Serving Up the Flute Cup

At Cerise Laboratory Y/N, Goh, and Chloe are in Cerise Park hanging out with all the Pokemon. Goh playing with his recently caught Scyther, Pinsir, and Metapod while Y/N is playing fetch with Yamper and Chloe watched.

Chloe: Wow Y/N you're pretty good with Pokemon. I've never seen Yamper so friendly to someone it only knew for a couple days.

Yamper ran up to Y/N to give him the stick it's carrying in its mouth. He bended down to one knee to grab the stick and started petting Yamper on the head.

Y/N: Well I've been trainer for while now and I learned a lot about gaining a Pokemon trust. Right Yamper?

Yamper: (happily) Yamp! Yamp!

Y/N: Hey Chloe I was wondering is Yamper your Pokemon?

Chloe: Oh actually his my dad's Pokemon. But ever since I was little he's always been attract to me the most.

Y/N: (smiling) I see. I guess that mean Yamper really trusts you. You guys are like perfect match.

Chloe lightly blushed after hear Y/N say those words and she smirked.

Chloe: Thanks

Y/N threw the stick and Yamper quickly chase after it. Professor Cerise then walk up to them.

Professor Cerise: Y/N I have some great news.

Y/N: Huh What is it Professor?

Professor Cerise: There's currently a Pokemon tournament take place in the Hoenn region. I came to ask you and Goh if you might want to participate.

Y/N: That's awesome! I'm definitely gonna be there! Hey Goh you're coming to right?

Goh: Huh? I guess I could give it a try. And while we're there I can catch new some Pokemon.


Y/N, Riolu, Goh, and Scorbunny arrived at Hoenn Battle Frontier Flute Cup.

The tournament consists of one-on-one matches, in which each trainer is allowed to use two Pokemon. The winner of the Flute Cup is awarded with a set of five colored flutes.

Goh: Wait Y/N? Have you chosen your partners yet?

Y/N: Sure did. I chose Riolu and...

Y/N took his pokeball revealing his second Pokemon, Rockruff.

Y/N: Rockruff!

Rockruff: Ruff! Ruff!

Goh: Cool Rockruff's battling too!

Y/N: So which two are you gonna choose?

Goh: Well I chose Scorbunny and...


At Cerise lab, Goh was decide on which Pokemon would the best for batting. He wanted to pick his Pinsir but it was to shy to battle. So he ended choosing his Scyther instead.


Y/N: (excited) You chose Scyther huh? This is gonna awesome!

Goh: So I guess you're really into Pokemon battle, huh.

Y/N: Yeah. To me Pokemon battling is one of the best parts of being a trainer. It's like together with my Pokemon I achieve anything. How bout you?

Goh: Um I not sure. I haven't really battled before.

Y/N: Is that right? Well then this would be a great first time for you. You're gonna compete too right?

Goh: That's because you signed me in the competition without my permission. Besides-

Suddenly a tailow quick flew passed them catching Scorbunny's attention.

Goh: Wait! A Pokemon! Come on!

Scorbunny: Scorbun

Goh and Scorbunny ran after it to catch it.

Goh: Get ready Hoenn Pokemon! Here I come!

Y/N, Riolu, and Rockruff watched Goh run off and sighed.

Y/N: (sigh) And there he goes. That's Goh for ya.

Riolu: Rio

Rockruff: Ruff

Suddenly they heard a loud stomping and saw it was coming from a Hariyama walking with it's trainer riding on its shoulder.

Y/N: Woah it's a Hariyama. Is competing too.

He took out his Rotom phone to use his pokedex.

Pokedex: Hariyama, the arm thrust Pokemon. A fighting type. Hariyama can send a 10 ton truck flying with one of its slaps and it loves challenging other to tests of strength.

Hariyama and its trainer walked up to Y/N and his Pokemon.

Hariyama: Hariya

Y/N look up at Hariyama and the trainer. He wearing a Japanese high school uniform with a red T-shirt under his jacket and has a pompadour hairstyle.

