Raid Battle in the Ruins

After a long trip, Y/N, Emolga, Goh, and Scorbunny have arrived at the Unova region. Currently the two trainers at airport after they exited the plane and they're waiting  to meet up with one of Y/N's old friends.

Goh: We're finally in Unova!

Scorbunny: Scorbunny!

Y/N: Man it's been a while. It sure bring back memory, right Emolga?

Emolga: (nodding) Emo!

Goh: Hey Y/N, who are we waiting exactly?

Y/N: She's a good friend my of mine. She should be here any minute.

After a few seconds of waiting Y/N heard a familiar voice.

???: Hi Y/N! How have you been?

A girl with blonde hair and wearing glasses approached them. It's Bianca, Y/N Unova travel companion and Professor Juniper's assistant. 

Y/N: Hey Bianca! Long time no see!

Emolga: Emo!

Emolga happily jumped in to Bianca's arms and gave her a hug.

Bianca: It nice to see you too, Emolga.

Goh: So you must be friend you were talking about.

Y/N: That's right. Me and Bianca traveled together during my journey in Unova.

Emolga jumps back on to Y/N's shoulder and Y/N introduces Goh to Bianca.

Y/N: Bianca, this is my new friend Goh. 

Bianca: It's nice to meet you.

Goh: Nice to meet you too.  

They exited the airport and walked together to talk about a new discovery in the Desert Resort. 

Y/N: The Colossus Ruins?

Bianca: Yeah. It's a newly discovered set of ruins in the Desert Resort. Professor Juniper said that they might linked to an ancient city. So she ask to help with the excavation. You guys can come with if you want. All of Pokemon will be there.

Y/N: Sure! Sounds like it'll be fun!

Goh: Yeah and it a perfect chance for to catch some Unova Pokemon! 

Bianca: Alright! Let's go!

Y/N, Goh, and Bianca arrived at the Dessert Resort. It's a vast dessert that extend for miles and the sand is way to hot to walk on. Even Scorbunny could walk on the sand despite being a fire type.

Goh: How do we get there?

Bianca: Don't worry because I have the perfect plan. Do you guys have any Flying type Pokemon?

Y/N: Yeah. Beside Emolga, I got...

Y/N threw his Poke Ball and sends out his Dragonite.

Dragonite: Bo!

Bianca: Wow! A Dragonite!

Dragonite pulled Bianca in a tight but friendly hug as its way of saying hello. 

Bianca: (giggle) Your Dragonite a real sweet heart, Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah for sure.

Goh: And here my Pokemon.

Goh threw his Poke Ball and sent out his Beedrill.

Beedrill: Bee!

Bianca: And this is the Pokemon I'm using.

Bianca threw her Poke Ball and sent out her Swanna.

Swanna: Swanna!

Goh: It's a Swanna!

Bianca puts harness with a rope on her Swanna, put on a pair of Go-Goggles, stands a surfing board.

Bianca: We'll surf on these boards and our Pokemon will help pull to the ruins. 

Y/N: That a great idea! 

Y/N and Goh put harness with a rope on their Flying type Pokemon, they put on their pair of Go-Goggles, and got on their boards. Dragonite, Beedrill, and Swanna began fly to the ruins while pulling their trainers behind them. The ride quickly turned to a race with Y/N, Emolga, and Dragonite in the lead.

Emolga: Emo!

Y/N: Yeah, faster Dragonite!

Dragonite: Auuurr!

Bianca: Keep up going Swanna!

Goh: Go Beedrill!

Scorbunny: Bunny!

Beedrill and Swanna tried to get in first place but Dragonite kept flying at a high speed that they couldn't catch up. After a few minutes they made it to the Colossus Ruins with Y/N, Dragonite, and Emolga becoming the first ones to arrive and Goh, Beedrill, Bianca, and Swanna arriving in second place. The three trainers return their Flying Pokemon back to their Poke Balls and looked towards the ruins.

Y/N: Wow! So this is the Colossus Ruins!

Goh: It's amazing!

Bianca: I know! I can't wait to see what kind of Pokemon we'll find!

Y/N, Goh, and Bianca started to heading inside but suddenly Emolga and Scorbunny noticed something weird about one of the statues. Emolga and Scorbunny get a closer look at the statue then suddenly it revealed to be a Darmanitan in its Zen Mode. Darmanitan changed into its standard form and started to attack Emolga and Scorbunny, surprising the trainers.

