Mystery of the Darkest Day

After wining his first Coronation battle against Gym Leader Milo, Y/N and Goh are at the Turffield Pokemon Center to heal his Dragonite and Rookidee. 

Nurse Joy: (handing Y/N his Pokeballs) Here you go, Y/N. Your Pokemon have been restored to complete health.

Y/N: Thanks you.

When Y/N received both his Pokeball back, someone familiar entered the Pokemon Center. It's Hop, their new friend that they met at Wynodon Stadium.  

Hop: Hey guys!

Goh: It's Hop.

Y/N: Yo Hop! It good to see you. What're you doing here?

Hop: I'm here to challenge Milo to a Coronation battle.

Goh: So does that mean you entered the World Coronation Series?

Hop: That's right. And I've been wining every battle! Check it out!

Hop took out his Rotom Phone and revealed his ranking is currently 4,017.

Y/N: Awesome! You're at rank 4,017!

Hop: So Y/N, how far are you in the rankings?

Y/N took out his Rotom Phone to show his ranking is currently 3,763.

Y/N: I just won my first Coronation battle against Milo. Now I'm ranked 3,763.

Hop:(surprised) For real! You already beat Milo and boosted your ranking in one shot! 

Goh: It was an amazing battle! I was on the edge of my seat!

Hop: That's awesome! What you say you and me have a battle? I just caught a two new Pokemon and it be great training!

Y/N: Alright! I can't wait to see your new Pokemon!

Y/N, Goh and Hop exited to Pokemon Center and went to an open area in town to have a battle. Both Y/N and Hop went to their places at the battlefield while Goh watches on the sidelines. Hop took out his Pokeball, getting ready to send out his first Pokemon.

Hop: (throwing his Pokeball) Let's go Farfetch'd!

Farfetch'd: Kamon!

Goh: (surprised) A Farfetch'd? But it looks different from the Farfetch'd in Kanto?

Y/N: Could it be...

Y/N took out his Rotom Phone to use his Pokedex.

Rotom Phone: Galarian Farfetch'd, the wild Duck Pokemon. A Fighting type. The stalks of leeks are higher and longer in the Galar region. Farfetch'd that adapted to these stalks took on a unique form.

Y/N: I see. So this Farfetch'd regional form. 

Hop: My Farfetch'd is pretty strong! So come at us with everything you got!

Y/N: (taking out his Pokeball) In that case, I'll use my strongest Pokemon! Riolu, let's go!

Y/N throws his Pokeball and sent out Riolu.

Riolu: Riolu!

Both Riolu and Farfetch'd proceed to stare each other down, sensing one another's fighting spirit. Farfetch'd then gestured Riolu to attack first.

Farfetch'd: Kamon!

Y/N: Riolu, use Extreme Speed!

Riolu: Rio!

Riolu's body becomes surrounded in a green aura  and charges at Farfetch'd.

Hop: Farfetch'd, dodge now!

But Farfetch'd refused to follow Hop's command and instead chose to block Riolu's attack with its leek, causing it to skid back, surprising Y/N and Goh.

Goh: Why didn't it dodge the attack?

Hop: Farfetch'd you were supposed to dodge it! Now use-

Farfetch'd: Kamon!

Before Hop could give a command, Farfetch'd charged forward and began to attack with Rock Smash. 

Y/N: Use Double Team!

Riolu: Olu!

Riolu uses Double Team to evade Rock Smash and created multiple clones to surround Farfetch'd.

Y/N: Now follow it up with Vacuum Wave!

Riolu and the Double Team copies attacked Farfetch'd with a flurry Vacuum Wave which created a small explosion, dealing major damage to Farfetch'd. 

Hop: Farfetch'd listen to me! Try to read Riolu's movements to find the real one!

Farfetch'd once again ignored Hop's command and use Brutal Swing. 

Farfetch'd's leek glows pink and it swings the leek around, destroying all the clones and deal effective damage to Riolu. After using Brutal Swing, Y/N noticed that Farfetch'd is started to get exhausted.

Y/N: Look like Farfetch'd used up most it's energy in that attack. Riolu wrap this up with Force Palm!

Riolu: Riolu!

Riolu run up to Farfetch'd to attack with Force Palm.

Hop: Quick Farfetch'd dodge it!

Farfetch'd: Kamon!