The guy and his Hariyama looked at Y/N with an intimidating expression. As Y/N stared back with a serious look while Riolu and Rockruff got in their battling stances.

Y/N thoughts: What this guy's deal? Is he looking for a battle? If that's the case, he's got one.

Pompadour Guy: Hey

Y/N: You need something?

The guy pointed at Y/N with an empty bottle in his hand.

Pompadour Guy: Would ya do me a favor and stop block the way.

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N, Riolu and Rockruff turned around and saw the recycling bin. They realized what he meant and they move out of the way.

Y/N: Oh Sorry bout that.

Pompadour Guy: It's cool.

The pompadour guy tried to reach down to put bottle in the bin while still on his Hariyama but he could reach it.

Y/N: You need some help?

Pompadour Guy: Nah I got it.

He tried to reach it even more but ended accidentally fell of his Hariyama and hit his face on the bin.

Y/N: Hey are you okay?

Pompadour Guy: I'm okay

He lift his head off the bin and Y/N saw a huge bruise on his face.

Pompadour Guy: See that didn't hurt a bit! I'm fine! Ha ha ha

Y/N look at the guy with a confused face.

Y/N thought: Why didn't just climb down put in the bin?


Y/N and Pompadour Guy are sitting on a bench and they introduced themselves.

Y/N: I'm Y/N and these two are my partners Riolu and Rockruff.

Riolu: Riolu

Rockruff: Ruff

Pompadour Guy: I'm Hodge from Lavaridge Town and this my partner Hariyama.

Hariyama: Hariyama!

Y/N: Are you going to Hariyama battle in the competition?

Hodge: I guess so.

Y/N: Who's your second Pokemon?

Hodge: That private info! I can just show off my secret weapon to somebody I might battle.

Suddenly a Mightyena leaped out off the bushes behind the bench and surprised the two.

Hodge: Mightyena!

Then Goh, Scorbunny, and Tailow come out of the bushes chasing Mightyena.

Y/N: Goh what're you doing?!

Goh: I'm gonna to catch that Mightyena!

Hodge: Hold it! This Mightyena is with me!

Goh: Huh!?

Y/N: So that means Mightyena's your secret weapons.

Hodge scoffed that Mightyena is reveal to be his second Pokemon.

Goh: (pouting) I thought could a Mightyena for myself but instead it belongs to this guy.

Hodge: The name's Hodge!

Goh: Look Y/N! Check this out!

Y/N: Cool you just caught a Tailow.

Goh: (excited) And I'm gonna to catch a lot while I'm here!

Hodge: (laughing) You know? Pretty cute!

Goh: Hey you making fun of me?!

Hodge: I'm not making fun! I'm just saying the whole things pretty cute!

Goh: That sounds like making fun!

Y/N: Chill you guys. Save the fighting for the tournament.

A ringtone goes off and Hodge checked his phone.

Hodge: Looks like the tournament matchups are in.

Y/N and Goh: Let's see!

Y/N and Goh looked at Hodge's phone to check out the tournament brackets. To Goh surprise he's facing off against Hodge in the first round.

Hodge: Well, so this guy's my first opponent.

Goh: My name's Goh!

Hodge: This'll be a piece of cake!

Both Goh and Hodge stared each other down with determination while Scorbunny and Mightyena are growling at each other. Watching them Y/N just sighed and lightly smiled.

Y/N: This is starting to get interesting.


The Flute Cup is about to start and everyone is currently at the stadium. Y/N is sitting in the stands watching Goh and Hodge who are on the battlefield ready facing each other.

Announcer: The Battle Frontier Flute Cup is about to begin! For the first battle, we've got Goh from Vermilion City vs Hodge of Lavaridge Town!

Y/N: (cheering) Goh! Hodge! Give it your all ok! Make it great battle!

Goh looked up to Y/N in the stand then turned his attention to Hodge.

