( It has been twelve years since the defeat of Warhawk and Warmonga. Since then, The heroes of Middleton have been living a peaceful life while raising a small family; while raising two children. They have even become best of friends with their once greatest enemies, Shego and Draken who had also decided to start a family of their own. Since then, peace has flourished for many years come and go. That is until today)
" ( Sees Ron backing up some cloaths and gear for a trip ). Hey Ron, where are you going at this hour? It's barely even noon, and you're packing as if you are on a mission." Said Kim. " That's because I am Kim, well me and Ryan are going on a mission together. " Said Ron. " Really, what's the objective for this one and I thought we agreed that we would leave the hero work to Globel Justice." Said Kim. I know but I thought it would be a good father and son bonding time. Oh and by the way, Shego told me that she would be coming over with her daughter to hang out while me, Ryan, and Draken are gone." Said Ron. " Okay then. ( Rocks a baby girl in her arms while watching as her husband and son leave for their mission.
( Six hours later)
" ( Opens her front door after hearing a knock and see's Shego at the door before letting her and her daughter Shela inside the house). Hey there Shego, Shela. It's been a while since I've last seen you guys, how have you been." Said Kim. " We've been good, just enjoying this quiet life that we have. Hey, have you heard from Ron? I tried to call Draken but he's not picking up his communicator." Said Shego. " ( Hears a ringing sound and looks to see that it's her communicator). Speaking of Ron, here he is now. ( Answers the call). Hey there Ron, how's everything going."Said Kim until she hears what sounds like gunfire in the background.
" KP, You and Shego need to get out of there now. The mission was a setup. Ryan was contacted by the Yono; he tricked Betty's people into sending me and Drakon on a fake mission. ( Jumps to the right to dodge a missile). That and the answer to whether or not we are alone in the universe has finally been answered." Said Ron as he took cover behind a pillar to shoot back at the ones that were shooting at him. " Wait a second Stoppable; wheres Draken. I was trying to call him but he didn't pick up. Said Shego while listening to the sounds of a fight. " Ya, that pertains to the question of whether or not we are alone in the universe. Apparently, Ryan and the Yono had come into contact with a group of mechanical beings called Decepticons. Just recently, the group had captured another mechanical robot. The only difference is that this one comes from a group called Autobots. The gist of the story is this Shego; Autobots are good while the Decepticons are evil. As for Draken, well um. He's currently trying to free the lone Autobot. The more interesting thing about these things is that they can feel human emotions." Said Ron as he looked to see Draken unlocking the cuffs on the Autobot. " Can you send us an image of the Autobot Ron? I would like to know what they look like. " Said Shego as she sent her daughter to Kim's bedroom to start packing her stuff as an image appeared.
" That's what an Autobot looks like. She looks almost human." Said Kim as she looked at the image. " I appreciate the compliment, but I think it's time to. ( Gets cut off by an explosion that had hit the floor next to her, Draken and Ron). Scrap, that was cutting it close. Look; I'm thankful for the help and everything but we need to get going." Said the woman. " We have a shuttle not too Far from here. Let's just hope we can make it there before it's too late. ( Hears something shifting and looks to where the robot was only to see a motorcycle. Wait what; what just happened." Said Draken until he was tossed on top of the bike by Ron. " Talk later drive now. ( Grabs onto the handlebars as the motorcycle/robot zooms towards where he and Draken had parked the shuttle). Kim, these things are more than I first thought they were. They change into different types of vehicles. You could say that what may look like a normal car. " Said Ron.
" ( Uses her left and right rear mirrors to see what direction the missiles are heading in. Looks like whatever you did blue human. It really has them angry." Said the woman. " As they should be; I stole all of their data and put it on this flash drive before deleting everything on their servers. That's why it took me a while to free you." Said Draken. " Pretty slick Draken, nice move. ( Discreetly swipes the flash drive from Draken and then adds some more information to it before sliding it into the mechanical motorcycle). Now, all we have to do is get out of here. ( is suddenly flong from the bike by a rocket hitting the floor in front of them before hitting the ground). Ah man, total wipe out. ( Slowly gets back onto his feet to see Draken and the mechanical woman do the same with the mechanical woman being closest to the shuttle). That is not good. ( looks behind him to see a squad of Decepticons running towards them while shooting at them, with Ryan leading the charge). That is seriously not good." Said Ron as he looks to his left to see Draken stand next to him as a flower rises from the ground. " It seems like we won't be making out of here alive Stoppable, shall we make it our last stand." Said Draken.
