Season 1 Episode 2: Diego and The Popples Team Save the Mommy and Baby Sloth
Diego: Hola, I'm Diego. I'm an animal rescuer.
Party: And we're the Popples team.
Sammy: Eee, eee!
Diego: This is my friend, Sammy. He's a sloth!
Sammy: Hi!
Diego: Sloths move really, really slowly. Can you say "sloth"? Say "sloth". Sammy is a three-toed sloth. Count his toes with us.
All: One, two, three! Three toes.
Diego: That's why he's called a three-toed sloth!
Sammy: (giggling) Eee, eee! That tickles!
Diego: And look! Sloths love to hang upside down!
Sammy: (giggles) Eee, eee!
Diego: Sloths like to be upside down all the time, right, Sammy?
Sammy: That's right! Absolutamente!
Diego: (hangs upside down with him) Wow! Everything looks different upside down!
Tuffy Mouse: It sure does.
Sloth voice: HELP! HELP! Eee, eee!
Sammy: That sounds like another sloth!
Diego: She sounds like she's in trouble! Come on, we've gotta get to the science deck! Vamonos!
Sammy: I wanna come too, Diego, but I'm kind of slow.
Diego: That's okay, Sammy. Grab onto my back and hold on tight!
Swift Heart: Let's hurry.
(Meanwhile with the Shadow Popples)
Shadow PC: So, they heard a sloth in trouble.
Shadow Puzzle: We should summon another monster to help us.
Shadow Party: Good idea. But what is a sloth's enemy?
Shadow Prize: How about this? (summons an evil eagle)
Shadow Pretty Bit: Nice creation. That will help us stop them.
(At the science deck...)
Sammy: Alicia, a sloth's in trouble!
PC: We heard its scream.
Alicia: Don't worry, Sammy. We'll find the sloth.
Diego: We need our special camera Click to find the sloth in trouble.
Diego, Alicia, and Sammy: Say, "Click!"
["Say Click" plays]
Click: Say, "Click". Take a pic. Say, "Click". Take a pic. Soy Click, la camara, I can take a pic! I can can see and hear the animal in trouble! Zoom in, through the forest and out to the sea! To find the animal just call on me! Say, "Click". Take a pic.
[song ends]
Click: Hi, I'm Click the Camera. We need to find the sloth in trouble. The sloth in trouble sounds like this.
Sloth voice: Eee, eee!
Click: Let's zoom through the forest and listen for the sloth.
(Otter squealing)
Click: Is this the sloth? No! That's a giant river otter.
(Peccary snorting)
Click: Is this the sloth? No! That's a collared peccary.
Mommy Sloth: Eee, eee!
Click: Is this the sloth? Yeah! This is the sloth in trouble. To take a picture of the sloth, say "Click!" [takes the picture] Got it! So you tell Diego and the Popples Team: You found the sloth.
Diego: What animal did you find? A sloth? You found the sloth in trouble!
Sammy: That's Mommy Sloth. She's my neighbor.
Jerry Mouse: She is?
Alicia: And look, she's carrying her baby!
Sammy: That's Baby Sloth!
Alicia: We've gotta find out more about sloths.
(Computer beeping)
(Cursor clicks the sloth)
Alicia: Sloths live in trees in the rainforest. They're really good climbers.
Sammy: Really good climbers!
Alicia: But they're really slow.
Sammy: Really slow!
Alicia: And their fur blends in with the trees they're in. You know why that helps them?
Sammy: I know, I know! So I can hide from animals that I'm afraid of!
Alicia: Right, Sammy.
Mommy Sloth: HELP! HELP! Eee, eee!
Diego: We've gotta find out why Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth are in trouble!
Alicia: We've gotta see more of the picture!
Diego: We can do that if Click zooms out. Say "Zoom!"
Potato Chip: Zoom!
(Zooms out to reveal a mudslide below)
Alicia: Look! There's a muddy mudslide coming down the mountain and heading right for Mommy Sloth's tree!
Sammy: Oh, no! Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth have to get out of that tree!
Alicia: Before the mudslide breaks their tree!
Diego: Come on, Sammy! Vamonos! We've gotta save Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth from the muddy mudslide!
Alicia: I'm downloading all the sloth information into your field journal.