Goh: (nervously) O-Ok

The battle began and the two trainers threw their pokeballs to sent out their first Pokemon. Goh sent out his Scyther while Hodge sent out his Mightyena. Goh was confident he would win because Scyther had the advantage. Scyther made the first move by using Sword Dance to increase its attack. However despite the type advantage Hodge's Mightyena used fire fang to easily defeat Scyther, shocking Goh. Goh then sent out Scorbunny as his second Pokemon to battle Mightyena. Scorbunny tried to land the first attack with Double Kick but Mightyena countered by using Snarl sending it flying. While Scorbunny was in the air Mightyena jump up to it and used Crunch to knock out the fire type starter, shocking Goh again.

Announcer: Amazing! Hodge win the first match with ease!

Goh: Scorbunny

Y/N watched as Goh bent on to both knees to check on Scorbunny. He noticed the look of disappointment on his friend's face.

Y/N: Goh...

After the first match, Y/N and Goh are at the Pokemon Center to get Scorbunny and Scyther healed up.

Nurse Joy: We restored both of your Pokemon to complete health.

Nurse Joy's Chansey handed Goh his pokeballs.

Goh: Thank you.

Goh called out has Pokemon and sadly smiled to see that they fully recovered.

Goh: Scyther, Scorbunny.

Y/N placed his hand on Goh's shoulder.

Y/N: Cheer up. You did your best.

Goh started getting frustrated and he tighten his fist.

Goh: You know, catching is a lot more fun!

He then started running.

Goh: I'm going to go catch a Wurmple!

Y/N: Wait Goh! You're gonna cheer me on, right?

Goh stopped running after hearing Y/N.

You're gonna cheer me on, right?

Goh:(frustrated) Let's go! Both of you!

Scorbunny and Scyther followed Goh, who continued to run out of the Pokemon Center and Y/N watched them leave.


Back at the stadium, the Flute Cup competition continues with Y/N and Hodge quickly making their way up the brackets. Y/N defeated a trainer's Loudred with his Riolu and another trainer's Lairon with his Rockruff.

Announcer: They're amazing! Y/N of Twinleaf Town and his Pokemon are the real deal!

Hodge defeated a trainer's Altaria with his Mightyena and another trainer's metagross with his Hariyama.

Announcer: But the overwhelming strength of Hodge from Lavaridge Town has so far been unrivaled!

Outside Goh and Scorbunny are to the stadium to cheer Y/N in the Flute Cup championship.

Back in the stadium, Y/N and Hodge are facing each other on the battlefield while smiling at each other.

Announcer: Now it's time for Battle Frontier Flute Cup finals with a battle between Y/N of Twinleaf Town and Hodge of Lavaridge Town!

Goh just arrived in the stands.

Goh: I made it!

The battle is about to started and both trainers threw their Pokeballs.

Y/N:(throwing Pokeball) Riolu I choose you!

Y/N sent out his Riolu while Hodge sent out his Hariyama.

Riolu: Riolu!

Hariyama: Hariyama!

Goh: So Y/N using Riolu first huh. But is it strong to beat that Hariyama?

Referee: Battle begin!

Hogde: Hariyama use Arm Thrust!

Hariyama: Hariyama!

Goh: Here it comes!

Y/N: Riolu use Counter!

Riolu: olu!

A blue light surrounded Riolu's body.

The second Hariyama used Arm Thrust, Riolu punched it in the stomach dealing twice the damage. This caused Hariyama to stumble back a bit.

Goh: Woah Riolu can use Counter!

Hodge: Heh not bad! Hariyama use Force Palm!

Hariyama: Hari!

Y/N: Dodge it Riolu and use Double Team!

Riolu: Olu!

Riolu dodged Force Palm and proceeded to use Double Team. Riolu created 10 copies of itself and they surrounded Hariyama.

Y/N: Now use Vacuum Wave!

