The Road to be the Very Best

Team Rocket POV

After the World Coronation Series match between Leon and Lance, Y/N and Hop were about to start battle. Meanwhile Team Rocket are nearby the Wyndon stadium search for a Dynamax Pokemon to capture for Giovanni. But they were so tired they were about of giving up.

Jessie: We been looking for hours and we haven't found one Dynamax Pokemon.

James: Who knew finding giant sized Pokemon be so difficult.

Meowth: Yeah but go back to the boss empty handed.

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

Wobbuffet noticed something, and the trio sees a wild Coalossal emerging from a behind a nearby bush.

Coalossal: Coal!

Jessie: Who's that Pokemon?

Meowth: It's Coalossal.

James: Hey Coalossal a Galar region Pokemon! That means it must able to Dynamax!

Jessie: That perfect! Now let's catch it!

Jessie took out her Poke Ball to battle Coalossal. 

Jessie: Go Seviper!

She sends out her Seviper.

Seviper: Seviper!

Jessie: Now use Poison Tail!

Seviper attacked using Poison Tail and it hit Coalossal in the face causing it to stumble back.

Coalossal: Coalossal!

Jessie: Good now give it another Poison Tail! 

Seviper: Seviper!

Seviper uses another Poison Tail and try to attack Coalossal again. But this Coalossal dodged it and the Poison Tail hits the ground instead. Sudden a bright red light emerges from the cracks in the ground and the light engulfs Coalossal. The light causes Coalossal to grow giant sized and transform into its Gigantamax form, shocking the Team Rocket trio.

Jessie: AAAH What going on?!

James: I don't know but I don't like it!

Gigantamax Coalossal looked down at to the trio with anger in its eyes.

Coalossal: Coalossal!

Meowth: Oh no! It said its gonna crush us for that Poison Tail to the face! 

Jessie and James widened their eyes in fear.

Jessie: Seviper attack!

But Seviper feared G-Max Coalossal so much that it quickly retreated back inside it's Poke ball.

Jessie: Hey! Don't just run away!

G-Max Coalossal was about to stomp on the trio but they quickly ran in panic into the stadium for safe. Coalossal follows them and it set its sights on attacking the stadium. Y/N, Goh, and Hop noticed the Gigantamax Pokemon attacking the stadium.


Y/N: What's that Pokemon?!

Y/N took out his Rotom Phone to check the Pokedex.

Rotom Phone: Coalossal, Gigantamax form. The Coal Pokemon. A Rock and Fire type. Coalossal's torso is a giant furnace that heats up to more than 3,600 degree.

Hop: A Coalossal huh?

Goh: But how did it Gigantamax and why is it attacking the stadium?

Hop: Beats me but we stop it before it destroys the place and hurts someone!

Y/N: You're right! Let's battle it so we can lure it away from stadium!

Goh and Hop: Yeah!

Y/N's Treecko, Hop's Wooloo, and Goh Scorbunny prepared to battle the Gigantamax Coalossal. 

Y/N: Treecko use Bullet Seed!

Treecko: Treecko!

Treecko fired its Bullet Seed a Coalossal, the attack causes the G-Max Pokemon to turn its attention the three trainers and their Pokemon.

Coalossal: Coalossal!

Goh: Okay Scorbunny use Quick Attack!

Scorbunny: Scorbunny!

Scorbunny move at a high speed and landed quick attack dealing not very effective damage. Coalossal started to get irritated and prepared to use an attack. Hop noticed that Coalossal was about to strike back then he thought of an idea to counter it.

Hop: Guys, tell your Pokemon to get behind my Wooloo! Hurry!

Y/N and Goh looked at Hop confused but they did what he said.

Y/N: Treecko get behind Wooloo now!

Goh: You too Scorbunny!

Treecko: Treecko!

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Treecko and Scorbunny took cover behind Wooloo. Then Coalossal launched a Max Flare towards them but Hop yell out his command.

Hop: Now Wooloo use Defense Curl!

Wooloo: Wooloo!

Wooloo used Defense Curl to raise it's defense. Wooloo shielded Treecko and Scorbunny from the powerful flames. Thanks to Defense Curl, the damage Wooloo took was reduced. 

Y/N: That was great plan Hop!

Goh: Yeah! Thanks for the assist!

Hop: No problem! It's better if we battle it as a team! So let's take it down together!

Y/N and Goh: Right!

Leon had exited the stadium, surprised to see a Gigantamax Coalossal.