(download noise)
Alicia: Download complete.
Diego: Thanks, Alicia. Come on! Al rescate, amigos!
Tom Cat: Good luck!
Mimi and Palamon: We're counting on you!
[Al Rescate plays]
Diego and the Popples Team: Clap your hands with us. Clap, clap, clap. (4x) Great! Let's call to Mommy and Baby Sloth. Say, "Eee, eee!"
Diego, The Popples Team and Sammy: Eee, eee!
All Animals: Go, Diego and Popples, go. Vamos, Diego and Popples, vamos. Al rescate, amigos! To the rescue, my friends! Al rescate, amigos! To the rescue, my friends! Go, Diego and Popples, go. (Go, Diego and Popples!) Vamos, Diego and Popples, vamos. (Vamos, Diego!) Go, Diego, go. (Go, Diego and Popples!) Vamos, Diego and Popples, vamos. (Vamos, Diego and Popples!) VAMOS!
Diego: We need to get across the lake so we can save Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth from the muddy mudslide. If you see a boat, say "boat".
Puzzle: Boat!
Diego: A boat, great! We can use a boat to get across the lake.
(They get on)
Diego: Come on!
(splashing, waves rumbling)
Shadow Pancake: Well, we meet again.
Puffball: Uh oh! It's our shadow counterparts!
Evil Eagle: And I'm here with them to stop you!
Jerry Mouse: Not on our watch.
Diego: Whoa!
Sammy: Whoa!
Diego: The water is getting really wild and wavy!
Sammy: The oars!
Bobo Brothers: Bobos! Bobos! (giggling) We're Bobos, we're Bobos! Whoo-hoo!
Tippi: Not those two again.
Diego: That sounds like the Bobo Brothers! Those silly monkeys are always causing trouble! Do you see the monkeys?
Party: We see them.
Diego: Yeah, there they are!
Bobo Brothers: Whee! (giggling)
Sammy: (falls off) Whoa! Don't worry about me, Diego! Sloths are great swimmers! You've got to stop those Bobos!
Diego: Okay, Sammy! To stop the Bobos, say "Freeze, Bobos!"
(long pause)
Bobo Brothers: Whoops! Sorry!
Diego: Thanks for stopping the Bobos! Hey, where's Sammy? Do you see Sammy?
Tuffy Mouse: He's in the water.
Diego: Right, there he is! And he's okay! But all that splashing knocked the oars into the water! We can't paddle to shore!
(Sammy pulls the boat rope)
Diego: Sammy's helping us!
Sammy: Boy, this boat is really heavy!
Diego: Help Sammy swim! Put your arms out and swim like a sloth! Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim!
(They reach the other side)
Diego: Excellent swimming, Sammy!
Sammy: Thanks for helping me swim.
Diego: You're a really good swimmer!
Mommy Sloth: HELP! HELP! Eee, eee!
Diego: We have to hurry to save Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth from the mudslide! Vamonos!
Harpy eagles: Screek, screek! Screek, screek! Screek, screek!
Diego: Uh-oh, it's two harpy eagles!
Sammy: Harpy eagles?!
Diego: It's okay, Sammy. We'll get past them. (whispers) Sloths are afraid of harpy eagles.
Harpy eagles: Screek, screek!
Diego: Sammy, what do sloths do when you don't want someone to see you?
Sammy: When we don't want someone to see us, sloths move really, really slowly.
Diego: Good thinking, Sammy. We need to tiptoe really, really slowly to get past the harpy eagles. Will you tiptoe really, really slowly with us? Great! You have to stand up to tiptoe. Stand up, please! Stand up! Stand up! Now... tiptoe really, really slowly. Tiptoe... tiptoe... tiptoe really slowly. Tiptoe... tiptoe... tiptoe. (normal volume) We made it past the harpy eagles!
Pancake: Good thing they didn't see us.
Prize: Same.
Sammy: Sometimes slow is the way to go!
Diego: You're really good at moving slowly!
Mommy Sloth: HELP! HELP! Eee, eee!
Diego: Come on!
(Three paths are ahead)
Sammy: Diego! Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth are on the other side of this mountain!
Diego: But there are so many paths! Look, animal prints! We have to follow the prints that lead to the sloths' tree. How many toes does a sloth have? Three, right!