Riolu and it's copies launched a barrage of Vacuum Waves hitting Hariyama and create explosion. Hariyama is taking massive damage from the attacks.

Announcer: Incredible! Riolu is launching Vacuum Waves in a powerful display and Hariyama is taking direct hits from all of them!

Hodge: Shake it off and use Earthquake!

Hariyama: Hariyama!

Hariyama jump up and stomp on the battlefield creating an earthquake. The earthquake was strong enough destroy the copies and sent Riolu falling back on to ground.

Announcer: Hariyama strike back with a powerful Earthquake and it super effective!

Y/N: Riolu are you ok?

Riolu quickly get back up then turned to Y/N and nodded. Y/N glad to see Riolu's fine and he then turn his attention back on the battle.

Hodge: Use Arm Thrust a bunch of times!

Hariyama: Hari!

Y/N: Riolu dodge and use Force Palm on its legs!

Riolu: Rio!

Doing as Y/N said, Riolu ran in close while dodging Arm Thrust. Then at the right time, Riolu attacked Hariyama's legs by using Force Palm. Goh watched carefully as he wondered what is Y/N's doing.

Y/N: You're doing great! Keep it up Riolu!

Riolu: olu!

Riolu kept striking Hariyama legs with Force Palm until the Arm Thrust Pokemon legs had red bruises on them.

In the stands, Goh noticed the bruises on Hariyama's legs and realized Y/N's strategy.

Goh: That's it! Hariyama legs are its weak spot!

Back to the battle Riolu continued deal damage to Hariyama's legs.

Hodge: Why does his keep going for the legs?! Use Focus Punch!

Hariyama: Hariyama!

Y/N: Dodge it Riolu!

Riolu: olu!

A bright light covered Hariyama's fist and it used Focus Punch.

Riolu quickly jumped to the side to avoid Focus Punch.

Hodge: Use Focus Punch again!

Hariyama: H-Hari

Hariyama tried to use Focus Punch but due to the injuries on the its legs it fell to one knee and couldn't attack.

Hodge: No way!

Announcer: Amazing! The damage Hariyama's legs took from Riolu that it can move!

Y/N: Let's wrap it up! Use Reversal!

Riolu: Riolu!

Riolu proceed to focus all of it power into its fist. Riolu then jumped up and punched Hariyama directly in the face. The Reversal was so powerful it sent Hariyama a few feet in the air. Hariyama then crashes down to the ground knocked out.

Referee: Hariyama is unable to battle! Riolu wins!

The crowd started to cheer for Y/N and Riolu. Goh was also amazed at the battle.

Announcer: Incredible! Riolu has been Hariyama and taken the first victory of the match!

Y/N: Great job Riolu!

Riolu: Riolu!

Riolu run up to Y/N and they did a high five. Hodge return Hariyama back to its Pokeball.

Hodge: You did a great job Hariyama.

He then send out his second Pokemon, Mightyena.

Mightyena: Snarl!

Y/N: So Mightyena up next.

Y/N decide to switch out Riolu and sends out his second Pokemon Rockruff.

Y/N: Rockruff I choose you!

Rockruff: Ruff

Announcer: And Y/N has sent out Rockruff next!

Both Rockruff and Mightyena were growling at each other before their trainers started to give a command.

Hodge: Mightyena, use Snarl!

Rockruff: Use Quick Attack!

Mightyena proceed to use Snarl but Rockruff used Quick Attack to dodge it and ram into Mightyena.

Y/N: Now follow up with Rock Throw!

Rockruff: Ruff

Rockruff sent multiple rock projectiles towards Mightyena.

Mightyena was hit by all the rock projectiles and made skid back a bit.

Hodge: Use Crunch!

Y/N: Rockruff, dodge and use Bite!

Mightyena rush toward Rockruff to try to use Crunch but Rockruff avoided it by jumping to the side. Rockruff then used Bite the side of Mightyena's body.

It bit down tightly causing Mightyena to howl in pain. The Dark type was able shake Rockruff and the two Pokemon started growling at each other.

