
"So you're actually serious?" Rebecca asks sipping her smoothie.

"Yes, Bec I'm serious. Beckett asked me to help and I'm going to help him, now stop asking I feel like a broken record," I sigh repeating myself.

"Fine, fine, It's just interesting that a guy would ask you that," She says. I roll my eyes.

Even though Rebecca has known Beckett for as long as I have she doesn't have to same connection to him. But then again she and Beckett use to like each other in year seven so they have awkward history but that was ages ago. They grew out of their crushes and stayed friends.

"Your just jealous he asked me," I teased. She rolls her eyes playfully. We spot Beckett walking towards us with Aiden and we gather our bags and meet them half way.

"Hey Beckett, hey Aiden," I smile. Aiden is one of our friends who joined our friendship group last year when he met Beckett at some gaming convention. Even though Aiden plays video games and is extremely good at Math he is an attractive guy that can be a jerk sometimes. But his sarcasm is really the only reason I started being friends with him.

"The next thing on the list is how to pick up girls and I'm sure you brought Aiden because he is such a chick magnetic, aren't you Aiden?" I smirk. Aiden has never had a girlfriend before which is funny because he is more attractive then half the guys in our year. He's attractive to girls until he open's his mouth.

"You flatter me Sage," He lazily smiles back at me. I look to my side to see Rebecca Staring at Aiden. She must have a thing for geeks.

"According to this website I found picking up girls is extremely easy if your attractive, too bad you guys aren't," I smile at they're frowning faces, "So go pick a girl and go up to her and try and get her number,"

"What happened to teaching me how to get a girl?" Beckett asks.

"I need to see how you work in this field," I say simply and Beckett raises an eyebrow. I spot a brunette sitting down by herself on her phone.

"Flirting can't be that hard, right?" He asks scratching the back of his head. I ignore his question and point to the girl and push Beckett towards her. Bec, Aiden and I find a table near by a sit down waiting to see how he goes.

Beckett walks up to the girl and sits about a meter away from her and open and closes his mouth about five times.

"Does he think she speaks fish or something?" Aiden asks, I look at him and grin.

I turn back to Beckett and I gesture for him to talk to her. He says something and the girl looks up and says something back and looks back down to her phone. Beckett looks back at me and shrugs worriedly. I gesture to try and speak again, Beckett speaks again and the girl starts talking back I look over to grin at Bec but she is pointing her phone camera at Beckett.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Beckett needs to see how he acts around girls and how to tell what a girl is thinking about through their body language so I'll tape his encounter," She says. She makes a good point.

"I would video when you and Beckett are talking but the... thing you guys have together would break my camera," She says not bothering to look at me. I stare at her confused.

"What do we have when we are together?" I ask. Rebecca and Aiden look at each other and back at me.

"Sexual Tension," They say in unison. I stare at them before I burst out laughing. I clutch my stomach as my laughing grows, I can tell I am getting weird stares from the people walking by, A little girl not so far away from me starts to cry and I guess that's a sign to stop cackling like a mental patient. I return to my normal state letting out a few giggles before I spot their serious faces.

"Wait? You weren't joking?" I question. Aiden rolls his eyes and looks the other way so I turn to Rebecca.

"Honey-" Rebecca begins before we hear a loud slapping sound and we all turn back to Beckett holding his cheek and the girl walking off in a storm. I face palm as Beckett slowly makes his way over here with half the shopping center's eyes on him.

"What happened?" I softly yell at him as he slowly sits down next to Rebecca.

"I may have accidentally called her fat," He says with his hand still on his red cheek. I look at him in disbelief and Aiden shakes his head.

"What do you mean accidentally?" Rebecca asks.

"Well, we were talking about food and she says that she eats lots of food and I said something and she interpreted it into me calling her fat because she eats lots of food," He finally takes his hand away to show a cherry red cheek. I feel like it's going to bruise.

"You're an actually idiot Beckett," Rebecca says, "but I got it on camera!"

"See how you actually do it Beckett," Aiden says before leaving the table and making his way over to a pretty blonde. We watch him as he charm's the girl and after two minutes after the girl passes him a piece of paper and he walks back grinning.

"That my friends is how you get someone's number," Aiden grins chucking the paper and Beckett. Beckett opens the paper and smirks. I look over and read the paper and smirk as well.

"I didn't know they started using letters in phone number, did you know that Beckett?" I ask smirking.

"No I didn't, must have run out of numbers," He grins back at me. We both look at Aiden's confused face. I give him the paper and he reads it out loud.

"1-3-0-0-S-H-I-T-H-E-A-D," Aiden and we crack up laughing.

"Shut up," He says pathetically making me laugh harder.

"I bet you couldn't pick up a guy Sage," He says slumping into his chair.

"If that's a challenge Aiden, I'll accept," I smile look around to find a cute guy. I spot a cute brown haired boy wearing a Wendy's Ice cream shirt leaning against the railing and I make my way over.

"So which flavor do you recommend?" I ask the boy looks up from his phone and smiles.

"Well, personally I like Banana flavor but our sorbet collection is pretty good too," He smiles putting his phone is his pocket.