Sammy: Three toes, just like me.
Diego: Let's look at animal prints like scientists. I'll use my magnifying glass to look at each animal print closely. Count the toes with me. One, two, three, four! Is this the animal print of a three-toed sloth? No! Let's see what animal made these prints.
Sammy: A puma! Let's not go on that path!
Diego: Let's count the toes on this animal print. Count with me. One, two, three, four, five!
Sammy: That's not a sloth!
Diego: Let's see what animal made these prints. It's a spectacled bear!
Sammy: He looks like he's wearing glasses!
Diego: Let's count the toes on this animal print. Count with me. One, two, three!
Sammy: One, two, three toes! Just like me!
Diego: This is a sloth print! Come on, let's take this path!
Mommy Sloth: HELP! HELP! Eee, eee!
Diego: That's Mommy Sloth coming for help! We've gotta call to Mommy Sloth and tell her we're almost there! Say "Eee, eee!" Eee, eee!
[They reach the mountain]
Diego: Whoa! These really big rocks are blocking our way!
Sammy: But we've got to get to Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth!
Diego: We need an animal that can help us climb over the rocks and up the mountain really fast. The field journal can help us find an animal who can climb fast. Look! There's a tortoises, a whale, a llama, and there's a snail. Which animal can climb up the mountain really fast? Right, a llama! Our friend Linda the Llama can help us climb up the mountain. Linda speaks Spanish. To call to Linda in Spanish, we have to say "Hola?!" Say it with us!
All: Hola?!
Linda: Hola, Diego!
Diego: Hola, Linda! Esta es mi amigo, Sammy!
Linda: Hola, Sammy!
Sammy: Hola!
Diego: Linda, nos puedes llevar a la montaña?
Linda: Seguro que si!
Diego: Que bueno! Linda will take us up the mountain fast! Vamonos!
Pretty Bit: Alright!
(Linda helps them up)
Diego: Wow, this mountain is really steep! We've gotta help Linda climb the mountain by singing to her. Linda speaks Spanish, so to climb, we say "sube". Can you sing, "Sube"? Great! I'll sing "sube", then you sing "sube"!
("Sing Sube" plays)
All: Sing sube! Sube! Sing sube! Sube! Sube la montaña, Climb the mountain to the top. Got to climb to save the sloths, vamos, hurry up! Sing sube! Sube! Sing sube! Sube! Sing sube! Sube! Sing sube! Sube!
(They reach the top)
Diego: Great singing! We made it to the top of the mountain! Gracias por ayudarnos, Linda!
Linda: De nada! Hasta luego, Diego!
Diego: Whoa! Look at that mudslide!
Sammy: But I don't see Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth, Diego!
Diego: That's because the sloths' fur blends in with the trees they live in. Right, Sammy?
Sammy: Right!
Diego: We can use my spotting scope to see better. Help me look for Mommy and Baby Sloth. Come on! Make a spotting scope with your hands. Now let's look for the sloths.
Mommy Sloth: HELP! HELP! Eee, eee!
Diego: Do you see the mommy sloth and the baby sloth?
Sammy: Yes! I see them, I see them!
Diego: The muddy mudslide is heading straight for their tree!
Sammy: Their tree will be covered with mud!
Diego: We have to get down the mountain fast!
Sammy: Really fast!
Putter: Before it's too late.
Diego: My Rescue Pack can transform into anything we need. To activate my Rescue Pack, say "Actívate!". Louder! Actívate!
[Rescue Pack plays]
Rescue Pack: Yo, Rescue Pack! A... Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! (¡Al Rescate!) Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! A Rescue Pack, I got your back. I can turn into a parasail, or a kayak. a zip cord, a snowboard, whatever you need, we can do it! Nothing to it! A Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! (¡Al Rescate!) Rescue Pack, Coming to the rescue! A... (Yo,) Rescue Pack!
[Song ends]
Rescue Pack: YO!!! Rescue Pack, here! Diego needs me to turn into something he can use to go down the muddy mudslide fast! Can he use a pogo stick to slide down the muddy mudslide fast? Nah! Can he use a jump rope to slide down the muddy mudslide fast? No way! Can we use a mud board to slide down the muddy mudslide fast? Yeah! Good thinking! Now you tell Diego: We need a mud board.