Darmanitan: Darma

Bianca: It's a Darmanitan!

Darmanitan prepare to attack fire an Overheat at Emolga and Scorbunny but Emolga used thunderbolt on Darmanitan before it attacked.

Goh: Now Poke Ball go!

Goh throws a Poke ball at Darmanitan and successful caught it. 

Y/N: You two okay.

Emolga: Emolga!

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Suddenly, a voice takes Y/N, Goh, and Bianca by surprise.

???: Excuse me. Are you alright?

A Litwick and it's trainer approached them. The trainer in the leader of the exaction team.

Litwick: Litwick

Leader: Hello. I am the leader of the ruins exaction team. You must Professor Juniper's assistant.

Bianca: That's right. 

Leader: It sounds like an adventure to me! You know?

Short timeskip

Y/N, Goh, and Bianca are currently at the exaction campsite and the leader shows them a stone tablet.

Leader: A long time ago, this was the site of the border of a city. According to the writing on this tablet, the people constructed the giant Colossus to be the guardian of their civilization.

Bianca: I see. So the Colossus was created to protect the city.

Y/N: That's pretty amazing!

Goh: Yeah.

The Leader the them a picture of a swirl symbol. For some reason Y/N feels like he's seen it before.

Leader: This symbol is the key to adventure! You know?

Y/N: Hmm... I don't know why but I feel like I seen that symbol before.

Goh: I was thinking the exact same thing.

Bianca: Now that you mention it, it seem familiar.

Exaction Member: Boss we find more ancient writes.

Leader: Great! Let's go! Adventure calls!

Y/N, Goh,  and Bianca entered the ruins in search of the Colossus. While they were walking down  the stair the saw a wild Maractus and easily caught it. The three young trainers continue exploring the ruins. But then Bianca steps on a hidden panel and set off a sand dump trap that poured sand all over her, surprising them.

Y/N: There are traps in here?

Goh: I get it. When the Exaction Leader said adventure he must of meant to watch out for traps.

Y/N: You're right. We have to be careful not step on any traps. Too bad being careful isn't Bianca's strong suit.

Bianca: Don't worry I'll make sure not to step on anymore traps.

As soon a Bianca finished her sentence, she stepped on another hidden panel and triggered another trap. Then they heard a loud noise coming from down the hall.

 Bianca: Oops

Y/N: -_- You gotta be kidding.

A giant boulder suddenly came rolling down the hall, forcing them to run. They leapt on wall to avoid the boulder but Goh accidentally pressed his hand on another hidden panel on the wall, trigging another trap. The trainer are sitting down and take a moment to catch their breath.

Bianca: Exploring these ruins are harder than I thought.

Y/N: So much for be carful.

Goh then noticed a Yamask floating pass them.

Goh: Oh look a Yamask.

Y/N, Goh, and Bianca followed the Yamask in a dark room. Suddenly they heard a creepy sound coming form the darkness.

???: Cofa

Goh: Did you guys hear that noises?

Y/N: I sure did.

The Trainers noticed something crawling out of the darkness and into view, revealing to be two Cofagrigus. 

Bianca: Cofagrigus!

Goh: (taking out a Poke Ball) Time to catch Number 3!

Bianca: Wait Goh! I think there's someone is trapped inside them!

Y/N: For real!

Bianca: We have to rescue them!

Scorbunny: Scor!

Goh: Wait Scorbunny!

Scorbunny tried to use Double Kick on one of the Cofagrigus but the Ghost type just phased through Scorbunny's attack, surprising the Fire Type.

Goh: Cofagrigus are Ghost Type. Fighting type moves have no effect.

Y/N: Emolga use Thunderbolt!

Emolga: Emo!

Emolga used Thunderbolt to electrocute the two Cofagrigus, causing them to release a trainer with glasses and a shiny Psyduck.

Shane: Shane Seeker!

Psyduck: Psy!

The two Cofagrigus retreated and trainers walked over to Y/N and shook his hand.

Shane: Thank you so much for saving me! Thank you! Thank you!

The shiny Psyduck started hugging Emolga to thank her. Goh and Bianca noticed the shiny Psyduck with and looked surprised.

Bianca: Wow Y/N look at this Psyduck!

Y/N: It's a shiny Psyduck!

Goh: I never seen one before!