"Banana flavor is my favorite too!" I flutter my eyelashes. If I were watching a girl flirt like this I would probably pray for her to get some help.

"What's your name?" He asks as his blue eyes sparkle.

"Sage Evans," I say sweetly. I want to vomit at how girly I'm being right now.

"That's a nice name," He says.

"If you like my name you should here my phone number," I smile. The boy looks slightly amused but his cheeks turn pink and he looks down chuckling.

"Your pretty and everything Sage, but I don't... like girls," He says scratching the back of his head. My cheeks also flare up pink. Why are all the cute guys in the world turning gay?

"Oh thank God, I think flirting just then took like seventy percent of my energy," I sigh with relief that I can finally stop. The boy laughs.

"OK so here's the thing, my friends over their think that I can't pick up a guy so can you just pretend to put my number in your phone so I can beat them all and be declared the only person who can get someone's number," I ask. The boy smiles and takes his phone out and types random number in his notes apps.

"Thank you so much!" I say and walk away as the boy smiles.

Rebecca, Aiden and Beckett watch me as I walk over to the table. They look slightly confused and curious at the same time.

"I did it," I smile. They still stare at me before Rebecca finally speaks.

"You've been replaced Beckett," She laughs and Aiden cracks up. I frown at her and Beckett looks confused.

"Beckett I'm sorry to say this but from what I can see, you suck at flirting," Rebecca says replaying the video again and hearing that painful slap.

"Yeah, thanks for clarification," Beckett says sarcastically.

"But I am here to help. First things first, you should always have line ready before you go up to the girl, you can't just stand near her awkwardly. Once you start talking you need to build up the conversation, use humor but not too much humor and keep compliments subtle. When you think the conversation has reached it high peak as for her number but word it differently rather then asking for it directing it," Rebecca explains. I watch Beckett expressions as his brow creases slightly like when he play games and has died three times and need to get past the level.

After Beckett asks questions and roughly understands how to talk flirty he picks another girl and walks up to her. He makes conversation straight away and it looks good so far. I continue to watch Beckett and the dark haired girl and they talk, soon the girl laughs.

"He made her laugh!" I say excitedly. Bec just rolls her eyes.

I turn back to the budding romance and see that the girl is telling her phone number as Beckett types it into his phone. Soon Beckett returns back to the table smiling.

"I got her number," He smiles gleefully. I wipe a fake tear away and hold my hand to my heart.

"My little Becky has grown up," I fake cry the words out, "My baby bird has left the family nest to go live by themselves where they will find a mating partner and-"

"Thank you Sage, But I know how growing up works," He says interrupting me before I continue.

"So are you going to go out with her?" Rebecca asks.

"Maybe, I'm not really sure if I like her like that," He says glances at me, I smile at his honesty. Bec and Aiden just smirk and share a knowing looks and I kick Aiden's shoe under the table telling him to knock it off.

"What time is it?" Aiden asks Rebecca responds by showing her phone time. 4:50pm.

"Crap! I have to go!" I say jumping up and grabbing my bag. I wave to Rebecca, Aiden and Beckett and walk away quickly.

"Do you want me to drive me home?" Beckett asks catching up to me.

"Oh yes please! I completely forgot about transportation! You just saved my life!" I say slightly surprised at my forgetfulness. We quickly get into the car and get out of the shopping parking lot.

"So why are you in a hurry?" Beckett asks keeping his eyes firmly on the road.

"Monthly dinner with the Wonderlands," I sigh fixing up my hair in the small car mirror.

"Why do you have these dinners?" Beckett asks keeping his eyes still on the road.

"Well when I moved into the area the Wonderlands moved in a month later and since we were new as well we decided to bring them a fruit basket and then my Mum and Blade's Mum became really good friends and so did our Dad's and six years olds didn't really care about cooties or anything so we became friends, and ever since then we have monthly dinners," I explain taking out my lip-gloss and re-applying it on my lips.

"Why the hurry though?" He asks.

"Well, you know my Dad, he hates people being late. Last time I was late I was grounded for two weeks, it was torture," I sigh remembering that horrid two weeks.

"Sage, you were two hours late and his business partner was over," Beckett says.

"Now is not the time to talk about the past Beckett," I reply sighing. We arrive at my house and I thank Beckett and quickly run up the stairs and search through my bag to try and find my keys. Shit I must have left them in Beckett's car. I look at my phone time. 6:10, too late to knock without getting grounded. Maybe I could climb up into my room, the door quickly opens and I expect for the worst.

"Sage Evans you're late," Blade stands in front of me imitating my Dad's low voice. I grin when I see him.

"You're my hero! You just save me from torture of not being able to hold my phone safely in my arms because I was a tiny bit late," I say thanking the heavens. Blade just laughs and opens the doorway for me to come in.

"How did you know I was outside?" I ask placing my bag on the small cabinet.

"I heard you swear," He smiles. I guess I swore out loud. We enter the dining room where our families talk and chat.

"Where were you Sage?" My father asks. Blade stares down at me.

"I was... in the backyard," I say slowly. My dad raises an eyebrow.

"What were you doing in the backyard?" He asks. Why does my Dad like questions so much?

