Y/N's Pokemon

Author note: Some of Y/N Pokemon are from his  home region and some are from other regions. He also going to catch new Pokemon in future chapters. In my story, Y/N can catch way more than 6 and all of them are my favorite Pokemon. Also in the story Pokemon can use more than 4 moves like in the anime.

Y/N starter Pokemon



Riolu is Y/n first Pokemon. It was gifted to him by his dad when was just an egg. As an egg, Riolu was sent to multiple Pokemon Day Care but it refused to hatch. Y/N helped take care of the egg until it hatched. Riolu used it ability of aura to develop a subconscious connection to Y/N before it even hatched. When Riolu hatched, it had accepted Y/N as its trainer due to them having a matching aura. Riolu is extremely loyal to Y/N and always stands by his side. Just like Y/N, Riolu also likes to battle and improve its skills. Riolu is Y/N's ace  Pokemon and closet partner.

Moves: Vacuum Wave, Extreme Speed, Counter, Force Palm, Double team, Reversal, Close Combat

Abilities: Inner focus 



Y/N first meet Gible while exploring Wayward Cave. Y/N saw it was hungry and give it some berries out of kindness. After that leaving Wayward Cave, Y/N notice Gible was following him and he asked Gible if it wanted to join him. Gible nodded and accepted to be on Y/N's partners . Y/N also loves Gible because he idolized Cynthia and her Garchomp. Gible is very friendly and playful towards Y/N. It can be destructive and has a big appetite. Gible also one of Y/N's strongest Pokemon. During his journey in Unova, Gible became close friend with Iris's Axew.

Moves: Bite, Dig, Earth Power, Rock Smash, Dragon Rage, Draco Meteor

Abilities: Sand Veil



Y/N and Paul when to visit Professor Rowan for their starter Pokemon. Y/N chose Chimchar while Paul chose Turtwig. Chimchar enjoys battle and getting stronger because of it rivalry with Paul's Turtwig. Thanks to his training Chimchar was able to evolve into Monferno. Most of the time Monferno friendly and energetic but it also has a short temper. Whenever it's in a really intense battle, Monferno can be pushed to activate its Blaze ability. While Monferno gains a massive increase in fire power it also loses control of it's emotions and becomes so aggressive that it ignores Y/N's commands. 

Moves: Flamethrower, Mach punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Flame wheel, Dig

Abilities: Blaze



During his journey in the Johto region, Y/n was fishing at pond for new water type Pokemon. When he felt a bite on his fishing rod he reeled it in with all his strength. When he finally reeled out of the water the pokemon biting on the line was revealing it to be Totodile. Y/n did battle with the water type and he caught it. Totodile and Y/N become very attached in the time they spent together.

Moves: Aqua Jet, Bite, Aqua Tail, Ice Fang, Hydro Pump

Abilities: Torrent 



When Y/N was traveling Alola region, he saw Rockruff protecting it food from a wild Alola form Persian. The two battled but Persian was too strong and injured Rockruff. Y/N then came to help Rockruff and battled the Persian. After Y/N beating the Persian in a battle and fainted it he walked over to the injured Rockruff and bended down to one knee to help it. But when Y/N reached his hand out to the rock type it growled in defense since never encountered people before. To calm it down Y/N spoke to it softly and gently pet it then carried it to the nearest Pokemon center. After nurse Joy treated Rockruff's wounds, Y/N earned Rockruff's trust and it willingly let him catch it. Rockruff is very friendly and social. It shows affection by rubbing a person with the rocks around its neck.

Moves: Quick Attack, Tackle, Bite, Rock Throw, Howl, Rock tomb

Abilities: Own Tempo



While in the Hoenn region, Y/N was camping out in a forest. When suddenly a wild Poochyena jump out of the blushes. It wanted to battle Y/N and steals his food. The Poochyena was about to attack and Y/N reached for a poke ball to call out a Pokemon. But Y/N could sent out a Pokemon suddenly a Treecko jumped out of a tree and use quick attack on the Poochyena. The dark type tried to use bite the grass type but Treecko used double team which disoriented  Poochyena. And Treecko finished Poochyena with it's pound attack. The Poochyena ran away in defeat and making Treecko the winner. After witnessing Treecko battle, Y/N was impressed by bravery and skill. He saw lots of potential in the grass type and he offered Treecko to join him as his Pokemon. Treecko accepted Y/N offer and under his training Treecko become one of his aces. Treecko's personality is most calm and collected even during battle.

Moves: Pound, Double Team, Quick Attack, Mega Drain, Bullet Seed, Leafage

Abilities: Overgrow



While Y/N exploring the Unova region, he was searching to catch a new Pokemon. He then heard that a wild Emolga was steal food from trainers and other Pokemon. Y/N decided to catch Emolga to stop it for stealing. Emolga  put up a good battle but Y/N was able to successfully catch in a poke ball. At first Emogla didn't like Y/N. It constantly electrocuted him and refused to battle. After Y/N had treated the electric type with care and affection, Emogla quickly grew very attracted to him and even formed close friendship with all of his other Pokemon. 

Moves: Thunder shock, Acrobatics, Air Slash, Electroweb , Iron tail, Thunderbolt, Energy ball

Abilities: Motor Drive

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