Shane: Nice to meet you. I'm Shane Seeker! Isn't my Psyduck the cutest? My goal is to complete my Pokédex with Shiny or alternate colored Pokemon!

Y/N: That so cool! You're going to complete a Shiny Dex! Can I see?

Shane: Of course! 

Shane took out his Rotom phone to show his Pokédex. He shows them the shiny Pokemon that he caught.

Bianca: They're all Shiny Pokemon!

Goh: But it's almost empty.

Shane: I'm get starting out. So what Psyduck was the first Pokemon I caught. If your first Pokemon a Shiny Pokemon then it's gotta to be fate. And so I decided that I going to complete a Pokédex like no one ever his before.

Goh: But you rarely ever see Shiny Pokemon.

Shane: That doesn't matter! I'll be the first to do it no matter how long it takes!

After the rescue, the four trainers started investigating the chamber for clue about the Colossus. 

Goh: Is this supposed to be the spot?

Shane: Maybe there's a trick here somewhere.

Shane's Shiny Psyduck trips on a hidden panel, causing the central floor to spin and Bianca noticed it.

Bianca: Guys, I think I figure it out!

Goh: What do you mean?

Bianca: (point to the marked panel) Are there other stones around here with this symbol?

Y/N, Emogla, Goh, and Shane each found other marked panels around the room.

Y/N: I found one.

Goh: I found one too.

Emolga: Emo!

Shane: There's one here as well.

Bianca: There are a total of five stones and there are five circles on the floor. Y/N, push you the marked stone that you found.

Y/N looked a the five circles on the floor and knew what Bianca was planning.

Y/N: I see. These stones are like switches to the puzzle.

Y/N pushed the marked stone, causing another ring in the puzzle to move.

Goh: It moved.

Bianca: I knew it! We have to align the symbol the right order. Now everyone  push yours!

Emolga, Goh, and Shane pressed the marked stones they found at the same time. The three other rings moved in the correct place and completed the puzzle. The floor displays the same mysterious symbol that was on the marked panels.

Bianca: It worked! This the mark of the ruins!

Suddenly a large egg-like structure emerged from the floor and started to crack. It breaks open and the Colossus, revealing it to be a giant Golurk.

Gorlurk: Gorlurk!

Shane: It a Gorlurk!

Y/N: I get it! That's why that symbol looked so familiar. So Golurk must the Colossus!

Bianca: It's way bigger than normal!

Goh: And Golurk's average height is normally over 9 feet tall but this one almost double that!

The exaction leader arrived in the chamber.

Leader: We figured out the ancient writings!

He is surprised to see the giant Golurk. The Golurk looked down at Y/N and Goh, preparing to fire  a Hyper Beam at them. Y/N quickly grabbed Goh by the back of his hoodie and jumped out of the way of the attack. 

Y/N: You okay?

Goh: Yeah, thanks Y/N!

Golurk continues firing at everything in sight and forcing everyone to hide behind cover.

Bianca: Why is it attacking us all of sudden?!

Leader: According to the ancient writing, that Golurk is the city's protection built by people from ancient times! Golurk only awakens to fight! It attacks anything it sees!

Shane: So what do we do now?

Goh: It may be the Colossus, but it's still a Pokemon!

Y/N: Right! And the best way to deal with a Pokemon is to battle it!

Goh: Hey, Y/N. I think we should make this a raid battle!

Y/N: Good idea! Let's do it!

Emolga: Emo!

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Bianca: Count me in too!

Leader: A catching adventure. I shall be in my element!

Shane: It's not a Shiny Pokemon but since you guys save me I'll help you out! Go Psyduck!

Psyduck: Psy!

Bianca: (throwing her Poke Ball) Let's go Stoutland!

Stoutland: Stout!

Leader: (throwing his Poke Ball) Litwick I'm counting on you!

All five trainers surrounded the Golurk and start the raid battle.

Y/N: Emolga, use Iron Tail!

Emolga: Emo!

Emolga strikes Golurk's leg, causing the Automaton Pokemon to fall into a kneeling position. Scorbunny impulsively jumps up to Golurk's head and use Double Kick but the attack had no effect, shocking it.

Goh: Double Kick won't  work Scorbunny. Golurk is part Ghost type just like Cofagrigus. 

Scorbunny became frustrated and hits Golurk with a fury of kicks but Golurk easily finger flicked it into a wall.

Goh: Scorbunny!