Diego: What do we need? A mud board!
(transformation noise)
Diego: Rapido, let's go! Whoa!
(mud squishing)
Diego, The Popples Team and Sammy: Whee!
Mommy and Baby Sloth: Eee, eee! Eee, eee!
Shadow Puffball: After them!
Tuffy Mouse: Oh on! They're at up)!
Diego: If we can just jump up to that tree branch...!
(They jump up)
Sammy: We made it! We made it!
Evil Eagle: (Screams like Lotsa Heart Elephant) Help me! I'm stuck in the mud!
Party: Don't worry. We'll save you. (Gets a rope out of her pouch and lassos it to the eagle)
Mommy Sloth: Diego, you've got to help me save my baby!
Baby Sloth: Eee, eee!
Diego: Don't worry, Mommy Sloth! We'll help you!
(He crawls to the end of the branch upside-down)
Diego: Mommy Sloth needs to reach across and grab a hold of my hand! Help her reach! Say "Reach!" Reach! Reach!
Mommy Sloth: Come on, Baby Sloth, you can do it!
Baby Sloth: Eee, eee!
Diego: I'll make sure you're safe, Baby Sloth. Come on!
(Baby Sloth crawls to Diego safely)
Diego: Now we've gotta save Mommy Sloth! Hold on, Mommy Sloth! Hold on!
(mud squishing)
(Diego grabs Mommy sloth before she falls; her tree breaks)
Diego: I've got you, Mommy Sloth! Now we've got to pull Mommy Sloth up! Help me pull her up! Put your arms out in front of you and... pull! Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
(Mommy Sloth is pulled to the branch safely; her tree breaks completely)
Mommy Sloth: You saved us, Diego! You saved us! Muchas gracias! (kisses)
Baby Sloth: Eee, eee! Thank you too, Sammy!
Diego: Mommy Sloth and Baby Sloth are so happy to be in their new tree!
Tuffy Mouse: Now time to find out who's the evil eagle. It's either Lotsa Heart, Love A Lot or Cheer.
Party: It's definitely Lotsa Heart because we heard her scream.
(Tuffy takes off the mask to reveal it was Lotsa Heart Elephant)
All: Lotsa Heart Elephant?!
Swift Heart: But why Lotsa?
Lotsa Heart: It was because I didn't want you to be in danger.
Stanley: At least you're here now.
Bink, Dink, Fanci and Ozzie: That's right.
(Animal end song plays)
All: Three-toed sloth! Say it with us! Three-toed sloth! Even louder!
All: Three-toed sloth!
Diego: One more time!
All: Three-toed sloth!
Diego: Exelente! The three-toed sloth, it moves really slow. Let's climb like a sloth, come on, let's go! Put your hands in the air and climb slowly like a sloth! Climb slowly! Even slower! Who hangs upside-down? He lives in a tree! When we wanna call him, we say "Eee, eee!" Say, "Eee, eee!"
Mommy and Baby Sloth: Eee, eee!
Diego: Eee, eee!
Sammy: Eee, eee!
Diego: Eee, eee!
Mommy and Baby Sloth: Eee, eee!
The Popples Team: Eee, eee!
All: Eee, eee!
Diego: Mision completa! Rescue complete! You are a great animal rescuer!
(computer beeping)
Diego: What do sloths do?
All: Let's review!
Alicia: Does a sloth live in an igloo or in a tree?
(Cursor clicks the tree)
Lotsa Heart: In a tree, right!
Alicia: Does a sloth like to hang upside down or right side up?
(Cursor clicks upside down)
Ozzie: Upside down! Exelente!
Alicia: Does a sloth like to hop, or does it like to swim?
(Cursor clicks swimming)
Tuffy Mouse: Swim! They're great swimmers.
Diego: Hey, we've almost finished the puzzle!
Party: Does a sloth move slowly or drive fast?
(Cursor clicks move slowly)
Alicia: A sloth moves really, really slowly!
Diego: Look! It's a picture of a three-toed sloth!
Alicia: Let's put this picture of the sloth in our animal science book.
Diego: We found out so much about sloths today!
Alicia: And there's so much more to discover...
All: Together!
Diego: Hasta luego, amigos!
Alicia: See you soon!
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