Leon:(gasp) It's a Gigantamax Coalossal?

He's even more surprised to Hop, Y/N, and Goh battling it.

Leon: Wait! Is that Hop?!

Back to the battle.

Goh: Our attacks aren't doing much damage. We need a new strategy.

Y/N: Maybe if we attack all at once it might be more effective!

Hop: Good idea! Let's give it a try!

Y/N: Treecko use Pound with all you got!

Treecko: Treecko!

Hop: Wooloo use Double Kick!

Wooloo: Wooloo!

Goh: Scorbunny, you use Double Kick!

Treecko, Wooloo, and Scorbunny attacked Coalossal with Pound and Double Kick. They dealt a critical hit that caused the Gigantamax Pokemon to stumble back but it still held its ground. Treecko, Wooloo, and Scorbunny are exhausted after put all of their energy in their attacks.  Coalossal then summoned a giant rectangle shaped rock in front of them.

Hop: Oh no! It's gonna use Max Rockfall!

Y/N: Treecko you need to get up and dodge it!

Goh: Get up Scorbunny!

Hop: Wooloo dodge it! Hurry!

Treecko, Wooloo, and Scorbunny to move out but their exhaustion kept them from dodging in time. When the Max Rockfall start to fall on them, the three trainers quickly ran over to protect their Pokemon and before the Max Rockfall attack them, suddenly they heard a voice.

Leon: Charizard, use Brick Break!

Charizard: Char!

Charizard uses Brick Break to completely shatter the giant rectangle shaped rock, canceling the Max move. Leon had arrived on the scene, surprising Y/N, Goh, and Hop.

Y/N: It's Leon!

Hop: Lee!

Leon: You all did great job in protecting the stadium. Leave the rest us! 

Y/N, Goh, and Hop returned their Pokemon back to their Poke Balls while Leon and Charizard battle Gigantamax Coalossal.

Leon: Alright Charizard, let's do this!

Charizard: Char!

Leon returned Charizard to it Poke Ball then used his Dynamax Band and sent out Charizard in it's Gigantamax Form. Gigantamax Coalossal attacked first using Max Strike but Charizard shrugged it off and no damage. 

Leon: Charizard, use Max Lightning!

Charizard: CHAR!

A massive lightning bolt strike down from the sky and it hit Coalossal, creating a powerful explosion and dealing very effective damage. 

Leon: Let's wrap it! Charizard use Max Knuckle!

Charizard: CHAR!

Charizard used Max Knuckle to land a powerful punch on Coalossal and it super effective. The Max move was so powerful that it sent Coalossal flying back a few feet, while Y/N and Goh were amazed. Upon landing, Coalossal reverts back to it normal form and size. Charizard also revert back to its base form. 

Leon: Awesome work Charizard!

Charizard: Char

Leon and Charizard checked up on Hop, Y/N, and Goh.

Leon: Are you guys okay?

Y/N: Yeah we're all okay thanks to you. We appreciate the save back there.

Leon: I should be the one thanking you. You three were ones who saved everyone in the stadium. Hop, are they friends of yours?

Hop: Yeah! I just met them during your match.

Goh: Wait you know the Galar champion, Hop?

Hop: Sure do! He's my big bro!

Goh: Huh?! His your brother!

Y/N: You're surprised?

Goh: You knew they were brothers, Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah, I could tell they're related just by looking at them.

Goh: Now that you mention it they do look like.

Y/N: I'm Y/N Yuki, from Twinleaf Town in Sinnoh.

Goh: I'm Goh, from Vermilion City in Kanto.

Leon: Nice to you. I'm Leon.

Y/N: We already know! You're the world's undefeated champion! Your match with Lance so awesome! That was my first time ever seen a Dynamax battle! Your Charizard was so awesome!

Leon: Thanks! And I have to say, you three and your Pokemon did an amazing job protecting the stadium.

Y/N: Thank you! Coming from you that means a lot!

Hop: Hey Lee, guess what I just find out! Y/N beat Lance too and he's the new Johto Champion!

Leon: (surprising) For real! You defeat Lance!

Y/N sheepishly rubbed his head.

Y/N: Yeah I battled Lance and the Johto League a while back.

Leon: (excited) That's incredible! You must be really strong that you won against Lance!

Y/N: I'm pretty good but I still have a ways to go before being Champion Master!

Leon: I see. Well then why you three head to Pokemon Center and rest up. I'll handle things here.