Announcer: This is amazing. Both Rockruff and Mightyena are match each other move for move without time to breathe! And that's why these two made it all the way to the finals!

Goh: (amazed) Is this what Pokemon battle's about?

Back to the battle.

Y/N: Rockruff use Howl!

Rockruff used Howl to increase its attack power.

Hodge: Let's wrap this up. Mightyena use Sucker Punch!

Mightyena: Snarl

Mightyena proceeded to run circles around Rockruff at high speeds.

Rockruff looked around trying to predict where Mightyena will attack.

Announcer: Rockruff can't tell where Mightyena is going to strike!

Goh: What's Y/N going to do now?

Mightyena landed sucker punch and sent Rockruff into the air.

Y/N: Use Rock Tomb!

Doing as Y/N said, Rockruff used Rock Tomb! Multiple large rocks appeared in the air and they dropped around Mightyena, shocking everyone. Rock Tomb deals some damage and completely traps Mightyena.

Announcer: What's this! Mightyena is trap in the Rock Tomb!

Y/N: Now end it with Rock Throw!

Rockruff: Ruff 

Rockruff used Rock Throw directly on Mightyena and it created a giant dust cloud. Thanks to Howl the Rock Throw was more powerful then normal. After the dust cleared Mightyena was seen laying on the ground unconscious. 

Referee: Mightyena is unable to battle! Rockruff is the winner!

The crowd started cheering loudly for Y/N and Rockruff.

Announce: I don't believe! Y/N and Rockruff had defeat Mightyena a follow up attack! Folks, there is no doubt who clinched this! It's Y/N of Twinleaf Town.

Rockruff ran over to Y/N and jump up to hug him. Y/N embraced Rockruff in his arms.

Y/N: We did it Rockruff!

Rockruff: Ruff Ruff!

Rockruff rubbed his face with rocks on its neck. They sting a little but Y/N gotten use to it.

During the award ceremony Y/N, Riolu, and Rockruff are on the winner podium. 

Announcer: And the winner of the Battle Frontier Flute Cup is... Y/N Yuuki fromTwinleaf Town

Idol Hibana awards Y/N the five flute set for wining the Flute Cup. 

Y/N: Thank you very much!

Riolu: Riolu!

Rockruff: Ruff Ruff!

Suddenly  Hariyama stomps towards Y/N with Hodge riding on it shoulder. Hodge looked down to Y/N with an intimidating look. Y/N though that he might be mad because he lost the match.

Hodge: Alright Y/N...

Y/N looked a with a serious face prepare for what he was about to do. But then Hodge chuckles and offered him a hand shake, surprising him.

Hodge: That was the most coolest battle I ever had in my life!

Y/N then smiled back at him.

Y/N: Thanks! You pretty strong too!

Y/N then reach his arm out to accept Hodge's hand shake. Hodge leaned down more to try to reach Y/N's hand. Y/N predicted what would happen next and right on cue when Hodge fell off his Hariyama. Lucky Y/N quickly dodged so he would fall on him and Hodge fell on the floor.

Y/N: Next time when you reach for something, try going off your Hariyama first.

Everyone started laughing.


The sun is setting and Y/N, Goh and their Pokemon left the stadium and start heading back. 

Goh: Congratulations on your win Y/N, Riolu, Rockruff.

Y/N: Thanks!

Scorbunny gave high five Riolu and petted Rockruff head.

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Riolu: Rio!

Rockruff: Ruff!

Goh suddenly stop walking.

Goh: One more thing.

Y/N turned to look a him.

Y/N: Hmm?

Goh: (smiling) You were right. Pokemon battles are really fun!

Y/N smiled after hearing the Goh understand the meaning of battling.

Y/N: You bet they are!

After a variety of battles, Y/N and Goh are learning more and more about the world of Pokemon. And tomorrow will be another adventure waiting for them. As the journey continues.

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