Farfetch'd refused to dodge and instead charge at Riolu to attack with a powerful Night Slash. Farfetch'd winds up its leek but before it could attack,

 Riolu attacked with Force Palm, sending it to the ground. 

Hop: Farfetch'd, are you ok?

Farfetch'd: Kamon...

Despite the damage it took, Farfetch'd got back up and wants to keep battling.

Farfetch'd: Kamon!

Y/N: Your Farfetch'd is really strong, Hop. But it definitely could use some training.

Hop: Yeah it's really stubborn. I still working on improving our teamwork. Let's keep going!

Y/N and Hop were about to continue the battle but suddenly they hear a Pokemon approaching.

Yamper: Yamper! Yamper!

Hop: Huh?

A Yamper came run up to Hop, tackled him to the ground, and started lick his face, surprising Y/N and Goh.

Y/N: A Yamper?

Goh: What's it doing here?

Hop: Hey I know this Yamper!

???: Yamper, there you are.

The three of them hear a voice and Yamper's trainer had arrive. She a red haired young woman with green eyes.

Hop was surprised to see that Yamper's trainer is Sonia, his brother's childhood friend and Professor Cerise third assistant.

Hop: Sonia!

Sonia: Hop! It's been a long time!

Y/N and Hop paused their battle and walk over to introduce themselves.

Hop: Guys, this is Sonia. She close friend from Postwick. 

Sonia: Hey there.

Y/N: Hi I'm Y/N Yuuki from Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh region. And this is my partner Riolu.

Riolu: olu!

Goh: And I'm Goh from Vermilion City in the Kanto region. 

Sonia: You two are Y/N and Goh? It great to finally meet you!

Y/N: You know who we are?

Sonia: Professor Cerise mentioned you two. He told me that recruited two new research fellows.

Goh: So you're the third assistant that on a field study.

Sonia: That's right. The Professor assigned to research any evidences that might be connected to the history Dynamaxing.

Y/N: So what evidences did you find so far?

Sonia: Follow me this way. I'll show you.

Sonia and Yamper lead Y/N, Goh, and Hop to the west side of town. She led them a to hillside, reveal a massive geoglyph that depicts a gigantic Pokemon beneath a swirling cloud of darkness. It also showed people running away from the Pokemon. Y/N, Goh, and Hop looked at the geoglyph in awe.

Goh: (amazing) What is this?

Sonia: This is the geoglyph. It's an ancient monument that people created over a thousand years.

Hop: It's so amazing!

Y/N: Is that suppose to be a Dynamax Pokemon?

Sonia: Seem likely... It certainly looks like a gigantic Pokemon. I suppose people three thousand years ago could've image this, but it looks very similar to Dynamax. 

Goh: Hey Sonia, do you know what that swirling symbol is?

Sonia: That's is to symbolize to the Darkest Day.

Y/N: What's the Darkest Day?

Sonia: A long time ago, a great black storm covered the Galar region. That black storm caused wild Pokemon to grow giant sized and also destroy everything. 

Hop: And you think this could be connected to Dynamax?

Sonia: That's my theory but there's a lot of questions that need to be answered. What was that black storm they called The Darkest Day? What connection does it have to Dynamax? I guess that's something we'll have to look into.

Y/N: So the Dynamax phenomenon began three thousand years ago.

Goh: And the Darkest Day was the source of it. I wonder what it was?

After Sonia show them the geoglyph, Hop's Rotom phone got a battle challenge from Milo.

Hop: It also time for my battle. I gotta head to the gym. Guess we'll have to finish our battle later.

Y/N: Ok. Do your best Hop!

Goh: Good luck!

Sonia: Have of fun Hop! 

Hop: Thanks! I'll win for sure! See ya later!

Hop leaves for the Turffield gym and Sonia prepares to leave as well.

Sonia: I should get going too. I still had a lot of work to do. 

Y/N: Where are you heading next?

Sonia: I'm still doing to find anything the might connect to the Darkest Day. I'll you let you guys know when I found something.

Y/N: Sounds good. 

Goh: See you later.

Y/N and Goh parted ways with Sonia and proceeded to head back to Professor Cerise's Lab. From a distance, a mysterious man in a black suit is watching the to boys leaving and he's on his Rotom Phone with an unknown caller.

Mysterious Man: Sir, I found the trainer. Right now hie's leaving Turffield and he just defeated the Gym leader. 

Unknown caller: Excellent. I would expect no less from a champion. Keep a close eye on his battles.

Mysterious Man: Understood.

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