" What do you mean your last stand, darn it Draken don't do this. You and Ron have families to get back to." Said Shego as she and Kim were putting their luggage into Kim's car while their daughters sat in the backseat of the car. " Don't you think about doing something crazy either Ron, just get onto the shuttle and leave." Said Kim. " ( Hears a sound behind them and see's a portal open next to the mechanical woman). You know I can't do that Kim. The minute we get to the shuttle, they would be all over us. Plus their weaponry is more advanced than ours. (Watches the Mechanical woman open up her left hand to see the flash drive that he snuck onto her before seeing her look at him). We need to do this Kim, that way there will be a chance of defeating these guys. It's the only option we have." Said Ron as he nods his head to her and watches her run through the portal and then watches it close before summoning a blue energy around him and looking back toward the charging Decepticons.
" Ron don't you two dare do I. ( gets cut off by the transition being cut). He hung up on me. I... I can't believe that they're both gone." Said Kim as she gets into the passenger seat of her car while Shego gets into the driver's seat and begins to drive the car away from their neighborhood. " I'm sure they'll be fine Kim, they're a tough bunch like us after all. ( Looks back at Kim's baby girl). Although and I hate to say this but. I think it would be best if you gave little Katey up for adoption." Said Shego. " Why in the world would I do that Shego, She's the only link to Ron that I have, just like how Shela is your only link to Draken." Said Kim. " That's just it Kim, Take a look behind us and you'll see what I mean. ( points with her right thumb towards the house 20 miles behind them while looking at the review mirror to see a group of purple and black cars surround the house before watching it go up in flames). Remember Ron's working, those things can look like any vehicle known to man. That means that they can be any vehicle they want. The only way we can stay safe is if you give up little Katey for adoption while we lay low. It's the safest thing we can do as of right now." Said Shego as she pulled up to a foster care center. " Well... ok, but I hope that what we're doing is right." Said Kim as she walked up to the front door of the foster care and knocked on the door before quickly running back to the car and getting back into the passenger seat.
" ( Watches as the front door opens to see a woman walk out before seeing her spot little Katey in her blanket). Don't worry untie Kim. We'll see her again someday." Said Shela as they watches the Woman pick up Katey before bringing her into the building. " I hope so Shela, I don't know what would happen if you lose her two." Said Kim as Shego drove the car away from the foster care. " Trust me Kim, we'll see her again. I made sure to change her hair color to mine and Shela's, that way no one will recognize her. The only way for the ink to come of would be for it to come into contact with the heat from my or Shela's plasma. Here in lies a problem though. In order to make it harder for them to find us is for you to do what I had been doing while working for Draken. You need to become a villain. Luckily there is this organization named Mech that I had been looking into." Said Shego as they drove on the freeway leaving Middleton. " As of right now Shego, I really don't care what I do anymore. As long as I get to check on my daughter; I don't care what I need to do." Said Kim.
( Meanwhile in Jasper Nevada)
" Arcee, it is good to see you made it out of the in one piece." Said A tall red and blue robot. "I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for two humans. They risked their lives to save mine Optimus, I should have been the one to stay behind. instead; I'm here while they're possibly dead. " Said Arcee. " Fear not Arcee and keep heart that you will see them again; now what is that in your left hand." Said Optimus. "It's Something that one of the humans gave me while we were running." Said Arcee. " Shall I see what I can get from the drive?" Asked a red and white mech with a red cross on his cheast. " That won't be necessary Ratchet. This will probably be better off with agent Folwer. Now if You will excuse me, I'm in need of a good recharge. ( Walks out of the main lobby and heads to her room while holding up a digital pad with four images of Kim Possible, Shego, Shela, and a teenage Katey). I swear to you, I will find them and when I do. I'll make sure to keep them safe." Said Arcee as she remember the blond-haired human mouthing the words, " Keep our family safe."'
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