Hop: Got it. Come on guys.

Y/N: I was nice meeting you.

The three trainers made their way to the Pokemon Center while Leon and Charizard watched them. Find out Y/N is the new Johto champion really peaked his interest and he smiled in excitement.


The next day, at Wyndon Pokemon center Y/N, Goh and Hop had just got their Pokemon fully rest after the battle yesterday. They are currently outside the center eating local scones and Goh caugth a wild Skwovet. 

Y/N: Hey, Hop.

Hop: What's up?

Y/N: Do you know register for the world coronation series?

Hop: Yeah you can sign up for it online. 

Goh: Are you planning on entering it?

Y/N: You bet! Now that I know that Leon's the world's best Pokemon champion I want be the one to challenge him to a battle! 

Hop: Hate to tell ya but if anyone's gonna challenge Lee it'll me! Besides you'll have to make it through the rankings!

Y/N: Rankings!

Goh: What do you mean?

Hop: Trainers participating in the World Coronation Series are divided in four classes. There's Normal Class, Great Class, Ultra Class, and Master Class. All beginner trainers start in the Normal Class. Then you raise your score by winning battles against other in the same class.

Goh: I see. It's a ranking system.

Y/N: I get it. So that means Leon in the Master Class, right?

Hop: Right! Not only that, but he's Number 1!

Y/N: So basically in order to challenge him, I need to win battles to climb up the ranks all the way to Master Class.

Hop: Yeah, you got it. But you know that the higher are in the rankings you be up against really strong trainers.

Y/N: That's great! My goal is to become the best Pokemon Champion so I wanna battle with every  trainer and get stronger! Hey speaking of battles, we don't chance start ours yesterday.

Hop: You're right! We were so busy battling that Coalossal that I almost forgot! 

 Wanting to battle Y/N right now Hop quickly scarfed down his scones but slightly choked on them. 

???: Here drink this.

Someone hands him a glass of water and Hop drinks it to stop his choking.

Hop: (turning to face the guy) Thanks for that.

The three trainers are surprised to see the guy who handed water was Leon.

Hop: Lee?!

Y/N: What are you doing here?!

Leon: I just overheard you two talking about a battle and thought it be fun to watch.

Hop: Really? You want to watch us battle?

Leon: Yeah why not. I want to so how far you came on your Pokemon journey. Besides I'd like see the Johto League Champion in battle.

Hop: That be so awesome!

Y/N: Yeah! This gonna fun!

Short timeskip

 At Wyndon stadium, Y/N and Hop on the battlefield preparing for their battle while Goh and Scorbunny watch from the sidelines.

Leon: Y/N,  Hop, take these

Leon handed them both a Dynamax Band.

Hop: Woah Dynamax Bands!

Y/N: Dynamax Bands?

Leon: By wearing it allows you to Dynamax or Gigantamax your Pokemon in Power spots. When Pokemon Dynamaxes its move names change, too.

Y/N: Their move names change?

Hop: That means is when Dynamaxed all of their moves turn into Max Moves that correspond with moves' type. Normal type move is called Max Strike. Fire type move is called Max Flare. And Grass type move is called Max Overgrowth. 

Y/N: I see.

Leon: When you prepare to Dynamax, you send your Pokemon back into its Poke Ball. Then you throw the Poke ball while channeling the power in your Dynamax Band.

Y/N: Got it.

With all information sharing out of the way, Y/N and Hop took their places and they both put on their Dynamax Bands.

Referee: Now contestants! Send out your Pokemon!

Y/N: Treecko, I choose you!

Hop: Go,  Wooloo!

Y/N and Hop called out Treecko and Wooloo.

Treecko: Treecko!

 Wooloo:  Wooloo!

Hop: Y/N, I want you to battle me at your best! That way me and Wooloo can get a lot stronger!

Y/N: Sure! A battle way more fun when you give it your all!

Referee: Battle Begin!

Y/N: Treecko use Quick Attack!

Treecko: Treecko!

Hop: Wooloo, you use Tackle!

Wooloo: Wooloo!

Treecko used Quick Attack and Wooloo counter with tackle. Both their attacks clash but Treecko easily pushed Wooloo back, dealing damage.

Hop: Use Takedown!

 Wooloo: Wooloo!

Y/N: Dodge and use Bullet Seed, Treecko!

Treecko: Treecko!

Treecko jump out of the way of Wooloo's Tackle and fired a barrage Bullet Seed.

