have you become? ( Looks over towards Katie to see the blue aura surrounding her). N-n-no, Katie, you need to run now. ( Watches as Ryan dashes towards Shela before watching him tackle her through six stores before he begins to start punching her as she tries to either block the punches or dodge them). Ryan stop, this isn't you,  please stop. ( Watches as Ryan goes to stand up and stomp on Shela only for him to be tackled away from her by Katie). No no no no,  you two need to stop this. ( Watches as Katie and Ryan each get into a fighting stance before running at each other).  You two need to stop this NOW! ( Watches as the two begin to trade blows with each other with Katie every now and then jumping or flipping over a counter or rail to dodge an energy ball thrown at her by Ryan as her chases her).  N-n-no, This can't be happening. ( Looks toward Ratchet). Open a ground bridge there NOW, I'M NOT GONNA JUST STAND THERE AND WATCH MY CHILDREN FIGHT EACH OTHER TO THE DEATH!" Said Kim.

" Kimmie wait for a second,  we need to figure out a way on how we're going to help them. ( Hears an explosion and looks towards the screen to see Shela help Katie in her fight against Ryan and then thinks for a second). I have an idea,  Kim I'm gonna need you to concentrate with me for a bit." Said Shego. " Why would I do that Shego,  especially when our daughters need our help." Said Kim. " Because if you help me in concentrating, we can tell our girls where to go in  order for us to get them out of there." Said Shego. " Oh ok,  I see where this is going now. ( looks towards team prime). we'll need you to open up a ground bridge and cover them after we tell them where to go." Said Kim as she grabbed both Shegos's hands and then closed her eyes to concentrate. " You can count on that Kim,  I'm not losing the one person that's helped me through all the hardships in my life and has grown to be someone that I care about." Said Arcee as she activated her arm blasters and waited by the deactivated ground bridge.

( Meanwhile over with Katie and Shela)

"( Dodges a kick from Ryan before retaliating with one of her own before watching Shela punch him into a store). Thanks Shela, that guy is seriously tough." Said Katie only to get grabbed by Shela on her right arm and yanked away from the fight. " There's no time for that now, we need to get out of here now. our moms are trying to find a place where they can bridge us home. ( Runs out of the burning mall with  Katie right behind her). I just hope we can get out of here before more of them show up. (  jumps onto a rail and then leaps up onto the third-floor rail before looking back to see that the bottom rail is destroyed by Ryan which prevents Katie from following right behind her ). NOOO, KATIE HANG ON. (Let's go of the rail and then uses the rial across from Katie and Ryan to springboard towards them before launching six plasma bolts at the ninjas attacking Katie). Get the heck away from my sister. ( Kicks a ninja off of Katie before pulling her back onto her feet and then stands back to back with her). This so not how I wanted to spend my weekend." Said Shela as she ignites her hands with plasma. "You're telling me,  though if you don't mind me asking but. Who is that guy that singled me out like that? Is he someone that I'm supposed to know?" Said Katie. as she looked around at the many ninjas surrounding them. " Sadly kat, yes he is. More specifically speaking, that's your older brother. " Said Shela as she kicked away a ninja before rolling over Kaites back to spin kick a ninja that had tried to sneak up on her. " WHAT; what do you mean he's my brother! ( Punches a ninja away before stepping with her left foot and leaning to the left to punch a ninja across from Shela as she does the same in return). Are you telling me that I have an older brother? " Said Katie. " Pretty much ya, though to keep things short kat. Let's just say that he fell to the Darkside, may have killed your father and is the reason why you never knew me or your mother." Said Shela until she sees Katie's eyes begin to glow blue in anger at what she was just told. " HE...DID..WHHHAAAAAT. ( Locks towards Ryan before looking at all of the ninjas around them). Shela, please grab my waist. I don't wanna send you flying with what I'm about to do. ( Feels Shela wrap her arms around her waist). Hold on tight Shela,  this should get rid of these pesky ninjas." Said Katie as she slams her right foot into the ground which causes a shockwave and sends all of the ninjas flying. " ( Watches as a ground bridge opens up behind them). There's a bridge open, let's get out of here. ( Runs towards the bridge but stops to look behind her to see Katie launch a blue energy blast at a red one launched at them by Ryan). That was smooth Katie. ( Grabs Katie's arm before jumping through the ground bridge). Now let's get the heck out of here." Said Shela as she and Katie jumped through the ground bridge before it closes.

(  Back with Kim, Shego and the Autobots twelve minutes later )

" ( Watches as Ryan destroys the rail that Shela used to jump to the third floor). That boy is really starting to get on my nerves. ( Watches as Shela goes back to help Katie). At least she has someone there to back her up when I can't be there. ( looks at Kim and Shego). How's it going you two,  did you find a route yet." Said Arcee as she and the rest of team prime along with Miko and Raphiel watched Shela and Katie fight for their lives. " No, it's really hard to try and find a spot where we can get them picked up with all of this negative energy." Said Kim. " Well, you better get ready, your about to get your window." Said Arcee. " What are talking about what window. ( Suddenly feels all of the negative energy be destroyed by positive energy). I got them,  now all we have to do is get them out o there. ( Sends Arcee a  visual image of the coordinates ). Put those in quickly,  I don't know how much time Katie just bought us. " Said Shego as she lets go of Kim's hands before looking towards the activated ground bridge. " ( Looks at the ground bridge). Come on Katie, I know you and Shela can do it. ( hears an explosion on the other end and looks worried until spotting Katie and Shela jumping through the ground bridge and then running towards them along with Shego and Arcee). Katie, Shela; are you guys ok. " Say Kim as she goes to help the two girls up. 

" Ya mom, we're ok.  ( looks at her with an interested look). However, we're gonna have a long talk about my older brother and why he was after me." Said Katie as she and Shela look at Kim and Shego with a cocky smile. " Sure thing kid, it's about time you knew anyway.  Though I gotta say, you two did an awesome job against an army of ninjas. "said Kim as she uses her right hand to ruff up Katie's hair. "  That makes two of us Kimmie. ( Ruffs up Shela's hair). You guys did an amazing job out there. ( looks at Katie). Though I think it's about time we taught you how to utilize that blue glow of yours Katie. ( looks at Arcee). You wanna come watch,  I have an idea that I would like to try out." Said Shego as she and Kim walked their daughters to their living room. " Sure thing, it will be good to see how far these two can go. ( Walks alongside them). After all, I did sware to both your husbands that I would help girls anyway I can." Said Arcee as she walked with them to their shared room.

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