"Gardening!" I say quickly, "I was gardening,"

"If you were gardening then why did you come through the front door?" He asks and I frown trying to think of a possible explanation.

"The backyard door was locked so I went around through the front door," I reply, he looks at me for a moment he's about to say something else before the backyard door opens and in walks my brother Kye, He always rocks up at the wrong time, that boy! My father turns to me and I smile innocently.

My Dad shakes his head and laughs. I smile back at him and take my seat opposite Blade and next to his eleven-year-old sister Georgia. We begin our dinner of roast and cooked vegetables and banter about fishing and football. My fifteen year old brother, Kye, Blade's younger brother Jason and Blade talk about football as well while I talk to Georgia about her gymnastics.

"When do you go to states?" I ask Georgia while stuffing a potato in my mouth.

"In two weeks, I'm so excited!" She smiles.

"You should be! It's an achievement to even go," I smile back.

I feel a kick at my shin and look at Blade who is smirking. I kick his leg back and before you know it there is a war between whose leg kick is weakest. Pretty soon the table starts to shake and our Mothers send us disapproving looks and we stop.

"When are you going to tell them dear?" Mrs. Wonderland or also known as Evelyn asks.

"Tell us what?" Blade asks.

"Well, I was going to tell them after dinner but I guess we could tell them now," Mr. Wonderland or David said.

"Tell us what?" Blade repeats himself. His Dad mutters something about patience before he speaks.

"We have decided to go camping for a few days next week as two families," David smiles. The rest of the adults join in on smiling.

"Since Georgia has State training she won't be able to come so she will be staying with my sister for the days we are camping," Evelyn explains and I smile at Georgia.

"You mean like camping when we did we me and Blade-" I begin.

"Blade and I," My mother corrects. I sigh and repeat myself.

"When Blade and I went camping when we were ten?" I ask.

"Fun times," Blade grins.

"You threw me in a lake, how is that fun?" I ask crossing my arms and leaning on the table.

"Your expressions was priceless," He smiles copying my sitting position.

"I couldn't swim!" I protest.

"You were being dramatic!" He comments, "I saved you from drowning though,"

"My hero," I say sarcastically.

"Aw you guys are so cute! When will you start dating? We are all waiting," Evelyn asks us. We both look down the table to the Evelyn with horrified expressions.

"I would never date that!" We say in unison. We both glare at each other. It may be extremely weird but our parents believe that Blade and I will end up together and they always make jokes about us dating, they aren't funny jokes. Blade and I are like sister and brother; we drive each other insane.

"Anyway, it won't be the same place but yes similar area and activities," My father says.

"Will there be a lake?" Blade asks, I kick his shin and his grin grows larger.

"When do we leave?" I ask ignoring Blade huge smile.

"In two days, so start packing we leave at dawn! We will stay there for a couple days," My Dad smiles.

After dessert we all leave the table to our own little sections of the house. Kye, Jason and Georgia go to the living room to play Mario Kart because Kye believes one day he'll beat Georgia. Blade and I hang out in my bedroom.

"How's Samantha?" I ask lying down on my bed and throwing a basketball cushion up and down.

"Samantha is the same," He sighs playing with a slinky I haven't touched since I was fourteen.

"So still bitchy?" I ask throwing the basketball up. Samantha is Blade's girlfriend, she's overly protection and equally bitchy.

"Yep," He says popping the p.

"Blade, how will I endure two days with you in the middle of now where? I'll probably end up turning into a caveman, well cavewoman. I'll wear animal skins and eat with my hands and probably eat you alive because I hit my head to many times on a rock and turned insane," I sigh hugging the Basketball.

"How will I survive with an over dramatic crazy head for a friend? You'll probably attempt to through me into the lake and fail and end up tripping yourself into the lake where I will laugh and have to save you again," He mocks my sigh. I sit up and throw the Basketball at him but he catches it effortlessly. He slowly walks his way over to my bed and plonks himself down next to me.

"We better not be sharing a tent," I say looking the pulsing veins in his forearm. I don't know why but I find them weirdly attractive.

"Yeah, you snore," He says Playing with the basketball. I scoff.

"How dare you accuse me of snoring! You shake the whole damn house when you were just fifteen!" I say.

"That was day was funny, when we accidentally fell asleep in your bed while watching a movie and your parents walked in. They gave us the talk then because they thought we did it," He laughs at the memory. I roll my eyes.

"That was extremely embarrassing," I frown at his laughter.

"Yeah, but I have never seen four parents squirm so much in a conversation," He laughs and I join in.

"They do realize we learnt about it in science in year eight," I laugh. Blade shakes his head and continues to laugh.

"Blade time to go!" His mother yells from down stairs.

"See you in two days Evans," Blade smiles and exits my room. I quickly get off and run to my doorway.

'Oh and Blade, I am totally going to push you into the lake," I yell to his figure walking down the stairs. He turns around and smiles.

"Wouldn't expect anything else,"


Hey guys, 

Please comment and vote, it is all greatly appreciated. Updates will be weekly and thank you so much for reading! 

Song Recommendation:  'Chateau' By Black Bear & 'Stacy's Mom' By Bowling For Soup.


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