Hop: Quick Wooloo, use Defense Curl!

 Wooloo: Wooloo!

 Using Defense Curl,  Wooloo raised its defense high enough to shrug off a direct hit from Bullet Seed.

Hop: It gotta take all more than that to beat us!

Y/N: Not bad! But but me and Treecko are just getting started! Treecko use Leer!

Treecko: Treecko!

Treecko used Leer to decrease  Wooloo defense boost from Defense Curl, surprising Hop.

Hop: It knows Leer!

Y/N: Use Pound, Treecko!

Treecko: Treecko

Treecko jumped and slam its tail on  Wooloo head, causing Wooloo to fall to the ground. Leon is impressed at see how well Y/N and Hop are battle. He noticed that Hop has been training hard ever since he become a trainer. He also notice that Y/N is very experienced trainer and has brilliant battle skills. 

Back to the battle, Wooloo get back up and Hop starting smiled.

Hop: You really are strong Y/N! This getting fun!

Y/N: Same to you! You're pretty good too!

Hop: I think it's time that we stop holding back!

Y/N: You just read me mind! Treecko return!

Hop: Wooloo return!

Both trainers returned their Pokemon back into their Poke Balls.

 Their Dynamax Band starts to glow and send Dynamax energy into their Poke Balls, causing them grow larger.

Y/N and Hop: Dynamax!

They both threw their giant Poke Balls and send their Dynamax Pokemon.

Both trainer were amazed to see their Pokemon Dynamax of the first time. Then Y/N and Hop smiled at each other ready to end the battle.

Y/N: Treecko use Max Strike!

Treecko: Treecko!

Treecko used Max Strike on Wooloo and it took effective damage. But Wooloo is still able to continue battling.

Hop: Use Max Knuckle!

Wooloo: Wooloo!

Wooloo landed a powerful Max Knuckle on Treecko. 

Goh: Amazing! Dynamax Pokemon are so powerful!

Leon could help but smile watching Y/N and Hop having a Dynamax battle.

Y/N: Let's wrap this up! Treecko, use Max Overgrowth!

Treecko: Treecko

Treecko landed Max Overgrowth on Wooloo, dealing effective damage. Having already suffering lot of damage during the battle, Wooloo is unable to withstand the Max move and fell to the ground. 

Hop: Wooloo!

Wooloo reverted back to its normal size and is now unconscious. Treecko also reverted back to normal size as the battle ended it.

Referee: Wooloo is unable to battle! The victory of this match goes to Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah! You did awesome job, Treecko!

Treecko: Treecko

Treecko jumped on to Y/N and playfully climbed on his face then climb on his shoulder. Hop walked up to Wooloo to check on it. 

Hop: Wooloo are you okay?

Wooloo: Wooloo

Hop: You did your best.

Y/N: Hop take this. Give it to Wooloo.

Y/N handed Hop a sitrus berry.

Hop: Thanks.

Hop fed the sitrus berry to Wooloo and its energy was restored. 

Goh: That battle was so incredible! 

Leon: That was a pretty awesome battle you two! Hop, you've really improved ever since you start your journey! And Y/N, you were really amazing too! Your definitely the Johto League champion!

Y/N: Thanks! And we're gonna keep getting stronger cuz someday wanna become the best Pokemon Champion! I want to battle with all the strongest trainers!

Hop: I the one who's gonna battle my big bro! But I gotta admit, you really are strong. I guess I still need to keep up my training to your level. Until then let's have another battle next we see each other!

Hop extended his hand to Y/N for a handshake and Y/N accepted it.

Y/N: Yeah I look forward to it! 

Y/N took off his Dynamax Band handed it to Leon.

Y/N:Thanks for letting me borrow the Dynamax Band, Leon.

Leon: You both can keep them.

Hop: Really!

Y/N: We can keep them!

Leon: Of course. You both are trainers we rough edges. I like that type. But you both got a long road head of you before can beat me. I want you both to break out!

Y/N and Hop: Right!

Leon: See ya.

As Leon turns to leave.

Y/N: Hey Leon. Next time we meet let's have battle!

Leon turn his head and smiled at Y/N.

Leon: The next time we meet, will be in a tournament, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah!

Y/N looked at Leon with a determined smile. He knows without a doubt that Leon is the world's strongest Pokemon trainer. He decided that he's going to enter the World Coronation Series so he can challenge him and achieve his dream of becoming Champion Master.

To be continued.

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