Bianca: Stoutland use Crunch!

Stoutland: Land!

Stoutland attacked Golurk using Crunch dealing super effective damage. 

Leader: Litwick, Fire Spin!

Litwick used Fire Spin to trap Golurk in a circle of flames. 

Shane: Psyduck, Hydro Pump!

Psyduck: Psyduck!

Psyduck fired a super effective Hydro Pump at Golurk but Golurk shook off the water type move and broke free from the Fire Spin. Golurk retaliated by firing Hyper Beam at Psyduck and Stoutland, knock them unconscious.

Y/N: Emolga, Air Slash!

Emolga: Emolga!

Emolga landed multiple Air Slash on Golurk but it strike back with Hammer Arm, sending her flying. Y/N proceeded to quickly catch Emolga.

Y/N: Emolga are you okay?

Emolga: Emo...

Y/N: You did great. Take a good rest.

Y/N returned Emolga to her Poke Ball.

Y/N: Let's see how strong Golurk is against this! Go Totodile

Y/N send out his Totodile to battle next.

Totodile: Toto!

Y/N: Use Ice Fang!

Totodile: Dile!

Totodile teeth become covered in light blue, ice energy and it bites Gorlurk's leg. Not only was the move super effective but it also Gorlurk's leg, holding it in place.

Y/N: Now Aqua tail, let's go!

Totodile: Toto!

Totodile use Aqua Tail to hit Gorlurk directly on the head, cause Golurk to stagger.

Bianca returned her Stoutland and send out her Swanna while the Leader send out his Lampent.

Bianca: Swanna use Water Pulse!

Leader: Lampent use Flame Burst!

Both Swanna and Lampent used their attacks on Golurk. But Golurk shrugged out the attacks and knocked them out with Shadow Punch.

Goh: Go Darmanitan!

Darmanitan: Darmanitan!

Y/N: Okay Dragonite I choose you!

Y/N sends out Dragonite.

Dragonite: Auuurr!

Golurk: Golurk!

Golurk then changed its form into a cannon like form and start charging up a powerful attack.

Y/N: What's it doing!

Goh: Golurk transformed?

Leader: This can be!

Bianca: What is it?

Leader: It's the ultimate attack written about in the ancient writings! The Colossus sends forth a blinding light, destroy every before it!

Shane: A blinding light?!

Goh: It's certainly earn the name Colossus in every way! 

Y/N: Let's wrap this up while it still charging! Let's have Totodile, Dragonite and Darmanitan attack at full power!

Goh: Good idea!

Y/N: Totodile use Hydro Pump! And Dragonite use Hurricane!

Goh: Darmanitan use Overheat!

Totodile: Dile!

Dragonite: Auuurr!

Darmanitan: Darmanitan!

All three of them attacked at the same time to create a combination move. The combination attacks hits Golurk directly, creating a powerful shockwave that everybody back and even caused the wall to crack. As the dust clears, Golurk appeared to be paralyzed from the attack.

Bianca: What's wrong with Golurk?

Leader: It may not be able to return to normal with the damage it took!

Goh: Sorry to jump in but... Go Poke ball!

Goh throw a Poke ball at Golurk and successfully captures it thanks to the raid battle. 

Goh's rotom phone: Golurk has been register to your Pokedex.

Bianca: Amazing Goh! You caught the Colossus!

Y/N: Yeah. You and Darmanitan did an awesome job.

Goh: Thanks! Dragonite and Totodile were amazing too!

Dragonite and Totodile high fives each to celebrate their victory

Suddenly Bianca notice the wall was falling apart to reveal a golden corridor.

Bianca: Is this..?

Bianca, Shane, and the leader looked through the whole to get a closer look.

Bianca: It is!

Leader: This is it! The ancient city Golurk was protecting! Ruins are an adventure!

Bianca: I can't to show Professor Juniper this!

Shane: Maybe all the Pokemon inside shine like gold, too!

After a short time-skip, Y/N and Goh return to the Cerise Laboratory. Currently they're in Cerise Park introducing their new Pokemon to the others. Y/N and Goh are watching Golurk quickly making itself at home. 

Goh: It's kinda like the guardian of Cerise Park, huh?

Y/N: Yeah. I think we call it the Colossus of Cerise Park. 

 From a distance, the shiny Gengar is lurking in the shadow and watches the trainers with a mischievous smile.

As the Journey continues.

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